How to Create a Professional Sounding Podcast Anywhere AND with Multiple Guests on the Zoom H6.

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hey guys it's ryan and today we're going to take a look at this guy the zoom h6 and how you can create a very professional sounding podcast using this little guy right here so let's take a look [Music] thanks for tuning in to this video and if it is your first time here please consider subscribing and hitting that bell icon to give you notifications on when we upload a new video so yes this is the zoom h6 and this is something that i've had for just a little while here where i did an unboxing video a while back and then we did i think in one of our live streams we were showing i'm showing you how i was using this to get all my audio in most importantly we want to see how we can use this guy to create a professional sounding podcast for any application and you could be all by yourself or you can have up to five additional people with you on the podcast so we'll take a look at that and how to set everything up and how to get good levels and how to record everything one of the great things about using a handheld recorder like this guy right here is that it records isolated tracks for each microphone that you plug in that includes all four here and if you have the capsule on the top you can record two more mics or a stereo line input slash like lav mic input that gives you the ability to take all of those tracks pull them into a daw and edit them and mix them down exactly how you want them to create a more professional sounding podcast now while this isn't a mixing console which gives you a lot of those features on the fly it has a couple of settings on it that can give you a pretty decent sound if this is all you have so you can take what you're recording and send it out to let's say a live stream currently we have this microphone plugged in and is recording my shotgun mic right above me right here so it is doing its job right now and we're going to plug in a few dynamic microphones here and see how they react and if they're the best thing to use and you can do this i'm not going to say cheap because this is 300 bucks but it's not a whole lot it's something that you can definitely purchase this in a microphone and then work your way up from there one of the great things about the h6 now is the price because they just released the h8 these have actually been pretty cheap i bought this one for under 300 bucks and if you look online right now it's going to be about that 300 mark a lot of people are selling them with accessories it'll be three to three fifty a word of advice is buy the regular one don't buy the blackout one the blackout one doesn't come with all the accessories you're only gonna get the xy capsule on top and that is it this particular one the regular one comes with the xy capsule on top it comes with a mid side capsule it comes with a usb cable it comes with a windscreen for the xy capsule and a carrying case to put it all in the black one doesn't come with all of that so be sure just to get the regular version this particular recorder while it's not the smallest out there it's pretty compact i mean you can you know throw it into one of these little cases here and chuck it in your backpack and go you don't need to use the included carrying case you can just mic pouch and be done pretty cool now whether you get this regular one or the blackout version it does come with this little guy the xy capsule and this if we throw on the left side here has a headphone jack and that's obviously for monitoring through headphones so when you're recording you can have all your microphones coming through and you're hearing a basic mix coming out of the headphone jack and that exact same mix is being mirrored on the bottom here on the line output and the mix for this and also for the headphone jack can be controlled on an internal mixer here it's not super convenient it's kind of a mix to set and forget but it does give you the functionality and it has pan control and volume control which is very nice so let's go over just a few features that the h6 has on its front panel that can allow us to quickly record stop and adjust volume when needed at the top here we have our gain adjustments for all four of the microphone inputs that are on the side here and these particular preamps also have a minus 20 db pad surprisingly even a lot of professional semi-professional mixers don't have a pad on it this allows you to have a mic that's if it's overly hot or something like that you can easily just pat it down by 20 db and then make up the gain with the gain knob below that we have what's called our record arm buttons left to right which corresponds with the capsule that will be on the top here then microphone one two three and four now before you start recording you must hit these and they turn red like this one two three and four just like that and if we had a capsule plugged in right now those would light up now below that you have your normal transport controls which are your record play pause stop fast forward rewind below that we have this fully colored screen that gives us a lot of information including our levels here and also um our mix levels if you can see those little faders and those pan knobs right there and then it also gives us the indication on whether for instance on here has phantom power engaged a compressor engaged and a high pass filter you can also see what you're recording at for instance we're recording at wave 48 48 k 24 bit and we do have phantom power engaged on that first mic or input number one it also shows you down here how much record time you have left and unfortunately we only have 122 hours left to record so we better wrap this up pretty quick you can also see that i'm going to record enable and you can see that which tracks are record enabled because their numbers light up red so as i turn them off or their numbers go back to gray so here's our setup we're going to have three microphones plugged in we have the sm7b which is standard one of the standard podcast mics out there then we've got two sm58s and the reason i'm doing this is because we want to see how it would sound if we bought a really nice sm7b for us as the host and then a couple of cheaper sm58s for our guests in addition to this we're also running the h6 uh some power so we don't have to rely solely on battery power we're also running an output here out of our line output and i'm recording that elsewhere so that we can hear how it sounds so let's zoom in and get some levels on these microphones so now let's get some levels on these microphones we're gonna start with the sm7 and you're gonna watch on uh channel one here we're gonna turn it up and get a good uh level on that mic hey hey one two hey hey one two one two check check hey hey hey hey and we're going to watch that and we want to be in that uh you know minus six to minus 12 area check check one two hey hey hey hey check check we don't want our peaks being any higher than that uh because we want it to sound you know good so we've got a good level there i think on the sm7 so let's jump to our 58s one two hey hey this one's on channel two so we're gonna bring that up hey hey check check one two hey same thing hey hey one two one two hey hey hey check check hey hey if it's a little hot that's okay uh because we're gonna apply a compressor on this in just a minute let's go to the next one second sm58 on channel three hey and i can match that gain pretty close to what i did on the first one there we go check check hey hey all right so now we have level across all three of these microphones but now we're going to jump in and apply some compression apply a high pass filter and see if we can get a good sound for broadcast so you can't be recording when you're setting compressors and your high pass filters so we stopped recording here and now we're going to go into the menu and we're gonna come into our microphone here and we're gonna go to compressor limiter and let's go to track one and now i've got the sm7b here check check one two and you'll see that when i jump to these different we've got three different compressors i wouldn't do a limiter those are more for overall mix so just be careful on that this is how it sounds without without any compression on it it's actually pretty good i'm i'm surprised this is a good microphone the sm7 so i'm actually surprised or not surprised it's pretty good so let's jump to compression one and there's our general compression and that's that's a little that's quite a bit for me but uh let's jump to two which is the vocal check check one two that seems a little bit better for me let's go to drums drums is like super compressed so if i come on here yeah i mean it it's pretty much smashing it so i would suggest comp 2 for vocals so we'll go ahead and bring that in i'm just going to do that on all of them comp and track three comp2 okay so now we have the now we have the comp on the compressor on all three channels we're gonna go into the low cut and we're gonna apply a low cut at about 133 hertz that'll still give us some low end and the microphones but take out any extra rumble that we might run into so we'll just set those and i think we're good now this will give us a good overall sound which that we can then send out of our line output down here at the bottom so as we can see we have a pretty good level on these microphones between all of them so this is mic 2 this is mic 3. this is the sm7 the sm7 is going to sound better it has some controls on the back as well to cut low end boost high end so we're pretty good hey hey one two so it sounds pretty good i'm happy with that this would be a good feed to send out to an a10 mini or something like that we've got good level across all of them and it sounds pretty good the next thing we're going to do is we're going to adjust the volume and show you exactly where uh if you've got a guest that's a little hotter than someone else and they're just louder overall so we're going to go back into the menu here and we're gonna go to our microphone icon there and we're gonna go down to the monitor mixer the monitor mixer is going to give us the ability to mix as far as pan goes and uh level goes now we probably won't do much on pan and you can tell when you go into this mixer you can now hear each of your individual mics without hitting record or record arming them so now we can scroll through as i was saying earlier you can see where it's highlighted in red where you go through each of these and i can come to uh the sm7 here and i can talk into it and adjust the level so if i want this one to be a little more prominent i can turn it up quite a bit or i can keep it down at 0 db and then i tap the button on the side of our control and then i can still and then i can scroll through the rest of them here so that's that's the way you would adjust it so for instance on this guy i'm at minus 4.5 db so i want to bring that guy up to 0 db so now now we're even across all of them so mic 3 is at 0 db as well and so that gives us a good starting point then you can adjust up and down from there if you really want to do pan you can you can take any of these uh pan encoders i call them encoders if you want to call them faders or whatever you can fade left to right if you want so that will actually give us a pretty good mix between each of our microphones so everybody should sound pretty good if you need to adjust something because like i said earlier this is something that you set and then you forget it you can't come in here when you're actually tracking the podcast so if somebody is a little quieter or a little too loud during the podcast and you need to adjust then as much as i don't want to say it you need to use the gain knobs up here it is gaining down the preamp but usually you're just adjusting something down slightly so it won't be that big of deal i think that uh you'll be able to get away with it you'll still have a good strong sound you'll still have your comp and your high pass filter in place so shouldn't have to worry about that the last thing i want to show you is the ability to also include music in your podcast and this is especially good when you are sending this out to a stream so we can use an ipad here plus our h6 plus the capsule up top in order to get the music in and we're using a program here called go button which is by the same guys who make q lab figure 53 but all i've done here is i have the headphone out down here an eighth inch output running into the eighth inch input up here on our capsule and it's recognizing it as a line level signal because you can also plug mic level in there and so what we're going to do is we will go ahead and let's start let's see let's start some music here and we'll just slowly turn it up yep that's actually not a lot i mean we could even turn we could even turn this down a little bit on the ipad so we're only at about half volume and then bring this up a little bit and then you could come in here like this so now i'm on the sm7 with some music behind me right and they've got a bunch of cool things you could do like we'll go out and fade out two and fade in four so now or three so now we've got the next uh kind of bumper music running and then i've set out i've set up this slow fade uh button here where i can just have it go let's say it's coming in here all right welcome everybody yeah yeah check check here we go and then i can hit the slow fade it kind of does a slow fade out underneath me like this and then i can go into my podcast and we can talk about a b and c and who's doing this and who's doing that and what's up and what's going down and that's that's pretty much it they'll just slowly fade out that music over time it's all something stuff you can do in this go button app and it's free that's the crazy part so that gives us all three microphones that we had plugged in plus our music coming in and uh that's pretty much it guys it's you know i and then i can do something like this where i dim the music down and then let's say i'm going out and i hit that button go four and i've got that music underneath head now actually let's do this is a good one let's pause and then we'll go seven i want to stop all keys i'm going to stop all cues and then we're going to go to let's see we'll go to this queue here and then let's say it's the end of the show i dim it down there and then i go well that's all the time we have today guys we'll see you next time where we're gonna do this and that and this and we'll see you then you can even come up here and adjust the level up a little bit on here because our levels over here aren't that big aren't that loud so we can kind of mix a little bit from up in this area which is very nice and that's that yep maybe do a slow fade out [Applause] and then i'll take it out to the end of the show and that's it that's how you would do your podcast with the h6 well guys i want to thank you for tuning in to this video i hope you got something out of it i hope you can now go and get the proper equipment to make your podcast sound amazing and that you guys can have some success in creating content which is what we love to do here if you did like this video go and hit that like button it helps us out a lot uh consider subscribing and turning that bell on because that'll notify you uh when we are uploading a new video and also consider following us on twitter and instagram we post a few things there throughout the week and try to stay up to date with you guys especially when we're doing a live stream we're trying to do them fairly consistent there's been a couple couple weeks that we missed but we're trying to stay consistent with that but that's the easiest way to find out when we're doing a live stream is to follow us on twitter or instagram also i'm going to list everything down below that we have used in this video those are affiliated links so i get a little bit of a cut at no extra cost to use so if you use those that helps in supporting our channel again thanks guys for tuning in and we'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Ryan Knows Nothing
Views: 2,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to record a podcast remotely, zoom h6, audio recording, shure sm7b, how to start a podcast 2020, podcast setup, podcast setup multiple microphones, record a podcast, how to start a podcast, podcasting tutorial, podcast equipment, podcasting equipment, podcasting tips, podcast equipment for beginners, how to make a podcast, podcast microphone, podcast recording, podcast audio, podcast tips, podcast 101, how to edit audio, how to create a podcast, podcast
Id: Ho7UdhurwJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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