Dragonbane - 100% Solo RPG Journaling Adventure (Ep. 1)

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hello everybody this is Moses from Wellness cave right now I am going to do the first session uh with dragon Bane solo using the solo rules that came out a little while ago the official solo rules uh with dragon Bane I have uh if you haven't seen the video where I'm I'm setting up this um play through and how I play solo I'll link up a video right now so you can watch that as well but everything is done with this journal so I have a character let me move it up I have a character he is uh his kin is Mallard he's a duck his profession's a scholar he's old which gives me I think it's six plus six skills so I got 12 skills to begin with and his weakness is craving knowledge so he'll crave knowledge above anything else his name is hackles well the all-knowing so here's some of my attributes some skills but we'll get through that later on let me see some more stuff there there's his will power points and his hit points and he has a staff like in my last video I explained that I use Skyrim okay that's a little too loud okay that was a little too loud so I put that down a bit um I explained in the last video I played Skyrim while playing solo RPG it puts me in the mood I get fast travel in certain spots if I have to go to a cave I will fast travel or travel to a cave and record what happens to me while I play and use some if not all of those things those Encounters in my solo role playing so this is hackles Wells traveling Journal it is written in third person um it's not like I saw a son coming over the mountain range it was bright red whatever it is it it won't have any of that it's going to be hackles well notice this or hackles well is exhausted now because of that travel Etc so be written in that way now I have done the whole session already I have done the whole session already except the last dice roll the last dice roll of each episode of this series will be a cliffhanger or climactic or kind of like edge of your seat what's going to happen um or as best I could do but the rest have already been pre-rolled and I used uh sticky notes to cover the roles the dice rolls that I wrote down so you can't like oh I already know what happened because I read the journal already Moses there will be my artwork in the journal as well uh it's sort of like a beautiful in my opinion a beautiful storybook that we're gonna go through so let me show you this map first this is the Misty Veil right now uh hackles well is right here in outskirt he's right in this location okay now let me go a little closer he's right there in the center an outskirt getting ready to go it's early morning he's getting ready getting stuff ready for a journey for an adventure and this is even closer so right now he is he is near the mill number seven is the mill he's in near the mill his house is right here that's where we're going to begin starting with our Journal so let's begin so here's the mill right here that you saw on the map and this is hackles Wells house right here right next to the mill okay uh the time right now is before noon so it's like early morning but uh the sun has been up for a few hours so it's not noon yet so of course titled the traveling Journal of hackleswell the all-knowing the beginning now when I'm reading this I'm not going to be reading you a story I'm going to read this as a prompt to me to elaborate what I was thinking when I wrote it so this is just helping me remember my story that I went through in the first session so the beginning winter snow is almost done melting so there's some flowers blooming here and there in the fields in The Meadows but there's still a little bit of snow on the ground the soil is not so hard that you can't dig through it um and it's it's starting to warm up it's not really cold that nights anymore but you never know there could be a winter storm coming up a late one or a really hard Frost that comes by flowers are beginning to bloom hackles well finishes packing for his journey he now I'm gonna go through like my inventory right here so this is my inventory list that I have on me so he has a notebook traveling Journal this journal right here quill sleeping Pelt torch flint and Tinder and three food rations I had a roll of D6 and it was a three in his pocket is a fishing line that is wrapped up tightly and a fishing hook that is pressed in a cork from a wine bottle so there's a tightly wound fishing line and a hook that's pushed into a cork from a wine bottle so it doesn't poke them so like I said right now the time is before noon so let's go to the next page now you can see these are where my dice rolls are I don't want to show them because you're going to know what happens right away but in his pocket as well is something very special there's a memento and that is a sunflower head made of or carved out of wood so some that was a crude drawing of a sunflower head but I wanted to make a little bit different so that's a crude drawing of a sunflower head carved out of wood it's a Memento and it's extremely special to him now hackles well is getting prepped he has the wooden sunflower head that he made sure he put in his pocket buttoned his pockets up to make sure it um got secure and before he leaves home walking out the door he looks back and he sees a small wooden chair pushed neatly into a small wooden desk and on top of that desk is a piece of parchment that's folded in half what's that parchment have inside of it I don't know I haven't rolled on it yet so what I like to do as much as I can or as often as I can is roll a weather dice roll so it's a D20 a one is horrible weather and a 20 is beautiful weather so I rolled and it was a 19 so it's gorgeous it's a beautiful day the sun is out it's starting to get warm now um everybody's happier you know the harsh winter is over or hopefully over um it's still a little you know a little bit of a cold breeze from the mountains you know from from all these mountains nearby a little bit of a cold breeze still coming in but it's not really that bad as you know that the Dead Winter could bring the cold that it could bring but it's getting better so the weather's good the birds are chirping and all that kind of stuff so I wanted to see if anybody saw him or noticed him when he was walking outside of his house and I rolled on the fortune chart that is in the solo rules of dragon Bane it's a D6 it's a yes or no so you can see it right here so it's a D6 a one is Extreme no a six is an extreme yes Etc two three is no four five is yes then you can go to yes no number scale power quality reaction so we're going to do yes no and I rolled if somebody notices me let me put that down I rolled a five which is a yes not an extreme yes but it's a yes and then I rolled on the book of random tables at D100 for elf names I rolled a 49 which is halamar and I like that name it's a nice name so halamar stops tackles well and says hey that goes well hey before you go on the journey can I do something for you so then I went again to the book of random tables this is more of the character so you could just see all this right now the book of random tables D100 for human NPC jobs that was the only thing I could find with jobs and I rolled a 25 so halamar is a soldier then I rolled on the fortune chart again for yes and no is halamar a veteran or is he just a soldier has he gone to war and I rolled a four which is a yes A retired Soldier that went to combat went to battle and I thought to myself well halimar is most likely a close friend of hackles well I wonder if they met in battle and I rolled for that is hackles well a veteran rolled a six an extreme yes so I took that as uh due to an extremist hackles well is not just a veteran but a hero in battle why is he a hero I don't know I haven't rolled for that yet so halamar here knows that hackles will is leaving he's an old friend of his and he knows he's leaving to begin an adventure and he knows what the adventure is about uh halamar knows what it's about he invites him to a local Tavern to buy him a pint and a plate of his favorite food nice and hot food he accepts the offer and they both go to the tavern to the Local Tavern so there's the little Tavern that they're in right now I mean this is I did the best I could this is very very tiny drawing but there's a little Tavern there's a little fire right here hackles Will and uh halamara over here a barrel full of uh let's say like maybe pickles who knows I don't know what the lights coming in still the morning sun but a little Tavern that they're in so hackles well is very punctual he plans a lot but how is he going to say no to an old friend and to hot piping hot delicious food from a local Tavern before a long journey so then I had what kind of conversation would they have so I'm not too sure at all what they would have so I had a role on the inspiration table from the solo rules of dragon Bane so I rolled it's a D20 I rolled a five and it's a thing that they're going to talk about a thing and it rolled on death now this when I saw this get rolled I thought to myself this is exactly going the way I had the premise of this journey to be um I have an idea of why hackles well is going on this journey and it did involve or it does involve death does halamar ask about a recent death I rolled in the fortune chart D6 yes or no rolled a one extreme no so basically if I remember my writing so I rolled that halamar was about to talk about death but stopped himself when he saw hackleswell's eyes he noticed how sad they appeared so something happened really bad really horrible to tackles well and he doesn't want to talk about it and his friend halamar knows it that's why it was an extreme no he doesn't want to bring it up so halamar knows what this journey is about that hackles well is going to go on let me get the map [Applause] so like I said they're right over here in outskirt hackles well wants to go all the way to that waterfall right over there in dragonfane Peaks right there now here's 15 kilometers this is one shift so that's a long distance to go all the way over there so hallamar knows that so he's going to ask tackles well you know um I know that you're going to go on a long journey but have you ever been there have you ever seen this waterfall before I don't remember you ever speaking about it and let's see if hackles well has been there so he's going to do a dice roll our first skill dice roll of myths and legends which he has a 14 on so this is a roll under system so he needs to roll a 14 or under to succeed and a one is a dragon which is a you know critical success and a 20 is a demon which is a critical failure which you can't push so halamar asked him about the that question and the I rolled and he rolled a 15. so almost the success but he failed he still failed so he replies that he's never been there he's never seen it he only knows of it because of the map but then he can try to continue speaking but stops himself when he says that it is the only place that she dot dot dot so he stops himself continuing that conversation after he mentions she Palomar looked at him with a concerned look on his face tackles well abruptly stopped talking and then focused on his meal so he doesn't want to talk about the reason most likely the reason he wants to go to that location if not the only reason he wants to go you see this is why I like you see now now I in Skyrim when it's Sunset like this pretty you know I start thinking is it night time in my location um and I start thinking what does it sound like this is why I like playing Skyrim it's like or Witcher 3 is good too but this is better for first person views so I could just look around and and think to myself how would it feel to be in this location if it wasn't my solo role-playing game that's why I play Skyrim most of the reason why when I'm playing solo RPG that is so halamar wants to try to change the subject a little bit and tells hackles well that you know my offer to join you on this journey is still on the table if you want me to join I'll go back to my house tell my wife that I love her I hope I return alive or not harmed and tells them that you know if you want a companion this is the time to tell me basically because I really want to help but I don't know what else much to do and He hackles will kindly declines and says that you've done enough you've been a great long friend and you fed me this delicious food my favorite food so halimar knew exactly what to offer him to make him stay to eat with Palomar in the tavern he offered him his favorite meal which is roasted potatoes fresh in-season carrots with The Carrot Top still attached here are the carrots and Carrot Top it was hard to get the Carrot Tops in here but there's the carrots obviously that's a fish here's the potatoes um a pinch of salt on the side and crispy skinned baked fish so this is most likely wine or something like that and bread rolls and there's this fork and then napkin but this is his favorite meal so I might use this later on if like maybe he smells like fish cooking or something he might like you know his weakness is craving knowledge but if he smells fish cooking you know maybe he turns his head a bit to like where'd that smell come from so hackles will and halamar enjoy their meals grab their glasses filled with wine and toasted to new adventures right now the time is noon so he really wanted to leave early so now the time is noon but because he accepted this offer of food from an inn Tavern Inn it is a service a Services Under the book in the core rule book of dragonbane Neil at and in covers daily need of food so one day of food is covered from that just one really hearty meal nice and warm meal so then hackles well puts down his wine glass stands up and thinks his long old friend for the hearty meal his favorite meal Amar before hackleswell leaves halimar reminded hackles well that we aren't the young Heroes we once were side by side in battle so mind your steps so I thought it'd be pretty cool if halamar offered a gift to hackleswell his old friend uh but he knows that hackles well is kind of uh closed especially after recent events closed and he doesn't want to really open up he doesn't want to maybe accept gifts but he tries anyways so I asked the fortune chart if he would at least offer the gift and I rolled a five which is a yes so he does offer a gift to hackles well now then I asked what in the book of random tables what type of gift is it so it's D100 role I rolled under booths in a market I thought that was a pretty good idea to roll for that one and he rolled a 39 which is blankets so let me clean up all these so halamar musters up courage and tells hackles well to wait hold on hackles Well turns around he's towards the door of the tavern going out and turns towards halamar halamar then pulls out a handmade blanket made by himself and his wife halamar tells him that he knows that hackles well doesn't want help so he's basically saying look I know you don't want any help but you know he uses you know like he says like you know my my wife spent all night making this for you you know basically you know basically saying that my wife insisted on you taking this gift she made it with love and we love you please take it you know how is he going to say no so I didn't roll on it he he accepts the gift you know it's it's if he says no it's kind of a a rude response you know who's not going to want a blanket a handmade blanket on a long journey probably in the cold so halamar reaches out with a blanket and hackleswell looks at the blanket and looks at halamar reaches out his hands and accepts a blanket in a sigh of relief comes out of halamar it's the same thank goodness he accepted a gift at least and um you know he says his thank yous and folds it up a little bit more and stows it away and is um traveling sack so then I added blanket into my character sheet and that at that moment my encumbrance limit was hit if I go over this you know I only can hold seven things and I'm on seven so if I go to eight things or more I'm encumbered so then I wondered is there anything special about the blanket so I did another dice roll that's what the Dr is for dice roll uh Fortune chart D6 yes or no and I rolled a six it's an extreme yes so hot goes well then hugs halamar and says thank you and tell your wonderful wife thank you as well this really means a lot to him he's going through a lot and this was a very nice gesture to offer a blanket on his journey but as hackles what was basically heading out of the tavern heading out the door halamar says one more thing like he goes hold on hackles well hold on please just one more thing there's one more thing I need to tell you about that blanket remember extreme yes so I use the inspiration table dice roll inspiration table in the solo rules it's a D20 for attribute now what did I roll I rolled a 12 which is Secret Palomar says there's something added to the blanket so hackles well looks at the blanket that he just stowed away and looks back up at halamar and says what's that special thing what is it halamar replied that if you are in great danger don't forget how comforting wrapping a blanket around you can be and then in all honesty even if it wasn't just the special ingredient or something else in that blanket wrapping a blanket around yourself is comforting but there's something special about that blanket now what is it I don't know I just thought that was a cool idea I have no idea why it's special of course we'll find out through future dice rolls on why that Blanket's so special if we have to use it to comfort hackles well then they say they're farewells once again and they part ways so right now they're I'll say they're right across the the mill so they're right over here they're in the tavern so hackles Will's leaving and I thought this direction is going towards the uh waterfall but this exit is closer so I decided hackles will goes out this exit and goes this way not not South you know there's no point of going south when he needs to go this way so he's exiting out of this um exit or entrance depends on which way you're going I guess and going towards the north so he's exiting out of here and heading this way and the reason why he's heading out this way is to meet an old friend that runs the largest farm and owns the largest farmhouse in all of outskirt actually all of Misty Vale but there's a drawing of The Farmhouse right here and that's where he's trying to travel to for seeing his old friend for some reason I don't know why but he wants to see an old friend there and I'll probably of course I'll roll on why he's gonna meet him there's a reason why he's going to this Farmhouse before he goes to the long journey so hackles well exits outskirt from the South exit he heads North to meet an old friend who happens to be a farmer of a very special Farm that's what I wrote I don't know what the farm is about it's the largest Farmhouse and it's the largest farm but it's also something special something different about this Farm compared to all the other ones that are surrounding outskirt so like I wrote here this Farm across the river is different from the ones that surround outskirt so now on the next page I asked is there an encounter up until the river you know it's quite a ways it's about I think about 10 kilometers is there an encounter that I need to worry about so I wrote In The Fortune chart D6 yes or no I rolled a three which is a no so those no encounters no one stopped me no one attacked me Etc so he just walked all the way up to the river so right now he's right over here hackles will is right over here so he left here walked all the way right here to the river but when I look at the map it looks like this bridge is broken and then you could see that there's no more road going this way so something happened in this bridge hence why you see a broken bridge here so you could climb this way but this direction is gone so this side of it is a really steep fall there's no way to walk across you can walk all the way up here but you're going to fall this direction so he is a duck so he shouldn't be afraid of water so the bridge over the river is old and is in disarray and is crumbling as you saw hack as well sees that the bridge over the river has partially collapsed he decides that it is safer to swim across the river so he's about to swim across the river but he ensures that his gear is like you know tight intact you know not going to slip out if he swims with it he doesn't want to lose anything down the river he makes sure that he his uh very precious sunflower carved out of wood the small little sunflower is in his pocket still it's buttoned up you know everything is secure he puts his staff on to his strap to his back and he begins to swim now he is a mallard and he gets a special ability called or named webbed feet so he can roll a boon which is basically Advantage rolling 2d20 and taking the lowest number remember it's a roll under system and I think it says also you can you could also swim at Fast Pace as well so he doesn't get slowed down so he's swimming at fast pace so his skill level for swimming is 10. so he needs to roll uh under a 10 with a boon D20 so he rolled a two and an eight obviously two is lower they're both under ten though he succeeded so so hackles will slowly gets in the river starts swimming easily he's a duck of course easily and swims across the river not too far in the distance is a very large Farmhouse surrounding The Farmhouse are the largest farms in all of Misty Vale let's say so as you can see right here the story continues after my live dice roll that I'm going to do right here so I have no idea how this first session ends I will find out live on this episode How It Ends so as hackles well finished swimming across the river he can see that the sun is beginning to set you know it's been about 15 kilometers and every 15 kilometers is a shift so this story started basically in the morning then we went to noon we met we left the tavern a little bit afternoon and now 15 kilometers later another shift we're at 6 p.m you know like we're getting to Sunset territory especially if it's early spring sun sets pretty early so Sun is setting and there's multiple things now we have to think about so from outskirt to his current location is 16 kilometers he then preps for a shift rest he lays down his sleeping Pelt he then places down the blanket that was given to him by halamar on top of the Pelt still folded so there's a fur Pelt that's on the ground and a folded blanket that was gifted to him by halamar and his wife laying on top of that fur Pelt so winter is ending so it is not bitter cold that's a key word used in the book there's cold and bitter cold and they both affect the gameplay but it is still cold at night so now I have to roll for a skill called Bushcraft which is you roll for Bushcraft to lead the way through the Wilderness make Camp hunt or fish so he's making Camp right now hence make camp and he needs a roll of 14 or under and he rolled an 18 fail he rolled to 18 and fail he does have willpower points that I can use because I took on the heroic ability called Soul Survivor where if I use three will power points three WP points I can not take on a condition by re-rolling but I don't want to re-roll this early in the session I didn't want to so I just said let me just play it out let's see how the story goes so and when I roll a fail I like to narratively say what happened or why it happened not just say it failed so due to hackles Will's poor planning and the time it took to join halamar for his gift of lunch hackles Will's plans were pushed back so basically he had it planned to where if he left early morning almost towards noon he would have had enough time to get to The Farmhouse so because he took that meal that that gesture from halamar his old friend it took a few hours or took a couple hours and he couldn't get to the farmhouse in time so now there's sleep deprivation that he has to worry about now and there's um there's negative effects to that and now for the final dice roll dice roll why was this resting place not suitable and I'm going to do it as a D4 late winter storm came in when he was sleeping two attacked that's not really a Bushcraft Centric negative thing but the reason I did that is because making camp at like other Rule books there's jobs and one of the jobs is typically keeping watch like someone sacrifices their sleep to keep watch since he's solo no one can keep watch so because he can't keep watch right here you can't keep watch he was attacked that's if I roll a two three the River flooded that's not good because hackleswell slept right next to the river so if the River flooded it's going to be really bad news and four I ran out of ideas basically I'm Gonna Roll in the inspiration table so let's roll D4 and find out what happens let's get all this out of here let's roll a D4 and find out what happens here we go let me make sure it's on camera I really I really want to be attacked I don't want the root of flood or the winter to come or inspiration four inspiration table it's a good thing too because of the River flooded well I guess maybe it still can if I roll really bad on this inspiration table uh his gear was going to flow down river because right now he's right here he's sleeping right there he's too far away he's three kilometers away from the farm if he uh slept here and they're flooded the gear was in a flow down river to the haunted marshes and I did not want to deal with finding in this maze where my gear went so but we'll see what happens with the inspiration table so here's the inspiration table here you roll a D20 so let's see what it is so I'm gonna say um I'm not gonna pick what action attribute or thing I'm just gonna say I'm just gonna roll and find out what they what I can think of a two right a 2 control Arcane captivity C why was this a bad place control Arcane Activity one avenge ancient barrier okay I thought of a lot of things I thought of a lot of things and I'll tell you what I think what the things I thought of remember this is this is going here off screen I'm not going to right now I'm not going to write right now off screen it's going to go here I thought of a few things I thought of I saw Arcane I saw ancient barrier captivity control avenge and I'm thinking maybe there was some kind of mystical Dome that covered him that he couldn't get out of he woke up because someone put like a like cast a spell around him that he couldn't leave I'm like no that's too early in the game to happen then I thought of maybe there's a ghost that an ancient ghost that's telling him I am trapped can you help me and I'm like that doesn't sound that logical right now it's just it's not that far away from I'm pretty sure people would have talked about this ghost and he would have known about it because it's not that far away from outskirt but a barrier captivity something happened he had a dream that a nightmare basically and a nightmare is a fear but this is just a regular nightmare a nightmare is an actual fear in the core rule book but he had a nightmare that he couldn't he woke up from and he couldn't sleep again because he's worried he had a nightmare that his friend in the form his old friend is being held captive and in the distance he can hear [Music] howling screaming something's happening in the distance his friend is in trouble he doesn't know why he doesn't know how but he has a gut feeling now he does have intuition as a heroic ability and it takes uh three will power points now intuition I'll read it from the book when faced with a difficult decision you can activate this ability to ask a question directly to the GM me or the Oracle basically and receive a helpful answer the answer represents your vast general knowledge and should only Aid your decision making not reveal everything there is to know okay that's kind of vague and hard actually so intuition he's hearing something he hears screaming in the distance uh it's a calm night so there's no much win not strong wind at least so he's hearing something and he could hear also things happening in the forest in the distance as well a lot of movement he's not too sure what's happening but he's worried and I want to ask the oracle is there truth because hackleswell is experiencing issues that he could hear things it's not just the nightmare anymore he's physically hearing things and coupled with that nightmare he's worried so he wants to ask the oracle so I want to ask the oracle is there any truth to my nightmare is there any truth that my old friend in The Farmhouse is in trouble so a one is an extreme no a six is an extreme yes extreme no so an extreme no could mean he's having a terrible Nightmare and that's it but no that would have been a no an extreme no is that he has nightmares every night he has trouble sleeping every night and I might do something with that I might make uh uh making camp always a bane because of this I'm not too sure yet but he has trouble sleeping so this one here this extreme no has altered the story drastically this extreme no so hackles well has gone through a lot and we'll probably find that out through the sessions and you will find out as well if you continue watching the story here on Wilderness cave so I hope you've liked the first episode of Dragon Bane this is a very different way of me playing typically I play on this channel with BTT but this is the way I play I draw out stuff and I make my own journal this is how I play solo role playing I don't play on the virtual tabletop so on the next episode hackles well is going to meet his old friend at The Farmhouse happy gaming everybody bye
Channel: Wilona's Cave
Views: 6,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilonas cave, Wilona cave, solo rpg, tabletop rpg, table top rpg, tabletop roleplaying, tabletop role playing, tabletop role-play, how to play solo tabletop rpg, solo rpg book, dragonbane, Dragonbane rpg, dragonbane ttrpg, Shawn tomkin
Id: lhdIQUdZXpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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