How to prepare against stronger players

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if you if you do reach this position though  something like light like one of these positions   always remember that you're gonna be looking to  tunnel everything is looking towards this King   and opening up these lines if possible and if  you're too slow you're too slow but most likely   you're gonna end up in a 50/50 spot where you're  gonna win the game or you're gonna lose you're   basically gonna win the game by force or like  lose the game so you get checkmate it but you   turn it into a 50/50 where if your opponent does  not checkmate you you're gonna checkmate that hey   how's it going hello how are you doing good good  how about yourself I'm doing great didn't get to   watch many of the pogchamp matches i watched like  half of the ecstasy and touch one seemed like he   was holding on pretty well I heard a hutch won  but I didn't get to catch the ending unfortunately   yeah I mean it was a it was a very long long game  actually that's like 50 moves almost think it's   one of august games in the tournament alright so  let's get Rex you see to hold up cuz hutch is like   actually pretty tough yeah well I mean aren't  you gonna play hutch of you win against boy boy   uh yeah let's you know one game out of a town name  at a time a car okay not confident boy boys just   obviously like he's probably the favorite to my  favorite at least from what I've watched I think   he's probably best player in the tournament okay  okay well I mean chances so alright so so first   things first it's it's two games right so you play  with white and black right sure you probably know   more than me I don't know nothing I think I think  it is okay so so yeah so alright so so basically   um boy boy's been playing the accelerated dragon  I guess first questions do you know what that   opening is no I don't okay so so e4 is played  here so c5 right this is a Sicilian defense Knight   to f3 and I believe boy boys plant been playing  Knight to c6 here if I'm not mistaken to basically   try to play in the center so the next move is wait  is the accelerated dragon blacks side right so   basically most of time with the openings black is  the one who chooses a direction that goes in okay   okay so you want to take the center so I probably  block the center by either going that well   normally what you want to do is you want to play  in the center so how would you open the center   open the center up I just do this and if you take  steak steaks you know I've my pieces activated right so now after pawn takes pawn and now boy boy we'll push this pawn here to g6 okay  is he trying to like think out of the dark square   bishop is that the plan exactly so I guess to  my plan I could push one I could push this pawn   I guess to defend and then block the bishop from  ever having an angle to do anything dirty in this   line or I can also just ignore it and continue  development I guess whether it's pulling my Bishop   out I should get like here here or there right  so the way that you're gonna develop here is you   bring this night out so now black is gonna play  Bishop to g7 so now your knight is under attack   here on on d4 right mmm so how would you protect  it I can go there okay so I have a few I have a   few moves one I can go here to defend this with  like the same you know these but then you just end   up pushing that pawn and this is gonna Castle  kingside it doesn't really affect this pawn   structure and then I'm gonna lose my move or I  can look to go here to defend but then I won't be   able to develop this piece in general so I feel  like maybe just putting my dark square bishop   there's right so the move that you play is Bishop  e3 because you don't want to give the center part   of the board here huh okay so so now so now let's  say black moves this Knight out to f6 here Black's   trying to develop you can move the knight you can  push the pawn it really doesn't matter on what the   order is um yeah but let's just say black was the  knight here okay can you say it again sorry so so   black was the knight to f6 the block is trying to  develop the pieces here yeah okay so it's now you   played Bishop to c4 so you're trying to develop  the bishop but the main thing when black puts the   knight in the center here's black wants to try to  open up the center part of the board with the pond   get the night there and then open up this long  diagonal for the bishop okay yeah make sense so   so here after Knight to f6 a way that you prevent  this is to play Bishop to c4 it to stop this pawn   push so now black will cast of the King and now  the move you play here is this is this is very   important by the way is that you don't castle your  King here because if you castle the King here then   black and play Knight takes pawn Knight takes  Knight and then pawn to d5 ah okay and what's   happening here is that basically you're gonna lose  the bish for the night because they're forked but   now blacks Bishop is very open on this diagonal  yeah super nice line from right so here what you   hear what you do is you play Bishop to b3 so  you avoid this capture okay this is important   it's basically when you bring the bishop out  right away let me let me try to remember why   this is wrong immediately I know it's losing yeah  okay that's why it's losing okay is that if black   tries to take this pawn right away what you can  do is play 90 X Knight pawn to d5 and now you go   Bishop to b5 and the point being that when Black  Caps was a knight what is your next move I capture   put him in check oh no no no I capture at this  he takes with pawn I take with this and I went   back up these well you're waiting you're gonna win  it rook basically because I have to block and then   you just take the rook and you you have one rook  for one Bishop yeah so this is really really good   for you so when you move the bishop out normally  what will happen is black will castle the king   that's now what's the correct move if he's gonna  castle the king I would put my so the in-between   so you bring the bishop here first and then you're  looking to castle so now what black will play is   pawn to d6 to activate the bush from the knight  on this diagonal then I would somehow want to get   my Queen out of that angle well I look at this  as you're gonna Cal see your King to the Kings   side okay yeah but the the problem is if you cal  see your King here black can move the knight and   attack your Bishop with the knight so again you  want to play the in-between move before you cast   looking out of the center of the board so I pretty  much I can I could do actually wait I could do   that but I think this is better right yes this is  latter giving giving my king like an escape right   and the other reason this is the right move is  because you're gonna actually push this pawn to a4   down the road hmm so let's say black was Bishop to  d7 here now you can't cancel right and now black   plays work to c8 to ca I kind of want to connect  my rooks get it activated could I move my queen   ever or like anywhere here and then get this rook  into the game and get the well well you actually   should plays you should play pawn to f4 here and  it's a very similar kind of idea so what you're   looking to do here is basically put the Queen on  one of these two squares and then bring the rook   to the center of the board to e1 hmm so I'm trying  to think of ways that this can mm-hmm I'm not used   to this I guess to me to me I always have my king  side pawn structure like this like I either have   my pawns where it's all of them on the two line or  it's like FG 2 and then H 3 I never lose my kings   like pawns and I don't really know when I should  I guess okay if you don't like this no no I'm fine   with it as long as I understand it to me to me as  long as I get an understanding of why it's good   I'll be able to understand it in okay Lester  let's back up a sign so what do you think your   chances are let's start there in this situation  or notor Oh in the match uh if I'm playing both   of us at our current skill level I probably have  like a 15% chance okay then then [ __ ] it let's   go back to the start you'll play a different setup  okay so when black pushes a pawn to d6 here wait   oh come on Chad stop it alright okay so so what  I want you to do here is instead don't push this   pawn to h3 okay okay so push this pawn to f3  so you protect the central pawn but you also   stop this Knight to g4 move okay so now what's  probably going to happen as black is gonna play   Bishop to d7 and now you're gonna go Queen to d2  and the reason you're going to go Queen to d2 is   you said you have 15 chance so I want you to be  very aggressive and try to win the game and the   ideas here are actually to be much simpler right  that's one idea so so black can play many setups   here I think we're well I'll just go through  general setups here so let's say black plays   rook to c8 okay so what's your next move my next  moves to ca hmm I see so I want is there a way to   be very aggressive here a way to be aggressive let  me think to takes doesn't really give me anything no maybe I okay I'll tell you what it is what  you're gonna do is you're gonna castle your King   here to the quasi yes so basically this is a very  straight straightforward idea and I'm not even as   necessarily go like move I move but I'm just  gonna show you basic ideas so what I play is   not necessarily the correct move for black or the  wrong move but it's about the specific set idea   so first that's first if black takes the knight  which way do you take tonight no because if you   take whip the Queen what happens here is is I can  go Knight g4 and do you see what's happening ah I   see yes yes I see so it's very important that  when you're if if this happens with 90 night   you always take with the bishop so there isn't  any sort of discovery where black can activate   this Bishop on the diagonal okay just gonna let  you know when a warning boy boy is currently in   my chat and he is ghosting just saying I'm  thinking out there I don't know what the   moderators of chess comm want to do but I think  you should get per man lost which for that well   I'll give you more specific stuff anyway anyway  later on yeah but yeah so this is actually very   specific to to two lines and what I would say is  even if boy boy is watching for example and he   like tries to memorize this stuff he could still  lose because ideas are very very straightforward   someone is gonna win and someone is gonna lose  and it's not completely clear based on the move   order but basically you end up in a big race here  where black is trying to attack you on this side   and you're trying to attack on the Kings side  towards the King so both enemies get attacked   here so it's just a matter of who is faster it's  okay let's say black phrase tonight and goes pawn   to b5 so now they move that you you'd play here  is pawn to h4 can't they just take a free pawn   there yes you could take the pawn but the point  is that since your King is on this side of the   board black gets a lot of counter play by moving  the queen and pushing the pawn and then later on   moving the knight and attacking on this diagonal  okay so so when you play when you play this the   whole point is just to go all in attack so  you play yes or you don't care about upon   it doesn't this pawn doesn't matter you're  trying to checkmate the black King because   you have this these these very nice bishops  attacking towards the black King okay yeah now   let's say black please b4 okay now my pieces  under attack look me think my best move here trying to think if there's any attacking  moves obviously you never want to just   sacrifice a piece for no reason but okay  so movie you're gonna play here is Knight   to d5 actual guide you through these moves are  not gonna be natural yeah that's my number one   moves they're just looking for other stuff  right so for example let's say black takes   the knight which will do is you will trade  the bishop okay actually no take take ya   trade the bishop black will take and now you  now you take back with the pawn so let's say   black pushes the pawn to attack I want to  see how good your attacking instincts are   here okay well I can go here to look to  attack they're number one or me see hmm yeah seems like the only move but then then he did  okay so it so like Nagaina oh oh wait let me see   hmm yes i only attacking move to get the check  is there that's a check but then he could just   actually take my piece none of the pawns are  undefended i guess there's this pawn it's kind   undefended it doesn't really it's hard to attack  i this pawn is kind of weak maybe i can look for   this and then bring my bishop back to like hit  this diagonal and then start pushing these pawns   up and then get this rook activated as well right  so so now this is an idea that you're going to   see in every single variation of the slide that  you look at so so the move that you should play   here is pawn to h5 okay so what what's your next  move I push my pawn to a4 here I can now actually   I don't like that I think I take and then he has  to take back and then it open it like just weakens   the kingside and I kind of sat i sack this piece  so I would say or mm-hmm let me think oh I see I   go here check he has to move his piece he doesn't  really want to go there either so he's probably   gonna go here then I go here and I find mate in  a second right so this is this is a good idea   but actually what you do is you do take the pawn  okay so now let's say I take back the pawn mm-hm   what's your next move right if I go back easy  right and so now the King has to come forward   here when the King comes forward let me just see  what the third way to win here once I get let me   just see okay there there isn't a clean way to  win this game I mean I guess basically you just   kind of have to yeah Burke t4 is what I wanted to  play but I don't think it quite works hmm okay I   can't just go like pawn up here and then yeah  actually yeah so so basically um okay so what   it doesn't really matter the specific position  because you would have to go back and then like   play this move and just be much better because  it's the open line but the point that I'm trying   to make with this concept is that you want to  play to open up this age six square to bring   the bring the Queen Queen forward yeah so so this  is this is very important this this is basically   gonna be the overriding theme in every single one  of these variations of this of this accelerated   dragon like the name it's kind of cool with the  accelerated dragon like all the other openings   like it's like the roy lopez like dudes dudes  named him after themselves but then the ethics   are drying like that one that's cool right so okay  so so let's say i play something else let's say   i don't trade the knights okay let's let's look  actually no let's review it so okay let's let's   go through sir so what was the idea what do you  want to do here in this situation I would like   to go here and then if it takes then I better  bring a lot okay take a circuit now yes I see deep breath in and out okay I see huh they're really not swear to god that's what we  did that's not to move nope Virgilia okay what   did we do we didn't touch her Oaks we didn't  touch this this piece is still there this piece   doesn't move I guess that's all that's when  it pushes I think we went Queen oh okay maybe   Queen remember you want to attack here you you  want to attack the Kings are on opposite sides   of the board okay so I wanted to get my pawn out  actually I move that funny right and so now when   I push the pawn I go here right now when I take  takes actually you take with the pot here and the   reason you take with the pawn and not the [ __  ] Bishop is specifically because if blacks they   pushes a pawn to h5 to stop your whole attack  you can play in the center of the board with   the rook and you try to basically stack the rooks  and this pawn is very bad because your pawn on d5   always threatens to capture mmm he can't go cuz  I'm passant - right exactly yep very good so so   so when this capture occurs and actually even  though I play this move let me make sure on   the actual move order here so here you can play  h4 yeah now black plays b5 and here you play a   slightly different move because if you push this  pawn black and play pawn to a4 so what you do is   you push this pawn forward to a3 pawn to b4 and  now you go Knight to d5 okay no no this pawns are   even though they're connected it could become  kind of a weakness because my my doesn't have   like it a square so it's good to disconnect them  well basically it doesn't basically the point is   your pawn is very strong here and you can put  pressure on this pawn on this e 7 square okay   but you're always playing to attack towards the  king and you think think about it this way this   Knight is a very the knight and the bishop for the  two pieces that support the black King here yeah   so if you can remove the night in the bishop and  you can you can play like h5 and h6 you're you're   gonna be attacking and black is less defender so  you want to get rid of the knight in the bishop so   the King is completely open okay I see so okay  so let's go back so all right so I'm not gonna   trade the Knights here now I'm gonna play 1985  so again how do you attack Knight to a5 how do   i attack I can still either push the pawn up  but I don't really want to trade this I don't   think actually I could when you trade trade well  you can't you can't really move the bishop here   so you see how no attacks the way you attack you  push the pawn again yeah that's always trying to   attack on this side board like what what you're  the reason that I asked about how confident you   feel about the match is because I figure if you  play some is very aggressive and very attacking   with straightforward attacking ideas you will have  chances to make checkmates yeah now I will take   the bishop and now you will capture it with the  pond or the knight actually I mean both are fine   but just capture with this pawn okay now let's  say black plays Queen to a5 I'm threatening to   make a track meet so you go Kim to b1 here okay  and now in any of these dragon variations just   think about this queen being here if there's  no threat of like a checkmate right away let's   just say I play a move like pawn here there's  always a common theme in this position that it's   not obvious to see but I'm curious if you can see  there's there's a tactic here and it's not Knight   takes pawn actually let me make a move let me push  five shows a tactic to get the Queen pretty much   or whenever there's a tactic this is going to be  winning material potentially okay look research just pawn up do anything you can't go here you  can just go and retreat here but if you're ever   retreats are there then I can look for some type  of attacking moves because in the queen is stuck   there but then you can also go to that square  and I really gained anything I guess I don't   really have to just focus on the Queen I can  focus on any piece that so what you do here is   you to play Knight d5 ah see because the point  is after Queen takes Queen you can always look   for this tactic where you take this pawn with  check and then you recapture the bishop can't   he just though let me see here if I move this  can't he just take and then thank you I guess   I guess I wouldn't clean that guy yeah make  sense so yeah it's the trade if I move that   okay it make something so this is always a tactic  to be aware of if if your opponent has the Queen   opposing your Queen on this diagonal so now  let's say I trade I'm gonna play a different   move I'm just gonna play a pawn to b5 here so now  here you do something that's that's a little bit   unusual you're gonna push the pawn to h5 okay  so let's say I take the pawn with my knight and   now you're gonna go Bishop to h6 and the idea the  idea behind this move is that you're gonna you're   gonna keep attacking so you're down one pawn  temporarily okay yeah so I'm just gonna play   a random move just so you see some ideas here  let's say I push this pawn to a6 you can now   play rook takes Knight and after pawn takes rook  what is your next move takes not takes my next   move actually is I can go here potentially because  then if takes takes and I like that what could I   do here in this situation oh I see I can go here  because I have a double attack and I have meet in   a second right basically the king is just checked  me out in one no matter what black does here yeah   so in this position it's it's it's really really  bad and just to give you an another example of   how you can attack obviously the specific case  you can take but one of the general attacking   principles that you'll always see is you can  take black could take and now you go pawn to g4 okay so now you're attacking the night with the  pawn right yes he has to kick it so now if I go   here what's your next move sticking to the theme  right so now I'm gonna go back here mm-hmm I'm   gonna go back here and take us up no no no nope  nope nope nope nope never I stopped myself what's   cool I look to kick his defender potentially but  then he could just take so it doesn't seem good   I should push the other pawn actually instead  if he goes there and then he has to move that   okay look for another move you have the right idea  but there's another move okay I can go oh I think   I hear exactly right and actually you're gonna  remove this defender of the night yeah yeah if he   moves it yeah and this is just completely winning  for white because it's just exactly unavoidable   yeah yeah I see so so basically this this is this  is the whole idea around this opening is to try to   attack here so now let's say black pushes a pawn  to h5 so now what I want you to play is bishop   page sex trying to get rid of this very dangerous  dark square bishop mm-hmm so let's say I take the   bishop which would you capture I'm going to  check I actually now I can capture the pawn   and then keep that piece I guess active right  because there's never any danger of your King   getting checked maybe because if he ever goes like  Queen a5 you can always just move your king over   one square and there's no checkmate do I always  have to move my King because say what if I just   play like an in-between move like let's say go  here he goes here check can I just go here and   then well here could end the night herb stuck well  the problem is that your knight is actually a very   good attacking piece okay so so because the knight  in attacking piece and a lot of these variations   you're actually going to be trying to bring the  night to remove this night here on f6 that's   that's the main reason it's not like checkmate is  unavoidable but you wanna attack I got you so now   basically what I'm showing you is just themes more  more than like specific specific like movers but   specific themes to see how you can attack gotcha  so let's say I push upon I'll just make a random   move here the idea is to attack your yeah so you  can marry the bishops but there there's there's   another concept that I I don't know if you can  find it's probably too hard but the move is to   push the pawn here okay so now what's the natural  move for black eagle capture so what's your next   move I can also recapture actually now don't  even want to recapture that let me think was   there any better moves I guess this piece is  always threatening so I can't really capture   with anything else but a pawn or else I'm at risk  but I could capture with pawn then I can take or   wait now it's his move ah yeah I guess and then  I can just remove a defender soon so no that's   not the move you're already down one pawn here  mm-hmm the goal is my attack attack yeah attack could I possibly you need you need to play that  like if you get this opening you need you need   to play this game like the way you talk basically  okay so what you want to do is actually not take   you want to push the pawn okay so now let's say  kick the pond yeah that's my play here in the   situation then I can take with rook takes takes  takes and then I can put takes he's in check yes   and move backwards yes to go into that square and  then I have me I think right let me see you check   I mean yes it's checkmate is I mean this is a  force chess Thanks well well well okay looks   like you actually found another checkmate that  works but what you do here is you don't actually   have to take you just go here again it's the same  checkmate as before okay and and it's meeting one   so like what you're doing here is you're already  down one pawn but you're threatening to open up   the King side so let's say I grab this pawn here  on on f3 yeah I guess like you said I have the   same team I can wait let me see huh I see you  take the pawn I can I want to take this point   ever not really well no you remember you you're  behind you've given up a bunch of ponter you given   up two ponds yeah so I don't really care about  winning back upon I guess the theme is just about   winning the game the theme is about going after  the black king exactly so but I think this pawn   is good to open up this whole entire line exactly  so basically what you do is what you're arguing is   that you're giving up a you're giving up pawns  but the black King is very vulnerable here and   so let's say I take this I think this is still  winning let me see what the exact line is right   so actually you could do that but this is a little  bit a little bit deep but but the move here would   be to push your pawn forward mm-hmm so now what is  blacks move only there's only one move I have to   capture the pawn right that's now what you do is  now you make the check my King has to go over and   now you play Knight takes pawn so when you look  at the material count Black has one two three four   five you're down to pawns here but your King is  very safe and and blacks King is not safe at all   because you're threatening to capture this pawn  you're threatening to win that one you also Knight   g5 so everything that black has here is completely  open where's your King is very safe with these   pawns in this night right around it mm-hmm I see  a little bit so what would my play be here I guess   or what would black do in this situation even I  mean I probably would resign the game if I was   playing but I want you to see if you can okay show  me it show me the next couple of moves okay No so   I just take your knight okay didn't want to do  that anyway how about we take a free peek up in   their mind I don't want to do that anyway let's  see I would like to make a check okay I would now   like to take another check okay I would now like  oh we see what's my play I go here he can't take   because of that so I like that let's like that and  when I rook that's checkmate by the way I knew it   was checkmate I was testing you okay okay nice so  basically what ends up happening here is you make   you're just trying to attack because your king is  never under attack here King is completely safe   on this Queen side of the board but you're trying  to rip open all the protection because here black   only as a bishop and at night surrounding its king  yeah so in the all of this - castle opposite side   of him and then just fully attack King like that's  just yeah basically what you do is you just castle   the opposite side let me go back you castle the  opposite side and your idea is okay if black takes   you take back and you have to basically go this  with this Knight move to try and move tonight   and then remove the bishop yeah and if if if they  play I don't know move like this for example you   just again you can just do the same thing you do  this with Bishop h6 g4 h5 and take and then take   and make the Chuck but always the goal is to open  up this h-file for the further rook okay I got you   make sense I got it I think it's ingrained in my  head now okay so now let's see okay so someone in   my chat was saying what if what if like boy boy  were to play a move like Queen to b6 trying to   keep an eye on the [ __ ] from the night so if  black ever plays a move like this what you can   do is you can move your Knight to f5 here because  now you're attacking the Queen with the bishop and   your knight guards the bishop ah nice and then  he has to move his piece and then we need does   that voilá takes right exactly yeah and so so then  then when black takes takes a knight I can either   I guess look to continue attacking by pushing the  pawn but if there's any better moves maybe I try   to get my queen out of the center by doubling  it up right here onto this line over here and   Ahmed is inside yeah so now let's say black goes  back can't counsel your King King slide so again   you do the same thing you just castle your King to  the Queen side and you look to attack and rip open   this h-file and try to create create pressure okay  okay so so and also remember in if you if your   opponent ever as a setup and this doesn't just  apply to the game but in general if they're ever   like three pawns like this and there's no bishop  in in the middle here then it's always a serious   weakness long-term me you should always look  to attack towards the king okay got it so I'll   just let me see there's one other I'm just going  to give one other one other last little bit so   here what's your move if the knight moves there I  can I guess ignore it and just push pawn but does   he have any attack remember the ideas are this  is where kind of you what you want it actually   I guess what I would say is you really want to  you want a tunnel a little bit you really only   or you just need to be careful there no checkmates  here but you really do want a tunnel towards like   both this H and this G file towards the king okay  I guess I'll trade that piece since I don't really   care about anyway and then I just continue  my attack exactly and so now now let's say   I take the pawn you have to be careful because  if you go push page six I can just play rook   takes Knight mmm okay so what you would do here  something a little bit different you bring the   knight back to e to first okay so I'm just gonna  play around a move so now what's your next move right that's that's fine but but first before  you do that you can also do this one as well yeah   now when I go back now I look any make threats  takes takes two that's not made there I guess I   just take care huh and then I can look to push  pawn to kick but that's bad actually this pawn   will probably better but even then that's not  even that good any crazy and lose any threats   here is Kings already weak but I just got to make  sure I don't get me dead here let's check mm-hmm   I think instantly but there should be some type  oh now I kick that oh wait no no no bad bad bad   I go here because now he either has to take with  Queen and then I win Queen or it takes with this   and then it's maitenance silly right exactly now  I'm gonna I'm gonna go a little bit further just   just so you see that see the idea so now if I  move the rook to see a time threatening your   pawn on c2 so in this case you actually just take  the pawn with Chuck and after King moves you take   the rook and you're just way ahead here yeah oh  yeah yeah yeah so I'm gonna play this movement   now the way you make the checkmate here if you  push this pawn forward because now what happens   if I capture if you capture I have a check and  now I go here and meet exactly words like if you   look at this position if you capture the nice  basically what happens is you create the square   by capturing the yeah okay that's yes I see so  yeah are she so now you would push the pond so   I can't capture the night right okay so only way  that I can stop the checkmate is moving the night   here so now that move this rook takes I will  take your rook and now find the final moving   the sequence think pod up he can take and doesn't  really give me anything so that makes no sense I   can go here but then he could just take pawn and  I guess I wouldn't pawn back I don't really want   anything once again I could take here it doesn't  win me anything but then again he's rook defending   the back brink but that doesn't mean anything  I can get this other piece of the game no one   move mate here it's not one move but it's it's  this is actually it's just a theme so what you   do is you go night Chuck okay and so what  happens I'm right now what's the next move okay all I see that I go here oh right yeah  it's just it's the game's over yeah okay so   this basically all the ideas you like normally  normally actually I think every other lesson   I've done this hasn't occurs is like I basically  give basic setups where you can play on both   sides but when you play this play this this  opening where you castle on the Queen side   especially you do want a tunnel you literally  will only want to try and focus on this side of   the board make sure you don't blunder anything  in the middle but you're completely focused on   trying to checkmate the black King and the  idea is always involved h5 in fish page six   so like let's go back to this position now  so here I if I play I don't know what's the   logical moves that a human would play let's  just say I move my Queen to a5 for example okay I want to make sure he can't just  capture this for free ever and he's also   threatening a double attack and then he can  bring over the rook for a triple attack so   I can either look for a defending move or I  can go here and then defend this piece and   then continue attacking mm-hmm so actually  what you would play here as you play Knight   here okay now you attack the queen with  your knight right mm-hmm and also that   this is another thing so think of it this  way let's say the move doesn't matter here   because it's kind of irrelevant but I just  want to show you so if you were to move your   bishop here one of the big problems with  this is that black and always play Knight   takes pawn okay if you take with a pawn I take  tonight because the bishop guards the rook mmm okay okay I got that so what you do here  is make sure that there's there no tricks   like on this diagonal so you play a move like  Knight b3 first if I go back what's your next   move then I can now look right exactly just  tunneling and focusing only on this side of   the board now if I take actually maybe  I take this first yeah and when I take   instead of that actually I look for this  same idea different yeah yeah it's the same   idea with the truck mate okay so when you  go here let's just say I move I work here gotta make sure one you know not enough  defenders I can wait that's all you double   attack let's find connect pawn and that so  I don't think I have to worry about that too   much like take with pawn okay if I take this way  and then I can take mm-hmm right exactly so what   I have to do here is one takes I had to take  with this pot mm-hmm so what's your next move I'm thinking of going here but obviously this  is dirting so somehow I need to kick that piece   maybe I pawn up here but I could do that but  again I really want you to kind of tunnel and   focus so what you want to do is you want to  take and now you push this pawn here okay can   I just look for check over here check right  but there's a slight difference because of   where my pawns are mm-hm okay and then I have to  question and my queens just they're not guarding   it okay right so basically when you push this  pawn there there's also another another idea   that you should I'm just gonna play random mooks  just just so you see the idea but if I push this   pawn there's always also this other idea with pawn  here and when take your pawn what's your next move right because you remove the knight which  defines the bishop yeah because you give   this one pawn you opened up this the D file  and now the knight is under attack you're on   f6 so so it's a general idea and now let's  say black plays move like b5 here there are   a couple ways to win but I'll just show you  one so one way one would be Queen here and if   black was like king f7 you can play pawn to  g5 attacking this night here on f6 yeah and   now the knight has to move to like h5 so what's  your next move check and now if I block what's   do I have any ideas takes doesn't make sense  so remember you want to keep attacking yeah   how can I continue attacking this piece I guess  it's my questions I can't look here to that now   that doesn't really do anything I can't kinda  get the other pieces activated I don't really   think so I don't know what these pieces either  maybe boo I don't see anything yes both most of   the time when you think you don't see I think  you're right pawn respond and then takes and   then I can take that if he wins the pawn or I  can continue pushing the brain go to King there   when you're attacking you want to play for  straight straight attacks and straight threats   okay straight attacks and straight so it's like  you want to play a move where you're gonna win   something with your next move after that yeah  but isn't this that that move because let's say   takes and takes right but but but I don't have  to take your pawn I just play this and then I   takes but then takes I see okay so remember when  you when you when you're playing like this you   want to attack so pushing the pawn is not a bad  move here but it doesn't attack anything this   one does that attack anything not directly  now by the move that attacks something okay here takes takes no but then he could just take  so it doesn't really do anything no no mm-hmm   I think I'm stupid so the move you play here you  saw it originally as rook here okay because you're   attacking the pawn on g6 oh I see I think more  sense yeah so so when you're playing this this   weight when you're playing this think of it this  way like you want your cure both side Kings aren't   obstet sides both players are trying to attack  so you want to always try to create threats like   where you're winning knights or you're threatening  the King and threatening checkmates mm-hmm so you   don't really like for example don't you you never  really are gonna have time to play a random move   like a pawn push to a3 or move like pawn to  f4 you're never gonna have this opportunity so   so what's happened is because the Kings are on  opposite sides of the board you're trying that   you're trying to go for the checkmate immediately  and get to the black king it's basically so so so   now I'll just play random move like I don't know  like pawn here okay mm-hmm just to give you an   exact or okay I have to move my piece and defend  I can go here okay and now I take oh wait okay but   basically what happens is I'm you can just we'll  just play next few moves out so you understand so   I make the track okay but I can use nake yeah  so basically the point that the point that I'm   making here you hear yeah is that it falls apart  instantly for you as white yeah so because so you   basically have to have that urgency to realize  that you're you're attacking your opponent but   he's attacking you too so you better be really  fast and make attacking make threats that are   threatening the king or threatening the knights  and the rooks immediately because otherwise I'm   gonna just be just as fast when I attack your king  yeah now that make sense so basically you're ahead   but what was the reason that I really think this  makes sense to play as it turns into a 50/50 like   if your attack is quicker most of moves should  come very natural naturally but if you're behind   you'll lose but if you're if you're quicker you're  gonna win so it becomes a race for who gets who's   King gets attacked first so this is probably what  I'm gonna recommend in general terms for what you   play and you're always looking to push this pawn  and trying to get rid of those bishops now um   let's just I'm trying to think of another set of  black and do here that makes sense there's only   a response to the accelerated dragon I guess like  yeah I mean basically as it is if you want to look   at well I guess it applies to the the disorder as  well not this would happen but d4 takes black can   also play it in this order with like this with  this these ponds mm-hmm and so now you would do   the same thing you bring the bishop out I'll go  here and now again you push the pawn to stop the   Knight g4 move castles and now you play Bishop c4  with the same idea so what you're going to do is   gonna play Queen d2 Bishop b3 and castle your king  and try to go for the same Bishop h6 an h4 idea   okay so um I think what else can kind of occur  trying to think of other setups okay let's let's   see let me make sure they're not watching actually  yeah no to me uh uh like it may make sense fully   I understand the setup the only thing is like an  opponent like boy boy and I guess like hutch to   feels like they're more dynamic in in this sense  that like they'll they can switch stuff up or   do different openings or play whatever different  stuff they do I haven't like researcher games but   I just that's how I feel actually from watching  boy boys sometimes like like he plays different   stuff it's not like always like most critical he  plays a four a five or you know what I mean like   efore d4 well everything I've seen boy boy play  he has actually played he has played some kind   of accelerate dragon against at least I've seen  I'll take a look at I'll take a look at some of   the other games and I'll give you something else  as well against one of the other setups later on   off stream just because there is one other set  up that he might do that I that I have in mind   so I'll just I'll mention something something  to you and a DM later but I think for right now   for the basics of setting this up what this is how  you how you want to how you want to play this it's   basically just create I don't know how you would  exactly what your how you would remember the setup   but basically you all want to put the bishops on  these two squares keep the Knights in the center   move the Queen and castle your king to the Queen  side yeah I think I got that already that make   that makes sense to me fully and then you just  basically just go all and you try to attack with   the Queen the bishop and open up the age line but  if you if you do reach this position there was   something like like like one of these positions  always remember that you're gonna be looking to   tunnel everything is looking towards this King and  opening up these lines if possible and if you're   too slow you're too slow but most likely you're  gonna end up in a 50/50 spot where you're gonna   win the game or you're gonna lose you're basically  gonna win the game by force or like lose the game   so you got Chuck made it but you turn it into a  50/50 where if your opponent does not check meet   you you're gonna checkmate that yeah I like that  I like that idea so I think the main thing is just   knowing and being confident being a aggressive  and in your approach wait with white okay so   what about the scenario where in say in this  situation let's say random move he goes what   if he moves here well that's a free bishop way not  there not there sorry what if I go here okay wait   wait before I castle or whatever okay you know  it's like let me see you random move I go here   and then he captures because I captured the Queen  and it's the same thing where I just push the pawn   yeah so I'll give you an example so okay let me  just push this pawn castle the king I'm just gonna   play something like this okay so now you take  the knight I'll take back now Bishop h6 mm-hmm   and so yeah if you reach a position like this in  general where the capture occurs even though I do   this same thing you play h4 and actually here if  black pushes the pawn I think you can even ignore   it and just go h5 things that I take the knight  you can take the pawn yeah and black can't capture   with the pawn because the because of the diagonal  uh and you can't capture with this either cuz me   exactly so like something like pawn takes pawn you  you scoot the King offer and this is something as   well by the way this probably won't happen in  any of the games tomorrow but but there there   are formations like this where black at something  like a pawn right here and you ignore the pond you   leave this pawn in front of your kinks it's kind  of like a shield oh I like that yeah it's because   he's the only way black can attack you is like if  he can get a knight to one of these two squares or   if you could somehow get a queen down to this  a one square in the corner yeah but this pawn   basically serves as a shield that protects your  King from any threats that's cool and then you   just basically again same idea even let's just say  I push this pawn here you go here no actually but   actually this is important is what have you done  now uh what have I done can you attack my king no   see you've actually killed too because what's  happens now your pocket you see how this pawn   my king is safe in front of it so now you can't  attack my king so the better play is to look to   take a rope maybe you could do this but there's  a very straightforward idea which is just pushed   upon and again it's the same idea remove the  defender of this Pawnee and again if you get this   you again playing for the attack mmm but it's very  important it's actually even this position again   it's the same thing you can't really reach my king  the king is protected by this pawn in front of it mm-hmm so in general yeah the main thing goes  again even if black trade you're looking to attack   you're looking to push this pawn up the board  here so there's one other setup that I'll mention   mention offline I met you in ADM later but but  for the most part these are the basic setups that   will will occur here okay can you play a game of  it so I ever absolutely yeah sure yeah all right okay I was looking for just know I'm looking  for this okay the order is not super important I   suppose mm-hmm oh wait no I don't want to do that  actually about always I don't like that because I   want to get this piece that we want of me I can't  redo oh wait yeah we're in an actual game it's   fine it's fine this is underrated I'll just I'll  just we just need to start over okay okay hmm okay just saying by the way to want to know now this is not the setup is it there  you're supposed to push the pawn   to d4 okay let's rematch once again okay I see so remember one thing you want to stop  though remember what the pawns what you   you want to provide yeah yeah I see that he  has that so I want to push this pawn mm-hmm   very good now I want to castle okay I see  that attacker and now I just want to start   tunneling since my pieces are not quite  remember remember okay you're supposed   to move the bishop back first cuz now the  problem is I can't eat yes yes it's okay   I'll play I'll play move just so you can you  King I got a smooth the bishop back mm-hmm do I care about that no I don't so  I want to continue my attack now   let's aim for the head okay no okay I think I can okay um here so remember you want to attack yeah I'm thinking  I'm thinking what's the best I take then take I   mean how good that is Klein is decent and then you  get my queen I guess here and then I can look for   that but then his rooks gonna be defending that  square so I'd need to somehow maneuver my other   pieces I guess here but I I think I just want to  get my other pieces in the game my other pawns   is that viable pushing my Jeep on here that's  100% the right move yes you you almost always   want to push this pawn because first of all  it takes away space from the knight but also   you can push the pawn and remove the knight  from the F six square as well okay here okay I think takes ticks rush takes hmm okay yeah okay not not let's heard of the  best move but it's fun we'll play this out   okay so I wanted to you keep trying to it okay  okay now not to hmm I was thinking I can look   for some type of ideas like takes mmm-hmm very  good very good so like even though like here I   will be able to sort of since I'm this is I'm  pretty good at chess I'll be able to refute   the idea even here when you're down the rook  for the night be the pawns are very very weak   here with the King on g7 so this is also why I  like it is because even if you hadn't making a   mistake here down you still have the attacking  ideas down towards it yeah so now I I'm actually   gonna faction to take miss I figure out how  to refute this because it's not easy okay I'm thinking what a good move for me be Queen  to g2 and then double up the attack on top of   the king and then look to win the that's a good  move but there's a better score that you can go   to here oh I see I go to g5 mm-hmm and then  it's just easier what's my play it this this   oh it's not actually good I didn't see the  Queen attacking so I was gonna push the epon   but I wanted to get the F pawn to defend it so  when pawn takes pawn can take back but then the   Queen can actually just take so I'm actually  not really attacking the rook there so I see   why that's not ideal move actually maybe I  can maneuver my knight somehow to get into   the game f4 is a very good move that's re  f-words actually the best for the position   cuz your queen guards upon like if you push the  pawn we capture Queen guards it well yeah yeah I   did see I see I see I see oh that's what I knew  yeah I thought that through I see they're mine yeah f4 is absolutely the best for the position  because you're threatening to push the pawn and   remove the brook which is defending the pawn  on g6 here yeah that was my idea I just I saw   the Queen attacking but then I just remember  that my queen could obviously just win the free   Queen so he can't actually ever capture that  pawn guy right exactly yeah also why is your   rating 697 okay I lose the time I play league  in the middle of my games okay okay all right   okay so let me go here okay I go here and then  that's double defended let's just kick okay oh well this is completely losing now actually  yes it is completely losing now right yeah it's   just lost because I'll always be down at peace  in the situation right but not even just she'll   be down a piece but the thing is you no longer  have a look like you always need a queen and a   rook you know you can attack whereas here what  happens as I kind of diffuse your whole attack   because I trade the rooks off mm-hmm okay I mean  you can just resign here there's no need to or   we can keep playing okay yeah I just want to  go back a couple of moves so so actually when   I played Queen dd8 I'll move 24 we don't need a  second just pull it up on your board that's fine what a momento what I do hmm hello can you hear  me can I just deal took me I'm very pleased my   head to them hold on okay I can hear you now okay  you can hear me good okay all right um so yeah I   was saying go back to move 24 after Queen to d8  okay Queen to d8 and now for example there are a   couple moves that you can play first of all you  could play Queen takes pawn on each five Queen   takes pawn it oh okay yeah rook yeah that's nice  so that's one move you can also push the other   pawn to f5 here okay and the point is I'd like  capture you can just capture back yeah and then   you can never capture with the rook because then  I just take the g7 as well and if I take with the   bishop butcher move you take with bishop here  then I can look for just taking with my knight   exactly and also if I don't take the pawn your  next move will be to move your knight to either   d5 or efore and then the whole Kings side for  me just completely collapses in like one move   yeah because Rick has under attack another pawn  on g6 is also gonna fall fall so PI over 2 if I   move the other pawn I actually could have won  um probably not I probably could have found a   defense here maybe let me see what the computer  says let me see well okay it doesn't matter I   mean prop probably I can defend here medium move  like I don't know like mm I can probably take the   pawn and the sacrifice my Brooke back to c3 here  I can sacrifice my rook for the knight on c3 but   in general it's not it's not really about that  it's that like even here when you're behind as   long as you're still on the offensive and you're  attacking they're always are gonna be ideas to   make checkmates and attack the blocking yeah so  so in general just keep that in mind like even if   something bad happens for you to give a rook for a  bishop as long as the black king is gonna be under   attack you're always gonna have chances okay yeah  so okay so I guess okay let's just take a quick   look at something with maybe with black then  um cuz you cuz it is two games right yeah yeah   yeah okay so give me a second I'm gonna go to the  bathroom I'll be back on the world yeah all right   shot so okay um II 6 is amazing movie boy boy can  play that I mean he'll play the London system I   know I have to come up with something else London  I don't know what I can think of this the Matic   for the London but I'll think of something in the  next there is next like 75 seconds I'll think of   something let me let me flip the board of course  ya know I mean the whole reason I'm giving in the   brute-force attack you guys is because I think  it's something that is more suited it's something   where it turns it into very much a 50/50 where if  he plays the right moves he gets the attack and   he has a chance 75 seconds we were counting yeah  so I do like it I do like it I mean in general I   don't like this notion of becoming coach versus  coach what I'm trying to do is show them a basic   theme because I do I don't know what boy boy's  gonna do it I mean I'm sure there are games that   I can find a boy boy where he's played it but  I don't feel that it's in the spirit for me to   go and look and see okay he's gonna play this  specific move on movie and I can prep it all   the way out to move 20 I don't think that's the  that's the attitude I want to give basic themes   basic ideas so if something weird happens he'll  be prepared and he won't just be he won't be he   won't be freaked out he won't lose his mind I mean  I think it's better than 15% but it's hard to know they cover Queen b6 and Queen B - to couch  with London I mean that's kind of weird act   as a system I don't know I would never teach  someone to play Queen b6 and queen takes be too   big because to me it doesn't feel it doesn't  feel somatic it's like bring the Queen out   and try to attack but it's not like there's no  theme or no there's no rhythm to the idea so I   don't really like it in general opening traps are  worth worth a shot that's why I like him playing   this aggressive attacking opening playing the  Yugoslavia against the Sicilian dragon I really   do like it as a thematic idea so so it seems  like a good idea and I like it I would never   teach someone to straight-up like I would not go  and crunch the games and look at like move town   he plays this or that move okay I am back hello  all right cool all right so let's look at some   stuff yeah with the black pieces so apparently  boy boy is gonna play pawn to d4 okay right and   now he's gonna play Knight to f3 so again against  void boy I'm hearing my Intel is that he's gonna   play the London system so this idea of playing the  Stonewall to me I don't think it's gonna work as   as effectively you had the game against hutch for  example where this occurred and you got into some   trouble so I think what I'm gonna recommend is  that you play something a little bit differently   so I I think you should play Knight to f6 okay  he's gonna play Bishop tothe four and now what   you want to do or actually yeah let's look at  this set at first and there's one other set up   afterwards so push the pawn to e6 so white pushes  the pawn to e3 yeah and now the movie plays pawn   to c5 this kind of reminds me of the UH what's  the opening we play the Dragons silly dragon no   the one that you taught me the it's not exactly  just like this pawn move actually I guess where   I take back at the bishop when he taught me how  he could play dance much critical oh that's the   odds that's that was actually it was I think  it was this way most critical plays efore right   yeah yeah no I mean you're the pawn structure  is very similar like again you try to put the   pawns and put the bishop here basically yeah yeah  and you will do it again but first thing you want   to do is try to attack this pawn structure so  let's just say white brings the knight out here   what you will do here is you'll push the pawn  to prevent this idea with Knight b5 and it's   very nasty idea to fork your King in your rook  mm-hmm and then you continue this develop with   96 and Bishop d6 those are the next two moves  now the reason I'm not going to give you more   moves here is because it's gonna turn into the  same thing anyway just with other moves so white   plays pawn to c3 so now here are the moves that  I want you to play as Bishop to d6 offering this   exchange of the bishops ya wanna change how  a bishop is in my dark Square like a really   well this is White's Bishop kind of controls the  diagonal already so White's Bishop is better than   your bishop okay so Bishop d6 I really think is  a good move now I should say white why can't play   many setups but let's just say white Musa Bishop  back here now to finish your development what was   your next move be just get my knight here yes you  could you know but but there you know it so sorry   oh that's fine what you want to do here is you  want to castle your King finish the development   first so now I'm gonna play Knight PD - and the  move I want you to play here is a Queen to c7 so the reason that I want you play this move  is because I actually don't want you to put   the night on the c6 square because eyes know  where to really go I guess well well actually   the reason is because let's just say I played  Bishop d3 here you go 97 now if you were to go   knight c6 here the problem is that white could  just take the pawn mmm and you can't take then   you would lose your queen yeah yeah so you go  to Knight pd7 and the point behind putting the   Queen here was specifically so you could bring the  knight out to this square and you no longer lose   the bishop because in queen guards the bishop  yeah and it's now white castles and what you do   here is you push this pawn to e5 okay and let's  just say I play random Miranda move like rook   c1 mode your next move be my next move here I  can just hit that exactly and it's a fork you   win the night or the bishop so white kind of has  to take this pawn and now here is very important   actually that you take with the night so now I  will take back let's just trade go here and now   where you put the Queen as you put the Queen to  e7 and what basically the next like three moves   you're gonna play well I guess depends what white  does but let's just say white moves to Brooke here   you'll put the bishop on g4 to pin the night in  the night and the Queen mm-hmm and I'm just gonna   play a random move like rook c1 and now you're  gonna put the rooks on I guess it doesn't really   matter which is squares but let's just say you  play work d8 okay I'm just gonna make random   moves and now you put the rook here so this is  kind of the dream setup if you can get it where   you get the rooks on the two two files at the D  file and the e-file yeah and you're gonna follow   it up with a the same kind of idea you're gonna  bring the knight here and you're gonna lift the   rook to g6 try to attack towards the king okay I  always lift the DD rock instead of the rook yeah   because Europe continues holding the east file so  you can't ever run their four pawns are doing it   right so I'm just gonna make some random moves  let's say you reach this sort of position this   is very similar it's not quite the same cuz  they're no know dark square bishop but this   is very similar to to what you were looking at  in the stone wall yeah because you can just do   the same thing bring the brook create the threads  and then you all kinds of ideas towards the white   King mm-hmm so that was some random moose now  I'm gonna play h3 here so let's say I push the   pawn to h3 you don't have access to this square  so what you do is you do you do you develop but   you're doing a slightly different way you go  pawn here okay I'll just play work here then   I go b7 mm-hmm exactly I know I'm just gonna  play that Queen here No uh you can always look   to push the pond but what you want to do is put  the rooks in the center again so something like   okay something like this and play rook rook e8  or even here you can maybe just go ninety four   right away with the same idea of lifting lifting  the rook to g6 and long-term you are looking to   open up this diagonal down towards the the white  white King uh-huh so this is probably what what   else can white do here let me think so I guess  theoretically white can make this check on on b5   here so now if white makes this check right away  you can't block with your knight beat because   then then I take your Bishop yeah that's above  my other bishop all right well if you do this I   can bring back the or I can bring back the other  night oh wait then you still take so okay here   you have to put the knight forward you have to  put the knight on c6 okay and I guess let's just   say white plays Knight to e5 here and the mountain  now that movie you can play is just again you can   play beam to c7 here okay Queen to c7 I see yes  right and basically you're looking to castle the   King here but because White has put the knight  here too early let's say White Castle to Castle   you're threatening to win you're starting to win  win a pawn right if white takes then you can just   take back yeah and then white trades the bishops  and say moves the bishop back again you can do   the same thing just push the pawn in the center  and try to open everything up here again same   thing you want to bring the bishop and you want  to put the rooks on these open open files okay I think there's anything else I don't know I  mean maybe he'll do some other setup within   this but I think the main thing is remembered  bring the bishop out castle your king and then   try to develop your queen in your knight here okay  yeah it seems pretty easy to remember considering   like feels like the same ideas in the past you  know yeah I mean that doesn't mean thing that   I'm sure it's just ideas that are pretty similar  and since you've seen them already like you just   have to figure out the right or it's kinda like  that jigsaw puzzle it's just like you know what   you're trying to do but you just have to put  the put the piece in the right order no that's   uh yeah I think that should be fine more or  less but definitely like go back I think in   watch the ball and check the white stuff and I'm  just if you need more reference by the way you   you want to look it up offline it's it's gonna  be called basically the Yugoslavia so so if you   if you want to look it up you can you can also  check that way Yugoslav attack not defense it's   called the attack because you're white now I'm  talking about the white opening okay okay okay   so it's basically with with white look up like  the Sicilian Dragon and the Yugoslavia Tech okay   will do yeah yeah they're hoped a lot last  time when I we like had the coaching lesson   but obviously I don't remember like I remember  everything currently but I guarantee you in like   five hours almost all that's gone out the window  cuz I don't fully around obviously but yeah when   I watched over the vaad it like brought it all  back and I felt refreshed for the match chance   most critical mmm-hmm no I'll do that again for  sure yeah it worked it worked well that's why   you mess up the opening but even though you were  down that pond you still found the right general   ideas and concepts after that after that hiccup  yeah it was just yeah it was very smooth so I was   very impressed thank you thank you yeah so I mean  I won't just just stay focused take a look at the   vaad and I mean maybe he'll do something different  but I think it's a good good starting point and   I think what you want is you you want positions  that are more complicated because your strength   relative to say VoIP or the other players is that  you're very you're better from what I've seen at   these puzzles than they are when it's very very  tricky when it's like two to three move sequences   oh yeah you're right you're right on par with  with with where they're at so that's you want   positions that are complicated you can get it I  will do will definitely watch the bar over thank   you again for the advice and yeah alright looking  forward to any you know messages you got offline   for me yeah I'll I'll send you like one or two  one or two and get about some other setups but   yeah it should be pretty good right yeah no sure  thank you once again go I appreciate it and then   also like I said before in the past if you ever  want to play League Call of Duty anything just   let me know yeah yeah I definitely well the only  reason I haven't haven't done that as you cuz I I   have my own event coming up in like five days  that I have to plan for China it's like if I   go and do that than ever and I do Godley or  something everyone's gonna be ya know I got   100% but yeah yeah definitely in the future for  sure all right well thank you so much again I   appreciate it and have a good one bye Chad good  luck tomorrow hi guys thank you thank you viber
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Views: 74,477
Rating: 4.9517198 out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, how to prepare, how to prepare for stronger opponents, prepping for chess games, preparing for chess games
Id: CCfjMuJ5gLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 7sec (4447 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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