How To Read A Mind - EPIC HOW TO

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have you ever wondered what's inside someone else's head it's their brain obviously zinger got you but what's inside their brain what are they thinking I can tell you how to read a mind like you're reading a friggin book I'm picking up some strong psychic energies from this side of the video because this is epic how to read minds [Music] hey let me let you in on a little secret you can't actually read minds video over let us know what topic you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe joking to zingers right off the bat what you can do though is Revati language facial cues and use girl fashion intuition to get a pretty accurate sense of what someone's thinking sure it's not a hundred percent accurate but what is the concept of reading someone's mind first came to prominence in the late 19th century when American magician Washington Irving Bishop would perform public demonstrations since then there have been countless people who have claimed telepathic ability but all have failed under serious scientific study but that hasn't stopped some seriously crazy studies from happening in 1970 the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started the Stargate project a program designed to develop psychic spies sounds cool right despite spending millions of dollars in making their test subjects concentrate real hard nothing ever came of it and the project was shut down in 1995 they gave that the college try that's a long time to be to be fudging around tests like all of your parents tax money let that [ __ ] that's great man good job America now you can't just read anyone's mind it takes a certain kind of person according to professional mentalists in Las Vegas they like to pick people who don't seem too eager but also aren't completely shy and unwilling you'll want to find someone who is actively engaged with you but won't try and outshine you so start by telling a few jokes someone who's laughing and smiling is probably the perfect pic in order to read someone's mind you have to pursue them at ease when someone's calm and relaxed their body language and facial cues become much easier to read mine readers have found that the best way to make someone relaxed is to use a technique called mirroring where you act like your subject as much as possible they're a little loud and talkative you want to be a little loud and talkative if they've got their hands in their pockets you do the same thing put your dang hands in your pockets you're gonna want to know some basic human tendencies too by exploiting subconscious biases of the human brain reading someone's mind is a snap I did what I said for instance if you ask someone to choose between four different choices 92% of the time they'll choose the third would you like apples corn jizz have sex with me or bananas if you ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 10 most people pick 7 if you got a nod your head when you ask somebody a yes-or-no question they'll tend to answer yes you can also be aware of how response time can change people's behaviors people tend to say one thing if you ask them to answer within 3 seconds but say another thing if you give them time to think about it for example studies show that if you ask someone to pick a color in less than 3 seconds they'll say red give it 6 seconds though they'll say blue you're gonna want to learn to read people's body language body language is a huge part of reading someone's mind so make sure you know the common signals check out the subjects eyes your subject will make direct eye contact if they're engaged by what you're saying and their pupils tend to grow larger when they're excited if they break eye contact however it tends to mean they're trying to hide something that's also true of someone's blinking too much or too little this is a bad sign so is this you can get a good sense of someone's mood by looking at their mouth if their lips are turned up that tends to mean they're feeling happy if their lips are turned down they're probably feeling sad or upset look for any lip biting people tend to bite their lip when they're anxious or stressed or in a 1980s teen romance comedy and the girl wants to act coy but also interested Anthony Michael Hall also check out their body posture your pervert an open posture where your subject is sitting up straight and not covering their torso with their arms means your subject feels positively about you and likely telling the truth a closed posture where they're hunched over and cross their arms and legs might indicate they're lying or holding something back find readers will often use a technique called priming to get an idea in someone's head so that they can later predict it let's say I want you to say your favorite color is blue maybe I'll mention the word blue as many times as possible throughout our conversation talk about blue things point to something blue get the idea this puts the idea of blue into your head so that you're gonna be more likely to answer that later when asked a technique called muscle reading is also helpful when someone is lying or trying to keep secret muscles in their body will involuntarily twitch if they hear the truth or the piece of information they're trying to conceal to keep your hand on someone's back or shoulder you can feel their muscles spasm there's also shotgunning where you take a shotgun and hold it to somebody's head and ask them for the truth it works like 99% of the time that's not real there is no gun that was just a bad bad joke it's actually a technique where you say many pieces of very general information and when the subject responds positively to one of them you look like you've read their mind you're gonna get a lot of misses but people tend to forget the things that don't apply to them and latch on to the things that do get to know the for effect that's for a effect the for effect states that the human mind wants to find deeper meaning and personalized information even if it doesn't apply statements like you're insecure around people you don't know very well or you're having problems with a friend or family member aren't you are almost universally true but thanks for the for effect people will think you're talking specifically about them look Martin reading isn't an exact science so if you fail just try again you're going to improve your odds of success if you try reading minds a second time and then people are gonna forget about the time it didn't work and remember the time they did cuz they're gonna buy oh holy crap how do you how did you know that I miss my dad dad take my money love you dad my real dad's still alive but my fake dad is dead you've done it you're reading minds like a play a book people people still read books right nope great join us next time on epic how to find a book and read it this has been epic out to starlight let us know what topic you guys think we should break down next in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe you
Channel: AWE me
Views: 758,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mind reading, mind tricks, mind reading tricks, mind trick, reading mind trick, mind reading revealed, mind reading magic, reading my mind, mind reading video, mind reader, magic, trick, tricks, epic how to, how to read minds, how to know what people are thinking, psychic, how to be psychic, pretend to read minds, how to, aweme, joe bereta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2017
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