How to Read 100 Books A Year

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on this episode of the day is crucial I will show you how to read 100 books in here so for the past 4 years I've been consistently reading hundred books on average a year now when I say this people often ask me two questions first of all they ask why do you do this and then I ask how do you do it so the answer to the first question is I read because I want to learn from other people's experience and I think if you do not learn you are not moving forward if you are not committed to learning and once I committed myself to learning reading was really easy before that I struggled to read books but I have to be honest that I prefer to learn by reading some people are visual learners other people learn by doing others by listening and it really depends on your own skill set and your own strengths now I prefer to read but the bottom line is this to make yourself to learning and specifically learn from the experience of others Otto von Bismarck said at best he said fools learn from experience I prefer to learn from the experience of others and I I think that's a great quote because that's what it all comes down to I think a lot of if you study successful people all of them were massive learners and a lot of them were readers so let's get down to it how do you read 100 books a year so that comes down to two books a week the first step is to buy your books in bulk and my experience is that when you pick up a book that's not relevant to you it's very difficult to go through it now life is dynamic right you don't know what challenges you will face in the next week on next few months but you know what kind of direction you're going to write so buy books in book that are related to your field whether that is you know finance accounting graphic design productivity and there are some some things that I think are useful to all people specifically if you look at biographies history books personal development books productivity these things I think useful for everybody but there are also books that are specific to the things that you are currently learning you couldn't priorities you know what phase you are in your life but my recommendation is this buy books in bulk because you don't know what book you will want to read at a given time how often have you picked up a book and only put it aside after a few pages and then maybe a few years later you picked up the book again and then you were like oh wow this is awesome this is a great book it happened to me very often that's why I always buy in bulk so when I want to read something I have it near me a lot of people say well why would you spend money on books you can get them for free at the library or download them or whatever look if you are serious about learning if you committed to learning you will make sure that some of your money goes to books and I'm very serious about this because sometimes you might read an ID or get something out of a book and apply it to your career and make hundreds of thousands of dollars from that single ID from a 10 or 15 dollar book over the course of your career so don't take it lightly pay for books I think it's a great investment my second tip is to always be reading make sure that you always carry a book you have a book around because the more e-books you have around you simply the more you will read if we do the math right if you look at the average reading speed of an average person you will need 10 hours a week of reading to finish two books a week depending on how many pages they are but let's say most books are between two and three hundred pages long right 10 hours a week there are 168 hours in a week do the math everybody can set aside ten hours in a week whether you want to read two hours a day for five days and take off the weekend or you want to read an hour every day and then maybe on one or two days spend a little bit more time reading you can't do it I've been doing this consistently for four years now and it's not just something that I did for one year I've been doing this consistently and I have a lot of things going on in my life as well you know some people say hey I have kids or I have to do this I've worked and I've always think look we all have responsibilities we still make time for things that are important so if if reading is really important to you make sure that you are always read and carry a book with you put your phone away we're on a book on we don't read a book on a book read a book on the train the bus were you riding an uber listen to audiobooks in the car that also counts obviously so make sure that you are always reading and then you'll easily get to your 10 hours a week tip number three is read only relevant books I already touched on this earlier I if I don't find something applicable if I read IDs and I can't really visualize how I'm gonna apply it to my life I I just can't finish the book I remember years ago I picked up the intelligent investor and I was like 25 26 yeah I just got out of graduate school two years but then started making a little bit of money but not they have much money so I could really invest it so I just couldn't get get through the book I I thought it was really boring and not useful doesn't mean it's a bad book it's a great book I read it a few years ago and I was like this is my this is a strategy that I want to use for my investments so make sure that you only read the relevant books to you right now look at your life what's something that's in front of you what's the challenge that you want to overcome what's the problem that you have read a book that will help you to solve their problem tip number four is read multiple books simultaneously so there are no rules to reading books a lot of people assume that you have to read a book cover the cover and then go to another one that you have to finish the book whoever said that you make up your own rules I read sometimes three or four books at the same time not literally at the same time but I'll read something a business book in the morning I might read a personal development book in the afternoon and I might read a biography before I go to sleep and I still remember the things I still highlight things and we'll get to that in the next step but there are no rules you can decide how you read what you read when you read it's up to use your life you can do whatever you want right so that also applies to books if you want to read multiple books at the same time go ahead in fact I really encourage it and if you haven't tried it really give it a try because it helps you to read a lot more than if you only read one book because that can also get boring and then tip number five which is actually the most important tip so if you can't read two books a week for whatever reason it's not the end of the world if you read make sure you do this and that is step number five who retain the knowledge I think knowledge is used useless if you do not apply it because if you only read and read and never do anything with it what's the purpose right I cannot think of a reason just to read I read because I want to use the ideas to make my life career business relationships better I want to improve myself I want to learn right so that's why I have an example here that's why I make notes inside books and I highlight passages are sentences and pieces from in inside a book and a lot of people are like oh yeah it's sacred and you shouldn't write em books and like come on man just grow up the a book is a tool a book is a tool it's not an end you know you use this stuff to improve your life right so how can you retain more of what you really got an example is this by the way a really good book and never split the difference but Chris boss and negotiating is if your life depended on it this is a really good example of a book that I did did not read cover to cover what I did is I I've read like 80 90 percent 80 85 percent of this book because some of the things I just didn't some of the stories inside the book that often in books there's a lot of filler as well I don't want to say it's a bad book it's a really good books really useful ideas that I've used in negotiation negotiations and in my life as well but some of the things you can skip if you read something you think oh I you know I can skip this then go and skip it right there's not there's nothing wrong with it so for example what you will see is some of the pages here have no highlights and then all of a sudden fold it you know corners eyeful a dog-eared my books and then all of a sudden some some areas have a lot of highlights because there was so much value there and to me that automate automatically makes it worth it now I also write inside the books and I'm just looking for peace if you're watching this I'm looking now for and if you listen to this you'll probably think what what is he doing let me just fine find something I don't write throughout the whole book because obviously they will make the reading process extremely slow but if I find something an ID or something that I find really important and that I connect to something that is going on in my life enough that I have to use look I just write inside the book and in this case I was like you know this is a really good idea and then I either write the ID in my own words or I try to connect it with something else some other piece of information knowledge that I read somewhere else or I try to you know I'll confirm it as well just it'll make me remember it a lot better and here again you know there's some stuff here I made some notes for myself that I connected with some other things that I've read in the past so make it an interactive process if you're reading a book don't look at it like a static thing just read the book you know as I go this one is Greg cuz you'll forget about all things highlighted fold the pages right in it make notes in notebook this is how we start forming connections and this is how we start making the knowledge your own and then what you will find is that you will start applying stuff when and when you do that where you start applying everything you learn you're making giant steps and this is something that very few people do actually if you look at society if you look at most people they either if you look at average --is most people are read a few books a year now all of a sudden if you start reading 50 60 70 or maybe even 100 books a year you will set yourself apart from the crowd and I think that is not only great for your own personal development but it will also make you more valuable in the marketplace so give this a try let me know in the comments let me know in the comments or send me an email if you are going to try this or have tried it share your experiences share your lessons I'm also eager to learn I'm always I've adopted I've improved my process my learning process and reading process over the years and I'm continuously learning new things so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and if you haven't subscribed to the show already feel free to subscribe and like always until the next episode take care hey thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed it feel free to check out some of my other videos and also don't forget to sign up to my newsletter to get two free ebooks in your inbox
Channel: Darius Foroux
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Keywords: how to read more books, how to read more, reading challenge, read more books, darius foroux, how to read more books in less time, how to read more books faster, how to read more books in 2019, reading list, goodreads, retain information during study, read more books motivation, read more books in 2019
Id: Fsfzybd6lX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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