How to Play Rising Sun (Rules School) with the Game Boy Geek

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this video is brought to you by miniature market thousands of board games discounted prices miniature market calm hello my friends it's the Gameboy geek here today we find ourselves in the legendary time period of feudal Japan we're all gonna be different clans vying for the most victory points by controlling different provinces harvesting those provinces creating alliances with other players breaking deals betraying them worshipping commie and bringing monsters out in battle with us today we're gonna be taking a look at Rising Sun from SEMA now today we're gonna be doing eight rules school so I'm gonna teach you how to set up and play the game so you can get started and play through the game if it's your first time or if it's your tenth time now if you want to skip to a specific spot in the video there are timestamps below me so if you've already played the game before or you want to jump back you can use that index to get to those spots quickly so without further ado let's get started [Music] Rising Sun is a strategy game for three to five players where each you will take on a different clan and try to get the most victory points this game heavily uses area control and negotiation and rewards those who are the most honorable by breaking all the ties over the course of the game you'll be selecting actions throughout a political phase of bringing new figures on the map moving them around buying new cards and gathering resources but watch out because even though you're aligned with a player you might betray them to get a powerful move then you go to a war phase where in specific random order each season you'll go through different battles then you're going to battle where you'll be negotiating with the people there and also blindly bidding to try to win specific war advantages once revealed you see who won each advantage and then different things happen you can win points by winning the battle itself and you can also get points even by losing the battle if you've won the right war advantage and through all this you'll also be recruiting big powerful monsters and you'll also be sending shin toes to different places to worship to gain special abilities to set up each player is going to select one of the clans in the game and they're going to take the screen that aligns with that players clan and clans have names but they also have colors for the ease of teaching this video I'm just gonna refer to these clans as colors but even though each of them have their own name any clan screens not selected by the players playing can be left in the box today we're gonna use these four clans and a four player game seating order in this game which is essentially as player turn order is very important on the inside of your clan screens that you've already selected on the left side you'll see starting on a rank the player who has the lowest number will sit wherever they like then in an ascending order the next player will sit clockwise to this player and so on and so forth so that if these were the four players the red player would be sitting and then clockwise to them would be purple then green then blue and this is the starting turn order but this turn order clockwise will not change throughout the game with that starting honor in ascending order from the lowest number to the highest number you're going to place each player's player marker on the honor track top to bottom like that also on the left side of the board you take each player's second player marker and you'll place them all in this spot here and it doesn't matter which order they're on top of each other each player will then take one of these tiles that has the political mandates on one side and war advantages on the other side each photo take one of these place it with the political mandate side face up and just behind their player screen each player is going to put the ten figures of their clans color in front of their player screen so other players can always see how many they have available one of your figures should have a black base on it already this is your daimyo figure three of them should have a white base those are your Shinto figures and all the rest of them are your bushy figures if for some reason your bases are not on you look at the picture on your clan and it will tell you which ones are the shin toes which ones are the daimyo and which ones are their Bushies also notate that the bushes have two different sculpts but they are the same figures and reference to how they play on the inside of your player shield you'll see your daimyo has a black circle and a white circle for the Shin toes and that's to help you remember which ones are which when looking at the bases you'll also want to take any colored bases you have and put them in front of you as well you'll also want to take all four of the stronghold tokens for your clients color and place them out front of you as well keeping in mind that the green turtle clans strongholds look different from everybody else's next each player is going to look at their home province on the lower left of the inside of their player screen and they're gonna play some units in that area it has both a name and a color now here's the map of the board and just to show you that this also shows a map of the board and where the different provinces are but they also match the outline color of that province and in your home province you're gonna place your single black based daimyo figure any one of your bushy figures and one of your strongholds next you're gonna prepare the comi in the upper left hand side of the board find all the tiles that has the matching symbolism as the board and if it's your first game we recommend you setting it up just like this in this specific order you can pause the video here to find the right tiles however if you play before you can shuffle all the tiles and randomly assign them but any tiles not used in these four spots get returned back to the box next you locate the different seasoned decks here are the different decks for spring now in the upper left these are just the typical core cards and you'll know that because it does not have any additional icon on the corner like these do the core cards in spring are used in every single game but to the core deck you're going to add either archway horseman or teapot if it's your first game we recommend using the archway you'll place these cards with the core cards you don't have to worry whether they're shuffle or not the other two decks you can simply remove from the game if you've played before you can simply randomize which one of these three decks you'll add to the core deck you would then do the same for the summer and the autumn decks now each of these decks should contain 12 cards each set them all off to the side for now we'll show you what you do with these later next locate these warr province tokens you're gonna see that they have three different numbers on a one a two or three each pile should all have the same number on them and each and will have eight tiles so you'll have eight tiles with the numbered ones eight hours of the number twos eight tiles of the number three's you'll shuffle each pile independently and place these off to the side of the board for now you'll gather these worn number tokens and you'll place them next to the board for now you'll then find the ten political mandate tiles you'll shuffle them up and put them in front of the starting player who is the player if you remember the one with the smallest starting honor rank in this case it's the red player you'll then take all the monster figures and place them off to the side of the board you can leave them in their tray if you like for easy pickup or you could take them all out and check out how cool they are finally you'll take all the ronin tokens and the coins and you'll place them in piles off to the side of the board where everyone can reach them and just know that these specific resources in the game are unlimited if you run out use a suitable replacement the object of the game is to have the most victory points and you'll mainly gain those points by being able to harvest certain points from different areas that you control throughout the game and you'll also be getting points by winning battles in certain locations also there's ways to get points when you even lose battles or different people from your clans and there'll be a big endgame bonus for how many different areas you're able to win battles in the game is played over a course of four rounds with three of those four rounds being the different seasons of spring summer autumn and then the fourth run will be winter where mostly scoring through each of these three main rounds or seasons you'll play through five different phases so let's talk about how these phases work the first part of our season you'll do a little bit of seasonal setup first you'll prepare for war if you remember you set these War Provence tiles off to the side after they were shuffled and set up in the first season you'll get the ones that say one in the second season you'll get the ones that say two and a third seas and you'll get the ones that say three so you'll take all these ones and you'll place them face up in order from top to bottom down on this board here and you'll always put a number of tiles of the number of players plus two but an easy way to see this is down here it will say four plus players goes up to here five plus players goes up to here and all six players can go up to there so placing the last one for four or more players would do right here so we're playing four play it would go there number of players plus two six this is four plus and keep in mind that the six player is optional with the Kickstarter goals in the retail version I believe there'll only be five players any tiles that you didn't use they just stay off the board they will not come into play this game you'll then look at the number corresponding with each region or province and you'll take that number on the ward number tokens and you'll place them out in those areas so for example we have Edo is one and so we'd go to that province and you'd put the number one in the circle that corresponds with that province and you do that for all of them keep in mind six wrong play with four players the seven and eight token will not be used then you'll set up the season cards for that specific season in this case we are in spring so essentially you take all of the cards that are there and you'll flip them face up somewhere near the board usually up towards the top but wherever is good for your group now here's about half of the cards we have the green ones which are in chapman's and we have the blue ones which are virtues those words will be referenced throughout these cards of different things interacting with certain types of cards if you have cards with the same exact name and cost you can place them on top of each other like this to save table space the other two types of cards you'll see are war upgrades again it's the same card so I put on top of each other the brown ones are monster cards when you draw one of those in this seasonal setup you'll set the monster of that type right next to it because when someone purchases one of those during the round they'll be able to take one of those monsters next each player will get seasonal income looking on the inside of their player screen and getting the amount of coins that they see in the upper right now most of the game everything's going to be outside of your shield including the money will tell you specifically when you'll hide things behind your screen then we'll move to the tea ceremony that each season has now each player will have one of these yin-yang type of markers of their color and they'll place them up sort of this top right empty spot of the board and this is a time where you could try to make an alliance with another player for this season now alliances will be broken automatically at the end of each season and they could possibly be broken during the season but you want to be possibly aligned so that you can negotiate deals because this game has a lot of negotiation if you want to align with someone and you agree you simply put your union yang's together so these two clans are together and so are these they're aligned we'll go over the benefits of these as they come up and I'll summarize all those benefits later in the video if you happen to be playing with an odd amount of players or some players don't want to be aligned it's quite okay not everybody needs to be aligned after the tea ceremony you'll be heading into the two main aspects of each of the rounds the first is a political face will you'll be doing mandates of doing different actions to move yourself around bring in different people from your clan and do different actions and then after that you'll be going into possible battles so let's talk about that political phase the political phase will last for seven different actions where someone will play a tile here take an action but on most of the turns everyone will get to do things on those actions the player with the highest honor starting which we've already determined in this case is the red clan it's going to take all 10 of these political mandate tiles in front of them they then take the top four tiles they would secretly look at them not open like here they would select one of them to play and the ones that they don't select would go back on top facedown so let's say they were going to select Marshall the other tiles would go back on top facedown and they take that tile and they place it face up and the furthest left open spot for this political part of the board now those mandate tiles are going to be one of these five possible actions we're gonna go over these one at a time now first start with all we just selected which was a Marshall but says all players basically will move each of their figures across a border or shipping route you can follow along on your political mandate tile yourself now for all except one of those political mandates the player who played it which in this case was the red player doesn't go first they go last the person clockwise will take the first action and each player will then go clockwise with most of the time the player who playing the tile will take the last action since Marshall is moving your figures around each of your figures can move one space to an adjacent province and adjacent provinces either whether it has a border like this one so this figure could move just like this now if this figure was already here when this Marshall was placed and adjacent province is also one that's connected through any of these shipping routes so now that I've already moved this figure I can decide to move this one or not in this case let's just leave it where it is now you're going to start seeing some of the benefits of having an alliance with someone the red player played this mandate the purple player is aligned with them and if you look on the political mandate tile for Marshall all players get to do something but the player that played it who here is you and your ally may also build a stronghold for three coins so since the purple player here is an ally because they're aligned with them they can spend three coins back to the supply and build a strong placing a stronghold you must place it from your supply meaning it's not out on the board but in front of your player screen if all of them on the board you cannot place or move any of your other strongholds so let's say I had one in reserve of course and I could place it in any of the provinces I could just place it here for example it doesn't matter which province you put it in in fact you can have more than one of your strongholds in a specific province and there can be other players strongholds in a province there's no rules as to where you cannot place them as long as it's in a province and you had one available in your supply and then the other two players in clockwise motion would do their martial actions and then the last player the one that played the tile is red they would also get to do the Marshall but they'd also be able to build that stronghold because they were the one that played that tile once that marshalling is over then the player who played those tiles will pass all of these tiles to the next player clockwise who in this case happens to be the purple player the one that they have an alliance with and that I would do the same thing you'd draw the top four select one put the other three facedown and do all the actions now let's say this player selected the recruit action which allows you to summon players onto the board a key almost always the player to the left will start with the first action and it will end with the player who played the tile I won't continue to go over that but just remember that when a player recruits they can take any figure from the reserve and place it where they have a stronghold and you could do that for each of the strongholds that you have so when it comes back to the purple player if you remember they built an extra stronghold last turn so they can place one figure in each of these strongholds so placing out more strongholds allows you to place more figures on the map during the recruit action when a player recruits a Shindo which are the ones with the white bases they can leave them where they recruited them or they can immediately send them to worship onto any of the 4 commie that are up there and when you move to worship a commie you simply put your figure on any one of those these are trying to work towards being able to worship them and be able to get their specific actions or abilities at specific times throughout the round we'll go over these actions in more detail later but just think of them as sort of area control to get a special ability throughout the round now the player that selected the recruit mandate and its ally can also place one of their additional figures onto a stronghold and it doesn't matter which stronghold it is it's an additional figure now it's easy to remember the special actions by looking at the bottom and seeing who can take them it's always you in an ally let's take a look at train this is the only action where the player that played it will go first because as you've seen typically when you play a mandate the player to your left will go first and you'll get the right the last action but in this one whoever trains will go first now to train essentially you spend the amount of coins that's on the card and you take the card and certain cards do different things like some home do it at the start of the war phase some of them are ongoing abilities or you can get one of these monsters keeping in mind that the Train action if it's done by the person that played the tile or it's a lie they get to pay one less so in this case this player could buy one of these for one less or just one coin so let's see the player spent one coin and got this monster they take the card and the monster and put it in front of their screen and when you get that monster in front of you you'll place your colors base on that monster then you can immediately place it where you have a stronghold and much like all the other figures on the map when you place a monster there by default they're only considered to have a force of one when trying to figure out who has the most control of an area for example there's two figures here so by default that would be two now there's cards in different abilities that allow those to change but by default everything's a force of one and then every other player clockwise would continue to train keeping in mind you're only able to buy one card during a train action when someone selects the harvest mandate all players get to collect one coin place in front of their screen but the player who played the tile and their ally get to collect rewards from different provinces that they have the most force so in this case it was the red player that played that them in their ally at this point it's the purple player two would go to each of their provinces and they'd see if they have the most force here they're the only ones here so they have the most force so you'd get the reward in this little hex box next to that province in this case it's two points and two coins up here red and green both have a force of 1 so who wins it this is when honor comes into play and it's a very powerful part of the game the one that the top has the most honor red started with it because of its starting on our number and they have more honor than green because they are higher than them on the honor track anytime there's a tie in this game for any reason whoever has higher honor would win so in this case red has more force even though they're tied because they have higher honor also when speaking of honor you can gain honor when you gain honor let's say the green player gained honor you move up one and you push whoever's there down let's say green lost honor well they would lose one and this would come up like that that's how you gain and lose honor and since the purple player is an ally of the red player who played the tile they also get to harvest where they have the most force so they would do the same thing looking at all the provinces they have the most force and the three icons you need to see are the victory points and coins which we already talked about and this is a ronin Ronan's look like this for each one of those symbols during the game that you get you take one of these ronin tokens that you set up during the beginning of the game and you place it in front of your screen we'll talk about what these do in more detail later but they really help you out in the war phase the last action we're going to talk about is the betray now only you get to do something on this turn the player that plays that mandate they replace any two figures from two different players on the map with one of your own and if they have an alliance you would break it and lose honor now you can take this action if you don't have an alliance with someone else but you just don't lose any honor let's say it was the green players turn and they played that they first would break the alliance and then they would lose honor and as we showed earlier anytime you lose honor you move down and you move the next one down there up so when they swap out a figure it has to be the same type of figure from two different opponents it could be the player that you just broke on the alliance with but it doesn't have to be so let's say they do this they have put their bushi there and I take this bushy and give it back to that blue players of reserve supply now since they haven't yet swapped with the purple player they can because you have to swap with two different players this is a monster figure the green player could swap their monster figure that's in their reserve maybe he had gotten killed in a previous round and they could swap it so this would go back to the purple player's reserve and green just brought their monster because they already like figure now keep in mind you can never swap with somebody's black based daimyo because they are immune to betrayals and you can never swap with anybody Shinto that's up worshiping the commie because they're not considered on the map now that we've learned all the actions let's talk about negotiation because this is a big part of the game throughout the tea ceremony when you're trying to align and through this political phase you can trade and barter and deal you can trade different types of coins or Ronan's that you have got or just make deals but they are not binding for example during the tea ceremony you might make a deal with someone to stay out of a certain area if we get aligned maybe bribing another player to play the recruit action when you have more strongholds in other people could be beneficial when marché rolling figures around if you're all by yourself you get to win this later all by yourself in the war face so you could bribe other people not to come in here maybe a player wants to train this monster but doesn't have two coins maybe you can give them a coin for some special favors later well maybe the purple player can talk to their ally the red player into playing the harvest because this players gonna get some good rewards right now and during the betrayal action you have a lot of power to remove others figures make them pay you to not take their figure off the board now that you know all the political mandate actions let's talk about floo of the political phase if after resolving all of the specific actions for a tile if just to the right of that there is a commie icon like this we pause the political phase and go to a commie turn here we start with the very left of the worship spots of the commie tiles and we see who has the most force and who do ever has the most will gain that ability immediately so we go from left to right and some abilities may affect other ones for example Purple's the only ones here then we get to go up all the way to the top with their honor which means now there's a top we go here they're tied one to one but purple has higher honor so they would get this which essentially is having two moves as if you had marshaled then we go here there's two blue versus one green that player would get to Ronan and the green player would get to coins now here's all the abilities for the commie but if you want to look on yourself in your own manual you can turn to page 19 after you've resolved all these the figures stay put and as you can see there's three different commie turns throughout a political phase so at most if you're able to control a specific worship spot and you keep the highest force you can use that ability up to three times per round so the earlier you get there the more times you might be able to use that ability once we get to the end we go to the war phase at the begin of the war face each player will flip their board over so it says war advantages and keep in mind other players might have a war upgrade that allows them to gain things like this three coins at the start of the war face then you'd start with the first possible location for a battle and what you do is you'd look there to see if there is a battle sometimes there might be nobody in there and in that case this tile is just simply discarded with nobody let's look at the next one and sometimes there might be just one clan there and they automatically get this and place it in front of them because these will be worth points at the end of the game now the next one might happen where there's two players and they might be allies in this case a battle happens but you simply just give that specific tile to whoever has the most force in this case they're tied so like always you go to honor and in this case the blue player has more honor so this would go to the blue player now here we see a place where there's at least two players that are not allied and when this happens a battle ensues now this monster card says they get 3/4 in any province where they have the lowest honor Green has the lowest honor and it's lower than both of these two and so this player has 3/4 for this these two players have 1/4 so right now it's 3 2 1 2 1 eights the player will then have to tell everyone how many coins and how many Ronan's they have so the purple player might say I have 4 coins in 1 Ronan and if they've done that they could take their coins behind their shield that's very important that one in the war face you cannot freely give coins and/or Ronan's as part of a negotiation but you could try to tell each other what you think you might do what you want the other player to do you can work out deals but they're never binding and they can never be used with coins and Ronan's to do the deal now how this works says as the arrows indicate going left to right we're going to resolve these once everybody has placed their coins secretly behind their shields on specific actions and what you're trying to do is win specific parts of these to do the actions but in order to do so you need to have the most coins on there you could put as many coins as you want on one spot you can maybe even put none of your coins or you could put them spread out as little or as much as you'd like once everyone's done that you will lift your shield and then we'll work our way left to right to resolve so everyone lifts up their shields and we start from left to right we talked about seppuku and whoever had the most coins may kill all of their own figures and gain a point and honor for each also always keeping in mind if it's tied with the most whoever has the highest honor wins this now let's say no one else put any coins on seppuku and the purple want it just because you want it you can do this action but you don't have to sometimes you're winning these just to stop other players from being able to do that action let's say this player does not decide to kill themselves now any players that did end up getting killed in battle just simply come back to their reserve in front of themselves but in this case we did not do that the next whoever won the take hostage can take a hostage and steal a point from an opponent now let's say the purple oneness you can never take any black based on yo as hostage so they decided to take the green monster now it's reminded on your player screen that you cannot take a damn y'all hostage so we take that green monster and place it with our other figures in front of the a player so when that purple player took that green monster hostage they would steal a point meaning they would go up one and green would go down one however if Green was already at zero and they cannot steal a point they do not go up they just stay as is then we go to hire Ronan whoever won this can add all of the Ronan's that they have as one force each in the battle now if the permit player had won they would have been able to add all of their Ronan's there and it would have gave them one four so this would've been one plus one two force versus one and purple would have won it just on force alone but they decided not to do that this turn they won they spend their coins other places even if you do place rodents out they do not go away this phase for this entire phase after this battle is over you would take all the runner and you were able to place because you won that specific war advantage and you would take it and put it in front of you can use your own as in as many battles that you win that war advantage in the same phase keep in mind you you can still win the higher Ronan if you don't have any Romans but you're stopping for someone else from playing them at that point we do the battle outcome and see who wins the battle so at this point it's one force versus one it's tied purple has more honor so purple would win this battle they would get that war profits tile they place it in front of themselves that would be a point later on and then all the other players that are still here that did not win the battle all those figures would get killed and be placed in front of that respective player now if you happen to have been allied with the player you lost the battle to your figure would not get killed I would actually just stay there in this case they're not allied so it would have gotten killed but if they were allied you don't lose your figures when you lose that battle it might happen if there's no figures left at the end of the battle and in that case whoever has the most honor would win so sometimes you can win a battle without even having anybody in that region and then after the battle outcome we go to Imperial poets whoever won Miss spent the most coins on it would gain a point for every figure killed in the entire battle now at the end of the battle anybody that did not win the battle it takes all the coins that they actually spent on their war advantages board and puts the coins back into the supply however if you were going to win the battle all the coins that you spent only on your board whether you actually won those or not if you won the entire battle you take all coins on this board and you actually divvy them up evenly to all the players that were in that battle with you that did not win the battle if there's a remainder you get to decide who receives the remaining coins but keep it as even as possible now keep in mind it due to the order of the battles and where things are it's likely you might be battling with the same player more than once use that as negotiation power to try and negotiate who will do what each battle to try to work things out but keep in mind deals are never binding and that war phase continues until all the battles have been resolved at that point we do some seasonal cleanup all the coins that you still have and all the ruins get returned back to the supply so you have none of either of those then all the Shinto figures on the different worship spots will get removed and given back to their respective owners then take all these political mandates that were face up on the board and shuffle them back in with the rest of the stack that was not used and then passes to the player to the left of the one that had the last turn this previous season and when setting up the new war tiles for the next season remember to use the tiles for the next numbers in this case - for the second season which is gonna be summer you take all the summer season cards and flip them face up as you did in the previous season you then get your seasonal income again and you'd return all hostages back to their respective owners and you'd get one additional coin for every hostage that you give back you'd go through both summer and autumn the same way we showed you how to go through spring and at the end of that you'd go to winter which essentially is final scoring you'd first look at any winter upgrade cards you have and you'd score points based upon what that card says you then score the points for each of the lines you see on here these are worth one these are worth two and those are worth three you can also get points depending on how many different provinces you have at the end of the game these two are the same and these two are the same so I actually only have one two three four five different provinces that would get me an additional 20 points then whoever has the most points is the winner if it's tied you go to whoever has the higher honor unless both players that want to actually allies and then they actually share the victory now I've talked about the different effects of alliances throughout the video tutorial now I'll put those up on the screen now that you can pause and reference throughout the game or if you'd like you can just refer to this in page 12 of the rule book now up on the point in this video I have not shown or used any of the special abilities from any of the clans but keep in mind that each of these have a very self-explanatory ability that they'll use throughout the game now I hope this helps you dive right into Rising Sun and get to the fun quicker and if you had to read the twenty plus page rule book yourself now if you have more questions about specifically what I covered here I purposely did not cover everything this was to get you going I placed a link in the description of this video which will bring you to a place which is going to be the best place to ask your questions because not only will I be able to get notified but so will the publisher this video was sponsored by miniature markets review corner the review corner features podcasts video and written game reviews by gamers for gamers miniature market the online gaming superstore thousands of board games discounted prices check them out at miniature Market calm [Music]
Channel: TheGameBoyGeek - Hi Quality Hi Energy Board Game Reviews
Views: 85,100
Rating: 4.845026 out of 5
Keywords: Rising Sun, How to play rising sun, rising sun gameplay, rising sun tutorial, rising sun rules, rising sun game tutorial, cmon, game boy geek, rules school, rising sun board game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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