How to read Newspapers for Improving your English | Importance of reading Newspapers | Adrija Biswas

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foreign welcome back yes I was reading a newspaper and I'm sure that you all read newspapers daily well in the morning while sipping your tea I know most of you read newspapers but do you know that you can use these newspapers for improving your spoken English yes so that's the topic for today is newspaper reading really important for improving your English speaking skills and I think this is a very important topic and that is why I wanted to discuss it with you all and in this video I'm going to talk about my own experience my parents always buy two newspapers daily one is in our mother tongue Bengali and the other one is in English and each and every day for at least 30 minutes I read this English newspaper I've been doing it for quite a few years and I'm sure that this um reading newspapers has helped in improving my English speaking skills a lot but remember that only reading newspapers won't work this is just a tip among many other tips in many of my videos I always tell you right about the three main steps of improving our English speaking skills that is listening speaking and reading so reading newspapers fall on the third step okay and if you haven't watched my video on how did I improve my English then please make sure to watch that video because that video is you know about the basic steps of how you should start to learn English so remember to watch that video as well the link is given in the description box below now coming to the topic for today reading newspapers how does help in improving your English speaking skills the first thing is it helps you in improving your vocabulary English vocabulary means stock of words what happens is that whenever you are probably having a conversation with someone or you just want to talk in English with someone you are saying saying saying but then suddenly you stop because you are not able to remember a particular word you know what you want to say but you are not able to find that particular word in your brain right you can speak it out in your mother tongue but you cannot speak it out in English so that is when you realize that you're lacking in English vocabulary and newspaper reading is the best solution for improving your vocabulary skills okay so that you do not get stuck while speaking in English so that you can express your feelings confidently and it also helps you win a forming sentences because in newspapers the sentences are very beautifully structured you know and when you read the sentences you also get an idea of how to form sentences at that time when you speak you can form sentences much more easily so this is how news reading newspapers help you in improving your English skills and yes um I know that many of you feel that the sentences in newspapers are a bit tough and yes because they often use passive voice and many other tough things so that's completely okay and many of you also might find it boring to read newspapers so here is what I want to suggest there are many sections in a newspaper politics section then you have sports section entertainment section read the section that interests you the most suppose you are interested in sports then read the sports section okay never read anything that bores you okay if something as if there is something that you find boring where you will not be able to enjoy it so read the thing that interests you and then first read all the headlines there are many topics covered in a newspaper so read the headlines of the topics then pick the topic that makes you curious right there are certain topics that you feel like you want to know more so when you read the headline if you feel curious then read the paragraph read the columns but remember first when you read the columns at first just read the entire thing when you find a tough word suppose you find a tough word do not stop there okay just read the entire thing you might not be able to understand a few words but do not stop read the entire thing and get a complete gist of it what is this paragraph exactly about you get a complete gist of it and then what you do you search the meanings of those tough words in the dictionary so now you get to know the meanings of those tough words now again read the entire paragraph you will realize that you are able to understand it much more than the first time okay so this is how you should read an English newspaper for improving your English you know step by step now many of you might not want to buy two newspapers daily like one in your mother tongue and other in English you may not want to buy and it's completely okay just buy one per week just buy one on Sunday suppose and read that newspaper for the entire week I'm not telling you to buy an English newspaper Delhi I'm telling you to read English newspaper daily okay you can buy one per week and you can read it for the whole week no problem and then if you want gradually you can increase the number suppose two newspapers per week three newspapers per week it depends upon you just read the English newspaper daily set a time and read the English newspaper daily okay so this is what you need to do to maintain consistency there are two ways in which reading newspapers benefits you number one is that you are updated with all the current affairs in and around the world right um right now in this generation you need to know what is going on around the world otherwise you will fall backwards so that is the most important thing and the second one is it helps you in improving your English speaking skills so read newspapers it is actually a very nice habit and another point that is I know that many of you like to read quietly I mean without making a sound the same with me I also like to read something without making any sound but remember when you are reading something to improve your spoken English the thing that I'd like to suggest is please read it out loud why would you read it out loud because when you're reading something out loud you're actually speaking in that language you're speaking in English so you are practicing speaking as well and also your pronunciation gets clear like suppose you do not know the pronunciation of a certain word right if you speak it out then you get to know that you don't know the pronunciation you will search it and then you get to know the correct pronunciation so this is how things should go right if you um read quietly then you might just not think about the pronunciation you would just read it out so this is just a simple suggestion but if you do this then it would benefit you much more so make sure when you read newspapers read them out loud when you're alone at home you can read it out loud so this is all that I wanted to share with you today about the importance of reading newspapers in order to improve your spoken English and I'd like to thank you all for supporting me till today when I look at your comments when I read your comments I feel very inspired so thank you all for that I hope you keep supporting me in the future that's it for today if you like this video click on the like button and if you haven't subscribed my channel yet then click on the Subscribe button and if you have any other suggestions regarding what the next video should be then make sure to write it down in the comment box below I'd eagerly be waiting for your comments that's it for today me too in the next video thank you bye
Channel: Lively LIFE
Views: 816,932
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Keywords: Adrija, Biswas, newspaper reading, how to read news papers, improve youe english skills, english speaking, newspapers for english, lively life, steps to improve english, improve english vocabulary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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