How to Easily Baste a Quilt with Pool Noodles with On Williams Street

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hi i'm kimmy with on william street and we are here to help you become a more confident quilter from the piecing to the quilting and everything in between this week we're going to show you an easy way to baste your quilts i have to admit i think one of my absolute least favorite parts of quilting is basting the quilt you have the top all done the back everything's ready to go you're ready to quilt it and now you have to put it together and it usually entails time rolling crawling around on the floor my back aches i'm trying to pin things trying to find a spot flat enough to lay this whole quilt out to get it to lay smooth dealing with all the wrinkles and it can be very very tedious but we're going to share a method today that's going to simplify things a little bit and we're going to use some noodles pool noodles and show you how you can use these to baste your quilt quicker and easier and with much less back pain so we are actually going to be basting our quilt on top of our dining room table so that's going to make it a lot easier not bending over as far you don't have to worry about as much space to spread out so you definitely don't want to have the biggest face possible if you have a bit of a smaller table this will still work it might just be a little bit more finagling but it will still be okay so the first thing i'm going to do is we need to roll all of our different parts we're going to roll our quilt top our quilt batting and our quilt backing separately so we are going to need three noodles when you're looking for what noodles to use definitely get the longest ones you can find if it doesn't quite reach the whole length of your quilt that's fine you can still use it but the longer the better it's going to make it easier to roll it originally so now what i'm going to do here is we have our top down first and i'm going to put it so that it's facing right side up so that we make sure that it goes on the right way and i'm actually going to start rolling from the bottom of the quilt so i'm going to push it so i have the bottom of the quilt sitting on my table and don't worry i did just mop my floors this morning so we're good putting the quilt on the floor on my dining room floor sometimes it's not quite so safe and what i'm going to do is make sure this is pressed as well before you get started and you're just going to put the noodle along the top and you're going to start rolling keep it as tight as you can because that's going to make it easier later on so take this a little bit slow and try to keep it square as well so try to keep the edges all lined up i'm actually using my sashing as well to make sure that things are staying nice and square and then just as you roll it on slowly work it down on the length of the quilt until the whole thing is rolled on so if you make take the time to make sure there aren't wrinkles in it now it's going to make it easier when we put the layers together okay now that i've got the top on and ready to go i'm going to repeat with the batting and the backing these ones though i want to make sure the batting make sure that the right side is up as well but then when you get to the backing to put the backing on you want to make sure that it is right side down because we want to make sure that that center seam when you've pieced your backing or else the wrong side of the fabric is inside of the quilt center so put this one right side touching your table when you roll the backing on so now i have my three noodles ready to go okay so this method is going to work whether you're spray basing or whether you're pin basing so don't worry about that so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to unroll enough of my backing and again make sure that your backing is pressed if you need to ahead of time that's going to make it a lot easier when you come quilting later you don't have to worry about puckers and tucks and stuff because it wasn't pressed properly then i'm going to take the batting and i'm just going to unroll enough to fit the table i'm not going to worry about going any farther than what fits on the table now i'm going to take the batting i'm going to do the same thing i'm just going to line it up along the bottom so that it lines up along that edge there well this will technically be the top of the quilt and roll it out and then just take the time to make sure that everything is smooth this makes it so that you're only dealing with a small area so you can make sure that folds creases everything is laid out nice and smooth and then after i have it on if i'm spray basting i'm going to spray this section before i add the top so what you can do now is quite easily lift up the batting spray spray and then smooth it back out okay if you're pin basing you don't need to worry about that yet because we're not going to do anything until we get to the top so after i've sprayed that i've laid that one out now i'm ready to add the top we're going to do the same thing come up to the end and then just unroll again if we're spray basting now at this point lift this up add my spray and then put this section back down if i am pin basting now at this point i can actually even unroll a little bit further here fill the table at this point that's where you could come in and then just start adding your pins and you've also got the table space to work on so you're not worried about sticking pins in carpet and getting a second carpet but be careful you can you know scratch your top of your table that's something that's important um make sure to watch for that and not scrape your your top with the pins after this section is done we're just going to push all three noodles off the edge of the quilt the table and then just unroll the top at this point you should have enough weight at the front that it should stay pretty smooth and i'm going to spray this if i'm spray basting and then just very slowly unroll the batting right on if there's any little areas you need to smooth out you're going to smooth that out and then spray again and then roll out the top and again making sure to smooth it as you go or if we're pinning now come in and pin the next section push it off the end of the table roll it back a little bit farther again making sure everything's nice and smooth using the weight of that quilt on the front to your advantage smooth it out spray as needed if you're spray basting smooth out the batting and then spray again and smooth out the top and you can see i'm not bent over i'm not crawling around on the ground i'm not pinning your carpet i'm not happy to worry about moving a lot of furniture i'm able to do this all very easily on the table so we have a little bit farther and you just roll out the end the last little bit do the last little bit of spraying the last little bit of pinning and you are ready to go now at this point i would trim off this little bit extra batting and then set your noodles aside um for the next time if you are going to use the pool noodle method a lot i would definitely buy yourself noodles that are just for quilting if they're being used for swimming as well they might get dirty and you don't want to be transferring that to your quilt top but as you can see we now very quickly and very easily have our quilt already basted and ready to take to the sewing machine and quilt it so if you have any questions on this method or other questions pertaining to quilting don't hesitate to reach out we are more than happy to help and try to make this a little bit simpler for you help you understand it a little bit better and as always if you like what you saw don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel if you hit the bell you'll be notified whenever we post a new video so you don't miss anything you can also follow find us on instagram and facebook and if you sign up for our email newsletter on our website you'll get access to our subscriber library with lots of fun projects and you'll also get you know whenever we have deals or coupons you'll be notified of those as well and we will see you next week
Channel: On Williams Street
Views: 5,674
Rating: 4.9836063 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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