How To Polymeric Sand a Paver Patio (DIY)

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good morning everyone we're back what's up pup we're here benny we're here to polly sand there's a few pavers here and there that are a little damp still but the sun's coming out it's nice and breezy and everything should be dried up nice for us to do polymeric sand today so right now while we're waiting for that we're gonna take the pallets that we have to pay a deposit on those are about twenty dollars a piece right there so that's gonna be nice and we're gonna take our extra bricks and stuff we're gonna get all this stuff out of here go get our poly sand come back let's get into the day hi let this sun and the wind do its thing dry these pavers up nice we're gonna go get our polly sand we turn our pallets it's probably i don't know we got one two three four five six seven pallets eight pallets there's one more under here so it'll be about like 160 dollars it might end up pretty much uh changing out for the cost of the policy penny what's up bud how you doing the viewers are gonna start telling you you gotta quit smoking too it's not gonna just be me he's like well maybe i'll listen to that more than anybody else all right you guys heard him change benny's life live changed benny's life you heard him live leave a comment benny quit smoking and tell him why sure we all have an example in our lives to tell him why you shouldn't smoke no smokers smokey can't tell me to quit if you're smoking you can't tell them to quit all right that's cool see you later pop i'm glad there's a fence there bro he wants to really like see me or he's not happy with him i don't know he knows what ben affleck is he knows who ben affleck he wants a signature he's watched the town it's in one of his uh canine class videos you gotta watch the town you know the uh bank robbery movie at the top oh yeah i'm sorry dude that reference just went way over my head nice we're off we're off we're back and he's grabbing the machine we got our poly sand pallets are returned they're looking good it's made by alliance gator max g2 [Music] and the color's black diamond i'm very excited about that i usually use a shale gray but this is going to be a darker joint line to match the charcoal border and i'm pretty curious to see what it's going to look like [Music] nice job bud thanks everything is pretty much dry so i guess to go over the basics of polymeric sand that's the number one thing you have to make sure everything is dry and a good example we went something like this you see that little spot in the corner that's wet if you were to go over a paver that had something like that the polymers in the sand will get stuck into the porous porousness of the concrete paver and no matter how much you wash it or sweep it i mean you can wash it but if you don't get to it really quick it's going to harden up onto the brick and you won't be able to get it off and you'd either have to replace the paver maybe power wash it off and risk damaging other pavers so it's really a bad thing to put polymeric sand on anything wet even if it's even if it's damp just a damp paver is enough to make it get stained by the polymers in this polymeric seal so that's that's number one number two is you have to make sure that the patio that you just built or walkway that you built has the right pitch pitch away from the house or whatever structure you have it has to have the right pitch if there's any if there's any holes or dips in your patio or walkway the polymeric sand is gonna seal the joints up and not allow water to go through i think it's something like 99 of the water it prevents from permeating down so if you have a low spot in your walkway or your patio it's going to create a puddle so you have to make sure that in your prep and in your build you pitched everything correctly you checked it out with levels make sure everything's proper there's no sinkholes and if you want to make sure that i did that here make sure you check out the videos before a few videos before this one that goes over this entire build from excavation backfill to building to cutting all that stuff so make sure you check it out the only thing we need we got our two brooms which i'm gonna use the leaf blower and i'm gonna blow all the dirt and stuff out of make sure they're nice and clean and not wet we have those two and we have our tamper so once we go through sweeping the joints once we'll use the tamper to tamp the pavers let the sand settle and then what we're going to do is we're going to go through that area again to make sure all the joints are filled up properly and then we'll keep going with the process you could use a plate compactor with a mat there's a few specialized compactors out there that are rolling vibra vibratory compactors to tamp down areas like this and sometimes we have that equipment but today we don't so we're just going with our trusty old hand tamper and it works just enough to settle the sand into the joints and let you go through it again and make sure you fill that nice so there's really no uh no really rhyme or reason to what you do they say the best way to do it is to sweep it in at a 45 degree angle with the joints so you're not sweeping with the joint but uh every once in a while going straight with the joints is actually helpful so what we do is we'll just get it all in the joints in whatever way and then on the final sweep through we'll really go more at a 45 degree angle and make sure the joints don't get disturbed yep it's nice that the borders wide joints too dude that's why i like this stuff screwing around polly sanding like holland stone or something that's really tight oh what a miserable day bro that's why i like even taking down on the edges yeah you still get that joint line that doesn't touch yep these pavers are freaking perfect dude i really like them it's always breezy here dude always breezy now that i have a good portion sweeped in i'm going to use my tamper and i'm going to tamp this spot so that i can sweep over it and then get this area done now you can use a pad on something like this if you want if you have a pad for your tamper you can use that but you can also just use it just the way it is you just got to be careful i got a few here that i wanted to tap down by hand this is when you do your adjustments it's a little this corner right here is a little high so i'm going to settle that down in there all right so you can see the difference in where i tamped i'll settle down nicely as compared to someone identity so it is ideal to have a plate compactor with a mat for a situation like this because it's such a big area know sometimes it is what it is i don't quite i don't want to play compact yet but i will those things are a few thousand dollars and um i don't have one on rental right now so we're using the hand tamper and it's something that i also stand by that it's enough you don't need anything more so if you have a hand tamper and you're doing a small situation don't be afraid to uh to just use that the compaction of the the plate compactor is nice to have but it's not necessary so if you got to do it you can definitely use a hand tamper [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay we're looking good let's say we're a little bit more than halfway through we had 11 bags we've used six we have five left and i'm thinking we're going to be pretty pretty close with our estimate here so you've seen to sweep it out once tamp it and then sweep it again and this is the end result you're looking for you want the sand just below the top of the paver so what i'm going to do now real quick is i'm going to blow the extra off you can see this stuff right here see all this little dust here these pavers so we use our leaf blower on low idle keep the idle low and just blow all the extra poly sand dust that's on top of the pavers all right so i have a red max this thing i bought in 2014 i don't know if you can see it too good red max ebz 8500 biggest one they um made i know the newer ones probably have a little more power but this is going on eight years old now ben he still runs like a champ dude eight years old i love it it doesn't start [Music] so yo benny that's way better than the gray paulie dude it looks mint dude from now on out we don't use shell gray shale what yeah we do black diamond ever heard of black diamond no you're in a professional this is what you want as an end result after it's blown down the sands just below the top of the paver and there's no excess buildup on the top of the pavers you like the black diamond benny i love the black diamond what's the black diamond you said alliance gatormax sand g2 that's alliance that's who makes it that's the color black diamond polymeric sand it's good and it says it sets in 15 minutes rain safe after 15 minutes so that's a good thing it gives you a little bit more trust when you're putting it down so we're going to work from up here down and around the fire pit and off by our skid steer i did want to show you if you haven't seen the videos before when we do a joint line up against the house we keep a good solid inch and we fill it with that same chip rock that's permeable that way any water that comes down the siding doesn't necessarily have to get into the polymeric sand and then run down the patio it actually goes down into our permeable uh base underneath the pavers we are done the poly sand [Music] mine's about to be pulling up looks awesome and i kid you not guys 11 bags was just enough there was no extra the last broom stroke that i pushed into that corner over here was the last bit of poly sand we had 11 bags that was wild literally no extra there's 11 empty bags right there i'll push down into this and it's crazy because said yeah narrow joints right there which is what we have 1 8 to 3 8 black diamond gets 58 to 76 square feet and i think these joint lines were the 3 8 mark they're pretty wide and then when you get into the to the corners here it's a pretty thick joint so i think we got closer to the 58 60 mark if it was 60. um 11 bags would have been 660 square feet that it covered because this is about a 650 660 square foot patio so we got pretty much on the low end and it literally just made it i didn't think it was going to be that close to the low end and i was actually worried a little bit that i was gonna have to go get another bag because we were gonna be short but we literally had just enough but anyway we're done we're done it's on to the most important part the watering stage we got to water this correctly and i'm going to show you guys how straight joint lines people number one thing number two nice cuts benny would you chill out here and have a beer bro [Music] this measurement right here is the same measurement as this right here and that's how we found our point and then the same measurement there is the same measurement there and then we meet in the back corner so it is very uh symmetrical all right so we're gonna turn it on make sure that uh things not leaking at all the nozzle's leaking a little bit but once it gets going it probably won't so i'm going to take what i think i need here you really want to be easy on how your hose hits the pavers so it doesn't mess up any of the the joint sand the most important part guys uh everything on this patio is pitching this way and pitching this way towards the fire pit with that corner being the lowest so we need to start at our lowest spot pitch wise for when the surface water from up there that we're spraying ends up traveling down and goes here our polymeric sand is already set if we start at our high point all our water is going to come flying rushing down through our joint lines and wash the sand out so number one thing is to start at your lowest point and right now we're just going to go through it lightly with the shower attachment get everything pretty saturated so we don't want to go too lightly but we won't go too heavy because we're going to be going over it again so we're going to work our way up how's it look bud our lowest part is all saturated nice and wet down and uh like i said now that once we go to the high points the water is going to come flying down these joints i'll show you but we work our way up to the high point really don't be afraid to over water guys as long as it's not too much pressure and what i mean by is you want a nice shower attachment where it's not forcibly blowing the water at the joints so the shower attachment is perfect and then you really want to saturate it you want to get as much of the water that you're spraying right now down through the entire joint because once the top layer of polymeric sand is sealed up and hardened you can't really get any more water down to it so this is really your only shot to truly saturate the joint and you don't want to be bashful so now that i'm at the top right here you're gonna see all this water i start spraying is gonna come down towards me [Music] and there's a little uh a little bit of a white film in it and you want to see that that's what you want to see you know the polymers are getting activated all the water is pitching down towards the lawn and it's flowing right off the pavers and it's also traveling down towards the fire pit so with that pitch um you know the surface water is always going to drain right off the top of the patio so we want to get this area pretty wet now now that it's already been activated it's a big patio so we gotta do this one area focus on it make sure it's done right and then move to the next it's gonna be a nice uh hot day today so the more water the better [Music] so [Music] there it is poly sands all done you guys really saw how much i watered it don't be bashful once you've sprayed it down lightly at the first um your first once over with the hose the poly sand should settle nicely to where you can really saturate it [Music] you can see our water is flowing down here this is like one of the main drain points right here you can see it's also coming down these pavers down into our fire pit through our chip rock around it this is acting as a drain right now and i've had some people comment saying that that's not something they would do they like to poly sand around their fireplace but i think that's an extremely helpful way to get the surface water to permeate into the ground and also like i said before if you have a fire where you need to put it out with some water you want the water that you're spraying around the pit to be able to go straight down into the ground instead of having to wash down over your patio so now we just got to figure out what to do with the edges i was going to loom them and put grassy but i think i'm going to talk to the customer first because the grade is a lot uh a little bit higher on most of the area than the patio so i'm thinking maybe we do a stone apron around it but i'm going to talk to the customer about that so we're going to leave the loom here and leave the leave the job just like this until we come back and figure that out so that's that i hope you guys enjoyed this video of how to polymeric sand concrete pavers uh whether you're doing a walkway or patio whatever it is that you may be doing this uh the way that we did this can be applied in any sort of paver work and it's a very important thing i know some people use sand or just a regular sand and not a polymeric sand i just don't agree with that i think a polymeric sand is very helpful for concrete paver patios lifetime it seals out water helps helps the surface water get off of the patio and it truly locks the pavers in extremely tight once all this polymeric sand is set up and hardened it is extremely hard to pull out of paver in this patio and again we also concrete the edges so this patio is going to be strong so if you're in business for yourself you may be wondering if i warranty these this kind of work and i do i warranty for five years i'm in massachusetts and the way that i see it if a project lasts the first five years of its life going through freeze thaw cycles in the winter over and over again for five years and you don't have to fix anything then um past five years has nothing to do with the installer and it was a job well done so that's what i do i offer a five year warranty on my install projects so if you guys found any value in this video and you learned how to polymeric sand like the title told you to hit that like and subscribe benny we're saying goodbye goodbye adios peace [Music] you
Channel: The Christian Hardscaper
Views: 77,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polymeric sand, how to poly sand, DIY polymeric sand, DIY poly sand, how to install poly sand, polymeric sand for beginners, alliance g2 gator maxx, alliance g2 polymeric sand black diamond, black diamond poly sand, DIY joint sand for pavers, polymeric sand installation, how to use polymeric sand, how to polymeric sand, how to install polymeric sand, how to apply polymeric sand, installing polymeric sand for a paver patio, how to apply polymeric sand to patio pavers
Id: ScJ_iL6zkoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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