How to Play a Twilight Domain Cleric in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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this week's episode of our show has been sponsored by fables the citadel of the unseen sun which is now available this campaign brings you on a great adventure where your characters will oppose the unending darkness in the vampire realm of astoya as the world descends into unending darkness your characters are the last shred of light for the world fables is a complete campaign told in six episodes with each episode debuting once per month over the next several months and culminating in a pretty cool dungeon written by a pair of pretty talented dudes we did get to contribute to the final chapter of this campaign and design the dungeon that you get to play through so if you are excited to jump into this campaign and see more of what monty and i have created for grim dark campaign settings get ready because we're pretty proud of some of the great elements we got to throw into that dungeon and we got the chance to work with james hake and some amazing other rpg authors that have all put so much incredible creativity into this work so we are really excited to be a part of it and hope you check it out so check the links below to get your copy today and now on to this week's episode my name is monty martin and i'm kelly mclaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes welcome to our channel where we cover everything d and d including advice for players and guys for dms we upload new videos on tuesdays and thursdays so please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode today we are looking at how to play a twilight domain cleric in dungeons and dragons fifth edition this amazingly potent cleric subclass was introduced in tasha's cauldron of everything and is a great character to be be that last shining light against the encroaching darkness of the world the twilight domain cleric has uh gotten a lot of talk recently for being one of the most powerful cleric subclasses available and in fact in our ranking video we gave it an s tier so we thought today that we would take a crack at building a twilight domain cleric and seeing what feats spells backgrounds races and other features we might look at to design the most powerful and most fun to play twilight domain cleric there's a lot to discuss so let's get rolling so both monty and i have each built a twilight domain cleric there are a lot of similarities but a few differences so today we're going to talk about our twilight domain cleric at level 1 5 10 and 15. we're going to talk about some of the choices that we both definitely made and some of the choices that maybe give you some different options for how to play your twilight domain cleric clerics are one of the classes that are pretty straightforward to build because you get to choose your subclass right away at level one and beyond picking your feats there's very few permanent decisions you have to make with your character because clerics can change their spells on a day-to-day basis so as we go through we're going to be talking about some of our go-to spells as our characters level up but we do think it's really worth mentioning that the cleric is one of those classes where context really matters both the other characters in your party and the type of adventure you're going on are going to give you the opportunities to really pull on that great strength of the cleric that you have access to the entire spell list and can change your spells out as you need to by the adventure so even if we don't mention one of your favorite cleric spells the idea here is that you can still grab those spells we're going to talk about some of the ways that spell combinations can help out the twilight domain cleric and some of the play options that we think are really cool for this build but there's a lot of open-endedness here for you to just continually pick up your favorite spells and bring your favorite cleric playlist to the table each and every time a great example of this is that if your twilight domain cleric is in a party with a druid or a bard or even a paladin other characters that have lots of healing spells you might not need to bring as much healing magic as you would if you were the only person that could cast a healing spell in your party if your party has a lot of great ways to avoid certain damaging effects or certain terrible conditions you might not need to bring along things like vivify greater restoration or lesser restoration or dispel magic it very much varies so in that respect we're going to look at some of the really prominent strategies that let you be proactive but if you need to prepare for these situational things you absolutely should that's one of the strengths of the class so starting off at first level the first question that we're going to ask is what race did we pick for myself i i know that tasha's introduced the option to kind of finagle your ability scores but i think that if we are going with the standard ability scores presented i definitely think a hill dwarf is a great option here so with the hill dwarf you're getting a plus two to constitution and a plus one to wisdom there is an idea here that using tasha's you could reverse those so that you get the plus two to wisdom and the plus one con but i actually like sticking with it where it is not only that but you are playing a robust character who is going to be a bit of a tank the twilight domain cleric is going to give you proficiency in heavy armor and adding in the hill dwarf on top of that gaining resistance to poison damage and advantage on poison saving throws gaining the dwarven resilience for additional hit points and on top of that being able to wield a battle axe for warhammer even though you're probably not going to be using it much is still pretty flavorful and fun so i actually think that the dwarf package here is really strong for a cleric now dwarves only have a speed of 25 feet but their speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor and this can be one of the really difficult things with building a cleric and choosing your ability scores many cleric subclasses do give you proficiency and heavy armor but if you want to wear a plate without having your speed reduced you need to have a strength score of 15. for a dwarf this really isn't a problem so when it comes to building our ability scores by choosing a dwarf we can basically crank our constitution and wisdom to the absolute max and still have a lot of ability points left over in a point by situation to still give us if you want to have a good intelligence or good charisma or if you still want to have a decent dexterity score you actually still can do that so in both of our cases with the hill dwarf we opted to crank dexterity and wisdom all the way to the max of 15 for point by and put tens across the board everywhere else with an 8 in intelligence but then you have three points left over that it really season to taste like if you want to have charisma 13 sure if you don't want to have n8 fine do whatever you want with those leftover points it's really up to you the other contender here would be the variant human or the custom lineage which gives you the benefit of grabbing a feet right off the bat now again by taking the feet you are losing out on that sort of uh dwarves being able to wear the heavy armor more efficiently and some of the cool things like the poison resistance and all of that but with feet choices there are some great choices for a twilight domain cleric again wanting to be a robust frontline character who can really hold their own in combat it also means that you are going to want to focus on your ability to concentrate on some of your more powerful spells so there is an option here that if you are taking one of these either variant human or custom lineages you grab resilient constitution right off the bat now you could consider many of the other different lineages races that are present fifth edition d d and not go for heavy armor at all if you're using natasha's rules that allow you to customize your ability scores um considering something like an arachoka or an owlin or a unt or a half elf all these can make a great basis and one of the things that i think is really worth noticing with the twilight domain cleric in particular are um things like humans arakokra forged and many others don't gain dark vision inherently but you're gonna get that from being a twilight domain cleric so the fact that you get the dark vision and you get the heavy armor on top of that really actually give you a lot of flexibility in in your choices here i do think the dwarf makes the strongest case as we'll talk about some of our strategies going forward um because we're going to be building our twilight cleric to really be up there on the front lines and be able to survive that but if you do want to play a more stealth focused twilight domain cleric because that is a cool possibility you go with medium armor invest a little bit more on your dexterity score that would actually work really well with the twilight domain cleric especially considering the other abilities they gain now when it comes to background it's pretty much pick and choose what you want we went with acolyte just it's pretty bread and butter there but pick your favorite background and really let that bring your role play to life more so than it needing to be a factor in building an optimized twilight domain cleric a cleric is a natural pick to pick up skills like insight and perception thanks to their naturally high wisdom scores from there your other skills are very much a secondary pick if you did go for a more dexterity focused build with your character you might consider acrobatics or athletics or even stealth because again the twilight domain clear does get some interesting abilities that do enhance their capability at engaging in stealth such as greater invisibility so having proficiency in the stealth score might be a benefit in some cases weigh that out if that's a strategy you want to use so you're choosing twilight domain right away at first level but you gain a few features here as well and one of the main features that i think makes this such a powerful subclass is your expanded spell list absolutely right away we're getting two very powerful spells at first level in the form of sleep and fairy fire and if these were the only two spells that you cast and maybe adding healing word and command to that you pretty much have a full kit built for you for first level play with just those two spells alone this expanded spell list is one of the best ones the clerics get so that also means that when we look at our spells moving forward on top of the spells you're already getting you can create a really powerful package here yeah uh as we level up we're going to get things like moonbeam liam's tiny hot aura of vitality c invisibility greater invisibility circle of power and mislead all of these are going to be a core part of what we do with our cleric as we advance in levels and i i think that there's a case to be made for using every single one of the spells on this expanded spell list at some point and the nice benefit here is that it's going to really it gives you such a nice package of support and utility that you can really go into the nice damage dealing cleric power spells um as you level out so this is where especially at level one with sleep and fairy fire already covered i would probably pick up healing word and guiding bolt uh and probably keep those two spells prepared for the rest of my cleric's career also first level you're going to gain vigilant blessing this allows you to either touch you or an ally and give them advantage on their initiative role this lasts until they either use it or you use the feature again but basically before any initiative role you can pick one person to gain advantage the real question is do you want to be selfish and use it on yourself so that you can get all of your powerful stuff going quickly or is there somebody in your party who could really benefit from a bonus to their initiative i'm thinking if you have a gloom stalker in your party granting them advantage on initiative just to ensure that they get all of that juicy stuff or maybe an assassin there's a lot of rogues and rangers i think that you might want to give this to i i generally would probably be looking for whoever has the highest initiative already and giving this to them to just guarantee that they go first because usually that tends to pay dividends and finally for care trips that you're going to be picking at first level i went with guidance sacred flame and thalmaturgy now do you take anything else with eclair really those are those are the obvious go-to's and that's actually what i like about the twilight domain cleric though is that you don't need to stray far from your your favorite cleric picks um along the way you do get more cantrips so as we level up i grabbed light and told the dead just to kind of even things out yeah and now from here most of what we're going to be discussing is going to be mostly focused on the strategy of playing the cleric because there's not too much else to the build as we level our cleric up to level five because we've taken a hill dwarf and maxed our khan we have a 17 constitution so kelly and i opted to both take resilient constitution to give us proficiency in constitution saving throws and bump that uh constitution score up to 18. this combined with the hill dwarfs natural additional resiliency and the fact that we now have proficiency in constitution saving throws mean that our cleric has a ton of hit points and can really reliably make those constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on their most important spells and i find for a cleric this is huge we've got heavy armor we're going to use a shield we're going to carry probably our spell focus in our other hand and we're going to be focused on casting spells here and this really puts a bastion on the front lines of your party as an anchor and at that point um you have that reliability and i think that that's what's the biggest thing about just the package of the clerics there's a lot of clerics that you can build them very squishy with not a lot of hit points and not a very good ac and if you're missing out on that proficiency on constitutional saving throws well you get hit with once one attack and there goes bless there goes banishment there goes spirit guardians or you get ganged up on and the worst thing ever is the cleric that brought ravify being the one that gets killed yeah and i do think you know there is a lot of arguments out there for boosting up your wisdom but i actually think that when we look at the cleric package it's more important to maintain concentration than it is to uh have the most powerful spell casting and i do think especially with the twilight domain cleric the fact that it is sort of advertising this frontline this frontline force the resiliency is what we're going for and you're going to see that throughout our build that a resilient character is really what we want here yeah one of the other great things again about the cleric spellcasting is again you can play a cleric as a battlefield controller in which case you do want to have a very high savings throw but many cleric spells are buffs that affect your party members or spells that you can concentrate on and maintain on where round over round you just want them to be reliable spiritual weapon doesn't require your concentration and so yes you might not have the highest attack bonus with it but you're going to get to attack with it round after round after round after round so overall that the difference of plus one not a huge difference spells like spirit guardians which do require saving throws as long as you have a good saving throw dc you're relying on the fact that many enemies are gonna be making saves against it and it still does half damage on a successful save so your the priority to crank that wisdom up to the top right away isn't as high and we have so many spells anyways that getting that one extra spell prepared doesn't really matter too much when we're hitting fifth level along the way we're also going to be gaining our most iconic ability which is twilight sanctuary this ability allows you to use your channel divinity to create a 30-foot aura of twilight around you it takes an action to create this aura and it is centered on you and moves with you anytime a creature ends its turn in the sphere you can grant it one of two benefits you can either give it temporary hit points equal to 1d6 plus your cleric level or you can stop an effect such as charmed or frightened on it one of the great things about this ability is that you can turn it on to just dish out those temporary hit points and 1d6 plus your cleric level means that it actually levels up really well with you by the time you're reaching 15th level you're giving almost 20 hit points to everybody honestly by level 7 the average roll of a d6 is good enough to give you 10 temporary hit points to each party member in the radius and that's 10 temporary hit points every turn that's enough to blunt most damage rolls that can blunt a fireball that can blunt so many things and being able to be tough in heavy armor with lots of hit points because this is a sphere that is centered on you and moves with you means that you can be in the most dangerous part of the battlefield just kind of putting out this aura of calm now as we move into the spell options one of the first things that i'm picking up here is aid and the reason why aid is such a good spell not only does it scale so well so you're going to be keeping it the entire time you're leveling up but it grants an increase to your maximum hit points which means that it stacks with twilight sanctuary so by taking aid you're really becoming this this beacon of twilight i guess on the battlefield for your party you get to buff all of your party members by increasing their maximum hp and then constantly dishing out 1d6 plus your level in temporary hp those two things combined can make everything so much harder for your dm to deal with it's worth noting that as we move even one level ahead to level six we get two uses of our channel divinity per short rest so we can very reliably be using twilight sanctuary and one of the things that you can actually do with this is the temporary hit points granted by twilight sanctuary don't go away until they're lost or until you rest so what you can do with this feature is at the start of the adventuring day when you have two uses of twilight sanctuary just use twilight sanctuary preemptively before combat to buff everyone with the temporary hit points in the same way that you might do with inspiring leader and note that twilight sanctuary and inspiring leader both grant temporary points so these two features don't stack so that's a feat that we would not take with the twilight domain cleric but it means that at the start of the adventuring day your party is going to be coming into battle with their hit points increased by 10 20 30 and that's a lot of extra just meat points that they can sustain and also we should mention here that one of the other spells you get from your domain is aura of vitality this is another spell that oftentimes people read it and think of using it in combat because it grants uh healing to people who are inside of the aura however it also works exceptionally well outside of combat so before combat starts you're casting aid and using your uh your twilight sanctuary to bring everybody up by that 20 30 40 whatever amount of hit points if you have a pretty rough battle you huddle everybody together cast aura vitality afterwards and get them all back up to full hit points aura vitality allows you to heal one person as a bonus action in the aura each turn for 2d6 points that's not a lot in the middle of combat but outside of combat it lasts for 10 rounds which ends up being 20 d6 points of healing or 70 points of healing on average for a third level spell slot so you have so many tools as a twilight domain cleric to buff up your players hit points and then a great spell to just amp them up in this way probably the only healing spell that i would really consider bringing as a twilight domain cleric again is healing word and that's just to cover the emergencies don't bother with cure wounds really don't bother with cure our other go-to second level spells along the way to fifth level that we're picking up are going to be enhancibility and spiritual weapon enhanceability is just a great buff and spiritual weapon is one of the iconic spells that's going to help us out as a front line cleric we want to be flinging spells as our main action but being able to weaponize our bonus action is going to be a key to not only being the buff healer on the battlefield but also a key damage dealer it's a lot of fun too because you get moon beam as a twilight domain cleric and so you can drop moonbeam and spiritual weapon and then just be a pretty decent spell based damage dealer although i do think you'll probably be switching to spirit guardians pretty quickly because again you can do this really cool thing where in round one of combat you channel divinity to put down your twilight sanctuary and cast spiritual weapon and on round two you put down your spirit guardians and then swing with the spiritual weapon again and now you've got this area that is damaging your enemies with your spiritual weapons slicing them up and your party members are all being healed up by all of this energy um it's really really effective and just the the amount of resiliency and good damage that it brings pretty much this is gonna be your go-to combo for the rest of your character's career it's really hard to beat the damage potential of casting your spirit guardians and your spiritual weapon so i actually think that both of these spells have great value in being upcast even though you're picking up some pretty cool spells along the way as we move to 10th level i think that a lot of your spell slots just recreating this idea of you you're spiraling whirlwind of death in your orb of twilight as you move around the battlefield killing enemies buffing your your allies uh you're unstoppable beyond these spells this is really where you get to pick and choose now your favorites to add to the package whatever your great utility spells are i like to pack dispel magic and revivify both extremely useful i'm relying on my main package of spells here but ravifife is handy if somebody's going to die and dispel magic has a lot of really key uses when it's necessary and as we hinted at before a key thing that we're going to get along the way is at level 6 we get two uses of channel divinity which just means that we're very reliably going to be able to bring down the twilight sanctuary in every combat encounter there's a lot of adventuring days where you only have two combat encounters anyways with the way modern d d gets played and as soon as you get around to encounter two or three that's often the point where the party wants to take a short rest and you get your channel divinities back on a short rest so the twilight cleric very reliably has their twilight sanctuary ability available to them but there's another really awesome power we're going to get the level 6 which is steps of the night this power allows us to draw on the aura of the night and when we're in an area of dim light or darkness this is going to allow us to gain a flying speed equal to our walking speed for one minute and so with this we can ascend the air with our auras and all of our effects still affecting our allies and enemies while keeping us out of harm's way you now get to be a flying ball of death to your enemies and buffs for your allies floating around the battlefield as you see fit now an interesting thing about steps of the night requiring dim light in order to jump into the air and start flying was monty and i actually had a disagreeance on the way that we read twilight's sanctuary reading twilight sanctuary it states that you create an aura of twilight around you which creates dim light in that 30-foot radius my thought was that this aura gives you the dim light in order to allow you to then ascend into the air and fly your your presence is kind of absorbing the light around you creating an aura of twilight so if you're out in the middle of the day boom you have twilight around you in 30 feet but you thought something a little different i totally agree twilight sanctuary creates dim light if we are in a pitch black cavern and we use twilight sanctuary we have our our dim light now of course you're in darkness already so you can already start flying when you're in darkness anyways so that's kind of moot but the question is what happens when you're outside during the day well i want to acknowledge that the rules for light in dnd 5e are completely counter-intuitive with how light works in the real world dnd e5e kind of treats darkness like it is an inky blot which is not really how light and darkness work at all in the real world and the key thing is that light is additive in real life if you have one light source and a second light source and you overlap them the area between them will be brighter because the light will be combined thus when you cast twilight sanctuary in an area that is already filled with bright light well the dim light doesn't really matter the area is still filled with bright light and there's nothing in the description of twilight sanctuary that says it blocks existing sources of light so if you cast a light spell in twilight sanctuary that area becomes bright light if you are in the sun it's bright light if you bring a torch into it it's bright light now and so you can't use steps of the night to ascend up because you need to be in dim light or darkness the wording here says that it's filled with dim light which to me implied that it it absorbs light in that area you are emanating a twilight darkness now it was interesting that as monty and i discussed this we agreed to disagree and both saw the value in each other's points there's a really cool play here that yeah it sounds thematic that twilight domain cleric can create an orb of twilight whereas unlike the darkness spell which specifies that it blocks out light sources this doesn't specify that it just says that it emanates twilight and dim light in that area so we actually want to take it to the audience what do you think if you're out in the day and you cast twilight sanctuary is an orb of twilight created around you or does the sun above you cancel that out because it doesn't specify that it's magical darkness in any way i'd say that depending on your dm it could go either way worst case scenario i would just note that steps the night only requires the cleric be in dim light or darkness when they use the ability they can activate the ability and then move into an area of bright light and continue flying for the minute afterwards so you could huddle under a tree or behind a wall or an area of shadow in a brightly lit area and use that as your launching off point worst case scenario you could just bring a really big dark umbrella and open it up and huddle under it so that you can start flying off live your great fantasy of uh i'm mary poppins y'all so as we're moving up to times level we get to grab another feet or ability score increase i opted to just increase my wisdom by two to kind of fast track that that better spell casting there is a play here though that if you wanted to slow down the progression of wisdom and pick up a few extra features i think that fey touched is a really great option here you get to increase your wisdom by one but you also get misty step and i would take silvery barbs which we just saw introduced in the strix haven book whether or not you're allowing silvery barbs at your table is a whole other conversation but i think that there is a play here to grab those two i mean clerics don't have any reaction speed spells beyond that we get a few more spell choices on our way up and i actually think that when we're looking at fourth level spells uh the two that stand out to me are banishment which is just a great spell and guardian of faith guardian of faith is a little hard to use but i want to bring into people's mind here that guardian of faith doesn't require concentration which means that if you are in a situation where you get to set up the battlefield knowing that enemies are coming you can lay down guardian of faith spiritual weapon and spirit guardians super spirit guardian weapon twilight sanctuary aid mode yeah so now you have all of these danger spots on the battlefield you put your uh guardian of faith in the most prime location to bottleneck the enemies well you go around with your spirit guardians your spiritual weapon hitting people and you're buffing your allies i think that there's a really cool play there so those are my two standouts now of course if you do want to be a little bit more cagey and not quite get as close to the enemies to your spirit guardians you're going to get your fifth level spell slots here and this is where you could bring in circle of power if you need to really protect your party but you could also bring in some and celestial because again when you summon the celestial it can benefit from the temporary hit points granted by your twilight sanctuary and it gives you a little bit more of a uh your own extra tank your own extra body on the board so i think that's another really cool spell to have in your back pocket beyond that again this is a situation where i would just fill up on your favorite utilities as the situation demands if you need to bring the be the one that brings freedom of movement or divination or death ward or whole person or even greater restoration or raised dead bring those spells as the situation demands because you've already got the kit to cover you in most combat situations now as we're moving up to 15th level we get another ability score increase which again i would take another plus two to wisdom although yet again there is an argument here for grabbing something like shadow touched now you have that plus two if you grab fake touch and shadow touch and you get a bunch more utility and useful spells to choose from i think that there's also a case that we're not really going past 15th level but if we were to do another feat or ability score increase or along the way i think that there's cases for warcaster an additional plus two to wisdom i would even look at if you really don't feel like taking any of the above and you feel pretty decked out tough to just make sure that you are you are that frontline tank yeah i think the biggest thing is that you know twilight sanctuary steps the night um most of your features don't really care what your wisdom modifier are and so ultimately yes we do want to have a better spell saving throw dc but in the grand scheme of things this this works pretty nicely overall so you can take that more measured progression if you want to bring in trixie stuff like silvery barbs and invisibility and misty step taking fae touched and shadow touched is a great way to do that and taking more caster is just a great way to double down on your reliability of your concentration and when in doubt max out your wisdom score so as we're moving to 50 and let's talk about our level 6 7 and 8 spells in tasha's we got some added spells to the cleric spell list mainly sunbeam and sunburst for for these levels and i think that both are pretty good candidates yeah they well they have the word sun in the name they are spells that deal radiant damage so i feel they're quite thematic for a twilight cleric and they do sort of adjust they do really address the gap in cleric spell casting at this level because well we could bring things like heal and harm um or plane shift it's kind of tough to find a proactive spell to use at these levels of play i want to bring up that uh i i love re-flavoring and when we think of sun suns are just stars so if you are the twilight domain cleric your sunbeam and sunburst could be star beam and starburst starburst and uh we end up being able to re-flavor this to be more thematic where you're blasting the the twilight stars at your enemies there's one key pickup though that we really want to make sure that we got here and that is heroes feast well this is an expensive six level spell to cast because it costs a thousand gold pieces you need that jeweled bowl heroes feast is way better than buying a bunch of healing potions because it's going to give you immunity to poison advantage on wisdom saving throws and increase your party's hit point maximum by 2d10 once again heroes feast increases your hit point maximum and so does aid because these are different spells they stack and because they're granting an increase to your hit point maximum they stack with the temporary hit points granted by twilight sanctuary so you can end up with stacking all these together with the fifth level up cast eight is going to give three party members 20 extra to their hit point maximum this on average is going to add another 10 to their hit point maximum plus your twilight sanctuary granting them at this level about 10 to 15 temporary hit points that's a 45 point swing in your party's hit points which is across three party members or more which means that you're looking at putting into your party as a whole anywhere from 150 to 200 hit points based on how many times you decide to cast aid yeah and not to mention that you can replenish those temporary hit points consistently in battle yeah because every time they end their turn in there you just keep buffing them up so you are mitigating so much damage by being a twilight domain cleric on the battlefield and with this build also your 11th to 15th level character is going to have about 120 or more hit points on average if you picked up tough along the way or if you have a higher constitution score or anything like that you you are going to be a tank and when we are looking at this high level play let's bring it all in here and talk about the fact that you're not only one of the best buffs for your party in a healing sense healing is a little bit different in fifth edition i think that your best healing is this option here of combining aid of combining your twilight sanctuary heroes feast and uh when you when you do all of that as well as having a healing word in your back pocket for emergencies you can keep people alive really really well but you're doing this at the same time as busting out the classic cleric move of being able to have your spiritual weapon your spirit guardians and if you want your guardian of faith down in play as well while you are flying around the battlefield so the twilight domain cleric really gets to be the best of both worlds with this build once you do reach 17th level you'll also get twilight shroud which augments your twilight sanctuary by causing it to grant cover to your allies the twilight domain cleric combines a really really effective defense while still being able to bring amazing utility and deal damage at the same time you really get to have this total package in this character um and it's very low risk and incredibly reliable so this has been a look at the twilight domain cleric in dungeons and dragons 5th edition if you've played a twilight domain cleric tell us about your favorite choices that you made along the way in the comments below the videos that we create on our channel are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity of our patreon supporters if you enjoy the work that we do here on youtube please consider becoming a patron of our show by following the links in the description below and don't forget to check out our live 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Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 324,296
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Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: Fl__EP8Y8BY
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Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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