How to PODCAST from scratch at home

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welcome to GA kae I'm Josh I'm mark and today we're looking at the ultimate podcast setup [Music] so podcasting seems to be really popular at the moment I I've only just kind of gotten bored with it and discovered it like through Spotify and everything but it's been around for like quite a long time podcasting is on the up-and-up like you say I mean they said that video is gonna kill the radio star back in the 80s but podcasting is bringing radio back into the limelight there's so many podcasts out there there's very popular ones from NPR people like that This American Life radio lab all the way through to talk based podcasts like the Joe Rogan experience h3 h3 there's a podcast for absolutely everything if you visit the I store anywhere there's podcasting on football there's podcasting on shopping professions health care politics anything you can think of those know a podcast out there and I guess it's so you know I guess part of the reason that because it's so easy to do yeah you can do it yourself pretty much podcasting is a really accessible form of media as long as you have the right equipment it doesn't even have to be that expensive you have a means of recording it and it means of editing it and the means of uploading it and you can basically make a podcast on anything you want and that's why that's why we've put all this equipment on the table we're going to show you how to basically have a podcasting so exactly there's gonna be sort of two sections the first section is the best studio set up things to have indoors the best equipment how to sound the best and also looking at recording on the road as well or out in the big wide world interviews or getting sound bites box pops from people on the street so there's two separate sort of groups of equipment that you can use so we've got all this equipment on the table and so let's have a little check through it I guess first of all kind of simply you need a microphone and then you need some way of recording you need some way of capturing that audio so in a studio you probably start off with computer laptop I've got my mic book here with a piece of software that you can capture your audio on so there are a few there's obviously free ones there's expensive ones whatever the good thing is the the second part that you need is a means of capturing that audio and sending it to your computer so we've got here today the focusrite scarlett 2i2 audio interface now this has got two preamps for each mic input there's also a larger option which is for inputs and think there's even a smaller option with one we chosen this one today because me and market together so we only need two but the good thing about this is it also comes with a light version of ProTools so everything in this package will get you started off record a video providing you get your mics as well so like I said these have got two independent gain controls for your inputs so that's instrument or mic line it's also got monitor control and a really good headphone amp as well so you can listen back to everything that you're talking about latency free which is really important but and this moves on to our second thing if you're really professional and you want everyone to be able to hear themselves in headphones you're gonna need a headphone amp as well and this is the art head amp 6 which is a 6 input one it's very large sorry head up 6 prime this is huge but it also it's fantastic so this is a rack based rack mount based piece of kit it's got independent gain control for everybody so depending where they're sitting if they want it louder quieter you or your studio engineer can control it via this piece of equipment ok so we'll look at the microphones in a minute which is obviously a super important thing and before we do that let's just check out headphones because core need some way of area so you obviously you need a way of hearing or playing back what you're recording checking your levels I mean the best thing to do in my opinion is get closed back headphones just to isolate surrounding noise so you know exactly what you're hearing for the day fuzz is in the room there's any aircon you know close back will really isolate your ears and be able to let you sort of check that out so these that we've got here are the shore sh2 48 lose my I chose these they're quite a good price online they won't set you back too much so in the event that you need to buy two three four five six pairs it's not going to break the bank because at the end of the day you need to really focus your money on your sound cards and your on your microphones and they come with the little Jack adapter jack adapter which is really handy because the amount of time so I'm ready exactly stuck on this yeah also I've lost a lot of those so yeah it's good to buy a first espares actually that brings me to the other point as well all of this equipment is well and good but it's super important when you're recording a podcast to have spares of everything so that includes SD cards you never know how much you're going to record or if you're going to run out of space if you have your previous show on one all of a sudden you're running out memory the whole day is ruined same goes for batteries so we'll get to the zoom h6 in a little bit that's field recording but that runs on batteries if it's not plugged into the mains if that dies or any of your other equipment dies you know wireless microphone for example then your whole day is shot so make sure you've got plenty of space I would say it's world like XLR leads absolute we need them talk about them here yeah excellence gently this always good test fair today these little things you saw up good XLR leads don't you know cut corners on buying your exercise make sure they're good quality because there's any electrical interference or one of them's faulty and you only find this out at the end of the day when you or your guests voice has been completely cut out you're recording then time is of the essence you might not be able to get that guess back and the whole day has been wasted indeed so let's talk microphones microphones yep okay so in the studio it is providing budget it's a good idea to get condenser microphones they sound great broadcasting usually uses condensers they're warm they're close you know they make you sound real nice and bacey like you hear on the radio you know when Ira Glass for example is the host of this American life he's got quite a soft voice but he they use great condensing wine I think that's really important with podcast is to have that intimate you know if you've got your headphones own exactly an intimate like connection with the world exactly yeah they don't need to have to raise their voice you want to hear all their own I tenacious Brad for you still they know all their character now this thing is seen in pretty much most the podcasts I like to watch and listen can some of them also videotape them things like the Joe Rogan experience h3h3 they use this barber this is a short sm7b throw those mics that when you start looking at everything it's just everywhere it's it's such a beautiful design shape it looks fantastic it is on the higher end of the price market but there's a reason it's pretty much the most popular and the best broadcast style microphone for I would say that out of all of this equipment it's probably the most important spending money on absolutely yeah at the end of the day I've had conversations with people in the past and they say buy all the equipment you want but invest in the microphone because you want it to last and obviously your voice and your guests before you saw every everything about your podcast comes from your voice and you want to be able to capture that in in the best way you can so what we're gonna do is we're gonna mute these two microphones and we are going to turn this one on and we'll have a listen at all it sounds like yep so we've got the sm7b plugged in so okay so this is me speaking through the sm7b now as you can hear it sounds warm it sounds close it sounds broadcast quality and the difference you'll find between the mics we use on the tables is that yes it's very much in your ears it's not the right expressions use I don't know it's quotes like I said it's warm and it sounds professional in your ears Sherly FM and yeah this is what like I said what they use on the Joe Rogan podcast on HD actually there's millions that they use millions of podcasts are that used these microphones and the most important thing to know is as well when you're when you've got your guests in the studio they'll have different you know voice volumes they'll they'll have different ways of speaking and the good things about the good thing about these is it really captures the character of your voice at low volume so if you're recording in an environment where you're on a small table or you're in a living room or a bedroom there's no need to shout you know you can just you can have a quiet conversation and you know microphones like the shure sm7b will capture all the character and all the base and want of your voice even before you process the vocals afterwards on the piece of software you're using so while we're talking about the sm7b it should be noted what it's connected to right now which is also something you'll see in loads of different podcast videos and also in a lot of home studio setups and that is a stand for your microphone now this is a weighty microphone and the best thing in my opinion to get is a studio arm what we're using at the moment is the rode psa1 studio arm it's a professional way to mount your microphone to work top or a studio desk it rotates 360 I'm not going to move it because you will get that picked up in the microphone to get it in position it can hold up to two kilograms of weight so it takes any large microphone such as the sm7b and it's a great way to say space especially on the desk if you want to set up a laptop or have your notes while you're speaking to your guests okay so moving on to the field recording side of it we have the trusty h6 yes this bad boy we've used it for a lot of our videos that we've done on the move we also use it every time we do a studio because it's so easy it's so functional like it's probably the one of the best portable recorders out there a lot of people I know sing its praises it's reliable one of the great things about this is it has as opposed to a lot of other port but it has four XLR inputs I used to use one personally from another brand that had two and that was great but this one has four with independent gain control as well and it's just a really sturdy awesome bit of kit and if you do need any more we have this adapter here which allows you to have another two so it turns it into six six six XLR inputs which is great on a portable recorder yeah which is great it runs on batteries so if you are on the move and you want to cap you know cap somebody for an interview while they're traveling or you know wherever you are we have no access to mains you can do that and the batteries last for a really long time if you have access to power like we've done you can just plug your strain to the mains and you know it's never gonna die so we have a few options in terms of microphones in the field this bad boy which I've used a few times and I've seen a lots of industry professionals use is the Sennheiser MD 42 which is a it's a great microphone it's a great sounding like you notice over turn now back in January and it just it just cuts out all your all the noise around you I used it recently at BMC it's a great sounding microphone really directional so like Mark said even at NAMM when there's a hundred thousand people running around you don't capture anything but the person you're you're focusing the mic on and that's really handy and then the wireless is system that it's obviously really important when you're out in the field you do on cables running around place is this bad boy now this if something that is super awesome like this is this is what all the big boys are using and this is the everyday it's the e W 100 G 3 transmitter from Sennheiser they have actually just released or they're going to release a G full range so we'll have those as well but this thing is an industry standard wireless transmitter it's absolutely fantastic battery life is incredible and all you need on the receiving end of that is one of these which is the receiver so that plugs into your recording device so for example with us we'd have it plugged into the h6 and that means I can run around up to a quite a large distance yeah you know recording people getting box pots getting a little idents from whoever whomever and it's a it's only some of the higher-end scale of prices but it's a it's a great investment I like Mike said this is one of the best you see so many people using these things and yeah I mean it's it's just fantastic build quality it's reliable battery life is superb I think I'm pretty sure I've never heard of them breaking as well I mean I'm sure they have but like I think they're super and like sturdy and forever lasting yeah means yeah they're very definitely worth a worthwhile investment speaking of sturdy and reliable the next option you have when recording out in the field is to have say two mics plugged in to the zoom h6 one of my favorite podcasters in the entire world is Adam Buxton used to be on BBC 6 music fantastic he has a weekly or monthly podcast and he rocks out with a similar sort of audio recorder to the zoom h6 and he uses a pair of plugged in microphones now these the shure sm58 good legendary classic 58 classics these things could survive a nuclear explosion they're so tough they're very reasonably priced and the great out in the field so a pair of them won't set you back now if I was to interview mark or whomever you maybe take these bad boys they don't weigh much they fit in your bag they sound great being handheld or on a desk stand like the ones we've got here and yeah like I said they won't set you back right so it let's let's let's plug them in and we will continue this conversation with them plugged in so right now this is me and Mark using the sm58 handheld and held it must be said now these things like we said before really really reliable they're never gonna break they sound good they're light so you can quickly and easily get them out one thing to mention is handling noise now you've got to be fairly careful when recording a podcast that handling noise doesn't become a problem and affect your final recording obviously if I'm using my hand like this and moving the Micra you're gonna get a few noises the only way to really escape that problem is to get like these tiny little desk stands they fold out they're really cheap they're really reliable whack them on the desk or wherever you are have your guests sitting opposite you and then you're not touching the microphone the other option is they have like suspension handles which I got for my portable recorder which is like a suspension mount with a handle and that just eradicate s-- handling noise around the body or so they can a lot the time come with wind protectors extra pop filters all these sort of things so they're worth looking out for it because you were mentioning Adam Buxton is it Adam Buxton yeah really big podcaster and he uses these yeah when he does his intro he just uses he record straight into like the zoom for example the h6 comes with various microphone so you can actually directly clip into the unit he does that for the intros and to avoid handling noise on that I think he does the same thing he uses a I'm not sure the brand but a suspension kit where it's it grips the the unit there's a little sort of shock so suspension section and then a handle and what that does is it makes you know it ensures you're not touching the body the plastic so that's not coming through the recording amazing and I think I got you know these these these microphones are super affordable again there are microphone that you see everywhere like absolutely everywhere and they are really studying in an indestructible on on the GAC show I'll put a link below we dropped one of these into a jug of beer I remember that and left it 24 hours took it out and and it were it worked so yeah if you're doing podcast at music festivals or event one goes missing you know it's still kind of work if it's dropped into a pint of beer exactly so that was everything you need to start recording podcasts whether you're out in the field or in the studio all these bits of equipment will make sure you get everything you need recorded and at good quality if you've enjoyed this video then please give us a thumbs up or leave a comment below let us know if you've used this stuff or or if you're starting your own podcast what you recommend and if you wanna see more deals like this then please hit the subscribe button and we shall see you very soon nice see ya
Channel: GAK
Views: 553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, podcast set up, how to, how to set up, setup podcast, SM7B, Shure, Sm58, shure sm58, wireless mic, gig, music, live, whats the best, the best, andertons, dawsons, lee anderton, rob chapman, review, demo, preview, gear, best gear, how to podcast, tutorial 2019, best podcast microphone, audio interface
Id: voKYRso56n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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