How To REALISTICALLY Hand-sculpt Landscapes | UE4 Tutorial

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I need to make a big map for my game and commenting here so I can come look at this again. Good job.
Can you let me know which all assets are you using ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IronBoundManzer 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yep, commenting to save !!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Icariss 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

RemindMe! 8 hour

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/totalovee 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lovely! Will be coming back to check this out in a bit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/3pmusic 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
in this video we'll take a look at how to realistically hand scold landscapes in our engine for what are the main methods of creating beautiful landscapes and what tools Yui for offers and what techniques you can use to easily create them we'll go from the most basic concept to some more complicated that you might not know yet on the screen you can currently see what we can achieve with a good landscape material and some foliage in combination this will give us a really nice result if you to see more videos in the future like constitute scribing to stay up to date with everything thanks a lot of this month's patrons I really appreciate the support and now let's begin the video first and foremost let's talk about the two main methods of getting realistic and beautiful landscapes in ue4 the first method is using a premade height map these can be done in a lot of ways you can take the height map from your life environments usually you do this using Google Maps height maps and some other applications to extract them this is not a video about that but I live down below a link to an awesome video made by underscore just about that other ways to create height maps is using special programs such as the world crater or war machine two powerful tools for awesome realistic landscapes last but not least you can also hand paint them in a program like Photoshop Krita but that's going to require a lot more time and effort the second method of creating landscapes is of course hands cutting them with each horse built-in tools onion line Jim provides a variety of tools to scada terrain such as flattening smoothing of course rising and lowering a terrain these are the most common you can also use these in combinations with alpha maps which will cut the landscape in a specific way and form accordingly to the Alpha map alright now that we have a basic understanding of how to create landscapes let's take a look at what to do and what to avoid there are a bunch of things that might look good at first but coming up with a good hip is definitely not an easy job one thing I want to say before continuing is to remember that making a hard map in a custom program will always give you a more organic result and health counting especially with a mouse but not everyone has money or time to learn such programs so hopefully this tutorial will be helpful for those and now without further ado let's jump in Unreal Engine 4 and start creating a landscape using a really neat technique recommended by many people okay so here are a Minami lynching for in an empty project and in a world in which I only have my third person character now the first thing that we want to do when we enter a level and we want to create it is that we want to create a landscape of course do that let's go to mode and go to the middle section which is the landscape on then go to manage and here we can set up how we want our landscape to be these are my settings the section is 63 by 63 one by one section number components 8 by 8 and overlord overall resolution 500 by 500 right Oh let's create it and of course you can make this even bigger I live down in the description below a link to sizes that epical comments for the landscape right now in order to want to sculpt this landscape what you have to do is to go again landscape out and here you're going to have all the tools as I said the most common are going to be sculpt both Latin and erosion noise and maybe even ramp well let's see what Scott does Oh when I first started off with Unreal Engine for a level design in general I used to sculpt my leg my landscapes only using the sculpting tool but this means that I could only raise terrain and lower it but of course this is not the proper way because if you want to create a mountain you will never do it only using the sculpting tool because you're going to get the results like something like this right which is not that good this is not a proper way of doing it there is much more if has to be done in order to create good mountains well of course this floral is not about mountains there are custom stores for that as well this is a general overview of properly cutting the terrain alright but again if I want it to make valleys I would unload a drink and I would have gotten through the results tube opening like this of course this isn't the worst result but it's not a proper way we can get a much better result using my for technique let's go to the flatten tool and let's also use this let's see how I use that most people use this when they first start out well they usually just go on em flat and stuff and they either get like this lot of many levels which is not very good it's not optimal or they just get all these sudden raises and hiring in a train not what we want let's flatten everything so we get off that pain let's see how I like to sculpt my train hey let's go into the scoring tool unless the top the toll first before sculpting it I like to have my tooth showing around 0.4 0.5 so let's just open for for this one brush size doesn't matter but the fallout I like the inner circle to be as close as possible to the outer circle but not too close that means that I like to have my brush fall out as low as possible okay let's start sculpting right this is what I like to do I like to start acting a little bit and get a general idea of how heels look right how the shape is gonna look in the end and how big I want them to be usually I get something like this right this is not this don't doesn't really look like a hill or a mountain or anything which is not great but that's exactly where we want to get right so after sculpting it and after you are someone happy with the result let's go to the flatten tool now again we can keep these values but I like to change the tool strength to be 0.2 or 0.3 depending on how big my terrain is then I'm going to lower the brushes just like in control this better and also it's very important make sure you get it choose to have peak value power play this means that the flatten tool will always update based on level that you are settling right oh it would look something like this you see it going down we thought it is gonna be but all right so this is what Bill does let's just sit back and now let me show you what I like to do I just go here make sure I have towards field levels all right hey for this one I'm going to have only my name and we will get something like this and this kind of looks like yes of course this is not playable yet I cannot get out there so let's see what we have to do after this you probably can see here the point zero two landscape my player is right now on and then the first level of the hills what I like to do is to get in between these in the middle and just press my left mouse button to find them get in the middle the height in the middle of this term so I'm going to get something like this now going to continue to do this I get as many steps as I want and get something that looks nature course if you not logg step so it's not going to look perfect but let's just do this until we get something that we are happy with you'll just have to really get something that looks good make sure that all these steps are not too high because we will want our player to be able to on them and move it backwards just I can better here that should be good as well and let's say that for this total this is enough it doesn't really matter as much as you continue to do this you're gonna get better and better results all right as I saw in the beginning of all the images those I really try to flatten them as much as possible well it should be good for now if you're now going to try to climb them probably you're going to find a way but of course we are going to have some problems you can see on the screen in the center we are going to have these random spikes those are raised vertices and since the resolution landscape isn't too big these are going to stand out right here as well how do we fix those well we are going to use the smooth tool now be very careful with this tote a strength shouldn't be too high I usually like to keep it around 0.1 and 0.2 let's get in between 0.15 this is a very hard tool to use going to have immediate effects on your landscape to make sure don't drag it around all right I'm gonna see how smooth this is going to get this is not what I want hey then do not mess up don't mess with the filter can Colonel radius and neither with a little smooth and then with the brush and fall out you can use those however you want I'm going to increase the size and lower the fall out now what I like to do is to just press my left mouse button do not drag oh I can easily smooth everything out let's see we can see this here being a little bit too abrupt I mean the personnel you'll see that it less abrupt and if I were to continue to do that you'll easily see changes in all these folks gonna be very smooth and very clean as well it's going to be very easy for the player to get on top of it which is exactly what we want that's right doctor now you can see very easy to get onto then you can jump here perhaps and on faster this is pretty much everything that has to be done to get an organic looking landscape now of course what else you can do and other materials so let's do that real quick as well I have my materials from the procedural ecosystem pack and I'm going to use the spring instant hey now you're going to start to see some rocks all this grass in a row a black material that is because we have to go to landscapes paint and create the layers create layers go to each layer go to this plus sign go to weight planning layer and just create now you can see that the first material that we created a weight blended layer for is going to be assigned on the entire canvas that's that again or all the others now we will be able to easily paint them on the landscape okay but now of course every time after we are going to try to paint with something we are going to have to compile shaders probably and not in my case but usually when you first start to paint you will have to you know you can simply paint around here you know at pine materials and whatnot and you can see how organic this looks with all these rocks right of course if you do not have a material that automatically paints itself on the landscape you'll have this annually but it's not that hard just need to start getting a feeling where they should be where the slope is big enough to put rocks now of course the last step to make this probably the best result is to add some is that's good is fine foliage tool and add a random trip okay now we can just paint them and of course I pay them however you want but this is not a tutorial about the foliage tool this is just to show how you can create natural landscapes so as you can see here fighting more trees and adding rocks as well and other elements you're going to get a really neat environment mounting what's showing off good for a portfolio that's pretty much everything we have - inside Ariane engine and that's it for this video thanks for watching until the end I really appreciate it let me know down below if you have any other questions regarding the tutorial and I'll make sure to answer them if you need to see more videos in the future like this one consider subscribing to say up-to-date with everything big chatot accion donald anderson kamasutra industries and roman spoke Nino daniel more da global arezzo by the al-qahtani and overdue for the awesome support this month once again thanks a lot for watching I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Nitrogen
Views: 39,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4 tutorial, Unreal engine 4 tutorial, ue4 landscape, ue4 landscape material, ue4 landscape brush, ue4 terrain, ue4 terrain tutorial, ue4 sculpting, ue4 terrain sculpting, ue4 photorealism, ue4 realism, ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, game development, epic games, level design, ue4 level design tutorial, ue4 environment design, nitrogen dev, nitrogen game dev
Id: 2dFMBIlc9fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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