How I Install Joist Hangers

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hey everybody i thought i'd give you a few tips and tricks on uh setting these joyce tires and uh the first thing i do is square them up you can see that's not square so i'll take the two sides and bend them in and try and square them up with the bottom you just gotta kind of eyeball it you know to where it starts looking good you want a little bit tight at the top so it'll fit on on your block that we're going to use to gauge where the location is and see that's what i have right here so we got a nice fit on the sides and this is most important also is to have a good fit across the bottom on both ends you want a good tight fit and that's what's going to make your hangers strong all right from there we have our joist it's going to sit on this side of our mark and what i'll do is i'll hold the bottom of it with my finger i got it flush and i'll make it even across the top and i'll make sure that this this this block is flush against the wood and then i'll move my joists to it all right it's flush right there my joy's hangers up against my lumber i'm going to wet the head of this screw because i don't have a magnetized tip but i'm going to take it now you know i'm off my mark a little bit let me just move this over just a hair all right when i get that screw in there i'll push it in just a little bit like that now give it a good start all right now go to the other side and i can hold it so it's no problem i'll take my block out and then i'll do the same thing i'll push in and screw you can see it moved in a little bit it's going to move around on you but it'll be okay now you can see i'm even with my line on the inside and so i'm going to go ahead and i got my height with my block push it in tight some people you know it'll debate you whether these screws are right screws or not but i've used them for a long time and never had any problems with them and so uh you can do your own research and find out which kind of screws you want to use but these are inch and a quarter and i know my block's going to be a little bit tight when i go back in with it that's what we want we want a good tight hanger even across the bottom even across the top and if it's a little too tight you know if it moves on you then you can uh bump these ears back just a little bit but bump it toward the lumber so that you don't uh bend these out away from the just enough to that's enough to get it started when you go down with see now these screws this is one inch from the surface of the wood to the uh where the heads gonna be so what i do that's one inch to the center so i'll use uh at least a two inch screw i bought two and a quarter so when i get my joists in i'll do all four of these with two and a quarter inch screws and i'll have a real nice tight hanger that'll support a lot of weight i don't know what they're rated for but uh this is the best installation that i know for uh doing these hangers there's faster ways to do it but as far as i'm concerned this is the best way another way to do this is i've already installed my joist and i screwed in from the back side and i'll do the same thing i'll square my hanger up make it snug here at the top like that and just screw it in place you don't have to worry about your block and it works good like that too keeping it nice and flat on the bottom there we go looks good we'll come back in here and put these in i hope a few of these tips help you when you're in your construction and you whatever you're building and uh lord be willing i'll see you later
Channel: Rough Cut Homestead
Views: 21,224
Rating: 4.7054262 out of 5
Keywords: joist, joists, hanger, hangers, porch, deck, install, mount, joist hanger, install joist hangers, mount joist hangers, install joists for deck, install joists for porch, install joist hangers with screws, joist hanger fasteners, fasten joist hangers, install joist hangers for porch, how to install joist hangers, best way to install joist hangers, log cabin porch, rough cut homestead
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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