How To Install a Border To a Concrete Paver Project

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still wet this place is just so relaxing to be [Music] at take a sip of red bow before I do a lot of [Music] cutting but the cuts came out money happy with that for [Music] sure you know the one thing I don't ever want to happen when I lay down a project is the edges to fail and sink it's probably the most [Music] there it is bang [Music] bang good morning everyone another chilly but beautiful day rolling solo on this one Ben's home with the kids today I'm not going to finish everything today just because you can't when we pull the concrete pad but looking to get it like 90% done and then we'll wrap this thing up tomorrow morning this place is just so relaxing to be at if you guys play disc golf you know what I mean this course has been around here for a while now and every year these guys do something to clean it up put money back into it make it better this whole place is just pretty open there's some clusters of trees here and there but even those you can get in and out of them no problem but most of the the places off the Fairway kind of look like this not walking through a bunch of thorns and Briars and dense dense woods and this place isn't like a a professional level course but there's a lot of tight gaps tough holes it's a good in between course to practice on it's right in the middle of um not too easy and um not too tough just a good balance a lot of different uh shot shapes good balance of that as well turnovers hisers straight shots if you play Disc Golf and you're close to Webster Massachusetts or within even an hour I recommend taking the drive you will not be let down by this course especially with the sick teap pads we're putting in so here it is some leaves scattered on on it overnight I'm going to blow that down and then what I'm going to be doing is taking the the Border pavers over there and I'm just going to lay them right on top of these pavers and get my curbs right and once I have them exactly where I want them I'm just going to trace the line let's just get right into the day guys [Music] all right we got it money now [Music] looks perfect I'm going to uh trace a line on the inside of those pavers with my pencil and get to cutting it's it right there you can get it from the Home Depot they're like 20 something cents or whatever each I always grab a handful when I start running out it's more of like a a crayon type material so like waxy it sticks on the PA when you use a regular lead pencil when you go to trace it with the saw the saw spins so quick that it blows all the pencil dust right off the P so you need more of a pencil like this one there's a lot of other marking tools out there and really like cool ones but this is just the easiest to access ESS and honestly it works really good probably been using these for like 6 7even years now some people say it's a waste of time putting the papers out which can be true if you're doing like certain curves that really don't matter you know if they look good by eye they look good but there's some things where you really got to make sure it's lined up right put those right here cuz if if it's not it's going to show in the end and this really isn't much effort yeah you may save a little bit of time here and there but you got to bring the pavers over anyway now they're stacked up there and it really didn't take me long to pick those up and put them back back down like just didn't take a sip of Red Bull before I do a lot of cutting gas up the saw [Music] [Music] oh bang [Music] bang if you're looking at this right now and you see a lot of different like lighter Colors Over Here There is a little bit of moisture still on those and also these were the p that were on top of the pallet and I always tell customers that pavers will lighten up a little bit from the original install because it's pavers that have never really hit the Sun or the air as much as um like the top layer without a cover on it it's another big reason these M manufacturers wrap the thing completely so that it doesn't the color doesn't get faded by the sun on the top but I wouldn't even really call it faded I think that's really more of its natural tone without any moisture in it these are the layers that were a little bit below it and you can kind of see on the edges of them some of them are kind of drying up and fully curing with the sun and air but it takes a couple weeks this is why a lot of people like to seal them to give it a little bit of a more vibrant look but sealing has a lot of its ups and downs as well I haven't sealed any of my patios I've done simply because I don't really know enough about it also the constant maintenance it's not like you just seal it and you're done it's just like a deck every year a couple years you're going to have to redo it again again but the cuts came out money happy with that for sure so now that the cuts are done I'm going to not do the border right now but I'm going to hop to the front of it and do the concrete pad going to be using this fast setting concrete from quickrete you can use regular concrete if you want but I'm using this to get it to cure quicker so I can finish it quicker today so I got to set the form up there's really not much detail about this we're just putting the form form based off of these front pavers again we're sloping it backwards towards the back of the pad so that where you put your plant foot is on the highest spot and there'll be no chance of a puddle there I'm going to have to pick up those Edge pavers and the front pavers a little bit and just hit them down make sure everything's good and solid so that I can pour concrete up against it and not worry about it and then as I do the border around the sides that's when I'm going to hammer everything down in the middle on the edges make sure it's money money if any of those pavers need to be lifted up a little bit pull them out put some chipstone under level it off [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right concrete's still a little bit wet to finish still soft but what I'm going to do is once that's set up decent I'm going to Edge it one more time and then I'm going to hit it with that steel float and then just hit it with a couple broom strokes and that's all you need to do my next move is to start putting the Border in on the back I'm going to basically start in that corner come over like to halfway and then come down here and stop like here somewhere I got to set them a little bit higher like I was mentioning earlier and Hammer them into place and this is a really tedious job if you guys see Benny all the time on the channel just kind of going along the edges you know you can screed and lay the Border in at the same height as the other pavers if you want a lot of guys do because it's it's a lot quicker you know the one thing I don't ever want to happen when I lay down a project is the edges to fail and sink it's probably the most annoying looking thing on any kind of PA or patio and that's why a lot of people don't want one because they see it everywhere they see patios that have the edges are all failed and then there's holes and stuff it's really important to go through it and be meticulous when it comes to this work I give 5year warranty on all my paver work my walls my steps and what that covers is if anything sinks or shifts more than 3/8 of an inch I'll pull it up and I'll relevel it and repolyo if a portion of a wall sank in or if the capstones the glue failed and be they became loose I'll go back and I'll glue capstones readhere them or if a wall does really fail like that I'll go back and I'll pull the that portion down and fix it that's part of the warranty and to give that warranty you got to really trust your work that's why I am meticulous I take my time you know I'm not as focused on getting in and getting out as much as I am making sure that what we put down is not going to need any warranty work it happens sometimes there there's some things you just can't control a little sink in a PA walkway or a PA patio that's something that can happen but the good thing about pavers versus like poured concrete or stamped concrete is that you can go in pull those pavers up and relevel it cuz that same thing happens with poured concrete and stamped concrete is when it settles and a portion of it cracks and breaks then you have two uneven portions and it's not like you can just go in there cut that out and put a new section without it sticking out like a sore thumb with pavers you can you can just pick up that sunk area fix it and um you're good to go that's a benefit with pavers in my opinion so anyway yeah we're going to start over in that corner and start doing the border so these are the same small pieces that are in the the three-piece set but it's uh sold individually too it's it's called Eastern Bay and you can make nice um running bond walkways with it it's great for Border you could do a herring bone pattern with it which I'm kind of curious what it would look like I bet you it would look super cool what I mean by that is do a pattern like [Music] this that's a herring bone right there and if you can repeat that you know it's a really cool look those are about a quar inch higher than the other pavers just enough to settle them down a little bit [Music] in [Music] [Music] still wet all right now that we got them in a little bit higher and set them into place if we go to hit it and it seems to keep going lower than the main papaver it's not one of those things where you just stop it means you're going to have to pick it up and put more under it simply because if if you don't it's going to end up sinking later but you don't want to set all your brakes too high to where you're pounding them down too long so you got to try to find that balance and sometimes it means one may be a little bit lower than it should be I always talk about fourways when you're laying pavers like this but on the border it happens you can't go around just cutting all these papers to skip a fourway it's a lot of extra work and the way that the ratio is they always like land at a certain point like that one right there you know you don't want to go start cutting this just to bring it back cuz you're going to end up hitting one again and then you end up making Cuts everywhere so the border is the one exception for me that you can throw some fourways in this is a 5 1/2 lb Hammer so it's sinking a lot when I hit it because this is really heavy that's why I bought it because when you're doing this a lot it's better to have something heavier so you have less swings during the day something lighter you're swinging harder and more times so you just kind of pick this up and let it do more of the work cuz how heavy it is it really moves these small pavers but it's doing a lot when you hit them so you always want to make sure that the level is touching all the pavers and it's not wobbly just like a wall block you can see we got a little bit more than an eighth which is what we were going for and as you pull it off of the Border you want to make sure it stays that same slope [Music] now I stop in the middle because I'll go over to that corner and work my way to it that way if there's cuts which there will be they're going to be in the middle they won't be so noticeable on the ends the ends will be nice and tidy like this and then same thing over here I'll start in the front corner and work my way back and we'll cut those papers so they kind of blend in in the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm just going to put the rest of this Border in and then I'm going to make concrete and actually Edge the Border today so it can sit and I'll probably be bringing some more 3/4 over to just kind of grade around the area as well [Music] so you can see that the trench we make is well below the pav but also the bedding Stone and we've dug into the base Stone so it's almost like a little bit of a Swale for the concrete to sit in and then we're going to slope that concrete up to just half to an inch below the top of the P so like I mentioned before we started the corners and went to the middle and here's the cuts ended up making two mediumsized cuts instead of one small one and then we had to put basically a half piece in there and just kind of chi the edges to make it look like the other ones so we got the trenches all set around everything we've done I'm going to bring some Stone here before I mix concrete dump a couple buckets and a couple wheelbarrows over there that way when the concrete is wet and setting I'm going to push the stone into the concrete and it just kind of helps lock it in and uh cover up the concrete pretty much watch [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh so now we're basically just going to take the stone while this is [Music] wet kind of push it into it even kind of just step on it make sure it's good and then there's your Edge [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] it is 4:00 and we're in good shape raked out this whole area got some stuff packed up looking sharp concrete's not super hard but it was set enough to pull the form off I'm going to finish this up in the morning off camera Ben's going to help me but once everything's done done I'll give you guys another walkth through see you then well hey dude we got to put this mat on some poly action some poly to get these four teads done so I'm done so this is all tight right here on this side that's just going to hook on to the front of the compactor and then this clamp is going to hook on to the back of it and I'll have to tighten it so let's get this set [Music] up hey we got a rubber pad kid there it is bang bang I bet it wouldn't even do anything with pad yeah cuz it's so light so light [Applause] this is me and Ben's happy place here we are it's been all set up people have been using it for I think couple weeks now week and a half so we're going to sweep it blow it off clean it up nice and then we'll be able to do the Polish sand [Music] okay time to use this compactor with the pad on it we got the first layer of poly swept in there's a bag and just a touch and then all the extra I just put right there for now I can't run the compactor over around the edge and this pad here but I'm going to come in and get like probably like right here with it and then we'll use that kind of polyurethane wow oh my gosh dude can you imagine having a polyurethane tamper I forget what they call that's why it always it always trips me up it's a weird poly polymer like some kind of weird thing but it's not like rubber but it's not plastic it's almost like a mix in between it's super hard you know what I mean like that takes a lot to bend it but you're not going to crack a a paer most likely another Bond tool so we'll use that around the edges in the front and also around these edges where I just can't get with that one but I'm kind of excited to see how this works because it's a perfect size for doing this job you don't want a super heavy compactor in my opinion dude on your pavers even with a mat cuz it's not necessary you know I think the only time you want like a really big compactor on your pavers is for vehicular traffic you got to remember all these paer things that you putting in in people's backyard is for foot traffic something like this is going to be perfect 2500 lb pressure you know what I mean I wouldn't want to put that big Honda on the papers after we laid them dude cuz if even just one time it breaks a p or two pavers or chips a p on the corner dude I'm done I'll throw I'll throw it in the woods wherever I'm at dude yeah you can't risk it that some of them already come tripping up well it's just like dude what what is more annoying as an install when you're about done dude you're about done and something like that happens dude it prolongs the job hours and you're like especially if you don't notice and then you go back to and there's like 30 of them right you just did a whole line and then then you just going wow it's packing nice and then you look back and you broke freaking four or five pavers dude feels like you're walking on 3/4 on your second [Music] pass all right problem [Music] dude that thing settled that thing settled it almost looks like you didn't even sweep anything in I started coming down the edge here and I'm like I'm thinking I'm like I wonder how that's going to do with the concrete edging solid right and I went right down the edge of that too [Music] you want to be able to see the edges of the pavers you don't want the poly sand up and over these edges you want it to be just a little bit down cuz that's actually what where the water drains it finds the joint lines and it goes down these these cracks here so if you have the poly sand too high it's going to kind of prevent that natural drainage through those joint lines but you also don't want to use that blower on too high of a speed or you going to pull too much sand out of the joints so all that Haze is off the small um pieces are off and obviously I don't have a hose or anything out here I have a small hand pump sprayer at my house but I've tried it on one of these teap pads before and it's just too much of like a Mist so I'm just going to use a gallon of water put some holes into it and spray it all over it you don't have to get too crazy or fancy with it I mean this is just a small area but you want to make sure that you water it properly meaning in the amount of water you don't want too little cuz it's not going to set all the way through the joint and you don't want too much cuz it'll wash sand out and it'll make the setting time or the curing time time of the sand much longer so I'm going to figure out the best way to punch a hole in this water bottle over here and get to [Music] it water bottle didn't work the greatest especially the first one then I re-engineered the second one and it got a little bit better sometimes even when you're using a a hose with shower attachment you'll get a little bit of sand to shift around and you just kind of go through and you know move it around with your finger you don't want to try to sweep it or anything don't do that but if there's any really bad spots while it's still soaking you can adjust it but you can see the amount of water I put on it has standing water on the joints and you want that because that's all going to slowly seep through the joint and fill the entire depth of the joint with water if you don't put enough you're only going to get a thin layer of polyan on the top that actually hardens and that's usually the biggest cause of failure with poly sand in my opinion when you start seeing poly sand flake and rip on your patio it means only a thin layer of it got activated it was a lack of water if you have the entire joint where it's always mushy and just doesn't set sometimes that can be the poly sand it was a bad batch but also sometimes it's because it got overwatered it washed basically the polymer Out of the Dust with too much water and it couldn't activate properly so you got to be careful you need to find that middle ground you need to water it heavily enough to soak the joint thoroughly and you also need to water it light enough where you don't completely screw up the activation process it's going to going to be in the mid-60s today and tomorrow with the low at night around 45 so those two days are going to be perfect setting temperatures and this will be all set to play off of although I'm sure there's going to be some people who are sour they can't play off of it today cuz it's going to be gorgeous so that's going to wrap up this video guys I hope you enjoyed the process of how we install these P teads that's nine down nine more to go if you guys are disc golfers and you're anywhere near Webster Massachusetts whether it's a 45 hour hour ride it's worth it great course wellmaintained and we have nine of these sweet teap pads but you guys already know the deal until the next one God bless peace [Music]
Channel: The Christian Hardscaper
Views: 12,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paver edge restraint, plastic edge restraint vs concrete edge restraint, concrete edge restraint, installing paver edge restraint, how to secure the edge of pavers, how to install paver edge restraint, what do i use for paver edge restraint, installing a border for a paver patio, paver patio border installation, paver walkway border installation, paver edging installation, paver patios, paver installation, best paver edge restraint, paver edging, paver patio
Id: taGZGKw6hBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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