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my brain is going mile a minute right now so let's see if we can all keep up no one on booktube needs this video from me because so many people read more than I do although I read a hundred books last year I read a hundred books last year with a full-time job a full social life and I keep my house relatively clean so come at me recently I was asked in my personal life by people that I have met personally how I read so much so I wanted to make this video for these kind of people who maybe don't watch all of booktube and who need some real talk about reading a lot let's get the easy things out of the way how I read so much one I don't have kids I don't have kids unless you count this sweet little baby angel right here yes you are the second thing how I read so much is that I just do I just bloody do it let me put this in context for you anytime I am thinking about like why haven't I done that yet why haven't I like written a thing why haven't I finished this task it's because I just haven't it's because I haven't sat down and bloody done it another way that I read so much is that I pick things that I know I will like to read I'm not in school anymore I don't have to read the required reading I can read whatever I damn well please I don't force myself to slog through a classic I'm not interested in or I don't read boring you know books that I should be reading because who cares okay here's another thing we are going to walk through man I'm gonna take you I'm gonna take you on my journey here so another reason why I read so much is because I don't have cable you see this television it's not hooked up to anything except chromecast I have the Internet and I have access to Hulu and Netflix but it prevents me from just sitting down and turning on the TV and spent mindless hours flipping through the channels which is what I used to do when I had cable that's it no TV that that's my first answer usually is when people ask me how do you read so much I don't have TV I don't watch TV I am about to leave my house and I have this bag it's like Hermione's magic bag it's like the TARDIS it is bigger on the inside it's so big that I can put a book inside so that is another tip is that I always have a book with me always always always always always if I don't have a book with me there's something wrong this is a huge thing if you always have a book with you then when you're waiting someplace or you have free time or you want to read through your lunch break or what have you you pull out your book don't pull out your phone pull out your book speaking of phones I don't read things electronically I do not read e-books one because I don't like looking at screens to read they feel inaccessible to me and two things I don't have a Kindle you know so the thing that I would read on would be like a phone or an iPad and those things come with Internet distractions so if I were to read something on my phone and a notification pops up or whatever then I'm like oh distraction oh god I have to check all of the internet now and that's that's that doesn't help that doesn't help with the reading okay now we're leaving the house come along with me oh hey now I'm in my car I'm on a horse look at me look it back at your reading habits now look at me are your reading habits like my reading habits no but they could be alright so the car is another important place where I get a lot of reading done you know why because I hate traffic and I hate listening to heinous radio ads all the time so you know what I do I listen to audiobooks in the car you see this handy dandy little audio thing I plug this into my phone and then I plug the other side of this into my car and I listen to audio books but do audiobooks tone is reading my dad yes they do end of story I always have a physical book in an audiobook going at the same time can you switch back and forth between stories there are studies that suggest that helps your your brain and then and and and and thinking going back and forth between two stories is good for your for your cognitive development or something whatever but oh my goodness you may ask how do you listen to so many audiobooks are so freakin expensive well you know what you can get them from my library if you were fortunate enough to have a good library system I am you can download these helpful apps called overdrive sign in with your library card and you can check out audiobooks for free it's amazing can you hear that guy mowing his lawn he's not reading right now there's another tip don't mow your lawn always just be reading I have even more tips for you so let's put this bad boy in reverse and get going week while I'm at this red light let's take a brief interlude to ask you why why do you want to read so much hmm why do I read so much asking me why I want to read so much is like asking me why do you eat food because I like it and I have to I just I have to I I don't read for any other purpose other than I just like to do it Oh green light I so the point is what is your motivation for reading why why do you want to try to read more what is that because if you really wanted to do something you would just you would just do it if you really wanted to right right right and I get it you know people are busy you got kids you gotta work five jobs or whatever to pay bills on this crazy crazy economy I get it a lot of people don't have time to read uh I was raised by a single mom who had to take care of who had to work a full-time job take care of all of her all of my our entire house you know a cat and you know still if she really had wanted to read a bunch of books she could have popped in some headphones or whatever while she was on the treadmill she listened to Santana while she was on the treadmill and show tunes but you know that's a different that's a different story if she wanted to listen to audiobooks during that time she would have done it now she reads a lot I'm very proud of you mom love you love you mom okay I met a place right there do you see you see you see this did you see the place we're gonna go into the place and we're gonna talk about my next hot tip I use my library it's true oh my god library all these books in here you can take them all for free alright well your taxes your taxes pay for them my taxes pay for this if I want this book I love this book right here my taxes have already paid for it for me and my taxes pay for a lot of so I might as well here's the thing that I liked that my taxes pay for right right right and it is so much easier to keep up on new releases or it's easier to not finish a book that you're not liking when he didn't actually work over your heart and and passion for it that was a sentence that kind of got away from me but the thing is you can go in here and you can you can you can pick out whatever you want and they'll let you take it home for free so oh my god if you have access to a library you'd better be freaking you isn't it that's all I've got to say hey look at this look at this score three freaking books for the low low price of my taxes that's correct and one of these books is a graphic novel which graphic novels help me read more because I read them faster but our graphic novels really count yes they do and I won't even say fight me on it because I don't care about your opinion two of these books two these books I got for a read-a-thon which also helps me read a lot because being in a community of readers encourages reading I the most I've ever read in a month was twelve books twelve books in a month it was because I was participating in a read-a-thon so that's another tip for you right can't ya join a book community in some capacity join a book club that's how my mom has become more of her readers because she's in a book club now and she loves it it's great I participate in the bookish community online and all these lovely people in the interwebs in there they encourage me to read or it's great and another thing you know that's good about library books is that they come with a due date you have to bring them back which encourages me take a shot everytime I say motivate or encourage in this video it motivates me to read them faster so I can get them back to the library so some other lovely person can enjoy them it's a great cycle yeah my final final tip is to always go to bed with a book that's right bunner and i always tuck ourselves in and read before bed every single night it is a very unusual night if I go to bed without reading so everybody goes to bed right everybody goes to bed so we checked her before bed and then you go to sleep and and it's good you tuck yourself in you you grab your favorite stuffed animal cuz I know everybody has one and you grab your book keep a book on your bedside table and read a chapter right before you go to bed it's simple it's easy it's bedtime story you liked on when you were a kid why don't you I don't know what why do you have to grow out of the things that we love you don't so I think those are all my tips do you have any do you have any tips so if you are one of those people who wants to read more I hope these tips have helped you what are all the tips get rid of all the distractions in your life don't have children and go to the library those are all the tips that I have for you and if you are a person who doesn't want to read anymore why did you why did you click on this video why why did you do that what are you doing what are you doing with your life what's wrong with you so I hope some of these tips have helped you thank you so much for watching this video and until my next video heavy reading nerds [Music] read a book three of us read a book read a bus book read a book read a book read a ma book read a book read a book read a book [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Super Pao
Views: 523
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: read more, how to read more, read faster, how to read faster, booktube, how i read, read more books, read 100 books, library, book talk, super pao, reading tips
Id: F0ueuY_s3nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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