How to Polish Resin, Epoxy Resin Polishing Tutorial from Flower Resin Artist, Make Your Resin Shiny

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this is a simple tutorial on how to polish resin here's a flower preservation piece I did with my client's wedding bouquet and it's pretty much finished you can see the top is very shiny I did a top coat on the front however the sides and the back are not as shiny it's a little bit more matte it's not that bad but you can see that it's kind of dull and that's because I used a silicone mold that was used several times before so it's not as shiny as when the silicone mold was brand new I'm going to polish the sides and the back to restore the shine first I'm grabbing a colorless oil and I'm going to rub it into the walls of the piece this is something I came up with recently because I noticed that when you apply a Polishing Compound directly to a resin piece sometimes there are are very small pin holes that aren't visible to the naked eye and this is especially present when you use a silicone mold and once you use a white Polishing Compound it can fill up those little baby holes and then cause them to become very visible so I'm rubbing a generous amount of oil into my walls so that some of those holes are filled with this oil and it's serves as a protective barrier against the compound from filling those holes and making them visible this isn't going to solve that issue entirely but it does seem to help a lot I'm actually using an allnatural oil that's intended for use on the body and the main ingredient is safflower oil and you can really use any colorless oil for this part I'm grabbing my Polishing Compound this is my go-to Polishing Compound it's Maguire's Ultimate Compound I'm going to shake the bottle really well before I start using it this is actually meant for cars and I think the Maguire's line of polishing products is the best now I've mixed that Polishing Compound pretty well and I'm placing a microfiber towel on the table and then placing my piece on it upside down to protect the front now I'm applying my rubbing compound and oops it wasn't supposed to Splatter like that but it did whatever it wanted to do and we're just going to roll with it and I'm going to spread out the rubbing compound with my gloved hand I'm going to work on one side at a time and I'm grabbing my polishing pad it's actually a drill attachment and it comes with a variety of different pads this white pad and the wool pad are are the best ones anything spongy isn't going to work very well because it will just absorb all the Polishing Compound so I've attached the polishing pad to my drill and I'm holding down the trigger to rotate the pad and I'm going to work very slowly all around the surface area of this side that I'm polishing the key is to make sure that pad is able to rub the Polish into the resin so you don't want to work too quickly you do want to move slowly and you want to move over a certain area multiple times I'm not editing this video clip just so you can see how I work the Polish into the resin in real time as you're polishing you'll notice that your Polishing Compound goes through different stages at first it's very liquidy and fluid and when you first slab it on with your polishing pad you're basically just spreading it out and thinning out the product and as you polish and time goes by you'll notice a very hazy layer on top of your resin and then eventually you'll notice that the Polishing Compound clears up and at that point the compound has stiffened up a lot and it's not very liquidy anymore and when it clears up that's the point when you know you're finished and if you apply a lot of Polishing Compound initially then it will take a lot longer to get to that clear end stage of your polish just because you're working a lot more product in but also you will end up with a shinier piece because you are working so much product in and if you use a smaller amount it will get you there faster but you may need to do more than one polish so I've reached that end stage with my polish you can see it was at first very hazy and now it's cleared up I'm grabbing a clean microfiber towel and I'm going to wipe off the Polish on this back side and once you wipe it off you'll be able to see how shiny your piece is if at this point it's still not shiny enough you can repeat the process and it will be much shinier you can always repeat the Polish as many times as you need now I'm going to work on this side of the piece and I'm pretty much going to repeat the process that I did with the backs side I'm spreading my product across the walls and then I'm going to use my polishing pad to buff it [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] I can see that the polishing compound is starting to clear up so this side is finished and I'm going to wipe it down to see how shiny it is it's very shiny and I'm really happy with it so I'm going to move on to the next side and repeat the process [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this side is looking good so I'm going to move on and do the last side which is the bottom [Music] [Music] I'm finished polishing this last side so I'm going to wipe it down to make sure it looks good and I think it looks really great so I'm going to stop polishing here if your piece isn't as shiny as you want it just give it a few more polishing sessions and you'll get there sometimes it can take three or four times to get a really nice shine if you had a worn out mold now I'm going to wipe my piece clean and make sure I get any polishing compound that got on the front or that still is remaining on the sides to make sure to clean all of that up if you see any Polishing Compound in the little tiny pin holes you can always take it to the sink with some soap and water and use a fine bristle toothbrush that always helps and here's how the piece looks like after one polishing session it took me about 10 minutes and as the last step I'm going to grab a little bit more of my color less oil and apply that to the entire piece just to kind of seal that polish in and give it an extra shine normally if you use polish on a car you're supposed to seal it in with wax so that's why I just apply a little bit more oil on top of it and if you want to take it a step further you can always get a clean polishing pad and buff that o oil Ino I don't want my piece to be oily so I am wiping it Down clean with a microfiber towel and now it's all finished and shiny this is how it turned out I hope this helps and thank you so much for watching I'll see you again soon bye
Channel: MarinaMakesArt
Views: 4,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uyv0Fveu7LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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