VFX/Stylized Trails Textures TUTORIAL PART 1 Using Substance Designer

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[Music] hello in this tutorial we actually gonna make some soft smoky trail texture in substance so let me just isolate it for you so as you can see here we kind of need this uh trail to be a little bit more smoky and soft and it serves as a background and for our other trails are pretty defined and that makes sense so as you can see here like this one is really defined it's got hard edge and we just need a a bit more softer and yes move basically a little bit blurred smoky trail and to serve as a background for the trail so in the first tutorial we actually gonna focus on this in substance and in the next parts we're just gonna explore um a different shapes like for example that one okay so let's jump to substance and let's start creating this the soft smoky trail [Music] okay so before we start i just want to say that someone commented and under one of my videos saying that it would be nice to have some sort of a keystroke overlay of the shortcuts and the software i'm using to record my videos is camtasia and and i did some tests and it seems like it's working although it doesn't recognize some of the keystrokes like for example space or just single letters so if you would like to point me to the right direction for this um for any software that actually does the keystrokes overlay and so basically i can display anything i type on my keyboard so you can actually see what kind of shortcuts i'm using at the time and something that hopefully gonna help you out and so you can actually see what i'm pressing on my keyboard during those tutorials otherwise i'm just going to use the basic camtasia keystrokes and they're not ideal but you know many times they uh i think it's better than nothing so thank you so much for that comment and uh yeah if you have any more suggestions that could help you out to you know understand the tutorials a little bit better like those uh keystroke overlays feel free to comment it and give me some ideas and so yeah let's start making this soft soft trail uh texture so um i'm gonna start with shape i need to scale it down a bit to get that kind of stripe i'm gonna use transform as well just in case if i have to move it around and later on i'm gonna blur it and next i'm gonna use this blur and i'm gonna increase the blur to the high number maybe a hundred and now i'm just gonna scale it back down a bit [Music] okay and i'm gonna use another shape node i'm gonna go for a soft circle increase its styling and maybe scale it down a little bit and what i want to do basically i want to get rid of some of the data from this texture to create a little bit of variation in it in this texture so i've got this and i'm gonna run it through a splatter node i think for the pattern size is something that you have to experiment with and i think 600 might work for me but feel free to just you know put any value in here and i'm just gonna add rotation variation and now i'm just gonna zoom in a little bit and decrease the gain [Music] and there's this order as well if you need to [Music] just change the texture a little bit and size variation helps a lot as well and now maybe let's try to use blend [Music] and subtract this from our very basic trail texture and then yeah it seems like this is what we've got so now maybe let's go back to the splatter and let's see what options do we have i'm just going to keep it 0.4 and for the gain just play with a disorder maybe a little bit and you can use zoom as well if you wanna just a little bit more variation in your texture so the problem right now we have is that if you run it through transform and do the offset we've got this but don't worry about this because we're gonna make it disappear later on using the blur so if i'll just run it through the blur as a you can see we're getting this blur so we're losing a little bit data but it doesn't matter because the main issue that we have here is just disappearing and then we're just gonna introduce other nodes to break it further okay so i'm just gonna get rid of those two just to show you that you know there is a problem but don't worry about it for now i'm gonna run it through histogram scan next [Music] to make this a little bit more brighter and also i want to warp it with parallel noise i'm going to decrease the scale of parallel noise because i just want a little bit warped there feel free to experiment with the intensity like five for example if you if you wanna [Music] a little bit more intense warp i'm just gonna stick with something like this for now so 2.5 and now i'm just going to blur it to get rid of that line because i want this to be tileable so i just want to show you that line again as you can see it's here um so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna put intensity fairly low plug it in and it seems that line is disappearing so i'm just gonna run it through that blur until it's completely gone i think it's around here [Music] okay and next i'm gonna use a multi-directional warp grayscale and for the intensity input i'm just gonna use that texture with some blur i'm gonna just decrease the amount on the y axis to get something like this and then here we can play with the direction but what i want to do i want to change mode to [Music] min and now if you start increasing the intensity you can see we're kind of getting this uh smoky effect in that texture so feel free to just experiment with a couple options and see what you could achieve [Music] i'm just going to go back to our noise that we're using for the blur for the warp and try to get a little bit different options so i can see what i actually can do with that texture later on so you can see i think those shapes are really really cool because it makes the texture a little bit more smoky so i'm just gonna leave it like this and i'm just gonna keep going i'm gonna introduce another work and want to use spelling noise again about with a very very low scale [Music] i'm going to use intensity for the world on a quite high number like 10. see if i can maybe invert grayscale to see if i'm gonna get actually little different results and i'm gonna run it through blur as well with the default settings and now if i'm gonna go back to parallel noise and use this order i'm kind of looking for the cool shape [Music] okay so i'm going to stick to this so this side is basically um a little bit larger and the other is just a little bit smaller and that gives us the variety so i'm gonna run it through transform and play with the offset you can see i personally think it's just tiles really really nicely now and we've got enough variety in the texture okay and now let's see if we can blend it with our original texture i'm just gonna use maybe subtract so you get a a little bit more smoky effect if that's what you need but i'm just gonna keep checking what other options do i have having multiplier works pretty well and max as well and then obviously just gives us a lot more detail in the texture so maybe this is what you want so i think i'm going to keep it um the max blending mode [Music] i'm going to just check my tiling again so transform check the offset we don't have any lines so it's stylable and i think we got this really nice soft trial [Music] i'm just gonna run it through another warp just in case parallel noise low scale [Music] and maybe high intensity i'm going to start with 10. [Music] and i think i want to blur this berlin noise even further [Music] okay i'm just going to blur it maybe 16 quality one [Music] just so we could get a [Music] more variation in the shapes and as a last thing i'm gonna put blur [Music] okay so basically currently we've got those heart shapes and this might look really really cool but in case you know you have to do your test in in the engine so i'll start with that texture and i'll also put auto levels in the end so i'll start with that texture see if it gives you results that you want if not start increasing the intensity on the blur and that's going to give you a lot more soft shapes another thing now is that while having selected auto levels and a little bit more blurry texture you might want to go back for example to this plaza and start changing the game and basically you can actually see what this might give you in terms of your texture and variety i'm just going to press ctrl c to go back to my original shape and obviously we've got all those warp nodes that we put in there and we can you know just keep modifying those until we are happy with the results so how i usually work i'm create like a base texture like this put in the engine create a particle system see if it works and then i'm just modifying those back in substance and keep exporting until i'm happy with the results okay so right now i'm just looking for the shape variations because i don't want this texture to be straight okay so that's the one way to create this soft smoky shape although i came across a really nice way to create like a really cool cross section and that's going to give us a really nice variation so it's not like a straight shape as you see here it's just it's got a lot more variation the only issue i have with this is that it it's not available actually for older version of substance so if you have a very old version of substance then feel free to just you know go with this option but if you have a newer version you can actually use stuff like pedaling noise the low scale and then you can actually put cross section here that node i would change the drawing style to gradient mirrored and then histogram scan to isolate that curve as you can see here and now you can obviously go back to your parallel noise and play with the scale but i would keep it something like maybe this and obviously in the cross section you can just change this slider to get something that you actually want so if we select our auto levels now and plug this in you can see we got a lot more variation now okay the only issue right now is that we're missing those kind of nice details that we had so i'm just going to go back to my splatter node and maybe play with gain so we get this nice variation i'm not sure if you can actually see because of the video compression but in here it's slightly brighter than than in here and i think it's just gonna move really really nicely in the engine because that will be our intensity for the color and the transparency probably as well you could also in the splatter if you want a bit more data like this try maybe playing with zoom as you can see as i start going down with zoom i got a lot more data with those gray and between the gray and those white spaces in the texture and then you can play with the gain and get even further with this what you can do as well if you want a bit more softie shapes on the side you might go back to your histogram scan and basically modify contrast and i'll probably add blur to it as well okay so let me select photo levels again instagram scan [Music] splatter and now you have to just take off some of the gain i'm getting like a really nice shapes here i think this is like too bright so it would be nice to get a bit more variety in here and i think it's in this blend maybe subtract if you want a bit more smoky shapes but other than that just you know keep tweaking those values and hopefully gonna give you the results that you want bear in mind you still got those warps that you can modify and get a lot more variety in your texture so i'll just say you know play with those values export the texture into the engine plug it into your particle system see if it works if it doesn't go back and you know keep modifying it in a substance but for now i'll keep it like this and but yeah i really don't like this white that comes across here so let's try to get rid of it so if you're gonna plug in this one instead of cross section i think this one works a little bit better but let's maybe get the cross section as it's i think better shape i'm gonna go to this platter and try different settings [Music] so i think i'm going to put gain somewhere around here but in the blend mode actually i'm gonna play with the opacity okay i think i really like this because there's variety in there in the data so we've got like nice grace and white as well so i think i'm just going to end up with this all this so we've got nice soft shapes and yeah okay okay so this is our original texture and now i'm just gonna replace it with the two that we actually done in substance so that's the first one and i think it's still looking good and another one is basically that one i think maybe opacity on the trail now is a little bit too strong but the shapes that we're actually getting from this i think don't look really really cool for this soft background trail all right so i think we covered the soft smoky texture and in the next parts we're just gonna cover those kind of shapes and this one as well maybe i'll throw in some bonus later on it depends how much time i will have but that's the plan okay all right thanks for watching and see you in the next part
Channel: 1MaFX
Views: 31,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unrealengine, ue4, gamedev, gamedevelopment, vfx, gameart, realtimeVFX, VFXFriday, SubstanceDesigner, Procedural, Texturing, 3dart, stylized, textures, materials, madewithsubstance, madewithunreal, Houdini, unity, unreal engine, substance designer, substance designer tutorial, substance designer stylized, substance designer beginner tutorial, substance designer vfx, realtime vfx, unreal engine 4, trails vfx, tutorial, realtimevfx, vfxfriday, substancedesigner, procedural, game effects, spell, vfx for games
Id: GFs48XUk6c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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