How to play Multi Disc Games in Retroarch

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what's up everybody risky bitness here with another retro arch tutorial tonight we're going to talk about loading multi-disc games this is mostly going to come up with playstation titles there might be other platforms too but this is the tried and tested method for playstation if you have another platform this may or may not work but for playstation we know it definitely will now there are two different kinds of file types you're going to run into there's binky bin and q and there's pbp so my recommendation is if you're going to play a multiple this game use the pbp format that's the way you want to rip your games pvp is definitely the way to go that that saves you some space you're going to find that the file is not as large as individual disks and it's just easier to manage and easier to deal with in retro arch so we're going to look at a pbp first and then if you don't have the option of ripping your game into pvp then we can look at what it looks like if we have been in queue so you know i already tried this earlier just to import the game unfortunately it didn't work so we're going to do it manually we're going to load up our core now there's a few different cores you can choose for playstation for our purposes here i'm going to use the one that i prefer which is beetle psx hardware but we're going to talk a lot about these cores in a future video and how to set them up you're going to see when i load this game it's not set up very well so here's our pvp let's go ahead and launch it now i know retroarch likes to pop up under this window so we'll give it a second [Music] so as you can see the core is not configured yet we're going to need to a lot more configuration on this core but this is going to be just for our purposes here for this video i find this interesting that i found my memory card but [Music] so you know we're looking in pretty good shape here but we really need to change the disk now because we're going to pretend that we just got to the end of [Music] disc one we want to switch it so we're going to go quick menu disk control we're going to eject the disk and then look at this new option that shows up here current disk index and then we're going to change the index to disk 2 and we're going to go to load new disk that's going to load us up disk 2. now right now it's not going to work that's going to be a big problem for us so we're going to try to leave the menu and get the game's going to freeze up but that is the way that you do it and the cool thing about this is that retroarch will remember the disk index so next time you load up the game it'll try to load that disk automatically [Music] so pretty cool and pretty easy right now let's talk about if we have bin and q bin and q is definitely a much different scenario right so let's open up a fresh retroarch here no configuration at all [Music] and you know what just for giggles here and you know also just to show you again how to do it in case you didn't see my last video or need a refresher we'll go ahead and try and load that again and we're going to try and scan the bin queue and i want to see what happens when we do that the bin queue i think is probably gonna load [Music] so we go in here and we look back to playstation and what do we have well we have kind of a mess right we have first of all it's kind of confused right it doesn't really know which disc is which that's a problem [Music] so we're gonna do about that well let's fix it we're gonna get out of retro arch and we're gonna head into that directory please excuse my terrible uh desktop housekeeping here i'm always working on multiple things so here's our benq folder and what do we have we have this one disc two disc three so already we could see retroarch kind of got super confused about what was what there we're creating and we're gonna create a new file now i'm gonna make it a text document you're gonna notice something here though if you're using windows and you're probably going to want to use windows to create these files no matter what you're doing unless you're using you know a mac or linux or something like that by default in windows i'm not going to be able to change this extension right so i'm going to have to do something about that now this is a little outside the scope of what i would normally show you in these videos but it's kind of important that you know it just for this reason so we're gonna go ahead and open up our control panel and in windows 10 you can just search for control panel it will come right up this is really important you go to file explorer options and then you have to make sure under this view tab that this setting where is it hide extensions for known file types that has to be turned off if you don't have that turned off you're not going to be able to rename these files so that's kind of a little bit of a windows 101 lesson too in addition to being an avid gamer and retro gamer i am also a windows tech so this is something for me that you know i've been doing for a long long time with all my computers so that i can go ahead and modify my files the way that i want to modify them without having any kind of interruption or disruption to my ability to do that so just make sure that that's turned off and then in windows explorer you're going to see that you have the extension sitting there and you can modify the file and also the extension so what are we going to call this well we're going to call this final fantasy 7 usa because we're keeping our no intro naming convention dot m3u and that m3u is a playlist format you're going to see my computer wants to use windows media player to open that of course we're not doing that here but we've made a file but now what obviously the file needs something in it so i'm just going to go ahead and right click it go to open with and i'm going to choose notepad you can choose the text editor of your choice and all i'm going to do is i'm going to take these files and list them in order in this document now it's funny because we're kind of being silly here in a way because these q files just reference the bin files and then the m3u just points to that so we're kind of doing this a little roundabout we could try putting just the bins in there but typically that doesn't work usually the queue does so we're going to try that and now we're going to load our m3u file into retroarch and again i don't want to bother with the playlist in fact i'm going to really quickly hop into uh let's see settings playlist manage playlists sony playstation adobe playlist there we go because i don't want that and i'm just going to load this manually again just choosing my preferred core you might have a different preference but now when i load the game i'm going to load it from that m3u file and it is opening up final fantasy vii so now we're gonna pretend for a second right we're gonna make believe that we um that we're switching to disc two now right we're gonna pretend i just start a new game and we're gonna go ahead and switch to disc two so same thing as before quick menu we're gonna go to disk control and again same option we're going to eject this disk we're going to change the disk index and we're going to load the new disk but if we just do this insert disk it's going to kick over to disk 2. so now that's a little bit of a problem because we're not really ready for disk 2 yet right so we're going to put disk 1 back so you don't have to do the load new disk you can just do eject change the disk index and then insert disk just like we did last time so now disk 1 is inserted back into into our playstation and of course presumably this would cause the gameplay to resume but i kind of broke it by switching to disc two in the middle of a cut scene so it's not gonna do it this time i would i would like to have a live example for you i just don't have a game queued up where i can go from one to another successfully right now i just wanted to show you how you do it how you go through the menus yeah that's that's really all there is to it for playing with multiple discs this was a real quick one i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and of course i will be bringing tutorials to you every week we're going to do a lot more setup we're going to do a lot more detailed setup for the different course and even specific games you can actually go game by game we're going to set up a lot of different stuff it's going to be really really cool and the gameplay videos i'm gonna keep making gameplay videos i feel like it's something that's useful i know it's not gonna get me a lot of subscribers views comments whatever but i know it's useful like if people are making videos they can just grab it so if you see any gameplay videos on my channel you you're more than welcome to grab that gameplay footage and it's also there just as an example of our setups that we do here in our emulators apart from that scripted videos are on hold unless somebody requests one specifically they just weren't popular so i just stopped doing them it wasn't fun anymore and these are these tutorials i know they're useful for somebody so even if a lot of people don't watch this like i know that i can throw it out there to somebody if they have a question and they can watch it so if you did enjoy this of course please do like please subscribe please share do all those things help me with the algorithm and all that nonsense because if i can get a thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of watch time i can get a budget for this channel and that'll really expand what i'm able to do here and i think with this focus of tutorials and education of these emulators i think i can do a lot more uh useful things that people can really utilize so i hope that's something that you guys can help me out with but that's it for tonight thank you very much for watching and enjoy your games
Channel: Risky Bitness
Views: 25,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to play multi disc games in retorarch, ps1 multi disc games ps3, multi track psx games
Id: uqEhY8CwdG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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