How to Play the Sicilian Najdorf - Chess Openings Explained

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it's gonna be really exciting tonight because it's the last round of Monday night mayhem so for the first month the tournament's gomen going pretty good seems like we're gonna get some new participants tonight which is fun so whatever you see up here tonight that's what the openings going to be and yeah it's fun it's an unrated tournament because it's thematic so you can talk you could be on your cell phone if you're new to chess you can say what should I do here what's going on and you know you can talk to people so it's kind of fun it's just a fun little tournament and the prize this month is the free entry to the Metro class championship so somebody's going to get an entry fee worth about 50 bucks so that'll be exciting and today for our opening I picked one of the most popular openings in all of chess so many people have requested it so tonight we're going to do the Sicilian night ourf as requested by Michael Phillips Paul Morphy Mara Sarkar Frederic PJ rutkowski the boss minecraft PvP and many others so when it's that popular you just have to do it you got to give the people what they want so today we're going to do the night ourf okay we'll put the first few moves on the board white is getting ready if it gets another turn he'll play d4 so the Sicilian is the most aggressive way for black to combat this opening and all right so white will develop is night and there's several moves here but we're going to be looking at a d6 Sicilian in this game the point of d6 is to control you 5 so you can play Knight f6 so White's idea was to play d4 black takes white gets to take back with a knight now and white will often try to play C 4 if you just wait for example if you just play g6 maybe why don't play c4 so the most common move for black is to attack the pawn and force white to put a knight in front of the pond and okay so here we go this is our position and the move we're going to look at tonight and there's there's a few here you know you can play e6 that's fine g6 we've had a look at in the past but today we're looking at the knight or a six so if you've never seen this you might be thinking wait why is this so popular why have all of like the best players ever in several world champions garry kasparov has played this an on plays it a lot to Paul off and there's so many people that they play this opening why do they do it why did they move their pond on the side of the board and to understand why they might do that we need to understand the consequences in this position of the move e5 this is a move that black sometimes likes to play in these openings and so on the night off that's what he's going to aim for and all right if white is compliant then you know he just he just moves his knight back or something not necessarily the best move at all then what black will just get sort of a normal position but he you know white has a much more testing move in this position so if you do play this with with white and you get this position there's just one move you need to know here to get a big advantage and that's Bishop to b5 check welcome and ok after this move there's not really a great way for black to to meet this check so we'll just take a quick look at some of these to see how you can get an advantage early if they block with a bishop I mean the other option is like a block with a knight you can get a nice advantage by trading the bishops which is greatly in White's favor because the key strategical battle in this position is going to be over the d5 square that's a weakness that black created when he played a 5 and we'll take a look at E 5 later and try to understand the pros and cons why would somebody do that create a weakness what's what's the benefits of black we'll have a look at that but here since you got rid of the light squared bishop s-- y he gets a very pleasant position just after retreating the knight and he's going to castle and keep control over this square and okay just to go a few moves farther if okay white this is also a typical way he's going to exchange the knight on f6 that way he gets more control over d5 so we'll just put an example on the board and this is sort of a dream position for white he's often trying to get a really good night versus a bad Bishop that's the minor piece ending that the white really wants to get in this so if you trade off all the pieces and you're left with that knight on d5 and a dark squared Bishop they can't touch it then you're playing the opening right so and it's also interesting if we look here does that's not as good but it's interesting when we compare it to a line in the future here and that's Knight to f5 which okay that seems like a pretty good move right we're eyeing some of these key squares here making it hard for him develop the bishop but in this position black has a little little tactical move he can take on e4 and okay so if you recapture I'm going to take your knight and I just want a pawn but white can do a desperado here he can grab this pawn with check and okay after these moves things are looking pretty decent for white you know what's where's black going to castle but he does get to move d5 in and when you're playing black and you're playing the knight or if this is the move you're always trying to achieve you're trying to get the move d5 in to get rid of your weakness and alright well you can just retreat but there's a tactical move we got a lot of people now so I'll that's the audience does anyone see the tactical move that white can play here is Bishop to h6 what's going on you're hanging your bishop I will no because what does white play here yeah right so we we fork the Queen in the king so that's a tricky move that is possible in this position and this is mostly just an example of the kinds of thing that can happen so black will instead castle and okay you can take this guy but after we'll just make a couple more moves here in a position like this white really isn't thinking that he has any really large advantage in this position so all right it's true that this King is a little bit exposed but the center is really nice for black and it's it is a roughly equal position so that's why most people if we go back in this position they don't prefer to put their knight on f5 you know they just go back and you a good position and we'll compare that to a different line because we'll go back to this position for a second and this time we'll block with a knight well in this position Knight to f5 is a really good move and it comes with a threat it's nice that the knight can't be taken and okay we got two pieces aiming at d6 so we're already threatening to win upon so the most common move here is a six and in order to save time we can trade here and black has to take back with the Queen which is you know a little bit undesirable he wishes he could take with a bishop but then his deep on would fall with check so the Queen will take and now alright there's there's several ways one is you can just put your knight here and control d5 but perhaps even more testing is the move Bishop to g5 and alright is this the same situation can black take on e4 here now if he takes on e4 we'll throw the same check in he'll take back will take back but now the position is a little bit different the Queen here is a little bit awkward and the benefit of having this Knight here are the bishop here is that sometimes we'll play Knight f6 check and you'll have to take with this bishop so he can the best move perhaps objectively is just to Castle and let this pawn fall which means you shouldn't play this way is black but if you try to play more like a human Knight to d5 sorry pawn to d5 okay we get this check in so now we see the importance of having that bishop there and all right so we put an attack on the rook and they castle will just go over a few more moves here White's best move is that Queen f3 and alright he's going to put his Queen here and you know and try to checkmate you but okay so we'll look at this position so black has to stop checkmate how can he do it right so queen g4 and alright we're just throwing this sort of as an example this isn't the feature of the lecture here but all right something like work d1 and if black ever trades this is going to be really bad for him yeah so why does have doubled pawns that's true but okay I'm going to put my rook up here I'm going to bring my other rook over here and I'm gonna have a lot of pressure on your H pawn and if I ever take that and I get a rook here you might be in a lot of trouble so this would be really really bad for for black okay so we can kind of see that all right we need to in this position control the b5 square because we don't want a bishop going there sometimes we don't want a knight going there and that's why you know over the years as we've learned in theory has evolved a lot of people have went to a six and if you're in a database and you just hit the top moves and everything you're going to end up in this position because this is the most common way to play all right what's up Scott and all right so we'll we'll take a look at it here and for white there's so many moves here if you just play a random legal move it's probably theory because it's been played so much there's hundreds of thousands of games people have tried all sorts of things to get an advantage for a long time the most popular move was Bishop to g5 which I recommend looking at if you want the really really sharp positions and some of the craziest things that can happen in chess happen in these lines but we won't go over that tonight tonight we're going to go over the English attack because I think it's not only is it really popular still at the Grand Master level it's if you watch people at the club whenever they play the night or if this is what I see a lot so I think this is important for a club player so we'll take a look at this also I mean there's so many moves Bishop to e2 is a move this is the classical variation ra4 is a move very popular right now at the highest level is g3 with this fianchetto variation and Tata Steel will be over by the time you're watching this at home but right now it's ongoing and that the night or if has been played twice in that tournament and both people prefer g3 in this position so you see this a lot at the highest level it's becoming quite popular and often times when they play g3 the later play h3 and g4 which is why sometimes people like to in this position play h3 so this is the Adams attack and the reason you're not super grandmasters is because you play in the center too much so you got to play a six you know you got to play h3 and it's funny that you know both people are playing on the sides but yeah this is quite a quite a popular approach and there's even crazier ways to play g4 you can put your rook on g1 and then okay you can try to play g4 so all sorts of things have been played the most common that I see at least around here is the English attack and all right White's plan is similar to the Yugoslavia attack and the dragon he's going to you know protect his pawn and he's going starting to have a Lynch and he's going to go attack the black King and he's going to be thinking about checkmate also he's going to castle the other way and it's both people are going to be attacking each other so we'll get some really sharp crazy stuff today now the most common move is a five so that's going to be the focus when we look at our games today it's possible also to play e6 that's a very popular alternative but now we've transposed to a Chafin ingen which is a you know a completely different opening but yeah it's very popular as well now there's one popular alternative that black can play here other than a five and that's the move Knight to g4 immediately challenging this Knight and now you'll see a lot of super Grandmaster games that end like this and then and then they repeat and then right so then right here you go draw so this is a lot of top level games so when you're not in a competitive mood you this is a common way to make a draw so when you when you need to win your tournament you want your draw that's that's the way to do it now if black is the one that wants to keep playing for a win he can consider playing e5 here and if if in this position white is you know feeling a little more ambitious he wants to keep fighting the move he can play here is Bishop to g5 what's an annoying pin on the e pawn and play can get really crazy really fast for example they can attack your Bishop and they can go crazy on the Kings side and expand and so this is a common position and you know what is black doing this is kind of crazy as any creating a lot of weaknesses what's going on yes this is a decent way to play and the most common moves are either Bishop e2 or h3 kicking this night away if you play Bishop to e2 black is intending to play a move like h5 he's serious about moving those pawns over there but to show a funny blunder what white is looking to do in this position is reroute this Bishop he no longer belongs here he should go back to his natural diagonal so we'll play a bad move we'll see why h3 is more common in this position black has a nice winning combination here right Knight to e3 which is an excellent move and it might just appear okay well you're going to move your queen maybe I'll grab your Bishop but black has an even better move here and so this is why I showed this position because there's so many tactics like this when you play the Sicilian so let's see so here's who's the tactical genius in here you are what is it awesome yeah Bishop takes d4 which wins some material the point is if Queen takes even you see it right and so yeah oops that'd be a big mistake okay so you can't play f3 here which okay so I play people play h3 and we won't go too much into this but it's nice to know that this this line exists so alright we'll get back to the main line here and we'll be looking today at lines where they don't play Knight to g4 which means we'll look at E 5 and now the most common move is Bishop to b3 because you're not going in the way of your pawns because you want to move these guys and you want to checkmate black what did I say I say Bishop to b3 yeah I don't know there's so many pieces I don't know the names all of them come on there's too many pieces all right yeah Knight to b3 is the main line Knight to f3 is definitely a relatively nice way to play though it's a little bit more positional while often Castle kingside in these lines so we'll just show some lines here and what white is playing for is control over d5 that's the that's the big thing and so there's the big debate when you play the knight Orff and you play the move e5 White's going to try to say you know this is you got this big weakness here eventually I'll install a piece there it'll be great forever and ever but black is saying with this move well I got my fair share of the center and I'm going to get some really active piece play and if ever I get to break like this usually black will be better so white has to be really careful and yeah so what that's what Black's compensation is it's active pieces dynamic play and okay we'll just go a few moves farther down the line here and all right so yeah so again we see this this common maneuver we're trying to take one of the defenders of the d5 square but black can retreat here and are this is a position that has occurred several times and all right so what what does black have four you know he allowed this Knight here that's White's big Trump but all right black gets some you know active play he gets to bring his knight out he can attack the bishop sometimes he might think about playing f5 and he's going to find some pretty good squares for all of his pieces so all in all that's that's an interesting way to play but we're going to look at the sharper move in this position which is Knight to b3 with the attention of checkmating your opponent okay and all right we'll play a few just natural developing moves so we can see sort of the point and all right so this is basically the starting position of tonight's lecture so right what is going on what are the plans again White's plan is the simple and obvious you know upon storms raw and you attacks all the squares that's what white is playing for and what is black going to do well he also has pawns that he can use he can go just lodge at night maybe he can just Lodge the other one play b3 crash open on the Queen side and all right maybe he's going to put her a rook over here sometimes we'll have the thematic exchange sacrifice and it's a big race who's going to checkmate who first all right so this first game that we're going to look at is a very nice victory by white and I'm often very fond of the games that happen here in st. Louis because I'm watching him live I remember what my emotions were when I was watching the game and so this is a game from the the Sinquefield Cup in 2015 so this was a you know Carlsen versus Wesley so and this was a very very nice game all right so we got the English attack and all right so a little bit different approach here he didn't just you know develop his Bishop and castle he's getting his pieces out he's going to play b5 really quickly and all right so we get such a position and all right and yeah so here we go so now we're going to see who can attack who faster and this game is going to be an excellent example of white controlling d5 he's even going to sacrifice a pond just to make sure he has a huge grip on d5 so the storm begins and all right black gets to attack first which is not necessarily the most common line most people like to castle with black but this also leads to an interesting pawn structure so the knight installs itself in d5 and now black has the opportunity to take it and change the pawn structure so the bishop will take the pawn will take back and all right now black is saying well I don't have this weakness anymore and white gets the claim well I got the two bishops and we'll see white got a really powerful attack in this game all right this is a but this is blacks also main idea he's going to try to win the d5 pawn now to take with the queen and allow dis capture and now your move only in this position and this position has been seen several times and white tries to get you know a little attack going before black gets castled in practice what is done you know pretty well in these lines but the highest-rated game saw nond winning with the black pieces from this position so it's really double edged and a lot of crazy stuff are going to happen and you know taking the b4 pawn is really risky because you know now the B file is open so sometimes bad stuff will happen here but in this game Carlsen took a different approach Knight to a5 which means he's sacrificing this pawn and okay you put your knight on the same diagonal as a queen so so what's going on you got to move your knight now and that's what he did and all right why did you sacrifice a pawn well again we're going to see he's going to go for control of d5 so after he takes all right we got we got everybody here looking at d5 and now the the novelty of the game Bishop to c4 a very logical move again just controlling the d5 square with everything that he's got okay so white moves back and now occasionally bad stuff can happen on this diagonal so white has to be careful like if he plays inaccurately black will have this move which is a little bit troublesome for him you know you don't want this bishop to get active so the move h4 was played all right so he's just stopped in that move black gets on with the attack and a nice move again he's just shutting down the bishop on this diagonal here all right and now also interesting too he puts his Bishop on d5 and black is at some point he's going to take this bishop and then White's going to be very very happy because he's going to take with a knight and he's going to get the dream position the good night versus the bad Bishop all right all right yes so this was also an excellent idea how is white going to continue his attack well he wants to keep these pawns where they are so he's instead gonna play f4 f5 if he gets a chance you know he's going to keep storming all the way down and open up some files here so he does now indeed take which i think is a bit of a mistake you know you don't want to enter this scenario with the Good Knight versus the bad bishop so you know he's saying I'm up a pawn though so what's more important is it the positional compensation or is it the material and that's kind of what the argument is here in this game so he moves the Queen out of the way and yeah he gets on with it yeah you really can't allow me to play f5 because then you know I'm gonna play off six so he had to play that five himself and now white plays you know a tempting move a goading move he says all right put your pawn on e4 so black has a passed pawn that's true but the position with the pawns blocked is really going to favor the guy with the night because you know this guy gets better the more this guy is shut down and at some point he's going to get upon all the way to eight six and he's gonna you know try to get his Queen on this diagonal and maybe he'll get some you know attack going so that's what he does and now he does not move his knight you know so obviously like a bad move would be you know getting rid of your knight he just gets on with it so one question I have is what's happening here didn't he did he just blunder a piece what was white gonna play in this position to Carlsen just blunder a piece yeah yeah Queen b3 is the idea and yeah we'll pick that guy up next so he's not really threatening to take the knight so said g6 and only now does he play Queen to b3 threatening some discovered checks so black has to be careful so Rho kept seven blocks that diagonal and now a really nice positional move and the computer doesn't find it till it's on depth 45 yeah I studied this game alright a for the ideas are we're keeping these pawns here and yes nice to have this guy on the light square he's got great control of light squares and we'll see we'll see what happens here okay so black his only real hope here of getting a decent position is to somehow find a great square for this guy so will he ever get out here and go somewhere useful on this diagonal that's that's part of the question and typical Carlsen he puts the squeeze on here he doubles his rooks and okay he gets ready so this move is coming will the bishop re-emerge and have a nice home well he does it so what's going on here why is a Carlsen allowed this what's what's happening even if you move your rook maybe he'll take your knight and you know he's a pond up so what moved to white play here and there's two right answers so there's two good moves here one of them is just simply to take the spawn that's a good move but he chose a different move which is also very good Knight to c4 and all right you can take my rook but now you're not defending the a pond yes with his rook that's true blacks kind of happy because he got rid of his bad bishop and even better he took a rook so I don't know I'm going to defend both of my pawns and now I'm up material so this this is an idea and we do you know we're thinking about sacrificing stuff in this position but he chose instead Knight takes a five because now at least we're going to take a look and we're going to get the exchange back okay so he decided he's be a little tricky he in this position he didn't just take the knight and if he ever enters this endgame and it's you know Queen and rook force Queen and rook boyd's pressure is going to be really strong these you know the queen is going to have excellent chance on either one of these diagonals for for a big attack so he needs to keep the minor pieces on the board to have a chance here and all right he's saying well maybe your knight is a little bit trapped in there so he had to protect it and all right what's going on here can can I just win a piece this wasn't played but what would white play in this position because if you do nothing I just take your knight and this is also pretty powerful you know the knight can can come back here with some threats and you know this queen is thinking about sneaking in a lot of bad stuff can happen here so you don't get to trap the night so instead tries a e3 will this pawn be enough will this cause white enough disturbance he's got to worry about this guy all the time is he going to make it down the board wait has a passed pawn too so he pushes it and all right this was the move that really lost it for for black here his position was already very bad but now it's the computer says it's over it's over but you had to play the right move here so who can play like Carlsen yeah all right and you made the same mistake that I like to make he called UNITA bishop you learned from the best all right yeah so the knight can go to d8 and yeah really bad stuff is going to happen here so he he saved his rook white was threatening checkmate so he saved the rook and who knows I mean is black going to get a powerful enough attack here along the a file you got a question okay they do have a check and he played it and all right yeah this is the best move but Carlsen didn't play it well yeah that you're playing better than the world champion because now what does black do the problem is either way you take this yeah you get into a lot of trouble on this diagonal over here because wherever wherever you go right I munch up these guys so this would have been the actually best way to play so you're playing better than the world champ but Knight to d4 also very strong with the same sort of ideas and all right he's just using his knight here to control these squares all right but is blacks attack gonna be fast enough he's got some serious threats what's white going to do all right so he goes and picks up the pawn now this H pawn is a huge advantage for white he just has to not get checkmated okay so he gave another check and all right c3 so he made a little bit of lift here all right so he's not getting checkmated hooray he might get checked but he didn't but black is going to get checked again and okay so black kind of has to defend against Isis and Danny now we're gonna fight you and me this is this is what it happens let's do this all right I bench more than you I work out more than you we're gonna fight here so Danny I can read his mind he's the type when you get this position and you can win the endgame Danny wants to trade the Queens I guarantee it am i right well you could also not trade Queens and you would also win boo yeah so yeah Danny and I have this conversation all the time and in positions like this when my queen is better I like to keep the Queens on the board because my queen is better than your queen your king is a lot more likely to get checkmated than my king but you know even carlson makes mistakes sometimes you know he plays like Danny he traded the Queens yeah uh-uh all right so we got this position and all right what's this what's this Knight planning to do I mean this this could be a big threat taking here because if you get two passers that could be really really bad actually which is why he chopped off the night here okay and he took back with the rook what's that Knights bishops I mean there's so many pieces on the board it's like I don't know all other names that's why I need your help you know all of the names of all the pieces Wow hey um as a white blundered here Oh is black just gonna go make a Queen Europe can't stop me in time is that true you could check and then wherever the King goes he's in time yeah but you got to be careful I mean King upon and then your king and rook endings they can be tricky so he has to make sure he's there in time all right what was okay sure you're playing like a like Wesley so and that was played so we'll see what happens alright the king went over to go stop the pond but gave a check and now we can blunder we can blender now right and now yeah you can't stop my pond so we could blunder but he didn't he played a little bit better than that so all right so what's going to happen here is this guy gonna be strong enough to win but all right well the king get back in time in the game he did not make it in time and okay so he's getting ready yeah in this position he's already threatening to to go Queen so black has to stop it and see for a really nice move it's hard to play black here it's basically sub plane so alright he had to move and yeah it's not a lot of fun and here he he gave it up the problem is he's not going to be able to save this guy and if white ever gets this pawn then you know the game is over I got I got to pass pawns you know so even if you go here I check you away and then wherever you go I take this and then that's game over yeah and I really like this game I was fantastic watching it live because in this game white gave up a pawn even to get big control over d5 and we saw a great example of having the good night versus the bad bishop that's the dream when you play this position as white so now we look at a game where black played a little bit better and it's one of the most amazing games ever played so even Danny will be impressed all right this is the game between Sergey karyakin in Vishwanath on Anand it was played in 2006 in the decorous tournament in Vikon say and we get the same position here the knight Orff the English attack and okay in this game wait did I'm sorry black did castle King King side and white one Queen side so now we're going to have the race which is more typical of what happens in this position so here he comes and here comes black so that the race is on and so white gets to attack up piece first and I really like recommending these lines sort of for for younger players that are strong enough to understand openings because these kinds of positions really teach you a lot about chess you you're attacking them they're attacking you you need to a balanced attack and defense and you know playing really accurately it kind of teaches you that when they make a threat you want to be trying to play an even stronger threat so this really helps you know people that are just learning chess and you know young players alike so it's it's good we don't have to move our knight and so he didn't play in here this is it you know also a move but yeah so usually we get the same pawn structure that we saw in the last game after this and then you're just careful not to lose this night and this is a playable line but instead we saw a much more aggressive move b4 so we got both people attacking people but the problem for white is you can't just go oh I get to take you first because now at the end of this line here you take the Queen with check so what has to be careful and what to do with the night well you went to E - that's a nice safe Square and now it's your turn where you're going to put your knight and okay he went back and okay to discuss why he didn't go to the side in this position now white gets a really easy attack you can put the night on g3 and opening the H file is just about the worst thing you can do in these kinds of positions it's really easy to be white with an open H file because yeah it looks like you're gonna get checkmate it pretty quickly you know you don't want to open the H file so he has to go back and it's not looking very good actually we'll flip the board we'll get black a little bit of respect you like that Danny you happy now so now is everybody confused like whoa what's happening now all right so f4 was played his intention is obviously just to play a 5 and maybe he's going to trap the bishop or force the bishop to trade itself for a knight now it's yeah it's not really advised that you take this pawn because okay let's see you know when the Knights going to take back this bishops going to find a really nice diagonal and alright what's going to get a lot of activity and the open F file isn't the best for black yeah okay and we'll see it we'll see what happens here so black instead he gets on he pushes his pawn and here it is so the Bishop's trapped is he going to trade for the night or is black going to find something more complicated and that's what happens in all of these lines you know where they're attacking us we're attacking them it's you know it's very crazy and dynamic play so he attacked the night instead and so he's saying all right you've taken my bishop I take your knight and you know things are looking pretty good for me so he instead moved his knight but not not two of the safest square he went to the most complicated square you could put your knight on the worst square possible and then somebody will go to your board and say how did you get your night to a one I thought that was impossible and then you know after you take this your Bishop is not going to get trapped in there and what blacks can have an excellent game so instead you know he moved his knight so black took it this you know he just sacrificed a piece what was the point what's going on here all right and so black decides he pushes so if you just take this you're going to lose because I'm going to make a queen you know you can even you can take with check but I'll take back and this is unstoppable yeah for times sake we can't do any more questions hmm okay so instead he yeah moved his king over and black took we'll check Knight takes which is important and we'll see why and now we're trying to understand black in what should he do his Bishop is attacked well here he has an excellent move maybe one you you wouldn't consider when you first look at the position but Bishop to b3 so he's giving up his Bishop in order to open the a file so this is the the key way to get access to the King and the knight really must block but let's blunder because blundering is fun that's something people can relate to all right if I go here instead and I'm us alright I'll go get your pawn put my knight in the center I'm doing great black now has a winning move who can do it it's a it's a nice little tactic here yeah rope 2h a check excellent and when you come in yeah the point is we we get our queen in here and you can give your queen up to stop getting mated or you can get check mated you know it's your choice so what yet white either loses material there or he gets mated so yeah it's important that you put the knight on a three and you know you got this this access here so we got to shut it down okay and so what did what did black play here yeah he moved his rook or no sorry in a in this position he moved his rook and nowadays it's slightly more popular to put the rook on a four this is still all theory not only are you you know putting pressure on this pawn here but white often wants to play the move Queen to b4 in these lines and you stop that from happening okay so instead rook a five was played black's big idea here is alright he's going to put a queen on the a file she's gonna be eyeballing this we're thinking about some exchange sacrifices on occasion and now white plays the losing move he should play Queen to b4 but he went one Square too short and now this is why I really like this game there's a fantastic sequence here it doesn't look like black is just winning you know it's it's really hard to to figure it out blitzie so he first moves his queen he attacks the the e4 pawn white defends and now the craziest move you've ever seen so at home you really want to pause your video here and try to work this out because you know it's really crazy move this about to happen you can test your attacking ability how can we make inroads here to the king and it's more complicated than it might seem yes okay oh I'll take back okay now Danny Machuca to move in blunder with white you can do it right excellent good blunder yeah I take this and here right I knew you could do it Danny I knew you could do it all right right yeah so instead I mean white plays here and now you got nothing all right he agrees yeah you got nothing so that wasn't played so we'll give some some hints here what you really need to do is you know get this Knight to move away because then you'd be looking good which means you probably need to put your knight here the problem of course is he won't take with a knight he'll take with the Queen which means you need to get the Queen out of there which means you might need to put a rook here on the C file but there's a knight in your way I mean this is a complicated problem so what did black play here you got it now so yeah if you have you figured it out so here it here it is he played the fantastic move Knight to c7 and you're like what he's isn't that piece hanging so white took it and all right what's up so what's going on now how should we continue continue being brilliant don't be half really in here you got to be really brilliant so all right we want a piece how to continue and you might be thinking all right maybe we take this Knight all right all right maybe maybe we're in now but in such positions you really got to be careful and understand the resources the white has to defend here you know he needs to worry about this threat and he can consider even just trying to trade the Queen's which is now hard to avoid so you got to be really careful it's it's not quite that it's an even more brilliant move he sacrificed a bishop so white took it and now White's up to pieces so black you better checkmate right and again this isn't the way forward we still have this this resource here and now it's even better because I took all your pieces so we've got to be be pretty careful here you better play the right move you're either about to be the biggest genius ever or the biggest blunder ever you just gave away all your pieces so which will it be and what did black play in this position this one I'm sure somebody can find this one all right the only guy that ever raises his hand you yeah Knight to c4 excellent all right you never know which way is which in this game I just keep flipping it on you yeah okay so yeah it's tough being white here it's definitely not easy so what decided yeah I'm going to get checkmated so I better check mate you first that's your only chance and you played the move g6 now if you're a little too careless with black you might not be the one check reading your opponent so let's take this because it's a blunder and let's take this because it's a blunder now white how is he going to checkmate you it might seem alright innocent you know you got your one check all right fantastic I'll go in the corner but now white can kind of get out of some of his trouble by making something Danny would you make a queen or a rook your chess artist rook okay and then we'll take this and why can even consider sacking the Queen and getting the bishop to this diagonal so just kind of like I did in the other variation and black should still be a little bit better but this is really complicated and not easy to win so you get another really sharp position they'll be really tough so black has to be careful all right ah alright let's let's go back so in this move he decided he would take the pawn once white takes back and now the threats aren't the same so now he gets to take here and all right black is very close to checkmating and all right white had some checks he's got a couple tricks here he gets the first one in and then both legal moves here are fine for black they actually both win but all right this one seems to make a lot of sense here white checked by making your name and okay and it's funny you can actually survive if you just like if you move your king somewhere like most King moves are see driving which is kind of funny you know it seems like you shouldn't but even if you check me like a bunch of times like somehow black still wins so that's kind of funny but he yeah let's see you boop-boop night check he took it and all right so white was able to distract one of the rooks that's kind of you know crucial to his success here but what does white have now he took the rook and alright so we might your first instinct might be well don't take the Queen but yeah you're going to get in another scenario where this bishop comes back to defend and it's not very easy to win you're probably still winning but it's this is tougher than it has to be instead black decided to just go checkmate white because that's that's a pretty good idea so he gave this check the king is going for a little jog here White's most testing move is probably just to go back but then you know the black Queen gets into the game and you know life life is pretty tough to be be white here if you just go back we can yet even grab this Queen now Cupid and yeah it's a little bit different with this guy here because now I just need to I need to find a way in here and this is probably White's best chance to survive but he decided to go up the board which is really scary and now he's getting checkmated and it gives me another chance you know to tell people what I I think in positions like this when you have a lot of time on your clock and you're in this position you really want to mate as absolutely best as you can if it's mating forward you want to mate in four moves you don't want to mate in five or six because this is about to be the greatest game of all time and so if it was mating four and he made it in five I couldn't show you the game it would just be terrible like it's like it's showing me art and like you painted the Mona Lisa at the very end you're like the eyes on Mel dot dot you know you're about to make the greatest thing ever so it's got to look good at the very end and black played perfectly white is getting checkmated here and yeah he gave it up here if here where's the checkmate you can do it ah missed it by one who are you gonna go here okay what's the move what's the move yeah say it right Queen to c2 I'm really glad you didn't say rook here check I'd be so angry you ruined the masterpiece and just be like this is the worst game you've ever played I wouldn't be showing it yeah you got to make one when it's mate in one and okay if I go this way I just did it look look I'm Peter let me do it I did it I can't do it look I did it the computer accept it well let me make it legal moves yeah I did I did some magic and I went back in time so I could I said oh I got checkmated over there maybe I'll escape over here but alright so this is the last position here what's the fastest way to mate come on people that aren't raising their hands come on come on dude is this beneath you okay okay alright are we got our all-star you could do it get us the last check the end of the day all right you're gone all right all right you have a faster way if you don't mate into here you're ruining the canvas right you don't ruin it here who can do it yeah bro k2 oh man I'm in check right excellent so I'd be checkmate and yes so this game is really excellent not only was it you know fantastic display of tactics and the ability to attack your opponent but yeah it shows kind of the resourcefulness and creativity that you need when you play the night off you know you always got to be thinking about these really really creative ways to attack because when both sides are attacking you often want to sacrifice the material and checkmate your opponent Oh
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 662,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess, Chess Openings, Chess Openings Explained, Najorf, Sicilian Najdorf, Sicilian Defense, Sicilian Defence, English Attack, Najdorf English Attack, Magnus Carlsen, Wesley So, Karjakin, Anand, Carlsen, Byrne, Schrantz, Nidorf, Naydorf
Id: JuLYgClRe-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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