Harmonies - GameNight! Se11 Ep53 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] Angelic ingenious supplies [Music] day night tonight on Game Night Nikki Brian Mike and me Lincoln are going to teach and play harmonies a game for one to four players designed by Johan Ben venudo and published by liud are you guys ready to sing hey Nikki yes Lincoln will you teach us harmonies I certainly will all right we're going to harmonize right is that what the deal is well within nature oh okay not musically oh bummer although nature does have a little music going on in it too oh okay so in this game what we're trying to do is um collect these tokens from this board up here and put them onto our personal player boards and create terrains types that animals from if we draft a card from here um can go into terrain types that we have created that they specifically want which is shown down the bottom of the uh of the card and I'll break down the cards in a minute in addition to um scoring for the habitats that we create with the animals on it we will also be scoring for um certain terrain types at the end of the game that we construct on our personal board so there's a little score uh cheat sheet here or card and I'm going to just show you the types of terrain um there are trees mountains Fields buildings and rivers okay um and that's all represented by these tiles right here you can tell by their art on them the first type of terrain is uh trees so let's start with building a tree okay so I'm going to take some of these tokens off illegally oh yeah that's right you would take them from one pool yeah so trees can go up to three High um the first thing you are going to place will be the trunk and um that would get you zero points if you place another trunk on top of that trunk that still gets you zero points as soon as you put the leaves on top of the tree this tree is complete it's three high it's going to get you the most the highest value of points which is seven points all right you can also if I start over again put just the leaves down for one point you can ALS also put just one stump and then and then trunk stump I I interchange ter um and then you put the leaves on top of that and that'll get you a uh threo tree if it wasn't obvious before you cannot be sliding um tokens underneath tokens so you have to build in order I cannot do this and then lift it up and put this the trunk underneath it okay once nature works just like yes it's placed it's placed so that's how trees um get built the next one on the card is mountains so I will take some mountain ranges off of the board I should be just digging them out of the pouch fine um mountain ranges can also go to three High any mountain range whether it's a one two or three high mountain range if it's not around another mountain range it's not going to score anything so mountain ranges need to be part of a range so Peaks need to be part of a range essentially right yeah so if I've got this I am going to score one point for this one level mountain and then I'm going to double check three points for this two level Mountain digging out another Mountain from the pouch just for example sake this would get you four six points six points cuz it's three and three mhm if I've got something like this that is still part of a mountain range so you are going to get one one and three and if you've got a three tall mountain range with some other Mountain next to it you're going to get the high of seven points plus one mountain ranges okay right uh the next thing is fields and they are these yellow pieces fields are going to score five points per Clump Clump yeah okay so you got to have at least two and that'll get you five points if you've got three next to each other you're still only going to get Five Points all right so you need they show them like in there that they're connected like a chain not like as a like you have it there too I know that that's important to this stuff here yes it is okay so anyway all of that stuff is important too so yeah you want you want multiples in pairs of at least two so this would get me two or five and this would get me nothing cuz it's not around another uh field Clump Clump de clumped Clump the next thing is this is a fun one is buildings all right here we go buildings buildings can go to two tall two uh Tok two tiles tall um the topmost of that building does need to be this red piece buildings can be built with red on top of red they can also be built with wood on the bottom and red on the top or stone on the bottom and red on the top you cannot uh make a building with a tree and you cannot make a building with a field or in a river which I'll get two rivers in a second I feel like it wouldn't be earthquake proof I see it now on it can be it can be on wood but it can't be on leaves you don't want it can't be on leaves or Fields it would be it looks kind of like bamboo okay okay in order to score this building as a building we need to have three different color or well I shouldn't say different colors but three different tokens around it three terrain types terrain types so this with this with this would score all right you don't count this one you you just yeah um in the in the variety it's got to be a variet and you don't count this one in the variety so if a tree was next to it as well that makes it score as well but if nothing's around it it's not going to score what does that what do you get for it if you've got it surrounded that's going to get you Five Points okay all right it's one three oh no five no it's it's five the the text I see that's two or less it means if you only have two Terin types it's a weird uh it's hard yeah we were the iconography on the card is many numbers weird exactly felt like are we losing points if we that's what I thought some games use as iconography and it can be confusing yeah that is for sure that okay okay the last is Rivers Lincoln's giving me rivers rivers are going to score by how many rivers um long how many tile River pieces long it is so for this River a three section is worth Five Points uh a section by itself is zero and and it just it goes from 0er to 15 now if you create that's for six yeah if you create a river longer than six tiles long you just add an additional Four Points to to that okay now the other thing about rivers is that it needs to be um what do you want to say not the swiftest path but it straight straightest path to be the easiest path right so you would only score these three and you would not score this one because it's jutting out on the side this would score that would score okay but if we're heading we would just we would skip this one the shortest path you're also only going to score for your longest river so if you've got a bunch of little ones all over the place they're not going to count okay all right so it's 258 1150 15 and then four points for each additional one after the the six Stone or whatever as they would call them in Europe Stones okay so that's like the terrains and how they score on their own so let's get into um the animals I'll take the bats of course the bats they're out there for an examples okay so on a card and I can show you guys here as well as on the the closeup um it is obvious the animal type this is showing you the terrain type that it wants are there four there I think it's four it's four all right so you're going to grab one of these on your turn and I'll get into those but I just want you to understand how doing an animal is um I will put these cubes on here all right so this particular bat wants to be uh in a uh Harmony her terrain type with a uh three tall tree it's going to be in this orientation with those features in it exactly right so like these here and then this next to it yes on your player board like this it also shows you exactly where the animal wants to be so this animal when you place it has to go onto the mountain type Okay so any later bats that you place will have to be in a different configuration you do just one right next to it and still I could do this it still fulfills the configuration and then I could take the next bat and the scoring on those the scoring on this is for the first bat these are these are not cumulative I should say so the first bat you place at the end of the game if you only place one of them is three points the next one is six uh then 10 and the last one will be 15 points and that's 15 points total you score the highest that you yeah you score the highest that is revealed okay okay okay um the other thing that the cards always show you is the actual tile type that the animal wants to be on so in addition to the picture this little icon is saying the animal needs to be on a mountain wow so this one is saying this animal just like that needs to be on the water this one needs to be on the roof uh the roof the building the building the tree the tree and the field the field um these can be flip-flopped and things like that and the goal really uh is to get these animals set up a Terrain type where you can put a bunch of these animals out either from multiple cards or one right after the other from a a single card however you manage to do your terrains for this mouse yes does it have to be a building and then like does it have to be this exact set yes it has to be that set up so the two yellow can't be touching they cannot it can be mirrored right but it can't yeah okay all right you can only have four of these cards in front of you working on four of them at a time as soon as you finish a card you move it off to the side and then you're you can um draw another uh animal card okay so let's talk about a turn I have a question though okay if if I'm in the middle of working on an animal can I say I'm done with it and throw it away or am I not allowed to do that you are stuck with that I must harmonize the animals before must you must um you're punish though if you don't finish it right even if you don't finish one you're at Le you're going to get at least you know whichever is revealed um points Wise by the end of the game so you don't have to finish a card but okay it is yours and clogs that space okay so the birds outside saying that that's not nice to say that they clog a space they clog a space um okay so let's talk about on a turn so now you know how to kind of build your board on a turn you have a mandatory action the Mandatory Action is to take one of these groups of three that are on this Central board okay okay the next thing that you have to do is place at least one of these onto your main board so let's say I just do this now you're free to do the optional actions the optional action is to draw an animal card you can only draw one animal card on a turn the other optional action is to place animals on habitats that you have uh ready and set up okay so my first so I would grab the three I have to place one then I can do other moves by the end of my turn I have to place all three of these tiles onto my board okay if you if you had that one on the board already you would obviously have two more and you drew this could you do all of them uh and let's say you had a water already on there okay so I had some set up like this and then you drew this and you built the rest of the mountain and added the other water could you then add two of the uh of these fish to that you see what I'm saying yes okay so so I've already got this set up right this is from previous I've grabbed an this is my second turn or whatever and I'm like oh cool I can do this I'm going to do the three Mountain tall so that it doesn't have to be just one you can do everything if you want do everything and then hey look I place look at that maybe I've taking this now maybe I've had it from before I can now put a fish on this one cuz that's that pattern and I can put a fish on this one cuz that's that pattern you can place those as many animals on your turn as possible okay okay the only thing is you draft three once you can only draw an animal card once on your turn but you can place as many animals as you want on your turn the end of the game is when we either run out of tiles to grab from the draw bag or somebody has two or fewer open holes left on their player board everyone's going to get an equal number of turns so you know it doesn't just end immediately this refills at the end of a turn so so the next player's always going to have five animals to choose from Wolf if you if it needs to and this always refills at the beginning of of a player's turn so you're always going to have the full how many are on there five to choose from there okay groups to choose from more questions I do if I don't like any of those tiles am I allowed to uh flush them or am I have to take you're being too gamery no no flushing I how does the scoring work at the end okay okay um scoring at the end of the game um first we're going to start we're going to score uh for our trees and then our mountains and then our Fields buildings Rivers then we're going to start scoring for our animals and our animal cards that we have placed okay all right so everything that we've completed plus whatever we have may not have finished whatever the best is that we've uh finished okay um just because it's here on the screen I will point out that this white cube is for an expansion that comes with the game which I can explain after we play this version first okay cool most points wins most points wins sounds fantastic we are going to here I can take those put out new cards okay cuz well those were my selection of cards she just rolls them to me I'm collecting them just rolling them to you you know what I me I missed one thing here okay um determining the start player who ever seen a wonderful view is the start player most recently most recently did you see a wonderful view on your last trip well I'm sure we we saw the sun it was like uh moon was in front of it I think one of you right you did okay let's say Lincoln's the start player this Arrow rotates towards Lincoln so that we always know that this is the start player for you know when the game actually ends all right cool [Music] Angelic ingenious supplies okay well not a lot that I see here that is great based on what we have going here uh this is frogs that's pretty rad it's just a water and a tree frogs are rad those aren't compared together in any way shape or form boy there's five of those there to 15 the bees is pretty great so the first Frog's only two points but if you get them all out there you get 15 so I'll take this the bees might point out the bees the bees knees you like the bees um so yeah I'm going to do that plus take this I won't be able to score yet oh have to place this at least one yeah there we go I'm placing that one now you can do whatever you want I'm going to take these bees they are the bees knees oops that's okay and then I will do I'll start my tree the downer is is this is not a great one you got to do it twice hey wait so maybe I can make it so that the trees it work that the the the I can do like the if you surround the tree well no it goes on top so I need to make two trees Center so it does work let me see if that uh if there's a better way to do that um nope uh the place I think I think that was kind of it yeah we'll do it placement of the animal always okay all right and three stones yep give me some good link I I don't know I mean I seem to draw poorly out of this bag oh I could get this Marmet what about these Eagles eag D mirror cat yeah they didn't have the names on them that's some kind of Eagle F falcony thing you Eagle that's the ones in the the monkeys in the um hot springs Springs yeah it's awesome but they're not monkeys are they I don't know well they're primates some sort of primate yeah well choose your Stones all right I'm going to take these Stones first then Place one now I'm yeah I'm placing this one I place that can do whatever you want well I got to place a stone I heard I heard that you can place all of those I'm if you want and I have a I was told this is not a Marmet but Lincoln you didn't take your and I have to place this you have to place all three you have to place all three it it gets it's messy all right here you go Nikki Three Stones I haven't made a decision what is this that's what I thought it was somebody said it look like a horseshoe crab I think it's a slime it could be that too it does look like a blue slime but there's more guys look there's not just oh wait the wrong card looks similar but look see there's a little green one back there that's a green slime is there oh there's another one here a mouth slime SL a metal slime metal slime metal slime wow okay did you see that on galpagos or something no Dragon Quest oh okay okay I will be taking those two mountains with the water everyone's just going to take that pot of St well here's and and here's why boom take this one fill it up oh yeah stones or animals one two three three and place an animal right now I have a question we have a lot of trees I have a question yes sir am I allowed to take this pile well yeah you can take any pile you want well I I don't think I can play the red or the I guess it' be called you can because the red can be on the bottom for for a building as well for a building it can be I see but yes you can find yourself in that situation where it's yeah it's challenging you've screwed up the building order and there's nothing you can do okay uh let's go for the birds so I'm going to take this pile here pretty good one I'm going to place this hey it is popular I'm telling you just we only need one pod of stones is it a leming thing he was going to take that one I thought one more card I got to do my animals first okay you you can you place something no you shouldn't have placed those until he was done with his turn just cuz it might affect what he does placed his stuff there you go sorry that is a oh sorry I see a peacock you guys have okay space we all do roughly the same okay that is my turn got bees this is pretty good but I don't need that water um and it's in the exact same spot we no I'm tell that's all we're going to do you're picking very well Lincoln okay well I will do that and then I can at least place a b and b one thing I didn't point out which I hope is obvious but I should say it uh if you've placed an animal and the terrain starts to change throughout the course of the game that's totally fine you don't have to pull the animal off or anything the animals are harmonized they are already put one on so there that one's done fantastic hopefully we don't kill the trees okay so new we got the new oh I can maybe take a card yeah is there something I want peacock is pretty cool but look what it's got to have is a s i those Center ones seem to be but I guess that's why they've got the good points on them I think they seem difficult yes well I'll try that one okay there's the new card that is that an alligator or a crocodile that looks like a croca gator I crocod Gator that alligator cuz it's with trees that's the hybrid a crocogator has anybody done that I don't think genetically spliced and that uh did I draw Stones I did I'm good okay yeah they're on the board well here these are the ones I'm talking about all right what do I need I think I want I'm going to not take from our pod I feel like I'm breaking the unwritten rule well you can have a building right off the bat yeah all right I'm going to take this one I'm going to place this Stone I'm going to take this card the Frog I'm going to put this here he's got five five potential got one Manimal and another Manimal oh wait I'm going to put that there and this has to go how do these score I need this is going to be the bottom it has to be so if you put it something like there it's got to be touching problem you want to kind put more water next to be touching three different three different three different three different least I'll get another different around it it's fine okay uh three stones please there you go those are penguins it is a penguin penguin Penguins ooh penguin I've got a plan no it's a lot of water in this there's a lot of water I like it I like it too okay let's take this one place one we're going to place one we're going to place this dude we're gonna take the pengs no I wanted the penguin penguin check it out give me my three remember in in uh bios Nikki was the ice queen she's going to be the water Queen on this one watch to to two of them right now god wow we just gave her those Penguins I didn't give her the penguin I didn't get a chance to take him that shape nice yeah that shape give her anything just how it work I need to finish placing these so now it did stop me from growing my mountains higher and just scoring for a taller Mountain stop me from getting these ones which was where I was going to go next and but that just seems so easy easy picking yeah where am I is my River going to go uh mountain ranges are a good thing so let's continue this mountain range here and let's uh put a field right there okay let me turn this over Mike your turn okay I need some water for sure is that a crow that's a crow look like a crow I almost picked that card for the example too I like that one I'm predictable except it's two buildings yeah next to a wait or field yeah I'm not sure we're into these buildings yet but I do need some water AA okay must place a water for first let's go here I must please a water well you took my Penguins away from me well your penguin I'm going to take the rockadile or alligator or crocogator whatever we're calling it this week crocogator Croc W Gator is theator in the I like I like crocogator may I have three cubes please you may okay thank you I'll place this here can you place anything uh no I'm choosing not to oops three things oh think I need go one thing only yeah I'm going to go here so I can get that what is that one he has to finish is that a wild Bo wild bors wild Bo I think I'm G to go here okay yep go ahead what are those oh the Wilds that's what you're saying wild okay it boy okay uh I will take these and start that and do that and um I don't think I'll take me let me look and see if any of this could potentially work um oh yeah uh the crows I might cuz I'm going to build a another one here but that sucks it's going to be a giant um I'll do it in other words it makes this just a bigger yellow uh sweep here let me see if I could do something to I did just no I chose had to do that first okay take your two crows oh yeah I'm Counting Crows you're counting there's two there's only two wow there's a lot of trees in a game that nck and I play this bag up I know shake shake it shake it like a picture shake it there's the bear Golden Bear it's a bear no NOP sir I don't like it uh I don't want more buildings well I guess I do I'm going to take this what am I going to take after I take that that's the question it is difficult uh I'm taking this it's kind of bad building up cards here I might not be able to clear any I may have to hold not take a fourth card right you need to have options you need to clear these things I'm going to do that can I do that and I guess I'll take you don't have to I I don't know did I make it clear you don't have to take you did but I don't want to not take yeah something that might work I have a problem I need three animal cubes please oh okay are those hedgehogs yes those are cute hedgehogs all right I am done okay okay nickp I would like the tree stump water and Mountain okay there you go thank you mhm I would like to place this here you know you can't you're able you may you may do that I may yeah which gets me this guy which finishes that card and then I will do this one this is going to be hard I I made a mistake on that one this one I mean there's plenty of red brick or whatever this is out there but wait wait can't be brick right what am I trying sandone a game roofs Spanish tile they do look like roofs yep I we do have a barn here that one there which gets me to place this penguin finishes that card I feel like Nicki know I've played this game and then I have a she got two complete cards true I have got one animal on I'm none I'm none then I will can I make that one work maybe no oh no cuz I got the animals on there all right cuz they have to go on the you could do it here right right well I'm trying to I'm trying to grow this one and then just do it here since it's there so maybe the bear or the eagle we're Eagle's dare yeah or Eagle's bear I will take okay is that John Wayne movie Where Eagles Dare yeah I've never seen it I think that's they have two animals yes I think it's got thank you okay I think it's got Clint Eastwood maybe Where Eagles Dare but I don't remember anything I've probably seen it in my World War II movie watching days you know when I was into that stuff for a little bit okay so I'm gonna place my uh River there and that lets me place this bird correct cuz I matches no it isn't look at it you're right did you just place that water yes it's there there there all right sorry Mike no you're right no I don't want to mess with your you're not messing you're being correct though it's take it from the bottom I will take it from the bottom you take it from the top he's just excited he's fining in place an animal give him a break no he's hacked the game he's like I didn't cover the highest one okay okay I'm going to go here I see what you're trying to do that's good okay okay so I just want to be clear Nikki this one now counts correct this it sure does three col three colors around it okay do you want a card I don't think so okay uh I am done all right or tiles or whatever these are I want to go again I know can I have another turn that's exactly you have another turn things aren't happening fast enough I'm so excited I'm just saying it does I'm excited to play Styles so I'm going to did I do that right I sure did what was I fantasizing I would do there I don't know I sorry wow I'm helping mik but I'm not helping over here no no it's fine I I realize now what's going on uh I'm poorly playing this game that's what's going on you have to see the patterns add this put that there no it's got to go there or I don't get this so my first peacock oh nice peacock do you have anything else you have oh I do I have this as well I have the uh a crow of a crow I'm counting them I now only have one I have one so you have one out of the two crows hey I got some Crow well there's two to I can do yes it is CR two barns or whatever you want to call them in buildings yeah fantastic that was kind of exciting all right give me something good hey you can go for that River do I want to I don't want another animal card I would love one but I can't take one I like it um H did you say hm it did think it say h than you I think I do want I want these nice oh that water was so good of course I want these Clear Water watch that that's a that's a frog yeah look at that that's a frog yes look at that that's a frog yeah done oh that's why there's so many on that frog one yeah I felt pretty good multiply the Frog I now know how it feels yeah it feels good feels good Ran's going to win just for the sheer number of Cubes Nikki's close behind him though harmonizing makes me feel good uh do I want navies I could do that no I can't do that I could do that I could get this I don't know monkeys that one's pretty good yeah I was thinking about the monkeys monkeys I'm G Jam this down here well you're you are a Daydream Believer oh boy you're done right uh the bats you did take the monkeys I need to rethink what I'm going to do I need to that work so I will be taking the mountain with the two Fields mhm two Fields there you go and you took the two boo okay so boo boo did you say boo I said boo uh sir so I'm building a mountain and I'm going to put this one here yeah we've had these like fantastic situations that was great though that was great what's it going to be total 15 o it is I guess it's cuz it's not too hard but it's a lot you got to focus on it water well my river is also trees I know but it Peters out there you can't Branch off that go although five is still not bad that's 11 points I'll take it yeah darn I don't think I'm going to take an animal I don't you don't none of them seem good not at the moment so I'm done okay H I know you're already kind of build you already kind of built these sort of sort of I need to see some more tiles of course it's okay sort of hey more water almost as much water almost as much water do I need do I want to gamble for more water I don't have many more Ts like Lincoln I'm not building up fast I got a lot of room still Nikki is the one that's well I don't know I think we're all kind of trying to do well now I'm going up Brian is he's going horizontal I'm just making stuff you're making stuff up making stuff up okay let's do this let's do this path okay so I take the TR trunk the water and the gray so the gray the gray that the stone trunk water and stone yeah trunk water and gray yeah there we go I'm going to take the bats all right bats bat put the bats here and uh I need four bats and that should match this correct CU I'm just rotating it that's correct I can't there's yeah this yes Tre two y one B one bat sits over there okay so we're going to do that and then I'm going to go one over why are you doing that look if you put this here you'll be able to put a crocodile just telling you do what you want follow your heart do what I want what I want follow my heart which Follow My Dreams follow my heart follow my dreams okay I'm going to go there I'm Oh thanks thank you Lincoln there we go those are uh flamingos pink flamingos the tiles yep I have a plan I I may not my plan may not finish but I have a plan okay plan um I think I want that don't I maybe yeah yeah you do finish will it finish the be it does finish the bees and take the flamingos man flamingos I don't think I can can I oh I guess maybe I could if you start water on that side of the oh well you're going to do the bees there so no oh don't take it never mind go don't take it out of there that would be bad okay and I can take a card still if I want to yeah um don't lock yourself in or do or do do do yeah well I did clear one I don't know about this other one I don't know about the flamingos now that you did the bees the way you did well I can do one here yeah and then maybe one you know if I do another the problem is I've got all these Stone uh these fields uh and they're not broken up it's five points right now um I'll I'll stick with the flamingos we'll try doesn't matter okay and then Stones stones or whatever tiles pieces or foxes foxes do you think that's a fox isn't it maybe it's your Marmet like it looks like a do they need to have the name a sable no I don't know it does look kind of small when you look at it out here you going take these gym jams gym jams gym jams going place that which is this that's done those marmots nice done I have a tree Mir cats if I put this here that tree is next to a building that's too tall and that goes there yeah yeah nice now for my next I feel like there's a game designer next to me playing this game what want a talented game designer I don't think I want any of those jim jams see sometimes I think you help people take something so something better comes out there's no flushing available like I don't like all these trees my my player board is not a lot of trees Nikki I don't like stupid trees Waters more Waters give me mountains chocolate water yikes I will take the Mountain Water uh brick or whatever red thank you he did what I did I mean what is it is it is it what is that tile you know what I assigned them those the names like Stone and the rule book is red gray green okay okay so I was right I I don't take the red all right so it does that gets me one of my but this is a slate roof I mean I can't I can't tell you how to build a barn you can use whatever I can't tell them they we use we're supposed to use Spanish tile let's do that let's jeez none of these cards are any good for me this is bad oh I can do well will that you got your bees done that's a lot of points for bees sure is but I got a mess I these crows are not nly counting these guys is not really worth it don't count the crows okay I'll do that and I'm G to take this guy okay so I need two animal cubes please here you go three more Stones link what is that those look like ladybug no they ladybugs yeah cute I'll take the water water stump water water trunk trunk stump trunk stump like the stump the stump let's put that here I'm trying to build this tree here but it's not working that well okay how's your crocodile I don't want a crocodile how about a crocogator yeah that's much better I am good go ahead I'm ready to go okay three stone or three tiles whatever keep calling stones but they're tiles okay what kind of wad dooodle are you doing you'll see he a plan I have a plan it might not work out but I have a plan he's got a plan I do have a plan mm mhm wow that's a big jumping points I kind of want to make that happen do it yeah I don't know how to do that take a take a field then oh no I I need a water oh it need I want to get the I want to get the crows uh no no this is the flamingos sorry I was thinking the crows but I read the uh the pattern wrong yeah yeah um no I was lucky that I could do one I might get to do the other one um I want water too more water I guess I could do this one right I need a water for this which finishes that Flamingo nice flamingo standing on did you take it from the flamingo no yeah I did I take it from I mean generally I take it from the box but not this time that's a peacock the peacock did I say Flamingo I meant peacock yeah yeah you're good uh and then it's a bird it is some sort of bird they both they both fly right yeah and then sort of no they don't fly they're kind of skitter flamingos do the whole they do fly kind of f fly right I'm going to do this and then uh I'll do this and I'll get a Flamingo out as I was trying to say anyway okay you want a card um I don't think so I mean it'd be wonderful oh oh oh oh take the look at that you already have the pattern oh I do don't I too yeah Nikki's helping me out here I'm trying to help teacher is supposed to help I know it's pretty good what put it now oh yeah you're right I get to do that right away one and two okay W what what I do I'm trying to help him are you trying to help him I'm just saying he's doing very well you said you have a plan but my trying help you and you shoot me away okay more of these things all right give me something good L I said something good I I what you want I don't know what you want it's getting like man it's not empty but it's shocking it's all too shocking mhm no water out you guys all took it we're probably how many are in the game 23 how many do we have 1 2 3 4 count 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 that's a lot it's like flushing it's a lot uh if I do another tree I get another boore out what a boore board there's no mountains out either I know I'm all about the mountain yeah my bats are my one bat is sad taking this okay going place a tree which is a boar going take this gy Jam I don't know if I want any of those that one's harder than you're not building that already yeah trust me that's why I like I don't think I want any of these this I can take this those qual are happy just more green that's all you need yeah but look at no where you have to place the koala oh I don't want that done you can see Mickey P thank you all right well I guess this is the start of my new building buildings need to be touching three different things so that's a good place for a building Y no but that's where that's supposed to go okay not done no but that it would be that would be three things and that but that's not done the game no I'm doing it okay now I'm done you broke everything that you were working towards trust me cards no cards no cards like I hate those cards ay no more water still wow it was sad that we drw that water I will take the two Trunks and the leaf why it away from me cuz I don't like you that's perfect for M we will do this this and this and I'm working towards my little happy My Blue Heaven Hedgehog I have zero Stone on this board you guys are the stone takers I have one two one one oh the one under here that I can't see anymore I don't do even count and you're going to take ladybugs so I need five or six three four five five uh animals L cubes okay come on give me some water Lincoln what is that that's like hey it's not water it's like a wolf maybe I don't know I don't know that's a wolf yeah it might be a wolf I think I'm going to well I need if I place this that could go here do I just give up on the points no I don't give up on the points just like continue with the points okay let's take these so I'm going to have do two stumps like that and then it can be what do I even need the ground so I think I'm going to place this here and my my uh I'm not going to harmonize so I'm done go ahead okay some tiles hey no Rivers no Rivers no Rivers oh boy the game okay you need water there's a lot of trees out there though they all need water now I mean if I'm going to go for trees I might as well go with the one with the wood and you do need to have a different color over here so I'll do this place these just to place a for three points and then um GH seriously ugly okay wait did that work no it'd have to go here and then something else would have to be there MH that's fine right I think so yeah makes sense it'll do this right if I build this yeah yeah okay cool okay uh and I I can't take another one so um no no what trying to build for the crow like this one is that what you're saying yeah cuz it would do it this way oh I see it now wow at least there's some mountains I would lik those I could have taken I guess I do want this boo I was going to make it back to you um you never know so if I do you guys all have stone I put this here and I put these here that is that so that's some points nice now I have this do I want does it match that no no it's three tall three T three tall that's two and two that's two and two and can't do it I don't want I don't want any of that stuff still okay all right I'm done come on tiles tiles you want water too wow is there water in here there might not be there might not be we might have taken it all wow I am going to take the two leaves and the stone please two leaves Stone two leaves why is that cuz you want it I think every wanted it too okay I'm that it's a good choice and then I'm going to put this one here do I need a lot of I can do this right if I just get this done two ladybugs one that goes on the fields how many are there 15 one two three four five six o not many I could have that buildings buildings yeah well okay I'm done okay well it was like do this one or this one okay Lincoln give me bad tiles bad tiles cuz I I already know the one I want okay oh look at that stone stone I know is that what you want now no I'm going to continue taking this I'm going to take leaves make like a Tre and this is a uh this is the plains this is what Fields Fields okay so we to leave it's yellow actually leave yellow okay so go to here wow 21 trees there that's pretty great okay so that's that's my birds that finishes the birdss right oh no that's not wrong it did not nope I need the water over here oh wait as I knock it over oh it should be okay right this one here counts Tre no what are you doing oh yeah it does yeah it does for sure yeah yes but this one maybe not the water on the other oh yeah you've got it over here yeah yeah you're good you got it only that first one was wrong okay so here it's here and here ignore that one and you got it yep so we're good I if I keep I keep knocking them over I got to knock it over 21 points for that for the trees that's fantastic there we go okay so you're supposed to set them like off so you don't get them confused with your animals but well I have my animal right here they you'll see all right all right CU see it's got the yeah exactly no card I don't know I have another one in place okay iron places here up here do you want to wait to maybe pick one of these I am not decide yet no no no I don't think I want the downer is is this is like you you have to put it on the top so it's already taken it's that fools me too cuz I'm like oh I could do oh I have to put the anal I think I'm with the two I'm right now okay Europe Europe Europe hey there's a water oh Lincoln I I don't need the I don't need two water though this is a d take the water take the water from the rest of us convenient I don't really want it I have to think about this I'm trying to finish the crows and the flamingos Flamingo can I get there with one water I can but the problem is is it needs to be this one I think GH I can't do it can I I don't know what are you looking at so if I do this this doesn't score if I do the water here oh right and I want something different there what's going to get what's the difference of the points by the way I'm going I'm going to PL I have something where I'm not scoring the building but I did it in favor of putting the animal well what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this I think or yeah this one I don't know if I need that darn uh planes let's just do that one so this will get the the last Crow done I'm done Counting Crows thank goodness what was the name of that song Mr something or other Mr Jones I'm not a not a big uh Cy crows fan and then um yes but it was kind of unavoidable at the time sure sure it was very now what do I do with these leaves all over the make like a tree and leave um so if I try to do this one I have to put water here and here this is not going to be there by the time it get the peacock no I can guarantee it won't be there yeah I can't imagine anything you pull out of that bag I not water water something else right all right okay and that is that I don't think I need a card anything I don't think I I going to be able to do this yeah I can finish if I can just do a tree no wood uh I took all the wood yeah you sure did hey much more water exactly the same well which one do I want the new one yeah the new one no I haven't taken from the spot yet I don't think so that's all new do that nice oh wait wow that's great you have to do that oh yeah to do that but if you do it there you're still continuing it you might get these that's nice but that little leg is not going to count as his you still want it to be six but then I needed to get two stones so I need to leave that open all right well so that's done we're doing that frog ribbit frogs are done yeah you need this to still be there yeah cuz you're it's almost over you've got you're going to have I know two spaces left three spaces left after this turn um yes two or fewer or nothing left in the bag it's getting there I think it's obvious that we can only have one animal on a token also so it's my habitat it's my harmonized habit my habitat I to do what I want yes I'm not going to be able to do it what was I even thinking you Grand plans no I guess I just do this I kind of want well it would be 17 points it's seven points versus five so if I get lucky and I will not draw a any of those cards they don't hurt you but I don't think you're going to get to be able to do them anyway well but it only helps someone to see something else right yeah it's true what yeah it's like got three cards done no flushing um I would like the two mountains and the course is that the one you were talking about okay so Mountain Still stone in there all right stop I just keep bre I could have counted I know I I don't want that one's done then I'm going to do do I fit what is this is five this will get me eight so we'll do this one right now nice and hope that we get one little dude out dud out uh that he has to be on the yellow on the yellow so it has to go to this one do I want I don't know she doesn't know one two and a tree I can't do that one two tree one two tree is that that one sort of works that one works right now but it's I'm not sure if you're saving something I don't know nope I'm not I will take that one it's three points I will take three animals and put one right now or four animals and put one right now d three four he goes on the tall I'm just waiting cuz I've been yelled at for find stuff out I just want you to I know you do hey look at that one is thatana or looks like a lizard I love it okay chameleon maybe it's it's well he's got the little rounded he looks yes he look GE Geck the little did you those Gus oh that's right I forgot you went there yeah that must have been amazing it was pretty cool Sorry L I'm picking the water I know you are it's perfect it it's perfect it finishes it perfectly that that curve and it finishes this over here too you suck that's all I know I know uh I don't think I'm going to see uh let's see I can't place any of these animals and this is my last turn guaranteed I have one two three four five it's my last turn cuz Brian's going to finish it and I'm the start player so this is my last turn he builds upwards if I have two though right I guess I'll take cuz I can only build upwards on two things there's no way I can do this I can't do it tree go ahead so I only have two spaces you are correct sir oh decisions deis hey you got the stones though that's pretty amazing well maybe I don't um okay you don't want Stones so maybe I do I mean I I want them but I don't need them um I think that I that I shall never see something is whatever a beautiful tree okay uh I'm going to take these three because I I finished this one which is also gain so um I'll put that here which puts that there I was happy that there was at least something I could do that would uh score there and then um and I can't complete anything else it would have been great to have another water I have a lot of stuff that oh see that's one big field that connects going to these are not going to score yikes uh bummer okay well that's what it was that's what my choices were I have to do the math I don't like bother with that I know hey there's a building though right there I actually think it's better for me to finish this because I'll score for a another building and a tree than this even though can you do the can you finish that one though yeah if I take this oh my I can do the building oh wait no yeah now if I take this one and finish the tree and the building which is that and that will score me where's oh right here yeah perfect okay good as long as you can see it I was just making sure I think that scores me more yeah it's a five point jump last turn for you two guys okay and obviously you don't want the card I think we're going to run out of these yeah yeah how many of these do I feel in here hey one more turn perfect for Mike runs out of stones at the same time I only had three more spaces left anyway it's like they did the math but I would have loved to have put this over here and then draw something to help get these things to score I've only got one that scores but I got a lot of points for all those other things too that's sad these are not distributed the way that would work best for me that's not how it works ah I think Nikki did really well though although she doesn't have any of the oh no she's got three of the ones pulled off of the lady bu yeah it's eight oh okay and whatever those other cards are probably big points probably going to do this one for no this is five and if if I put this one at six it's a difference of one point I don't think I can do both um so these are not the way they should be I have to take cuz this wouldn't have made a difference what I wanted was water it wouldn't have done it either it would have let me score this though right well and oh no yeah no I I needed two yeah I needed two do I take tree field field tree field field field field tree or field field tree or field tree field I will take tree field field all right tree field fi I'll give you in that order thank you there's this one I get to put one of my little hedgehogs out at least no water you guys are all water crazy we do have a lot of water well okay I either make it two points here or two points here no water no mountains two of the trains I get zero points wait wait wait wait wait if I put this one right here I can put out another yeah ladybug nice there you there that's probably good where does it go from 5 or 8 to 8 to 12 still that's good pretty good and then this one gets me nothing all right you and you'll like it okay Mike here's your last Choice want a card give Mike something to look at [Laughter] no hey I can take one from here right now and place an animal but I don't think I have that working in for me think that ain't working I think I'm going to place water here and that allows me to place the crocodile the one crocodile here and then I have these two mountains which can make the own mountain right they can't they need another one near you can do them as singles yes yes as points two points so I think it's just that two points and I can't one yeah I can't make these it doesn't matter that's still two points man either way that's great okay okay I'm done okay so Nik P we got to score okay scoring let's just do treats everybody's treats okay you get 6 78 uh nine that's uh 6 S8 N double I was just double I understand don't trust me I get it seven oh yeah yeah go ahead Mike 211 why are we even question I get uh 3 6 9 12 13 14 I think I get 10 nice double check it 1 two 3 nine n 10 yep and then uh mountains sneaky P okay 78 n 10 uh that's a seven 8 n 10 yes that's by itself so it doesn't count count two oh wow this a little range over here uh I have zero it's like Hills three Hill three Nikki was the mountain Queen okay Fields Nikki P two three four they're five right they're five each so I have 10 yep I have five points Lincoln yeah I I just want to count tiles too not I have 10 10 how are your good too I have one one one large field okay uh houses Nikki P nothing or buildings that one doesn't count two colors I have two of them so these two are worth 10 points total five five this one does not score well it's not done yeah as well why would not be done it's two it needs to be two pieces oh I didn't even realize that okay well I still only have 10 points yeah you got three and three colors so you're good so that's 10 points points for Mike not really zero oh yeah and then I have five I think two three and then 10 10 yeah Brian's doing great okay and then water uh Mike you have seven seven so that's uh 19 points One Two Three N how much you I only have five points okay I only have three Brian I have 11 points 11 and I have zero no oh yeah now one we're touching not not a one okay so now we go to our amones what do you got here five uh just add it all up um you have room to do each card oh okay yeah yeah we got all these it's the highest go first okay 16 okay 16 32 11 nice 12 5 three okay Ma off the score she 18 four three I I did not play many animals ah you were doing great on terrain um oh me okay I have uh 18 yep nice nine yep that was those counting those crows 17 yep uh 10 10 yeah 10 and F four four yep that looks right 10 and four and then Brian 13 14 15 and five what I was waiting for 16 I know okay let's total it up [Music] we have a solution for that give me [Music] [Music] that give me that Angelic ingenious supplies okay there you go Nikki P all right how' we do oh you killed us I killed you killed it all right Brian's got 91 Lincoln has 82 Mike has 82 nice and Nikki has 9797 so close congratulations yeah you had a pretty good uh system going there and you were completing cards way faster than we were yeah the penguin what do you think Nikki p i mean essentially is a tying game we know she likes this uh I really like it I like I like the art I like I like that this pattern building is um builds upwards and it also can chain if you get the right combinations of animals instead of just couple of good ones thanks to Nikki too there by the way kind of like one worse I am the teacher I am supposed to help so say yes or annoy why'd you take my penguins I don't know all of it I like the art I like the stacking upwards I like the animal um I like the way you can get stuff to work together if if you're lucky enough to have the right combos of cards out um that does at one point I re I said I'm not in the tree thing I don't want to do trees cuz I had only had this half of the board right and then all of a sudden because there were only trees and the water disappeared I turned turned into trees and Fields like really easily and quickly um which surprised me I thought I was going to hit a wall so yeah um I do enjoy this game what do you think Brian I liked it a lot um it was fun I like that uh you kind of have two ways to score the animals and the train um it's neat to try to keep both of those in mind as you play yeah and I I it's got I love the tactile stuff it's really good looking pieces there what do you think Mike I really enjoyed it I think it's really really interesting about how you need to balance your Landscapes with the animals I don't think I did as good a job of this in my game any it's your first game I know it's my excuse It's always a first game is always I know not your best play ever I am an experienced gamer so I should know what I make I should know what to do so uh I love I think the artwork's really cool I think they should have added the names on the sides just so you know what animals they were trying to render there there's a hair there's a hair there there's a fish there's a bear gecko maybe that is a gecko it has little Roundy toes it could be a chameleon maybe anything with a Roundy toes I'm saying there was a little there's a Miss opportunity for that maybe maybe it's in the rule book but no I'm sure they were just leaving to interpretation because you know you have to have the debate whether it's a crocodile or an alligator it's a crocogator I love so why deal with it I think the game's great I feel it has a a tiny bit of uh Cascadia going on but the diens stuff changed that for me it's not as but you know you you do need to meet patterns you need um I mean especially the uh the buildings have a feel of that where you have to have different stuff around them so there's a couple types of animals uh uh or train types that had that kind of stuff going on but I feel it's a different game it's much smaller um but I love the dimensionality I think it's great uh it is hard to remember though like oh crap you know like I need to do these but there's only two types three types of uh train underneath this to make the building and I kept wanting to put it on uh fields and Tre single tree green you know like can't do that um but I I really really like it I I um I was surprised when we played it because so when Nikki and I played it on a live stream and I think I won first you won second second game was much closer we had a very uh um like a tight uh similar thing going on and you know when you have less people drawing these cards there's always five available you're more likely to get what you might need to make better combos um but we weren't that far apart I mean Mike and I were 15 behind Nikki you know so so you answered one of my questions there's always five animals available and there's always five groups of tiles available so yeah you have more more chance to score higher and I'm pretty sure we were a little higher than this not much though um I think you were over 100 on your on second game or maybe yeah but I really I really love it and I love that it it actually is a bit of a table hog surprisingly considering how much that you do you have these beautiful big cards that end up taking up space but uh it is really fantastic is there anything else on the um I know that there's that expansion that's with the game how does that work yeah there's some other um ways you can play this game if you flip over this score thing you've got the island and you flip over your player board and and what you're doing in this one is everything else is the same the trees the mountains and the fields and the buildings but you are creating islands with uh with the river tokens so if I start building a river like this oh I see that it for and then it it Forks out like this I am going to get five points for each island that I have created nice so 5 10 15 for that so that's the flip side of the board and the island side of the board then there is a whole other deck of cards with some other cubes so we get these clear cubes out and we get these Spirit cards out and the spirit animals you get two at the beginning of the game you choose one to keep you um put it on your board it does fill one of the four spaces and you put a little Cube on this and as soon as you create that habitat for that animal you put the cube just like a normal animal onto that habitat on your board Y and then that will unlock a special scoring ability which is um down here on these cards oh it's right here isn't it there's a yeah there's a bunch this one's mountains this one's about buildings and you're going to get some ones for trees and there's a bunch of just different ones here's one for Fields this is actually from the cover of the box you can only play the spirit animals with the island side um no you can play the spirit animals on either side okay um but it it unlocks another way to score and there is a solo mode for this game as well neat very cool yeah well thanks for teaching us Nikki you're welcome and thanks you for watching if you like this video hit the Thumbs Up Button And subscribe to our Channel and if you do click on the Bell to get notified when we put up new videos see you next time [Music] n [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 13,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: F5DKzxR_fyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 19sec (4459 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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