How to Play WYRMSPAN | Board Game Tutorial

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hey everybody welcome back to play the game HQ I'm Daniel and in this video we're going to teach you how to play worms span from ston Meer games in worm span players will be Excavating caves enticing dragons to come live in those caves and then exploring the dragon sanctuaries you've created throughout the game you'll be playing cards with various abilities but they all explain what they do on the card and the back of the rule book has a great reference for what all of the different icons in the game mean to set up the game put the dragon Guild board the round tracker board and the card display board in the middle of the table pick a random dragon Guild tile and put it in the middle middle of the guild board with your player count showing then put each player's Guild marker on the starting space of the guild board next put four random round objectives on the round tracker board then Shuffle the dragon and Cave cards separately and stack them next to the card display board and lay out three of each type of card face up onto the board put the supply of coins eggs and resources where everyone can reach them then give each player their own player board six coins one egg and three resources of their choice everyone takes three Dragon cards and three cave cards from the face down deck and chooses four of those cards to keep put put your egg in one of the two storage spaces on your playmat and then put your Explorer on the base camp space on your playmat put the rest of your coins resources and player cubes to the left of your player board and you're ready to get started worms span has played over four rounds each round you'll take turn spending coins and other resources to take actions until everyone passes when they either can't or don't want to take any more actions usually when you run out of coins once everyone has passed the round ends and the round objectives are scored then the next round begins after four rounds the game is scored and whoever has the most points wins pick a random start player and get give them a starting player token then going clockwise around the table take turns doing one of the actions on your player mat there's five actions you can take you can excavate caves you can entice dragons and you can explore one of the three caves on your board everything that happens on your board whether you're Excavating enticing or exploring happens from left to right and anytime you take an action put a coin on the space on your player mat to keep up with your turns you'll start each round with six coins but there's some cards and bonuses that can give you more coins which means that some players may get to take more turns than other players during the game you'll be playing cards with different types of abilities there's four types of abilities that your card may have when played which is activated when the card is played when explored which activates when you take the explore action once per round which activates between rounds and in-game scoring to excavate play a cave card from your hand into one of the leftmost Open Spaces on one of the three caves on your board the first space of each cave is already excavated so you can't place a card there when you place a cave card pay one coin plus the egg cost shown at the top of the column you're playing it into either zero one or two eggs when you play a cave you have the option to take the win play ability on the card which in this case is to gain one meat and to lay an eggs so I'd gain one meat into my Supply and then I would gain one egg now I have to store this egg somewhere and I don't have any dragons yet so it's going to go on my egg storage on my player mat if you're playing a cave into the fourth column you can take the win covered ability which is one time to trade in three resources or cards or any combination of three to get a coin the colors on the cave have nothing to do with their placement any cave can go in any spot on your player board once you have a cave excavated you can entice a dragon to come live in it to entice a dragon pay a coin and then pay the cost on the top left side of the dragon card then play the dragon into the leftmost open excavated space in one of your three caves and if it has a win plate ability you can activate it now the left side of the card shows the cave that the dragon can be played into so for this Dragon I have to play it in the golden Grotto this Dragon could be played into either the Crimson Cavern or the amethyst Abyss each dragon card shows different information about the dragon that want to pay attention to in addition to the cost and the cave limitations we've already talked about the right side of the card shows the dragon's ingame points the dragon size how many eggs it can hold and the dragon's personality all of these things may come into play at some point for scoring for instance our round two scoring is for aggressive dragons and our round four scoring is for shy dragons so be sure when you play a dragon card to pay attention to their different characteristics and how those different elements may affect your score and The Last Action you can take is to explore one of your caves the cost to explore is listed the left side of each cave and it resets each round the first time you explore a cave in a round it costs one coin the second time is a coin and one egg and the third time is a coin in two eggs and you can't explore the same cave more than three times in a single round when you take the explore action choose which of your three caves you want to explore and pay the cost put the coin and the eggs that you pay in this space to keep up with how many times youve explored this round and anytime you pay an egg cost it has to come from one of your dragons or from the egg storage on your board when you explore you're going to start at the beginning of each cave moving from left to right through the cave until you get to a stop sign or to the end of the board anytime you land on a win explored action you have the option to take that action so exploring the golden Grotto I would pay one coin and then I place my Explorer on the starting spot which lets me gain one dragon card that I take into my hand then I move to the right onto this card it says reveal a dragon card from the deck if it is medium tuck it here otherwise discard it and gain a meat so I reveal a dragon card it is a medium so it gets get tucked behind this card next I activate the guild which lets me move my marker one space forward and take the reward which in this case is an egg this card doesn't have an explore action so I skip over that finally I take one more dragon card and then the next space shows a stop sign when you're finished exploring return your Explorer to the home base spot on your player board at the end of your turn discard down to nine coins nine total cards and nine total resources and then it's the next player's turn if you ever activate a guild symbol move your marker one space around the guild track and take the reward shown if you ever land on one of the brown spaces pick a reward from the central board and place one of your cubes on an open spot next to it and then take that reward the spaces around the outside of the guild board don't have any player limits but if the central rewards don't have an open Square next to them they can't be claimed whenever an action lets you take a card you can choose one of the face up cards or draw a card from the top of the deck if you take a face up card don't replace it until the end of your turn when you gain eggs they have to go on a nest either on a dragon card or one of the two spaces on your player board if you don't have any available nests you can't take any more eggs if an action ever tells you to cash something that means to store it on top of a card cash resources can't be spent but they do score points at the end of the game and if an action says to tuck a card that means to put it behind one of the cards on your board like we did with the gnawing serap and just like cashed items tuck cards score points at the end of the game and some actions give you an option for instance this card tells you to gain a gold and you may cash it on this card if I choose not to cash it then it just goes into my personal Supply once every player has passed it's time to reset for the next round first players will discard any eggs and coins that they paid as cost on their player mat but don't discard the egg stored on Your Dragon cards or your player mat storage spaces next follow the instructions on the round tracker board for the end of Roundup keep in scoring first you're going to activate all of your once per round Dragon abilities so in this case this Dragon says if you have at least three dragons on this cave lay one egg on each dragon in this cave I don't have three dragons so I don't get to activate that ability then score the rounds objective using using a cube for each player to show where they ranked for that round ties are friendly meaning if two players tie for a position they both get the full reward if you don't have any of the items specified for the objective for instance if green doesn't have any dragons with a win played or once per round ability they would put their marker on the all others zero Victory Point space next we're going to refresh the market by discarding and replacing all of the dragon and Cave cards then give each player six coins in one egg pass the first player marker one player clockwise move the round tracker one space to the right and you're ready to start the next round after the fourth round score the end of the round objective and then move on to endgame scoring first score any markers on the central card of the Dragon Guild card that show in-game points so I'm going to score one point for every two eggs that I have on my board rounded down so I have 11 eggs on my player board which will give me five points then score the point value shown on every visible dragon on your player board tuck dragons don't count score any ingame abilities on visible dragons on your player mat for instance the chameleon codal gives me two points for each medium dragon on my player mat with a maximum of eight points and then get one point for each egg each cast resource and each tucked card on your board there's some abilities that change how certain things score so be sure to read all of your card abilities closely next score for your position on each round of the round tracker and remember that ties are friendly and finally get one point for each coin you have remaining and one point for every four of any other items or combinations of items you have the player with the highest score wins and if there's a tie the player with the most visible dragons wins and if there's still a tie then you'll just have to share the video iory and that's worms span if you have any questions be sure to leave a comment and I'll answer as soon as I can thank you so much for watching we'll see you later bye
Channel: Play The Game HQ
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Keywords: boardgames, playthegame, play the game, play the game HQ, best board games, hottest board games, best board games 2023, best games 2023, board games 2023, board game geek, board games review, board games playthrough, top games, top board games, top games 2023, top board games 2023, best family board games, best board game playthroughs, best board game play throughs, best board game lets plays, Wyrmspan, instructional, learn to play, how to play, tutorial
Id: TJaeiUh3MRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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