How To Play NARMAYA Beginner's Guide (Granblue Fantasy: Relink)

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Naya is definitely one of the most fun and powerful characters in Grand blue fantasy relink so in this video we're going to be explaining how to truly Master her combat and all of her mechanics starting off with the basic mechanics the way Naya works is that she has two separate stances the first one is going to be the free flutter stance which we're going to be calling the blue stance because of the blue butterflies obviously and this blue stance consist of Rapid continuous attacks and then she also has the dawn fly stance which is the red stance which many people neglect when they first start using Naya and the red stance instead of fast attacks has a slow charged radius attack most people default into just using the blue stance for the rapid attacks when using Naya when they first starting out however that is a huge mistake Naya's true power comes from transitioning smoothly from one stance to the other continuously throughout the battle and the reason for this is cuz Naya's main objective in the fight is to build up butterflies the more butterflies she has surround her the more powerful the next skill is going to be the basic way to build up butterflies in the blue stance is simply reaching the end of the square combo this means basic attack until you do the final down slash that is when you're going to get a butterfly for the red dafly stance to get a butterfly you need to get a fully charged radius attack this means holding down the square button until the radius goes all the way pink that's past the red and then once you release it you'll get the butterfly I know what you're thinking the red St seems extremely slow and not very useful but don't worry we're going to get into that in just a second to make things a little bit easier while I explain this you can go down here into the command list and on this command list you can see the little op arrows now all the places where these little op arrows are on the command list this means that you get a butterfly for doing this exact command so the ones we're going to be talking about here are the stance shifts we're going to be calling these perfect transitions what this essentially means is at the end of the combo whether it's with the blue stance or the red stance fully charged attack if you change stance right at the end in the perfect time you will get a perfect transition now the perfect transition grants you an extra free butterfly each time as well as doing an extra bonus attack while transitioning which is definitely going to be really useful so to put this into practice as you can see here we're spamming away the attack button in the blue stance until you get this final down slash attack that's going to be the end of the combo now as soon as this down slash attack happens you want to press the triangle button to change into the red stance if you do this correctly you should notice you get two butterflies instead of one as well as doing the extra sort of red attacks here as you transition another amazing thing about the perfect transition from the blue stance into the red stance is that if you did get this correctly you notice that the fully charged red stance attack is almost immediate instead of taking a long long time as for the perfect transition from the red stance Into the Blue stance it's actually very easy all you need to do is get a fully charged attack this means remember pass the red all the way into the pink when it won't go any further then immediately after attack wch is put in the sword back away in the seege that's when you're going to press the triangle to change back into the blue stance and get another perfect transition other than granting yet another extra butterfly is going to be distinguishable by this extra blue attack she does where she slams the ground and does a wave attack that will continuously keep on hitting the enemy in the background mastering these perfect transitions from one stance into the other is the true power of naraya as you can continuously do this over and over again until you get all your butterflies then use your most powerful skill and then just rinse and repeat also very important side note don't be afraid to interrupt your own combo when a link attack opportunity comes up as you can also perfectly transition from the link attack into any of the stances so before we can show you guys the ultimate combo for Naya we need to understand what skills we're using and why the first and most important skill is the dance of pink pedals this is going to boost Naya's attack give her Stout heart which essentially gives her more Poise making it harder to interrupt her attacks as well as supplementary damage which is always nice but also it's going to give her three free butterflies every time you use it so this is a my opinion a must for naraya the second part of this combo we're going to be using is the utter devotion skill now what utter devotion does is it's going to lower the enemy defenses all of the enemies around you are going to get the defense lowered when you use this skill this is also going to Taun the enemies to make them more likely to Target you so definitely make sure you're aware of that this skill is also going to add three extra free butterflies every time you use use it this is great for building up the butterflies as every time we use one of the other skills the butterflies are going to get consumed the third part of our combo is going to be the transient skill this is going to be the one that actually deals the damage this skill actually changes what it does based on whether you're in the blue stance or the red stance if you're in the blue stance it'll do these slow smash attacks into the ground however if you're in the red stance which is where I definitely recommend using the transient skill it does these many sort of spin attacks and gets a bunch of hits in so if you're going for a crit build this is definitely the one you want to be using and it does more hits based on the amount of butterflies you have built up the fourth skill you can really go with whatever you want I go for crescent moon simply because it gives us some sort of ranged attack in case there's some annoying flying enemies or some enemy I just can't catch up to you can use the Crescent Moon to sort of send out a wave attack into the distance which is pretty useful sometimes but honly Crescent Moon you can sort of substitute for pretty much any other damage skill you want to use for her now let's get into the most interesting part which is Naya's ultimate combo to start the combo use Dance of the pink pedals to boost your attack as as well as making it harder for them to interrupt your followup part of the combo by using Dance of the pink pedals first you also get three extra butterflies as soon as you start then immediately after that use utter devotion which will lower the enemy defenses and give you an extra three butterflies so with just these two moves you should immediately have six butterflies increased attack lower enemy defenses as well as making it harder for them to interrupt your attacks and this is where you want to get right up and close and personal make sure you're in the dafly the red stance and then use the transient skill this is going to get a bunch of hits off and with all the Buffs and debuffs we got going on this is going to do Insane damage most likely even solo you should be sending the enemy into the link attack opportunity so then immediately use the link attack and as soon as that link attack hits the ground you want to change stance and get the perfect transition into the blue stance and at the end of that combo switch stance back into the red stance and you should get the perfect transition and then just continuously rotate from one stance perfectly transition into the other until you get some of your skills back and honestly Dance of the pink pedals does have a fairly long cooldown so this is more of an opening move and use it maybe two or three times in the fight but really your next objective is going to be just to build up your butterflies through perfect Transitions and then as soon as transient is out of cooldown go ahead and use that again and rinse and repeat and finally let's talk a little bit about what weapon to use and which sigils first of all the weapon is the florium blade which is her second weapon the blue one and the reason for this is that her passive with this increases her crit rate which is going to be pretty much the full thing behind this build then in the sigils as you can see the first thing we need to focus is full crit rate and crit damage you definitely want to focus more on crit rate percent instead of crit damage the reason for this is that the damage cap is always fairly low in this game until you start to boost it up so you're going to be hitting that Max damage sort of cap pretty early on so you don't want to go too overboard with the crit damage I like to be at 90% crit rate especially for late game honestly it doesn't even use up that many sigils as you can see I only have two crit rate sigils on they are quite high level ones but I do have a bunch of crit rate coming from other stuff like the masteries and the weapon personally I do have two fairly powerful crit damage sigils on as well but the reason for this is that I do have a decent amount of stats put into the damage cap to increase the maximum damage you can actually do just through sigils Mastery bonuses and the sort of crystals you can put onto your weapon also we do have one attack power sigil equipped then down here we have the two legendaries the butterfly Valor and the Butterfly Grace one makes it so that every time we get a butterfly we get an extra butterfly and the other one makes it so that we have a 50% chance of No butterflies getting consumed when we use skills both of these can be purchased from the shop once you get into postgame I believe it is I'm not sure exactly when they become unlocked then we have Krabby resonance that actually makes you more powerful based on how many of those we pins the crabs you have found throughout the story so if you found all 45 of them and you put the sigu on you get an extra thousand attack uh we have a full video guide on where all 45 pinces are down in the description if you want to check that out also for the last slot I've been using this improved Dodge which is really cool what this does other than giving you a few more eye frames is that usually when you dodge three times you sort of get staggered for a little bit and you can't move but this increases that to four Dodges before that happens so that's pretty much all there is to it guys I hope you have fun playing Naya I hope you did find this video helpful if you did don't forget to Thumbs Up Button subscribe for more content coming very soon and we'll see you next time
Channel: Gamer Guru
Views: 61,834
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Keywords: granblue fantasy relink narmaya guide, granblue fantasy relink narmaya gameplay, narmaya guide relink, narmaya guide, relink, granblue fantasy relink, how to play narmaya in granblue fantasy relink, how to play narmaya, how to play narmaya relink, narmaya ultimate guide, narmaya combo, narmaya, guide, combo, best naramaya build, best character, best, narmaya tips, tips, narmaya build
Id: KmhC23oMmRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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