Complete Beginners Guide - Granblue Fantasy Relink | Granblue Fantasy Relink Essential Tips & Tricks

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I've been playing a ton of grand blue fantasy reing as you can see I already have a couple of level 40 characters I've already unlocked quite a few and there's quite a few things that I think the game doesn't highlight too well or maybe confusing to some players and so today's video I will be making a complete beginner's guide to this game so that you can have a better experience playing gr blue fantasy reeling so if you enjoy any of my guides please subscribe to the channel and if you have any questions feel free to show up in my live streams and ask away with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and let's get started one of the very first things you'll want to do in Grand blue fantasy reing is start unlocking different characters so you can fully customize your entire party setup the way to unlock characters in this game is by coming here to this NPC and very early on into the game you'll receive what is called a crewmate card which allows you to Simply select one character from this entire list and they will simply join your roster and you'll be able to play with them so as you can see I have already un unlocked fery naraya and peral as well and by the way let me know which character I should unlock next and once you reach chapter 4 I believe you're able to take on this side quest where you fight against the fury cane boss fight and as you can see right there on the right side you'll receive a crewmate card as you can see I have been mostly focused on trying to get s++ on all the missions or at least as many of them as I can so I haven't done a lot of the story but the more you progress you're going to be able to find these ticket very easily so don't worry about that something to note however is that whenever you unlock a new character through the ticket method their highest level that the character is going to come is going to be level 20 and as you can see right here my fairy is underleveled compared to the rest of the party because I received her at level 20 when everyone else was around level 29 or so that being said if you want to level characters very quickly either to catch up or because you want to unlock new stuff you can take on this side quest called fart fumigation which you unlock fairly early on and as you can see from the first clear rewards you get the sigil fast learner which is going to make it so that your character gains a little bit more experience whenever you do anything in the game allowing them to level up that much faster you should make sure you pay attention to what the clear rewards are going to be at the end of the quest as they can prove to be very valuable additions to your party that being said in case you're looking for a specific item let's say for example I wanted to farm these Champion merits from the side quests I can press triangle which will add this item to the wish list and so whenever I go to the quest counter and I choose the option to undertake a quest I have the option to press the square button and then I can pick from any of the wish list items that I have to see if there is a quest that is going to reward me with that item and among all of these items you can even add the tickets so that you can very easily spot whenever you have a Quest available that is going to give you that another very important thing in gr blue fantasy reink is a special type of quest called The Fate episode which you can access through the quest counter and here you can take on one of these fate episodes and the icon that shows up next to the title of the episode will determine if it's one of these episodes where it's just a screenshot in the background with some text which is simply lore associated with that character so you can go ahead and read this to get a better understanding on each of the characters backgrounds and the reason why you want to do this is because you do gain stats at the end of these fate episodes additionally there are these episodes with the two swords icons that instead of giving you stats will actually give you a Sigil slot which is a lot more important but of course in these ones you actually have to go on a quest where you'll be playing as that character it's usually very fast and easy Quest that you can knock out very quickly and you get an additional sigil out of it so make sure you do all of these now something to note is that as you're going to play throughout the game you're going to forge new weapons for each of your different G characters and you're going to want to level them up for various reasons and as you do so and as you upgrade your sigils as well you may find yourself running out of money but let me tell you do not be afraid to sell some of these items just like in Monster Hunter there are items that are specifically made just to be traded in for in the case of grand blue fantasy reeling rupees which is the main currency and so you're able to freely sell these and you'll have more money to spend now one of the most important things about making sure that your character becomes stronger in this game is the sigils these are going to vastly increase the damage output of your character they can help with your survivability they can increase your critical hit rates they can add stun power and so much more that being said whenever you have these equipped if you want to see the effect of each of these sigils from the gear menu if you press the R3 button you get these popups which tells you that stun power will boost your stun Power Attack is going going to boost your attack power and charged attack is going to increase the damage of your charged attacks all of that sounds reasonable but you don't really know exactly how much it increases by but you can press the triangle button here and that allows you to see exactly just how much you get out of each of the different sigils and what thresholds you want to meet to get exactly what bonuses and if you come here to inventory you can come down to the sigils page and you'll be able to see that with all of the sigil that you have collected throughout the game another very key part in making your character stronger in this game is completing the Mastery page for each of the different characters of course the masteries that you want to unlock first on your character are going to be the ones that give you active skills of course some of these may not be as powerful as some others so they may be something that you don't prioritize to unlock right away but I would also tell you to make sure that you unlock some of the bigger nodes as they can provide you with some very beneficial Passage to your character now some of these are going to be character specific like this one for example allows peral to charge his skill a lot faster and this one allows Rosetta's roses to last a little bit longer and this would increase the level of the Roses these are incredibly important for this character so make sure you prioritize them so do not sleep on the masteries a very cool thing that masteries also allow you to do is for example let's say you want to come down and unlock this one but you need still to unlock these two to get there the game allows you to by simply clicking on the last one unlock all the other masteries that are on the way to get that last one do be careful about spending your Mastery points because especially at the beginning you're not going to have a lot of them and with how many characters you have from the start you may want to start investing in all of them and that may end up leaving you stared for Mastery points very early so I would advise you to not spend a lot of them put some into Grand and some other character that you may want to unlock Lo and later on you start to invest more mastering points into the rest of the cast now you may not have this third tab that I have right here already unlocked called collection this tab quite simply allows you to get these passive bonus from each of the weapons that you have already leveled up so because I had my weapon reached level 20 I was able to unlock this Mastery which gave me 200 hp and because it reached level 40 I was able to also get this one which gives me 500 HP and as you can see as you'll level up your weapon by uncapping the max level of the weapon and then leveling it up you'll be able to get all of these bonuses and this is important because all of these bonuses will apply even if you have a different weapon equipped on your current character like I do so for example if I swap back to the flamb Burge and put that as my main weapon I can still come here and unlock these masteries which will boost my stunt power as well as increase my attack power and these effects are going to be active even though I have the flamb Burge equipped rather than this other weapon now a fantastic quality of life feature that this game provides is being able to complete side quests very very quickly without you having to go all the way from one end of the town to the other just to find the NPC so that you can complete the quest by opening the main menu you can come here into side quests and if you have a quest that is ready to be completed you can simply click it here and it will teleport to the client and as you can see see that is very very fast now one thing to note about this is that if you have a side quest on a different Hub toown you won't be able to teleport to it right away so you will have to manually go back to the ship select that town and only then will you be able to teleport to complete the quest speaking of the ship be sure to run around the ship for a little bit whenever you get the chance because quite often you'll be able to find some hidden items around the place so it's always a good habit to take a quick lap around the ship and pick up up any items you find but also something that I totally missed for most of my Play Time up until this point was that you can come up here to the training dummy and well you can freely practice all sorts of combos try out a character see how everything feels you can also try out the score attack and time attack where you basically just see how much damage you can put out in a set time period just to see how that will work so once that is done you'll get your battle results with the total of number of damage that you dealt throughout that period and you'll be able to comp compare that with different characters and with a different time limits and with time attack you pick up a basic difficulty and you try to see just how fast can take down one of these enemies and just like that I was able to clear that in 15 seconds so this is a very good way for you to try out different combos see what works best in different scenarios and because each character is very different compared to the others and some of them can be quite complex I recommend you to spend some time in the training area learning all the different Combos and the intricacies of each character character another very important thing that I don't think the game properly highlights and is an amazing feature is the ability to create custom loadouts with each different character so for example with personal I can simply save my current Loadout and then I can go ahead change the weapon change all of my different sigils let's pick three attack power ones let's even change a skin and let's get rid of a couple of skills and let's just have the exal for whatever reason so I can go here save it as the second Loadout and you can even rename these loadouts change their icons as well so if you have a Loadout that is more focused on offense or support you can easily identify it and as you can see this is my current load out but if I go here and I changed my previous Loadout I now have the flamberge equipped with all of my previous sigils and all of my previous skills so a very good quality of life feature especially for characters like grand for example that thanks to the different masteries you unlock can be much more focused on applying debuffs being a support character by providing heals to your team as well as the ability to provide damage resistance or even just become a straightup tank letting them take damage for their allies and so you could have a different load out page for each of the different play styles that you desire and that is very useful something to keep in mind at all times another very important thing that the game allows you to do especially if you're someone that like myself likes to swap characters around a lot you can actually much like with the loadout save your current party setup as you can see right here I have one with first ofal jeta fairy and Rosetta and it do one I swapped out Rosetta for naraya and you are able to make it so that in one party setup that same character can have different weapons compared to the other as well as skills and sigils so this is a very handy feature to keep in mind at all times and much like with the character loadouts you can of course also rename them and change their icons as much as you want now there's actually show a few settings that I think are very important and that you may want to change in the options menu so if you come down here to gameplay you have these settings that are all tied to your skybound art which is of course that big burst of damage that you deal in combination with the rest of the party which will often destroy enemies so this setting skybound art activation you can make it so that your allies will either use their skybound art immediately so once the bar fills up or if they wait for an opportunity to wear the game calc Ates if you and the rest of the party have enough meter field up to be able to reach a Full Burst if they activate it then and because you want to reach Full Burst to deal as much damage as possible rather than doing a two or three player chain I would recommend having this set to Full Burst only you can also make it so that your allies prioritize using the skybound Arts on regular enemies or only boss fights and of course I do believe that it is better if it is prioritizing bosses and you can also use this toggle to make it so your allies will or will not activate their skybound arts for a chain burst and in some cases it might actually be best to have this off especially if you're fighting an enemy that has a specific Elemental weakness and you want a certain Ally or even yourself to be the one to start it but that's a bit more specific so again it is something that you can toggle at any time something also to keep in mind is that each different enemy that you're going to face off against will have a corresponding weakness which will be indicated next to the their name and health bar this is of course especially important for boss fights to deal as much damage as possible so you can choose to go with a character that deals super effective damage against that enemy or even add skills of that element just for that boss fight alone now as you play throughout the game you'll come across these big chests in the town hubs you'll find many more of these in the second town as well that require special keys to open them with this blue chest in particular requiring a silver key while very simply the way way to get these Keys is pretty much just complete side quests as some of them like this one will reward you with a silver key so let's go ahead and pick it up and if I open this chest right here I get attack power three Health three 542 crystals and, 1500 rupy so a pretty big hole out of that chest look out for these chests the game doesn't have a proper map and so you can't really Mark the spots where you can find them so be on the lookout for those chests and keep on doing side quests to get the keys to open them so as you can see with that same key I'm able to open this blue chest even though it's on a different town and later on as you play throughout the game you'll be able to do a side quest where you can get a key to unlock these white chests another thing that every player should know is exactly what each of the consumable items do so let's get hits and I'll show you what each of them do so if you press up on the d-pad you'll be able to heal yourself for a little bit and you have more healing items from that type if you press left on the d-pad you'll be able to get get a full heal which heals your entire HP the right button on the d-pad will be able to heal the rest of the party so if you take a look at J for example who's about to die I use the item and now she's back up to full or close to it and when I'm dead I can use the Revival potion by holding down on the d-pad and that is what that item does so keep these in mind at all times because you're going to need to know all of this information also I'm sure that by now most of you know that you can open this menu to use stickers and perform otes but while you are in the middle of a quest it can be difficult to use these well you can actually open this Communications menu very quickly by simply holding the same button you use to open this menu so on the PlayStation controller it would be the tab button or at least I believe that's what it's called and if you ever want to edit what is shown there you can come here into the co-op settings communication and here in the communication will you're able to edit all of those coll outs and emotes and have them separated between you being in town or in a quest and also if you're worried about what exactly is the serial code you don't need to worry about this it's just a redeemable code for the mobile game so if you're not interested in that don't worry about it there is a lot more to Grand blue fantasy reink that I want to cover here on the Channel that I haven't spoken about in this video I've just started getting into different builds trying to create a perfect party setup with the right skills and the right sigils because I really do want to start getting into build crafting and creating some very powerful characters and showcase them here on the channel for you guys so if you are interested in more gam blue fantasy realink videos please subscribe to the channel and if you have any questions make sure to drop by my live stream where I'll be playing the game and talking to you guys with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2
Views: 51,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KwLcx0bYzaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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