How to plan a fashion show

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hey honey welcome to my channel designed by ida today i'm going to teach you everything you need to know in order to plan a great fashion show now if you're going to put on fashion show there's a lot to remember and you need to watch this video to the end so that you don't miss out on anything because you really want the night to be a success you want to be happy and smiling and relaxed and not running around worried because you forgot something okay so this is my treat to you i'm sharing all the secrets you need so you can put on a really great fashion show and i've seen some fashion shows i've seen some i've seen some really great fashion shows very professional just amazing everything is smooth it's gorgeous you can just enjoy it and i've seen some terrible fashion shows where i wanted to like hide under the table so i'm making this video to help you be a success and not an embarrassment okay that was harsh i'm sorry but yeah okay let's go through it there's a lot to remember so let's just start the first thing you need to do is choose a theme for the collection the theme is going to really set the mood so what is the collection all about what kind of clothes have you designed what are you trying to illustrate um to show what kind of mood you want to set so a lot of great designers they really put a lot of time and effort into the set design so they make the whole runway uh look like a garden or um like they make all the models walk like um soldiers in an army or like they just kind of set the scene with the music they choose music is very important and a lot of designers choose music from movies because movies um connect with people and connect with their emotions and maybe they remember a certain scene or something that happened maybe it's a very um famous movie and everybody knows that song and so when you use that song it just it connects with them right away right so music from movies can be really really great because it's it can be dramatic and it can just evoke emotions right and then lighting what kind of lighting do you want uh how do you want the stage to look right the runway how do you want the models to walk are you going to instruct everyone yourself or do you have a production manager to keep everything organized for you either way you need to have an idea about how you want the models to walk how you want them to pose do they have any props are they carrying something are they dancing are they marching like how are they moving um and how does that fit in with the theme for your collection okay so you need to think about all these things and you need to be very clear with your instructions if you're having like someone help you out someone to talk to the models and make sure that they practice walking the way that you want them to and everything be clear so that everyone knows exactly what your idea is and what how you want it to go okay so that's music that's how the models will walk how the models will pose and the lighting and the set design and then when you choose your location i want you to make sure that it has a backstage area because many people forget that they think oh this is a beautiful place for a runway yes let's go at this location but you need to have a backstage area and you need to have mirrors and you need to have lights so many people forget about this so they have this whole big venue right and they have their runway and then before the show starts it's usually dark right the lights are off and you need to have some small lights backstage so that the models can see what they're doing and so that the models can find the right clothes and the right shoes and the right jewelry and everything right and so just make sure you have a backstage area and make sure it's kind of private okay models don't like when everyone can see them dressing because models are oftentimes naked in between outfits so let's make sure they are private and comfortable okay so that was the backstage area now you need to put together a team a team yeah a team you need a team not a theme you need that too but yeah and then you need a team of people to help you um you can ask friends or you can hire professionals that's up to the budget right but you need someone who will help the models get dressed someone who will organize the backstage make sure the right models walk at the right time right and that they have the right necklace on and the correct shoes and you know just everything needs to flow perfectly backstage so you need someone there to make sure that happens and if the models are going to change outfits that happens very quickly so you need dressers to help the models quickly get out of their outfits and into the new one okay and yeah you just you really want dressers backstage so you have a collection you want to show right maybe you're a designer yourself or maybe you're putting on a show for someone else but either way you hopefully have a collection of clothes right so now what you need to think about is shoes jewelry hair makeup if you have a good budget then you will have someone come in and do the makeup for all the models and the hair for all the models do all the styling for you if you don't have a big budget you may have to use your friends as models and you may have to ask them to do their own makeup and hair either way you need to decide what they're going to look like so what you want to do grab some magazines start cutting out faces and hairstyles and putting them together on a board and then showing that to everyone the models the stylists the hair makeup people so that everyone knows and have a very clear idea of what you want them to look like because you do not want to be disappointed you don't want misunderstandings and then you're watching the show and you're like wait that's not what i wanted at all so just be clear so using photos of you know faces and hair putting them together on a board copying it giving it to everyone you know figure out a way to make it very clear that this is what the makeup should look like for all of you and this is what the hair should look like for all of you and if you have some special styling some hats or some special head dress something um make sure that's ready and that everybody knows how to use it how to put it on correctly and everything okay so um when it comes to jewelry and shoes you can collaborate with someone i do this all the time when i'm putting on a fashion show i i do this with hair and makeup too actually so the last fashion shows that i put on i have collaborated with um a hair salon that specializes on hair and makeup and styling and so i collaborate with them so they um can get the publicity for the work that they've done and i get the publicity for the clothes that they're showing so it's a combined effort and so they don't charge me for styling all my models because they get the publicity for it so collaborations can be really really great you can do the same thing with jewelry and shoes a lot of times um shoe stores will let you borrow the shoes to put on and to use for the show and then you can return them the next day so you buy some tape and you put it underneath the shoes and then after the show you take away the tape and then the shoe is pristine and beautiful and it's not worn or anything and then you can return the shoes and a lot of shoe stores will let you do this and they will only ask to be mentioned and to have the publicity like all the shoes in the show are from this store you know and they like the publicity so they will help you out and not charge you for borrowing the shoes for the show okay so collaborate with people that's a really really great thing to do you can also do that with the photographer and the videographer you definitely want someone there who is dedicated to taking pictures and filming you do not want to be the one who is supposed to be doing that as well as managing everything else because you're gonna be super busy on the day of the show trust me so you want someone who will be there with a camera and take pictures um throughout the show maybe before the show and after the show also and also you want someone to film the show and to practice and set it up ahead of time so that they can catch the light at the right angle and everything so you have a really good documentation of the show you can also collaborate with photographers and videographers because they often need publicity and you can help them out putting on a great fashion show and if they take really good photos and really great videos and maybe it's used in um fashion articles later or on a blog or you know wherever it's good advertisement for them if the photos and video is good so collaborate with them maybe you will get a good deal maybe they will even do it for free just for the publicity okay and the same goes for jewelry you can collaborate with a jewelry store and they would get the publicity that all the jewelries from this store and you would get to borrow jewelry from them to use for the show and then to return the next day in order for all of this to go smoothly you need someone backstage who is making sure that all the shoes are put in the right boxes and all the tape is removed and they are wiped down and they look nice and also the jewelry you want to make sure that all the jewelry is packed away neatly in the right places and returned the next day i was once fortunate enough to um put on a fashion show in san francisco and we collaborated with the jeweler and we got to use some of the most beautiful beautiful necklaces and bracelets for our models and i remember this one necklace it was like a glass locket filled with diamonds and it cost like twenty thousand dollars and i just loved the necklace and i chose the necklace before making the dress and then i made i designed the whole dress around that necklace and it just looked so beautiful so if you're lucky you can get to collaborate with a jewelry designer or jewelry store and you will have amazing jewelry to go with your outfits and to just make everything look so amazing okay so collaborate collaborate collaborate with everyone because then they get the publicity you get the publicity and it just it can be really really great for you especially for the budget it really helps okay how much money do you have to spend on this and just be honest and just decide this right away if you don't have any money then you need to ask your friends to be the models and wear the clothes and just play some music and you know do it very low key but if you're putting on like a real fashion show like a professional fashion show you're gonna need some money so just decide how much money you have up front and then let that guide you through all the decisions to come okay so what is your collection about what's the title for the collection and have you made like a text to describe the collection this is really really important and this is something that a lot of people just just forget because you know you've designed a collection or you're putting in a fashion show for someone else and you have the clothes and you know you just want to decide where to have it and what time right but um the text is going to be in the press release it's going to be on the social media posts it's going to be on the flyers and the posters on the invites so you don't want to forget about this because you don't want a crappy text for an amazing collection right so take the time to write the title for the collection and to write a really good text for the collections and the text needs to be like descriptive but also it needs to be intriguing so people really want to see this right so don't just say oh we have seven jeans and two tops and five dresses that's not very intriguing i wouldn't go to that show but if you write something like um this collection is an exploration of this culture and this um idea and it's combined and it's unique perspective and it's something okay so just try to describe it in a way that makes people really want to go and see the show okay so the title and the text for the show something a lot of people forget but you need to remember to do that so you have the clothes you have decided on the hair and makeup you have people to do the hair and makeup you have decided on the shoes and the theme and the music what about the models you need models right um you if you have a big budget you can just go out and pick the best models hold an audition see them walk see them move see them post and choose the models that work best for you and your vision and your collection if you don't have a big budget you can call modeling agencies and ask for some fresh faces that need more experience on the runway right um many times you can get models for cheap or even free if they're just like new fresh they need some training they really need the experience and it's going to take you more time because experienced models know exactly how to walk how to pose how to look amazing at every angle new fresh faces may need some guidance so you will have to spend some time with them and train them to walk exactly the way that you want them to walk and to post at the right time and the right way and everything but it's worth it because you save money by using them and instead of experienced models right you can also use your friends or someone else your colleagues or whatever if you want to but please please please instruct them that this is how you want them to walk and this is how you want them to post because i do not want you to be disappointed i want you to have the best fashion show that you can have so be clear so that there are no misunderstandings and that you can just be happy and enjoy the show okay now you have the models the clothes for the models the shoes the jewelry everything what about you designers usually walk down the runway after the show so when all the models are done you come out and wave and smile and walk down the runway and that can be terrifying i know because i've done it a few times and um you have all these like tall skinny gorgeous models walking down the runway and then you have to follow them and it can be terrifying and you want to decide way ahead of time what you're going to wear who's going to do your hair and makeup and how do you want to do it what time do you want to come come out do you want to just like come up on stage and wave and go back down or do you want to walk the runway do you want to have all the models following you what do you want to do just plan it because it takes some of the stress away from the situation so that you can just be more confident and just be more like okay hair makeup outfit done i can do this and then yeah you are a rock star okay okay so now you need to decide the order of things which outfit is going to come up first which outfit is going to come out second third and which is going to come last you really want the first outfit to grab their attention and look amazing and make them want to watch the entire show and then you want the last outfit to be even better even more amazing and be very memorable so that they walk away from your show remembering your collection and wanting to buy it and that brings me to the next step which is after the show you need to plan for after the show at practical things like who is going to clean up everything who's going to pack all the clothes and the shoes and the jewelry and everything and what are you gonna do do you have a business card do you have a website do you have a way for people to connect with you if they want to buy your clothes have a plan for this because so many designers put all their energy and all their time into planning a great show and then when the show is finished they're just like okay thank you bye and they don't have a follow-up plan if you're having a show and you're inviting buyers to different stores and you want to sell close to them you need to have maybe a catalog a brochure a business card you need to have a plan you need to have a calendar ready set up some meetings you know have some prices made up you know be ready for what comes after the show and prepare for it okay now i'm going to talk about something that designers often forget and designers are often and i'm guilty of this you are so focused on the collection and the show and just sewing everything and making sure everything is steamed and beautiful and you have the perfect models and everything fits great and you're so um invested in like the collection that you forget about publicity publicity is important if you're putting on a really great show and nobody knows about it nobody watches it it's a waste of time right so you want to plan it you want to put out press releases and you have if you haven't done that before google it or ask someone to help you you want to put out press releases you want to use social media you want to send out emails you want to put up posters hand out flyers you want to do as much as you can and you can ask people to help you with this so that you really tell everyone about your show you want to invite many people to come and watch your show and especially the people you really want there meaning maybe you want some buyers from certain stores to come be sure to invite them so be sure that all the invites are sent out way ahead of time so that everyone can plan and make arrangements to come to your show so make the invites put out all the social media posts make the press releases invite people to come to your show and remind them over and over and over again because people are busy you are focused on your show but everyone else has their own lives and their own plans and their own crazy things happening so you need to remind them over and over and over again you can use social media you can send out reminding emails you can call them up you know whatever you want to do just keep reminding people that my show is on sunday remember to come you are invited it's going to be amazing okay and then um do you want like to offer them something do you want your guests to be seated or do you want them to stand do you want to offer them snacks and drinks again do you want to collaborate with someone maybe a restaurant nearby they will um offer the snacks and drinks and it will be a good publicity thing for them something to think about okay maybe you are doing um fantasy collection and you have like little cupcakes and unicorn rainbow things snacks to go with it right you can um use drinks food lighting music stage everything to tie in with the theme for your collection and make it a really memorable amazing event and you want to invite journalists bloggers you know influencers instagram people um so you can get even more publicity after the show you want everyone to know that you have put on an amazing fashion show and they missed out if they if they weren't there okay and that's it see hardly anything to remember right okay so i have made a free checklist for you that you can download below and it will help you to remember everything and to plan a really great show and i'm gonna give you a bonus tip you need to make a back-up plan for when things go wrong because trust me things will go wrong something will go wrong the shoes the heel of the shoes for one of the models will break have some extra pairs of shoes maybe the makeup artist is sick on the day of the show have someone um to be your backup if that should happen um your videographer didn't show up because he was stuck in traffic have someone else be ready to film the show um just make backup plans for pretty much everything because things happen trust me i have i have experienced a lot of it and you just want to be prepared you want to expect the best but just prepare for the worst just in case so that if everything goes wrong you are prepared and you don't have to stress out and run around like crazy okay so i hope this video was helpful if it was please like it and share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any more fashion secrets i am here to teach you everything that i have um achieved everything that i've learned as a fashion designer so i thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Design by Eide
Views: 3,172
Rating: 4.9736843 out of 5
Keywords: fashion design, fashion show, how to plan a fashion show, fashion designer, event planning, fashion business, fashion week, fashion shows, fashion show event planning, budgeting a fashion show, fashion event planning, fashion show tips beginners, fashion show tips, fashion show music, fashion show 2020, how to plan a fashion show event, how to plan a fashion show checklist, fashion designer career, fashion design school, fashion designing for beginners tutorial
Id: Y9di55uwZOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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