How to Rank #1 on Pinterest

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hey everyone welcome I'm cat Sullivan and today we're going to talk about a topic I love and that is Pinterest now you may have heard of me before when it comes to Pinterest my nickname is the princess of Pinterest and that's because I know a little something about how you can use Pinterest in your business to unlock a ton of traffic and a flood of leads to your business every single day so today's topic I'm going to share with you how you can rank number one on Pinterest almost every single time so let's dive into the training and get started alright guys so let's dive in let me show you how you can start ranking number one on Pinterest now before I dive in I wanted to tell you why they call me the princess of Pinterest and that's really because we get results so let me show you a few results so that you can see exactly how you can duplicate this for your business so I'm gonna do a quick screen share here and just go over some of our results so that you can see exactly what we do so first of all we went ahead and created a piece of content and once we created that piece of content we realized what we wanted to rank for and that was YouTube marketing channels and in just a few days this happened really really fast we were the first search result okay so the ranking number one for a pretty popular keyword phrase YouTube marketing channels then we wrote an article it was all about billionaire quotes and so you can see here again that we were able to rank number one and these aren't just flukes we're able to do this consistently so here's an example we wrote an article December 31st within one day you can see here the snapshot we were the fourth search result in just one day so you can get results on Pinterest really really fast when you know exactly what to do alright and over time on Pinterest you actually improve your results so here we were in the number three spot we moved to the number two spot and then eventually we ranked number one so I'm showing you this so that you understand that this is something that you can duplicate as well this process really works so again here we are were the number three result and maybe like the number seven result here we are we're number three and like eight here we are at number two and you go back and actually look at this this is for a pretty popular keyword phrase business quotes how hard would it be for you to actually rank number two on Google or a search engine for such a popular keyword phrase probably cost you a lot of money and take you a whole lot longer but on Pinterest you can actually do this and get to the top really really fast and you want to get to the top because the higher your search results the more clicks the more saves the more leads the more conversions so it's really important that you follow this process so the next thing we want to do is I want to show you what the process is that we use in order to go and rank to the top so let me go ahead and share my screen one more time we'll pop into Pinterest and we'll get started so here we go on Pinterest and the first thing I want you to understand is that you need to know what you're going to rank for so it should be something that's relative to your business and then you want to do your research the research is really really important for you and so these are some of the things that we do before we create our content okay so don't create your content and then try to rank create content after you know what it is that you want to rank for that's a very important thing write that down so what I wanted to show you is that when you go into Pinterest you can search for any phrase any keyword that you want so for this example I went ahead and typed in podcasts just to see what the results were and the first thing that you see is what happens is it gives you some alternative suggestions for keyword phrases that were commonly searched when people typed in podcast so if you can see this bar right down here Pinterest is actually saying to you hey check this out people that search that searched for so these are the users that search for podcast we're also searching for podcasts for women how to start a podcast so if you have a podcast course and you can come here and see that people are searching for how to start a podcast well then you can go back and create a piece of content or a training or video on how to start a podcast because you know that it's popular on Pinterest and that people are searching for it the other thing that we see is that none of these are actually saying how to create a podcast oh and fun note hey this one's mine this is my piece of content look at that ten thousand repents we've got those guys so you can click even further right we can then go how to start a podcast and make that the search and then what you're gonna see again is now there's some additional keyword when you provide the solution you will be the top search result that's what's so powerful now if you don't sell courses that's ok maybe you sell products what you can really put anything in here and I like to use gardening although it could be anything it could be jewelry it could be any kind of product electronics whatever it is so all you're gonna do is you're gonna go back and you're gonna type in a keyword and then you're gonna look at different ideas that people have also been searching for so we see gardening and then we see for beginners so you might want to say hey you know I'm gonna write an article and this is how it works I'm gonna write an article and I'm gonna call it gardening for beginners because you know that people are searching for that and then in that article you're going to go ahead and link to the popular gardening products that you sell so not only are you gonna be able to get your content on Pinterest get it found by people searching for it you're also going to be able to sell your products that's where the magic comes in so Pinterest really gives you recommended keywords so I'm gonna type in gardening here and you're gonna see even right here that it's giving you other ideas it's saying gardening gardening for beginners gardening ideas gardening for beginners vegetable gardening for beginners flowers so here's what I like to do can I give you a really quick hack for how you're going to use this great so what I do is I actually create a note and I take all of the key words that are really popular and I write them down so gardening gardening for beginners gardening ideas and I come over here and I type them in I go ahead and I write all of those down then I have a really good list of keyword phrases that I'm gonna be able to use when I'm ready to add my content all right are you guys ready for a quick hack I've never shared this before so I'm gonna give you this hack but as a favor you have to like comment and subscribe to our channel so that we can keep bringing you amazing new content like this so are you ready for this all right what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to go in your Pinterest ads platform and inside of there is gonna be the best keyword research tool that you will ever get your hands on here's how you use it but you can do a little bit keyword research here so let's type in gardening okay now remember we're looking for types of content that we can create on our website so that we can put that content on Pinterest ranked number one drive people back to our website get leads get traffic sell them on our products okay so I typed in gardening and the first thing you see is not what we saw when we were doing the actual research on the Pinterest platform now we're seeing some different keywords we're seeing gardening gifts we're seeing five million monthly searches five million gardening hacks maybe you can create content around that so then what I like to do and this is my secret hack okay I come in after I do my research and I say okay well I know gardening for beginners is a good piece of content that I can create and put on my blog so I'm gonna write an article about gardening for beginners and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna collect all the keywords that are relevant for its gardening for beginners because those are the keywords I want to use in my descriptions for my pins so beginner gardening I've got let's see here's another one beginner gardening gardening how to gardening only gardening DIY and I'm gonna come through here and I'm gonna pick the keywords that I think are really relevant to the content that I'm gonna put on Pinterest and then I come over here I copy those little command a command C action on a Mac and then I go back to my notepad and I put them in here and so now I've got all these great keywords that I'm gonna be able to put inside of my pen description when I'm ready to add my piece of content to Pinterest okay so now I have this little nugget of information that I can put on there and what that's gonna allow me to do is when I'm ready to add my content to Pinterest when I'm ready to take my blog post after I create my graphic and put it on Pinterest when you add a piece of content you can edit the pin description and that is where you will put in all those amazing keywords that you want to rank for alright and then what you can do is you can sit back and you can really let the research work for you alright so those are a couple hacks that you can start using right now to rank number one on Pinterest so there you have it guys that is exactly what you can start doing to rank your pins on Pinterest so you get to that amazing number one spot almost every single time now if you found this video helpful make sure that you subscribe like and leave me a comment because I'd love to hear back from you I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Marketing Solved
Views: 178,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pinterest, How to Drive Traffic with Pinterest, Pinterest for Business, Pinterest Marketing, How to Rank on Pinterest, Keyword Ranking on Pinterest, How to Research Keywords on Pinterest, Pinterest Hacks
Id: 5QKzGbdwIZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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