How to Play Unturned | Beginner's Tutorial Guide for New Unturned Players

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what's going on YouTube robocast gaming here and welcome back to another video in today's video I'm going to be bringing you guys a detailed tutorial on how to play unturn 3.0 now I know a lot of people whenever they first spawn in they kind of get confused on what to do they don't really know what to do and I've noticed that there's not really any proper YouTube tutorials about this stuff so this should be helping you guys out a little bit at least and if you already know a little bit about the game I would recommend skipping through the video to like a later part of it and you could probably actually learn some pretty new stuff because I research everything that I'm saying before I actually say it so it should help you guys out a little bit but I hope you guys enjoy the video If you do enjoy anytime feel free to like And subscribe and we're going to go ahead and get started so whenever you first open up your menu you'll notice that on the left there's a Play tab a survivors tab a configuration tab and a workshop tab now obviously the workshop tab is for Workshop content which is kind of something you should probably experiment with later in the game and then above that there's configuration which is settings Survivor which is kind of like character customization and then of course there's play which puts you into the game so what I would recommend doing before you actually you try to hop into a game is try to like mess around and check what all your key bindings are so to do that click on configuration and click on controls and you can pretty much see everything that has to do with key settings there's quite a bit of settings you probably should scroll through them and look around a little bit before you try to play Just because you don't want to be just like walking down the road try to crouch and you don't know what you're doing it's probably recommended that you check your settings first just to make it a little bit easier for you but once you do that you should be safe to hop into the game so to do that obviously click on play and for the sake of the video we're just going to click on single player and then of course whenever you click on here you'll notice that there's three Maps there's Pei Washington and Yukon now to explain these Maps a little bit I'm just going to tell you guys like some details about them so first of all I would recommend PEI to be the easiest out of the three Maps probably Pei would be the easiest Washington would be like medium and then Yukon would be the hardest so basically Pei is probably the easiest to navigate there's the mo there's pretty much like the most loot out of any of them the maps are full there's stuff everywhere and it should just be easier to survive so whenever you're first starting out I would recommend going on Pei map it's just like the simplest and of course there's Washington which is probably like the medium as I said uh loot isn't as common and it's a little bit harder to survive and then finally there's Yukon which would be the hardest to survive it's like there's snow you could die freezing and stuff it's a lot harder to survive on those now if you're wondering why do I have three extra maps on here that aren't on yours The reason why is because I downloaded those as Workshop mods which by the way if you want me to make a video on how to download Workshop mods please let me know in the comments below so as I said for for the sake of the video we're going to go a and hop into pei and right here by the way you can change your difficulty there's easy normal hard and then gold if you have the gold membership but just for the video again I'm going to be going with easy I want to try to make this as easy as possible for you guys so if you're first starting out I would recommend going on easy so I just spawned in and as you notice on the bottom left there is a little HUD with different bars on them and I'm going to go and explain that real fast just to let you guys know what each one stands for so the first one is Health obviously that goes down if you get hit by zombies get shot fall off a tree doesn't really matter that goes down quite easily so you need to be careful with that one keep your eye on it below that is food so that goes down when you get hungry below that is water obviously goes down when you get thirsty and then the green bar which some people are kind of confused about is your infection so the higher that is the better if it's at 0% you have no infection left or whatever you want to call it you're pretty much completely infected and you'll start losing health so you don't want that bar to get below like 50 I would not recommend it getting below 50 and there are ways to heal that bar which I will explain later in this video but basically that goes down if you get hit by zombies or you eat food that's rotten now if you're on an easy world like this one you don't have to worry about rotten food but you still can get hit by zombies so be careful about that under that is the stamina bar which obviously moves whenever you sprint and then under that is oxygen which goes down whenever you're underwater so on pretty much all of the unturned Maps there are tons of locations where you could spawn you could spawn way over there you can spawn over there you can spawn here you can spawn over there there's like tons of places where you could spawn now it really doesn't make a difference where you spawn uh just remember that whenever you first start out you do not have a map and you have to find a map on your own now if you're on a server with like kits or something some of them may give you a map uh it really just depends on the server obviously but just try to find a map or a chart and once you do that it should be a lot easier to navigate I will go over again where to find those in the future so once you first spawn in I would recommend heading to the nearest town and trying to find some clothes now clothes are probably one of the most important things obviously besides a gun and food but clothes are pretty important they're pretty pretty far up there on the list of things that you need and the reason why is because your inventory gets a lot bigger whenever you have clothes on so for example if you want to open up your inventory hit G on your keyboard and you'll notice that it's completely empty so I'm going to explain real fast what each section stands for now right here is your hands uh it's basically just like a storage compartment for example the more clothes you have on this will be further down so this will be like completely full of boxes there's a hand section a jacket section depending on what you're wearing there's like a backpack whatever that's what this little middle section is for now on the bottom left you'll notice that there's two boxes the first one is for your primary weapon which you can pull up by hitting one on your keyboard and the second one is for your secondary weapon which comes up if you hit two on the keyboard and then over here on the far right there's a nearby tab so for example if there were some Loot on the ground I could just like walk by kind of like in Daisy press G and then on the right side you'll notice that there's loot that's on the floor so it doesn't really matter where you spawn clothes can be pretty much found anywhere like no matter where you are there's different types of clothes for example in a town there's going to be civilian clothes obviously in a prison which is over there there's going to be prison clothes it really just depends on where you're at so what you want to try to do is sneak into one of the outer houses and try to get some clothes now a lot of you guys may not know this if you're new but there is a zombie barrier basically what this means is that zombies have a range of places where they could go so for example as you just saw once he got like outside his City boundary he basically just stopped moving and just stands there so this is a great way to farm Zombies by the way just like a little off Note going on right here uh if you get the zombies right on the outside outside of the Zone just stand next to them and hit them don't do that just hit them outside the zone and you can literally just kill them and get some pretty good XP for just doing nothing and not even risking yourself getting hit so just pull them up to the edge of the map and start hitting them now back to what I was saying try not to attract any zombies while you're looting places it just makes it so much easier and uh whenever you have nothing basically what happens is if you alert a zombie you kind of have to run to the edge of the boundary as I just did or or else you're probably going to die cuz especially if multiple ones come you're easily going to die and uh they'll just completely wreck you so for example right now you see a civilian vest on the ground so you can pick that up by hitting f on it and it'll go into your vest slot and now as you can tell I have a vest in my vest slot here's a hat so I put that on and now of course I have myself a nice little hat now these right here are my Cosmetics so if I were to take those off you'll see that I have a vest and a hat so as you're looting the map going around looking for clothes and stuff uh basically what you want to do is you want to try to crawl and go behind the zombies as much as possible you want to try to keep your distance away from them and definitely you want to crawl on the ground cuz for example if I were to stand up and walk that zombie would instantly be alerted and he would come after me so try to crawl everywhere you'll be a lot more stealthy and you have a lot like higher of a chance of not being detected so once you have a decent number of clothes you want to try to get a melee weapon so melee weapons are pretty much anything that you can hit zombies with so you could even have a flashlight as melee weapon you could have a hockey stick a knife a baseball bat basically whatever you need to try to find yourself a melee weapon and they're pretty common you could pretty much find them guaranteed in a town somewhere so get a melee weapon of some sort and and then once you do that you should be a little bit safer again obviously still don't try to alert like 50 zombies you're probably going to die if you do that try to alert like one at a time and you can start hitting them so for example you don't want to alert all those over there you want to alert this one so kind of just like like I guess Crouch walk up next to it I don't really know what I'm trying to say here try to get his attention uh like like or just do that if he doesn't listen and I basically just Farm these zombies one at a time and you'll notice once you kill them at the bottom you get plus three experience so once I just killed him you notice said I got an Ace and that's definitely good because an ace is a pretty decent gun and as you can tell it is in my inventory now so you want to try to farm some zombies and you could probably get some pretty good loot from them but mainly the main reason you want to farm these zombies is to get some XP so as you can tell I'm getting a little bit hungry and obviously whenever you do that you want to try some food now there are a couple of possibilities of where you can find food first of all there's pretty much all of the houses you can find food in pretty much all of them uh the chances are you're not going to find a lot of food or good food but you can find a little bit of food like candy bars Ola bars stuff that'll like refill your health a little bit and then also you can go in like restaurants diners uh and actually the best place would have to be the grocery store which is where I'm at right now you can identify it by the bright yellow building and it says grocery on the top so once you find it obviously sneak over to it jump in the window and you can go on a Heyday and pretty much grab all the food that you have in here I would recommend grabbing pretty much all of it just because I don't know you don't want to have to make multiple trips to come get food food is probably the most annoying thing about this game how much it requires it you have to have food all the time so just grab all the food you can in here and I keep it on you so I just looted this entire place and as you can tell I have quite a bit of food in my inventory now you're probably wondering how do you eat that well first of all you want to open up your inventory click on the food you want to eat click it on your character and then it'll show up in your hands and once it's like that all you want to do is click and you'll eat yourself some food and as you notice at the bottom left my food bar is now at 100 so I'm good on that and obviously I want to top off my water too so do the same thing get your soda click it drink it and then now your water is going to be up at 100% now one thing that I do want to mention is that whenever your food and water is above 90% you're able to regenerate health so as you can tell my Health's at 93% and if I were to wait a few minutes it will slowly go up because my food and water are both above 90 so as you could just tell it went up from 93 to 94 so a good solution to if you want to gain some health is to try to get your food up above 90 and then you can easily gain some health now let's say that you start bleeding or you're really low on health and you need to gain some more Health now one solution to that would be to grab medkits and stuff you can find those at Pharmacy you could find those at hospitals and stuff and once you find those you do the same thing just click it and put it on you and equip it but let's say there are no hospitals around and you want to quickly heal yourself a solution to that is either to get some scrap clothes or take some of the clothes you have on so for the example here we're just going to take some of the clothes that we have on us so for example I think I've said for example like 30,000 times in this video but let's say that we're bleeding we need to heal oursel fast and you'll notice that by the way with a bleeding icon at the bottom left so what I want to do is I want to take off my shirt so to do that there's one two ways you could do it you can either click it right here in your inventory or you can click it on your character and it'll come off now once you have like your clothing item of your choice or backpack or anything that is uh cloth basically have that in your inventory go to crafting click on the little shirt icon and you can rip up your shirt and turn it into cloth now you cannot heal yourself with cloth you can't really do anything with it but you can make bandages with it so go in your crafting again click on the little plus healing icon thing and you'll notice that you're able to make bandages so it takes two cloth to make a rag you can make two rags and then it takes two rags to make a bandage and if you were to have two bandages you can make a dressing so those are like the least to the greatest the rag is the least healing the bandage is the second and then the most healing is the uh dressing so once you make that again just click it on your character and you can heal yourself so once you're good to go and you have food and a melee weapon and all the materials that you need uh what you want to do now is try to get a bunch of zombies bring them to the edge of the map and start farming them by hitting them with your melee weapon so I'm going to show you a little example here I think another thing I've said 20 times in this video is example I've used like 50 examples but I guess that's kind of what I have to do in a video like this so we're going to get these zombies to come all the way to the world the world barrier and once we do that as you can tell we can pull out our melee weapon and just start punching them in the face and they won't be able to hit you now you sometimes have to do what I'm doing kind of like slowly start backing up and they'll follow you but for the most part they'll just stand there and you could just absolutely wreck them and if they walk away just run up uh get their attention again and then bring them back to the world barrier and then just start punching them some more so I just killed a bunch of zombies and I have a total of 26 XP now you're going to need a lot more than this to be able to do anything in your skill section uh so try to SK as many as you can also by the way you can get XP by chopping down trees just a little hint there but try to get like quite a bit of XP I would have to say above 100 and once you do that you should be able to upgrade some skills so to open your skill menu what you want to do is hit U on your keyboard and then this menu here will pull up now I'm going to kind of like do this part in detail because skills are probably one of the most important things in unturned so whenever you open up your skills menu you'll see on the top that you have three little icons one is offense one is defense and one is support now for like playing on a basically a server I would recommend doing offense first but if you're on your own personal world I would recommend doing support so let's just say we're on a server for example and we're going to upgrade our offense now there's quite a bit of skills here they basically tell you what everything does but the most important ones to upgrade first would have to be cardio exercise and parkour uh definitely cardio and exercise first and then par parkour and the reason why is because once you upgrade these two all the way you can Sprint a lot longer without running out of stamina so right now basically if I were to run my stamina basically drains down like five per second it goes really fast and if I were to jump I lose 10 each time I jump so you run a stamina really fast and once you do that you just have to walk slowly let it regenerate and then just keep going so that's why I would say re uh sorry so that's why I would say upgrade your cardio and exercise skills first they're probably the most important and then once you do that I would probably move on to another skill tree so let's say you do cardio exercise and parkour and once you have all those maxed out you can move on to something over here you could really just pick these all on your own you could read what they all are and decide what you want but again I would recommend doing cardio exercise and parkour first just because it makes it a lot easier to navigate so let's recap at this point you should have clothes you should have a melee weapon you should have food possibly a gun and also you should have your cardio exercise and parkour skills maxed out and you're probably wondering at this point what do you do what what's the point now because you already have everything you need that is not true there is so many items in this game and so much you can do so what I would recommend doing now that you have everything upgraded and you could travel a lot faster and run a lot faster and go faster faster faster I don't know what I was trying to say there but just try to get everything upgraded and once you do that what I would recommend doing is kind of just exploring now exploring is a big part in Unturned especially if you don't know the map now I definitely know all the maps so I know where everything is already there's nothing new but this game is really fun to explore whenever you first start out that was probably my favorite thing about it just running around and exploring now I do want to mention that if you're on a server be careful because the community in this game is not the best for example there's a bunch of little kids that'll just run up to you and Kos you for no reason it's it's everywhere like there's pretty much no guarantee that you're going to survive the next 5 minutes if you're in a server so be careful try to like go around the outskirts of the map and kind of just explore and try to find some items at this point you're kind of on your own there's really nothing else I need to tell you until we get into the crafting and Base building so what you need to do is just travel around grab some items you could probably find some guns you could probably find all types of items bigger backpacks and better clothes and stuff kill some zombies get some XP max out all your skills just do some self-explanatory stuff like that exploring Gathering Loot and then uh I'll show you what to do once you do that so once you do a little bit of looting you should get quite a few items get some weapons get some new clothing and stuff like my new backpack right there you should get all types of cool stuff and once you do that you're pretty much good to build a base and I know you guys probably want to build a base that's probably a good reason why you watch this video you want to learn how to make a base and I'm going to explain to you how to do that now so first of all before you make a base I would recommend either having a chainsaw or an axe either that or it's going to take forever to punch down a bunch of trees and knock them down gather the wood now chainsaws cut down trees a lot faster you can find them at any Farm location and you can also find axes at any Camp location so where wherever there's tents you can find an Axe and wherever there's like a farmhouse and a farm you can find a chainsaw so I have a chainsaw and I'm going to show you guys what to do now so let's say you want to build a base well location on single player doesn't really matter it doesn't matter at all actually but on multiplayer there's quite a few good locations where you can build a base and that's something you guys are going to have to research I'm not exactly the best base location person so try to like research it where are the best places to build a base on blah blah blah map and you could probably find some good videos about it so let's say you're going to build a base right here and you want to build a base out of this you know Brown tree so what you want to do is go ahead and go around and chop down a bunch of these Brown trees and uh get all the wood that you get from them so as you can see a chainsaw does a lot faster if you were to punch that tree it would take like five times longer but just for the sake of the video I'm going to go and chop down some trees and then I'll show you guys what to do okay so I just chopped down three trees you're going to get a lot more than that but I'm just going to show you an example with a small base I'm not going to build some like huge giant base again I'm just going to show you something small so once you have like a decent number of logs in your inventory you want to open up your crafting by hitting Y and then like in this little search bar right here you want to type in these things so to start out you're going to need a floor so type in floor and then a floor will show up for whatever type of wood you have right here floor go ahead and click that to craft it and now you have yourself like the base of your building so again you can expand this to whatever size you want I'm just going to do something really small for the sake of the video I don't want to spend a long time just sitting there like building stuff that's something I should do for another video by the way if you want to watch a pretty cool base build go ahead and check out this link will be in the description below it's a pretty cool base design my friend Adam made so find a good flat spot and then go ahead and place your foundation so for the example of the video I'm just going to say right here there's a good spot and go ahead and just place your foundation so once you of this you need the pillars the walls and the roof and the door so it's not really an easy task making a base I would recommend doing it with friends if you have friends online or if you're on a server but uh bases are definitely a cool aspect of the game they're probably one of the most fun aspects so the first thing you want to do is place your foundation then hit Y again open up your crafting and search pillar P i l l a r there's a pillar you need to make four of these to support your walls and stuff and don't worry you can salvage them later if you want like a big open space in your base so go ahead and place your pillars down on the corners of your foundation and you have yourself I guess a support I guess you could call it I don't really know so there's my pillars now obviously you need walls so go ahead and search walls I'm sure you get the idea here search wall there you go what it say one wall for this ah crap I made two Place one wall down place the other wall down and then obviously place your third wall down and then next you need to make a door you need to make a doorway and you make a roof now one thing I do want to mention is that wooden doors do not work there's no purpose in making a wooden door unless you're on a single player world if you're on a server you want to make a metal door or basically anybody can walk into your base so just gather some metal I will put the crafting recipe for the metal door on the screen right now gather all those materials there and once you do that you can make yourself a metal door now one thing to note if you're on a multiplayer server um you need to be in a group for your friends to access your metal door there's no like codes or anything there's no locks or anything you have to be in the same group so let's say you wanted to build a base with a metal door and you wanted your friend to be able to open the door what you want to do is go to your main menu click on survivors click on groups and you basically want to set Yours and your friend's group as the same so you need to tell your friend to do the same thing you just did let's say your friend is in the Tommy's crew group well you got to set Yours to that too to be able to access the door with him so if like if you're in Tommy's crew and you place the door down your friend has to be in Tommy's crew to be able to open the door now you need to be careful with like big public groups like for example my group has like 700 members in it if you were to go in my group place a door down and somebody else on the same servers in my group group they could access your door so if I were you I would build a private group that only like your friends can join and then you could have like a private group where nobody could get in your base now instead of explaining every single individual craftable item uh that would take absolutely ages there's a ton of good items in this game but I'm just going to explain something else instead of having to explain every single item I mean I do want you guys to be able to learn for yourselves just because if you watch it in a video the chances are you're not going to remember everything so once you learn it yourself though you you usually remember stuff easier so I'm just going to tell you this you want to open up your skills menu Again by hitting U and make sure you have around like 200 extra XP sitting in your inventory go to the support Tab and look for the the little icon that says crafting what you want to do is upgrade that maximum and now basically every single crafting item in the game is on here but I do want to say the items only show up if you have the materials to make it in your inventory so if I had like a duct tape in my inventory stuff that is made using duct tape like this for example will show up if I didn't have that duct tape this item would not show up at all but the reason I'm telling you guys this is because it's a lot easier just to like see what you have and see what like what you can make with what you have than it is for me to explain everything it would take way too long that should be like a little nice tip for you guys it should make stuff a lot easier and we're going to move on to one last thing so let's say you have a weapon and you just fired all the bullets you have and now your weapon is empty and it will not shoot anymore like mine there is a way to reload it basically what you want to do is hold down t on your keyboard and then you have like a little menu right here just click the blue like magazine button and it'll pull out your magazine then go into your crafting and go in the ammo section and it'll say what type of ammo it takes to fill that up so for example if I did not have this in my inventory if I were to drop this on the ground it'll still tell you what type of like it'll still tell you what type of ammunition you need so it'll tell you what type you need to find to be able to reload your gun and of course if you have it just go back into crafting and you could reload a magazine and then to put it back in your gun all you want to do is hit R and it'll equip it in your gun so the same method goes with the tat so let's say I wanted to put a pretty nice scope on this gun let's say I found an eight time scope and I wanted to put it on this gun all you have to do is hold down T again and click on the scope that shows up right here it'll show up like different ones for example if you have four of them there'll be one here one here one here and one here and basically what you want to do is just click that and then it'll put it on your weapon and you have yourselves a better scope on your weapon and then again if I wanted to do it for the bipod just click this and now you have a BYOD on your weapon too it's a pretty nice little thing I I really love the weapon customization in this game it's pretty good but that's how you do that in case you were wondering and now for the final thing in today's video it has to do with driving so there are multiple types of vehicles there's uh boats there's cars there's trucks there's planes and helicopters I believe that's it and they're really simple to drive if you want to drive a truck you want to fill it up with gas get inside and just drive it around now just remember this if you want to drive in third person which is a lot easier all you want to do is hit H and then you can drive in third person and by the way if you're wondering how do I fill up this car with gas all you need to do is find a gas can click it on something that holds gas like go to the gas station click it on the pump and then click it on your car and then you can fill up your car with gas and drive around the map boats are driven the exact same way so uh yeah they're pretty simple and then of course there's helicopters and planes now I did do a video on how you fly planes I will link that in the description below but I never did a video on how to fly helicopters so I just spawn in the sky crane by the way you can't find all these legit and stuff but I I uh spawn in the sky crane and now I'm going to show you guys how to fly it so obviously first hop inside and now I'm going to go over the controls so to go up higher all you want to do is hold down W on your keyboard and you'll notice your RPMs go up and you start to of course fly like a helicopter does and now there are some key bindings and there's two different ways you can do this first of all if you're in first person like this you fly by moving your mouse and basically whichever way you tilt your mouse is the way that your helicopter goes it's kind of hard to explain and it's a little bit confusing but you guys will get the hang of it eventually it took me a while and really I'm still not really that good at it and if you're in third person you're able to use your arrow keys on your keyboard so for example if I were to press up up it'll lean back if I were to press down it'll lean forward and then left and right will lean left and right it's pretty simple you it's really just something you have to practice with like it took me forever to learn how to fly it and I'm still not really that good of a pilot but eventually I'll probably be a master pilot and really again you just you just kind of want to mess around with it I don't know it's not really something I can explain on a video okay guys well I hope this video helped you guys out it was a pain in the butt to make it took me forever and I have like no voice left after the time of my recording now I know this was like a 20-minute video but it literally took me 4 hours to record because I just say really stupid stuff whenever I record I just like sound really dumb but guys that is going to be it for this video so I hope you enjoyed if you did enjoy the video any time feel free to like And subscribe and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: RoboKast
Views: 440,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unturned, unturned 3.0, how to play Unturned, unturned starter survival guide, unturned 3.0 how to get gear, unturned 3.0 basic survival guide, unturned pei starter guide, unturned washington starter guide, unturned yukon starter guide, unturned lets play tutorial, unturned where to find loo, unturned explaining skills, how to build a base unturned, crafting recipies in Unturned, unturned where to find, unturned best way to get gear, unturned starting tutorial, unturned 4.0
Id: 7j-KJL-KuJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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