How to Realtime - VFX / Crack Textures TUTORIAL PART 1 Using Substance Designer

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[Music] hello everyone so we're gonna start new series and in this one we just gonna look into how to make those uh crack textures or a ground impacts if you like so whenever you have like a big projectile hitting the ground and you might wanna have this animated decal which i'm going to show you in a second and we're going to start with this texture first okay so i think it's a very simple in terms of a graph in substance designer and it's a and nice textures to start with and the next one will create this and as the last one i think this one because it's a lot more complex and in the meantime if i gotta come up with any better way or better looking texture then we're probably going to expand this series and we're going to make a few more parts but for now we're going to start with this texture okay so let me show how it works in the engine [Music] so as you can see i've got a bunch of stuff going on here i've got the uh character i've got some trails and fires in the background if you're curious what those are feel free to watch the march channel update and as for the ground texture let's just have a look okay so this is the patreon content how to make this material and how to animate it in a blueprint which i'll be releasing in uh very very soon as for the texture yeah which is going to make this texture and yeah again as i mentioned i think it's a it's one of the simplest one out of those three so [Music] yeah you might want to use for something like this okay [Music] all right so let me go to photoshop now so i can walk you through the steps we're going to start with the cells 2 node and substance and i'm going to get rid of some of the shapes as you can see here and use the slow blur i'm gonna use even more slobber here and distort it a little bit and you know get rid of random shapes from it and in the end we're is going to add glow and some colors to it just to you know have an idea how it might look in the engine okay all right so this will be creating in this video so let's go into substance designer now okay so i'm gonna start with cells too um because it comes with a nice preset so basically i can tweak those settings like scale and edge with inverted and you know i got a really good base to start with so next i'm going to use slope blur and i need the shape of this soft circle as well in here i'm going to change mode to max and ramp up the samples and maybe intensity as well so as you can see we've got barely any effect in the center and then it increases towards the edges which is what we want okay and i'm going to blend it as well now let me zoom in as well if you want to you know just have a look what i'm doing i'm going to blend it with this soft circle on multiply so as you can see we've got like a really good start and starting base for this texture so now and the edges looks a little bit too uniform for me so i'm gonna do i'm just gonna get rid of some stuff from it so i'm gonna blend it with and i'm gonna blend it with some pattern that we're gonna try to design now so i'm gonna use shape soft circle i'm gonna scale it down levels in case i need some additional control and i'm going to use warp with parallel noise for the intensity i'm going to go start with five and now as you can see we've got this area here which is like concentrated and i don't want that okay so what i'm going to do i'm going to tweak our levels now so we could get a lot more random pattern something like this and now maybe i'm gonna go down to parallel noise and just you know reduce the scale so we get something like this maybe but i will increase the warp to maybe eight okay so let's plug this in and set the blending mode to subtract okay so we managed to get rid of a bunch of um data from our main texture but i think is you know it's just too many details so i'm just gonna scale down the parallel noise to something like this maybe okay scale of 14. if you you know using exactly the same values as i did the only thing i would say now is just you know it doesn't fit together because we got those spots so i like to do also i'm just gonna run it through radial blur and i'm gonna go with levels again so as you can see this is even good start if you want to create like a ripple texture but let's continue you know try to make this a crack texture okay so i'm gonna use this instead and i think this works a lot better especially because this is you know circular shape um so having this with the radial blur it makes a lot more sense to me okay so let's maybe soften this a little bit using a blur with a low value maybe one i'm gonna drag the quality to one as well and i think it would be cool if we could maybe get rid of a little bit more and data from that texture so i'm going to use blend and i'm going to continue with this pattern we've created here so i'm going to use a slope shape again soft circle and as for the samples i'm going to keep it low something like 1 maybe and increase the intensity to maybe nine i'm gonna see what i can achieve the different blending notes but not much so i'm gonna keep it to blur and now i'm gonna run it through levels because obviously this is too much data and i just want to have something like this okay now i want to make it a little bit more irregular so i'm going to use warp and parallel noise for that so that's a little bit too much but that could work but maybe let's reduce the purlin scale okay and now i think it's a it's very um it's got those hard edges and basically it's got too much white here so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna um use distance node and for that i need to invert it first and then run it through distance and then invert it back in okay i actually use this note a lot when i want to create like a stylizer shape so as you can see you can get some really nice shapes using that node okay now i'm just going to plug this in and change the blending node mode to subtract and now you can go to distance node and you know control this here so i want to go with maybe 10 [Music] okay and i think this could work so next thing is that um i want to actually use slow blur and because in the previous slope we extended those edges and outwards from the center and i want to have them pointing inwards as well okay so i'm just going to run it through the slope i'm gonna use a soft circle shape again i'm gonna ramp up my samples and i'm gonna use max so let's run it using the same method as before so outwards and i'm gonna copy paste this change the intensity to b minus value and i'm going to blend this in and with this slope okay let's add let's try this so i think it could work but maybe it's a little bit too intense so i like to try other stuff as well i think this is pretty cool and i'm actually gonna keep it and for the highlights in case we need it and i'm going to blend this one with another blend because i need to blend i still need to blend those two together and whoops i'm going to use maybe add linear and you know try different things even subtract max lighten min i think linear works best so i'm just gonna plug this one in and this one add to a linear as well and now basically we can reduce the the glow over our glow and we can keep the those highlights okay so i'm gonna go with something like this and i'm gonna use warp now as well and i'm gonna use paddling noise with some low intensity because just wanna warp some of the edges so that's a little bit too much so i'm gonna decrease the scale of the parallel noise and get a little bit of the irregularities on the on the edges okay i'm gonna warp it again but this time i'm gonna use cells for node but this needs to be blurred and i'm gonna use this for the for the warp for the gradient input okay and obviously intensity is a bit too much so i'm gonna maybe keep it to 0.5 and now i'm going to be reducing the blur gradually to get something that i want i think the scale of the cells is a bit too much as well because i need maybe something like this and now i can go back and start reducing the the intensity okay i'm going to blur it a little bit okay so we're just trying to break some of the edges let's see if okay okay so that could work but now we have to decrease the intensity of the orb okay so we kind of destroying the edges and make them a lot more irregular which is something that we want i think now obviously don't go overboard with this uh warped the warp node okay okay so now maybe let's try to use gradient and let's try to colorize it and see if it actually you know looks good so i'm gonna go for gradient and click anywhere here i'm gonna go with the red color maybe here and orange or even yellow here and drag it towards the towards the white color so now i'm just going to move those around and to get something i like and i think this could work and as a final note i'm just gonna use glow for the glow i'm just gonna use maybe let's try yellow and ramp up the intensity and glossy glow size as well and now we can play with the glow amount here okay so i think that looks cool i mean i do we probably want to go back and maybe tweak some of our subtract settings so we can get rid of a lot of these areas here because they are very regular so let's see if we can actually do it so i'm going to go to this shape because i think this country so this controls as you see our main size of the subtraction it's obviously that's too much so i'm just gonna go to levels here and try to adjust those settings a little bit so i like what's happening here but i really don't like what's happening on the edges so let's see if we can you know play with maybe the slope okay that's pretty cool so we need to keep samples to one and i think now we can make it a lot more irregular using those settings okay so as you can see i think this texture could work as a impact i think it looks pretty cool yeah those edges are really bothering me so let's see if we can what kind of settings we can tweak i'm gonna go back to this circle and maybe okay okay so we're basically getting rid of this edge try to shrink down to something that's a lot more irregular like here so i think this this works well but let's keep tweaking so i'm going to go to blend maybe now and if i'll try to tweak the opacity we are we kind of revealing some of the subtraction that we've taken away from that texture and we can do the same thing for our first blend here okay so if you want to maintain those edges that you know play with those opacity settings i'm going to keep it as it is and you know this is this was a one of the simple crack textures and i wanna i wanted to start somewhere and for the next ones we're just gonna i think explore a lot more complicated graphs and dive a little bit more into details okay so i hope you enjoyed that one and hopefully it's going to give you some insight on how to you know start making your own textures all right thanks a lot
Channel: 1MaFX
Views: 12,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unrealengine, ue4, gamedev, gamedevelopment, vfx, gameart, realtimeVFX, VFXFriday, SubstanceDesigner, Procedural, Texturing, stylized, textures, materials, madewithsubstance, madewithunreal, Houdini, unity
Id: 3q3VyBugXis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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