How to Power level Your Gear Score FAST With This Island Guide! (Tier 1 Gearing Guide)

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what's going on guys vulcan here and today we're island hopping to farm tons of upgrade materials so we can get our gear as high as we possibly can and then progress through all of the end game tiers now this route i'm going to cover is extremely easy to do doesn't require a high item level and gives you thousands of guardian and destruction fragments as well as a huge pile of harmony leap stones and harmony shards all of which are going to help you upgrade your gear super super fast now there is a drawback lots of these quests are roster quests which means they are a one and done so you want to complete these on a character that you want to like a main and then take advantage of all the materials now obviously there are some that are account bound so you can just funnel them to your main if you would like to um if you prefer to like clear them on a sorcerer and then kick them all over to your paladin you can still do that but just know that you're not gonna be able to go to each island every single time and complete these now the best thing about this process is that it is incredibly fast now i do recommend reaching level 50 first honestly it just helps speed things up you kill things more quickly and it just makes a lot more sense now also remember to keep all of your chests unopened until you actually need them this helps keep things tidy and allows you to select the items you need rather than guessing especially when it comes to those pirate coins right there's like 15 different ones some vendors require a gillian coin others require other coins it's just it's a mess so in terms of timing i was able to complete this entire route in about two and a half hours and it didn't even feel like that you just kind of blasted through it now one last thing before we get started make sure to check your una's tasks to see where those and these islands overlap because again you want to work smarter not harder in lost ark i mean this is a game that you want to stack as many things up as you can and then knock them all down at once so let's go ahead and let's get things kicked off with our first island called serenity isle now this is an island off the coast of luterra it's super fast to complete all you want to do is pick up the purple quests and then run those until you need to visit mirai ruins and torchwake's heart these are two dungeons you completed throughout the main story now here you have a choice right you can do those dungeons now and earn some upgrade materials plus a skill potion or you can wait to complete it later on now me i waited i went through the whole route and then went back later on it seemed to work out well for me but i know some people really want those extra skill points as soon as they possibly can now once you're done with serenity island and you're done with the dungeons if you go that direction we're gonna go ahead and head out to toto silver this is another very very very fast island to complete now the nice thing about this one is that most of the objectives if not all of the objectives are literally right where the quest giver is so you literally grab the quest do something and turn the quest back in so it is very very fast so pick up all the quests here run them to completion you're going to earn more upgrade materials a frustrated emo as well so make sure to open that up in your inventory and add it to your emote menu now once you complete toto silver you want to set sail for freedom island this is a very kind of low maintenance island you do a few quests you'll get some engraving chests but the next thing you want to do is set sail for black fangs din now this is an island that features the pirate black thing and her spunky sidekick now here you're going to be picking up skulls swords you're killing rats fending off attacks from other pirates and you're going to be completing all of these quests but you will reach a point where you cannot progress anymore and you're going to have to visit pato island so what you want to do is go ahead and stow this quest for now we'll come back to it later and you want to go ahead and set sail for a lullaby island now this is another place that will not allow us to finish the quest line immediately however we can still capitalize on some really awesome materials so lullaby island is going to send you on this journey to talk to hidden fairies now there's a trick to talking to these fairies you have to answer in a certain order in terms of dialogue options or else it'll restart the kind of request so for the first fairy you need to choose the first option twice and then the second option for the second ferry you want to choose the second option twice and then the first option twice for the third fairy you want to choose the first option twice the second option twice and then the first option twice again this is going to progress the story to a point where you need to complete an event now this event is going to take place every two hours you're going to see a ton of players here so it's not like it's going to be something you're going to miss now i would highly recommend placing a bifrost teleport here and then come back when the events up it just that makes things easier you don't have the whole kind of sailing travel time you don't need all of that stuff however there is a hiccup you do need the song of resonance in order to complete this quest now luckily for us that is going to be something we're going to pick up on this quest chain so we're going to be able to pick that up and kind of continue uh working forward and then come back to lullaby island here in a little bit so for now we can't do anything else for lullaby let's go ahead and progress to estella now this is the island of the falling stars and i gotta say guys this is one of my favorite islands just for the aesthetic i mean the actual quest here really aren't that exciting i mean you just circle the island a bunch of times until you gather enough stars there's a couple other things you do but it was still worth the trip right you get tons of materials you get some engraving books and just the view of the island is really really cool so once you're done with the stella i would highly recommend stopping in anika to repair your ship replenish any items you need or just take a break for a little bit but once you're ready to roll out go ahead and head north up to panda island aka the lost ark miss of pandaria now this island has two purposes one it gives huge amounts of materials through those roster quests but it also has an event that hands out small amounts of materials as well as long as you continue to complete it so if you want to cosplay as a panda for a little bit stop here have a good time eat some bamboo take a couple naps the quests themselves are super easy but there is one step that does require you to find these hidden paths on the island and it's really a pain so here's a map that's going to show where all of those hidden areas are trust me follow the map avoid pulling your hair out if you are a glutton for punishment you can try to figure it out yourself but if you want it there it is now once all the pandas are done and your requests are complete you want to set sail for starlight aisle now here you're going to complete all of the quests until you reach a step that asks you to go to shoeshire so what you want to do is uncheck the tracking for that one because we're going to pick up a couple other quests and those will also send us to shoeshire or around shoeshire so we want to make sure to knock them all out as efficiently as possible so go ahead and uncheck the tracking for that one and we're gonna head out to our next island which is actually a cruise ship called pato island now this one has a ton of stuff that we actually need to do so the first thing you want to head up to the upper deck and then finish the quest step for black things din and then pick up the quest's iceberg inquiry this is going to give us a new quest line going up to glacier island which is up near shoeshire then you want to complete becoming an idol which rewards the sway emote which you will need later on for dream goal island now lastly pick up the song song of resonance from treasure hunter ingram for 16 500 pirate coins you're gonna need it for lullaby island because remember i mentioned earlier we need that song of resonance in order to complete that event that's on lullaby island so if the event's coming up you can go ahead and head back there and just knock that one out you have to do it three times in order to get the song that we need to do dream goal island so it's a bunch of kind of interwebbing stuff i'll have a video on it but just know for now if you want to go get a head start on that go back to lullaby island and complete that event or we can keep progressing to the next island but either way we're done for now with pato now the next island we're off to is dream goal island so for this one we need a song from lullaby island i just mentioned it the forest of minuet so if you're missing it honestly you can't do too much on this island so i would say just skip it for now or if you want to you can dock and then try to complete as many of the quests as you can it's your choice either way we're gonna head back out to sea and we're gonna go to golden wave island now golden wave has some big material chess and engraving books this island is a little bit trippy because it has just tons of chests that are constantly spawning now most of these are going to drop resources for the quest chain but you can also get the island token from these so if you want to spend a little bit more time trying to get it then go for it otherwise finish this incredibly short quest and then move on to the next island shadow island so shadow island is probably one of my favorite places aesthetically i mean it just reminds me of this like old-timey transylvanian style tower of horrors and i mean it kind of is so i guess they nailed it but this island is gonna send you up through multiple floors of a tower and you're gonna complete these quests against tons of enemies now unfortunately the questing here is literally the opposite of how cool this place looks you have to run up to these floors multiple times to complete multiple kill quests and find multiple dead bodies and it just feels very out of place against the otherwise kind of okay questing experience that the other islands have provided so you're gonna have to kill a hundred enemies turn that quest in get another quest to kill another hundred enemies do that and then go back and then turn those in and get a quest to go fight rikdis which honestly might be a wall for some people because he does require a high item level so that's kind of you know up to you if you're able to kind of take him down then continue working forward if you're not i would highly request just stowing this one for now and continuing onward to cal hertz now a quick kind of note on the kill 100 enemies thing go up to the fourth floor with all these harpies do that one it has the most mob density you can get it done very quickly compared to the other floors beneath it so let's go ahead and let's talk about cal hertz a little bit so cal hertz is this prison island where a group is basically auctioning off slaves now the whole quest line here is about purchasing slaves to then release them now the first series of quests is extremely straightforward i mean you're literally just answering questions but then you get into an area where you have to choose the slaves to purchase which will be released and this is where a little bit of rng comes into play so you can buy up to five slaves per day and once you do they're going to send you some items in the mail now unlike other mail pieces you actually have to go to a mail carrier in order to access these now this is still on calher so you don't have to leave calharts and go somewhere else so open your mini map look for i think his name's like trey so look for trey and then you can go open up those mail items now in the mail you're going to receive some money some materials and a chance at the island heart but you'll also receive the items for the quest that you need called collected information you need to get three of these on the same day in order to proceed if you don't get them then the quest will reset and you have to come back the next day to try again now if you do you can go ahead and turn that quest in and then choose white wave island as your stop now white wave is very very very very fast literally you're going to pick up one quest and then head out because it's going to send you to roandale and then from here you can go up to shoeshire and complete the quest up there even if you've already completed the main quest we still have to go up there to complete these roster quests to get all of those materials but folks that is the end of the route we've gone from lutera all the way up to shoeshire hitting the best islands in between so at this point you should have tons of upgrade materials especially like i said if you've already completed shoeshire you should just be sitting on an absolute mountain of materials now i was able to take all of these like i said from this route and raise my eye level from 310 to 420. it was just it was crazy now you can obviously continue grinding out a few of the islands that have events to earn even more upgrade materials but there are some other methods out there as well like infinite chaos dungeons guardian raids and roandale dungeons so there are a whole bunch of different ways you can actually go out and get these materials but that wraps this video up everybody i hope that this island route has helped you get a huge kickstart for your main character and gets you as close as possible tier 2 content now if you like lost ark and want to learn more consider subscribing because i have tons of plans for this game lots of content on the way and i hope that you all enjoy it but i did want to say thank you so much for all the support it has been literally unreal i mean this past couple weeks has just been so crazy in terms of channel growth in terms of meeting people i mean a lot of the people that have shown up in discord have just been amazing to interact with and i just i couldn't ask for a better community by the way if you do want to join the community there is a link in the description below we'd love to have you so this has been vulcan everybody again thank you so much and i will talk to you on the next one [Music] [Music] deep breath and you're on your way
Channel: Vulkan
Views: 238,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vulkan, diablo 4, wolcen: lords of mayhem, Last Epoch, wolcen lords of mayhem, path of exile, outriders, lost ark, lost ark beginners guide, lost ark island guide, lost ark islands, lost ark island token, lost ark island order, lost ark islands to do, lost ark island materials, lost ark how to, lost ark how to level up fast, lost ark how to get gold, lost ark how to get engravings, lost ark how to upgrade gear, lost ark how to get class engraving, lost ark how to get to 460
Id: GLhF5yBp7wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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