Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Buyer's Guide

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let's talk about buying some Lord of the Rings the card game [Music] hello and welcome to Nelson all over cards today I'm excited to talk to you and bring a buyer's guide for Lord of the Rings now Lord of the Rings is a huge game with about like a decades worth of content so I'm gonna try and make it as easy as possible to follow along but please ask questions in the comments if I miss anything also there are going to be time stamps so you can jump around or come back to exactly what you need I wanted to try and make it as easy as possible that being said the first half or so of this video is going to be the most important stuff we're going to talk about what you should buy if you're just getting into the game and then kind of what's out the repackaged content all of that stuff we're going to talk about and then after that and I'll delineate this uh specifically when I'm talking about it we're going to get into some speculation and talk about some of the harder to find content that's not necessarily necessary for someone getting into the game but I do want to talk about it just a little bit the absolute first thing that you should look at is to pick up a copy of the revised core set this is going to give you 12 Heroes and in Lord of the Rings you pick three Heroes for every single Quest that you go on so not necessarily like Marvel Champions but you're picking three and you can mix and match all of those 12 but it's going to give you those 12 Heroes a ton of player cards and it's gonna give you three different quests now the Decks that they initially give you are not super good but they do give you an idea of what each sphere of influence does as well as kind of get you acquainted with some of the cards there are going to be decks on ringsdb that will help you with putting together maybe a better deck but I would recommend playing the core Decks that they give you through maybe like the first scenario a couple of times just kind of get a feel for the rules and then go look on rings DB to look at some of the tuned Decks that people have made with just the corset now the three quests are kind of interesting because the the first Quest is really good to kind of teach you the game second course is very solid the second Quest I think is a really good Quest the third one is a very very tough Challenge and it it's going to be really tough beating it solo it's gonna be really tough beating it with any number of players but it's a it's a it's tough what's nice is that the revised core sets and the revised sets actually all of them that we're going to be talking about come with like campaign rules that do make it a little bit easier and so you can play through it as like a campaign or through Standalone either way it's going to be a good experience core set is where you need to start after the core set I'm going to recommend the starter decks of each faction so they came out with these starter decks for L's dwarfs Rohan and Gondor that are gonna be really good really strong and really fun decks to be playing and also are going to be kind of on a power level for the next couple quests that you want to be picking up I would recommend that you get all of these before diving into any of the revised encounter contents but if that doesn't necessarily interest you I would pick maybe two of these is that I would uh that you're kind of drawn towards and grab those once you have those starter decks we're going to talk about the repackage campaigns and the player card expansions so let's uh let's go in our time machine a little bit and talk about the Legacy Packaging and I think this is where so much of the confusion of buying into Lord of the Rings today comes from so right now they're under they're going through a project to repackage Old content that came out years and years ago now we're going to call that the Legacy content and we're going to talk about the repackage content the Legacy Packaging there would be a deluxe box that contained three Quest player cards and then six individual packs which each had one Quest and some player cards in it that total those seven products would be called a cycle so in total there'd be a ton of player cards and nine different quests those Cycles are now being condensed down and repackaged into a better and easier to obtain format with one campaign box and a player card box so those seven pieces of this cycle are now boiled down to two boxes so those two boxes are what you're gonna be looking for the seven different packets are gonna be really hard to find look for these specific repackaged content that's gonna be what you should grab currently right now the repackaged content that is out we have the agmar awaken cycle so that brings a good variety of quests um some of them are a little bit easier but it does have some more challenging Quest and some like really really challenging quest in there which is why I suggest getting those player cards first because the player card expansions are going to be really good in helping you kind of push through some of those more challenging quests and then along with the quest if you get the player card expansion which I suggest if you have the player card decks I would probably suggest getting the campaign expansion first however hard for me to sit here and recommend not buying the player cards because I just very much appreciate the player cards so if you can get them both at the same time that's probably what I would do because typically there are interactions and mechanisms that work together in the player card pool and the campaign box but with that if you can only pick up one I would go with the expansion and then look at grabbing the player cards afterwards if you can and you can financially do it I would grab both of them at the same time the player card expansion is going to come with eight different Heroes and many different player cards that add to a lot of the different tribes but focus a lot on like the elf and the ranger traits this summer it has been announced that we're going to be getting the Dream Chaser cycle which will also fill out a lot of new player cards as well as nine new quests those are the two cycles that we have been that have been confirmed as repackaged right now but we're going to talk about speculation here in a second but we do have another product that I want to talk about that is out and those are the Saga expansions these are getting reprinted and these are similar to this Cycles but instead of having one Deluxe expansion and six different player card or Adventure Pack expansions it has two Deluxe expansions that are now being repackaged into one box so while it used to be two packages it's now boiled down to one The Saga expansions I think are probably the coolest part of this game these are the expansions that play through the events of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and will bring like a lot of household names to the player card pool as well as you get to live through the Fellowship of the Ring that's the one that is out now they have all but said that they are packaging the other books as well but the Fellowship of the Ring box is out there right now so currently of the repackaged content we have the core sets we have the agmar awaken cycle and we have the Fellowship of the Ring box out of the agmar and The Fellowship of the Ring box I would either if you lean if you're interested in one over the other go with that I would fill out that specific cycle before moving on on so if you choose agmar I would get both the agmar awakens campaign as well as the player before going into the fellowship box Fellowship box grab the Photoshop box play through the six quests in there have a blast with it then move on to agmar cool so now let's talk about some of the extra stuff that is out out of the new content there's the Dark of merkwood pack which I would rate as like solid B tier Quest so they're they're cool but it's a it's a pack of two different quests that you could pick up and it continues on the campaign of the core box so the core box says the three quests and then you can add this on as kind of a campaign expansion for the fourth and fifth Quest that's a that's a great pickup it's not a necessary pickup at all in my opinion but they are a fun Quest and if that interests you pick it up have fun with it but now we're going to start talking about some speculation and this is where it's gonna start costing you a lot of time and money to track down this content if you're a new player what you can watch this Parts however everything that you should be focusing on obtaining to start your journey in Lord of the Rings is before this point in the video going forward this is going to be a little bit harder to get and may not be worth the time and or money to do that being said FFG has said that they're not repackaging all the old content and the community has kind of speculated on what cards or Cycles will be repackaged based on what player cards have come in those starter Decks that we talked about earlier so we know we're getting agmar we know we're getting Dream Chasers we think that we're going to be getting the arid mithrin cycle so there are some cycles that were put out under the Legacy format that may not be getting a repackage now this could totally fluctuate based on the success of the selling of the repackaged content and I have no idea if these are or are not going to be repackaged pure speculation the things that we don't necessarily think are that have the lowest likelihood of getting repackaged are the following again if you hunt them down and they end up being announced that they're repackaging all the content I'm sorry that's exactly what happened to me I went out I bought everything that I could find and then they announced a repackage set like a month or so later and so I just want to try and avoid you going through the same pain that I did but these scenario packs that follow the core set this is called the shadow of merkwood cycle have a pretty low likelihood of getting repackaged the duodel cycle the against the shadow cycle the Ring Maker cycle the horadron cycle and the Vengeance of motorcycle are those that we've seen a lot of the player cards for and have probably the least likely chance of getting repackaged so if you want these quests you're probably going to need to find someone selling them on like Board Game Geek or eBay or maybe a similar site and I will say that they have said that they're focusing on the favorite cycles and so these are considered to not be as good as what's getting repackaged if you want to you can go look and find that content absolutely it's just going to be a little bit tougher and Godspeed um it was it's tough the rest of the products that I'm going to talk about in this video are outside of the standard cycles that we have had in the past and and are no way necessary for the game however I wanted to quickly touch on them during this video just in case wanted to dive in a little bit more and understand and just know what content is out here for the game so there are scenario packs these are some extra packs that came out for like specific events for like Gen Con or some Lord of the Rings events that they were held in the past and can be like they're like one-off scenarios or they can be added into the Saga campaigns those that were printed more recently are probably going to be a little bit easier to find you can typically find these on those third-party sites and even some of them are still available on FFG as of earlier this morning when I'm recording this video if you're watching in six months I don't know these will typically have higher difficulties but also has some fun and unique mechanisms so it's a it's kind of a toss-up some of them are really really good some of them are mediocre again not necessary to the campaign or not necessary to the buying experience whatsoever just wanted to touch on them a little bit then we have the last thing that I want to talk about for the official FFG packaging of this game are the nightmare packs I think of these as like the 2.0 version of each Quest not saying that they're like better but typically they take cards they swap out cards and make them more difficult but also sometimes can fix certain issues with that initial Quest so maybe there's a weird interaction that just didn't work out the nightmare pack May fix that somehow but typically they're just making them way harder these can be pretty tough to find but game center and I I'll put a link down below we'll come out with them every once in a while so if you're interested in this I would monitor them there this would probably be the last thing I would look to buy uh just because there's so much content out there and even without the nightmare stuff you're set up for a long time and playing this game it could be something that you're interested in but it's not something that I would recommend to anybody who's just now looking at getting into the game but I did want to just talk about it and since they can be so difficult to find you may be interested in some of the custom content that's out there for the game I don't play a lot of custom content but a l e p a long expected party is the most popular and it's like a print-on-demand format and has been really heavily play tested and kind of like extends the life of the game even past when FFG start stopped making content for it I have not played any of these quests yet but I've heard fantastic things about them I will put a link down below where you can find all of that stuff just know that these are not Fantasy Flight content it is custom content but I have heard that it is about on par with the Fantasy Flight design stuff so I wanted to put that out there because they are currently making new content for the game and so while this game is getting repackaged the parent company Fantasy Flight games is not producing new content for it there are people out there that are so passionate about the game that they are doing that and if that is interesting to you I will link that below so you can check it out but that's it there you go there's a lot of information here I hope I touched on it well enough so that you can start acquiring tldw I guess well if you did watch this far it's not too long to watch but by the repackaged core stuff or by the re revised core set and then the repackaged stuff and that's going to get you a long long way if you have any questions whatsoever or if you are about to start let me know in the comments because I will help answer those questions or I'll be excited with you that you are starting this amazing game I love this game I have an entire Channel about this game so kind of it's a little obvious that I like this game but I'm very excited that you are starting on this journey that being said if you're starting on the journey I am playing through the progression Series so I'm playing through all the packs that you're about to be getting I go through I have a how to play some strategy tips for new players all of those videos are going to be linked down below as well so if you're curious or if you are starting the game I invite you to subscribe follow along because I do a lot of this content and I'd be happy to have you here and play along I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day have fun buying some Lord of the Rings you're not gonna regret it and I will see you around peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Nelson All Over Cards
Views: 15,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lord of the rings the card game revised core set, lord of the rings the card game revised core set unboxing, lord of the rings the card game revised, lord of the rings the card game the fellowship of the ring, lord of the rings the card game expansions, lord of the rings the card game expansion order, lord of the rings the card game, lord of the rings buying guide, what should I buy lord of the rings
Id: nfENfXNOu-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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