How to Post Your First YouTube Video [Step-by-Step]

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are you ready to upload your very first youtube  video that is an exciting moment so today I've   got for you a step-by-step guide to making  that first youtube video you know me I'm Jen   Jagger creative director at plumb productions  professional video services and educator here   at my video the site that teaches you  to create your own videos if you're new here   make sure you subscribe to my channel and ring  that bell because if you're watching this video   I know you're interested in making videos for  your business and that is all I talk about here   on my channel I am so excited for you to finally  upload your first youtube video and if you're not   sure where to start I'm gonna break it down for  you step-by-step so you know exactly what you're   doing the first thing you're gonna want to do  is create a YouTube channel and it's actually   really easy and totally free which is amazing  because YouTube allows you to reach billions   of people across the globe for free so what you  need to do is head on over to youtube and sign   in with your Google account now you probably  have a Google account even if you don't think   you do but if you really don't first head on  over to Google and create that account that is   also free really simple just follow the steps  then go back over to YouTube and hit sign in   and you want to sign in with that Google account  information next up you're gonna click the user   icon and in the drop down menu hit my channel so  if you've never done this before you're gonna get   a pop-up box where you can name your channel  now you can name your channel after yourself   or you can use a business name the next step is  you're gonna need to plan your video and gather   everything you need for it so if you're gonna  be doing content marketing like I do here you   may want to have some bullet points handy that  you can refer to or if you're sharing with the   world your favorite chicken recipe you want to  make sure you have the ingredient so you get the   idea just know what your video is gonna be about  and get everything you need before you get started step number three is the fun step get your  camera and get rolling now you may not have   any fancy video equipment on hand but that's  okay just use your smartphone maybe you have   a DSLR and use that because that's what you have  on hand now and that's just fine maybe down the   road you want to invest in some more expensive  equipment but right now it's cool it's your first   youtube video the most important thing is that  you're actually doing it step number four is to   upload your video so head on over to YouTube  click that upload button and this window will   pop up now you can have your video be published  immediately as soon as it's done uploading or you   can schedule it to be published at a later date  so select your video and then just sit back and   wait for it to finish upload and processing  this can take a few minutes step number five   is to optimize your video this makes it easy for  YouTube to know what your videos about so people   can find you on YouTube and this is a really  important step so you want to give your video   a title that is really obvious there's no reason  to be clever here because you want your title to   be literally what people are typing into the  search bar on YouTube you also want to take   advantage of the description box where you can  type in a little paragraph about what your video   is about this tells the viewer and YouTube what  content is included in your video the next thing   you want to do is type in all relevant keywords  into the tags fields now YouTube gives you 500   characters to play with and I tell you use all  of them because this is the number one way to   tell YouTube what your videos about and to help  it get found by your viewership trust me do not   skip any of these optimization steps the most  important thing is that your video gets found   by an audience of people you don't know on  YouTube and the only way to make it happen   is to use the tools that YouTube delivers  to you to make your video easily searchable   so there you have it five steps to creating your  first youtube video it's a really exciting journey   I can speak about it from experience if you're  interested in more great tips for creating videos   for your business make sure you subscribe to my  channel and ring that Bell I'll see you next week
Channel: Jenn Jager
Views: 2,949,531
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Keywords: how to post your first youtube video, how to post on youtube, posting your first youtube video, how to make your first YouTube Video, my first video, youtube 101, start a channel, how to start a youtube channel, make a youtube video, making your first youtube video, how to start and grow a youtube channel, getting started on youtube tips, youtube step by step, how to make a youtube video, upload video, how to create a youtube video, how to start a youtube channel for beginners
Id: w25FNPlnXXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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