How to Pitch Correct Natural Sounding Vocals with Melodyne 5 in Minutes!

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hey everyone welcome back to another tutorial today we're going to be focusing on how we can enhance our vocals in a session of logic pro or fl studio whatever door you're using we're going to look at software by the name of melodyne that is able to take your vocals and enhance them to another level everyone struggles with keeping their voice perfectly in pitch whether you're a beginner vocalist or you're quite advanced everyone isn't able to keep that tune perfect but the good news is that with um you know software like melodyne or autotune we're actually able to take those vocals and correct them so today we're going to be looking at how we can use melodyne to create natural sounding vocals autotune and melodyne are two very competitive companies and they're they're good for different things autotune has a sound to it when you hear auto-tuned vocals you can tell by you they have that auto-tune sound and it sounds a bit unnatural and in a lot of hip-hop that's what's used but when we're talking any other genre we want natural sounding vocals so artists like charlie puth or selena gomez their go-to plugin is melodyne because you're able to manually edit the vocals and create them to sound unedited but perfectly in tune and that's the power of melody so today we're going to hop straight into a session and this is a song that i have written and recorded with an artist and i've done raps in the verses but in the chorus this artist is singing and we're going to i'm going to show you a tutorial on how we can understand melodyne how we can understand the key tools and how we can make this vocal just sound amazing and if you have a vocal um where you are that you need to tune using melodyne you don't need to look at any other tutorials just get your vocal out and follow along with me and we'll tune our vocals and i'll show you the easiest way to use melodyne so here we have the unprocessed vocal here and what we want to do is open up melodyne and the first thing that you want to do when you are recording when you are using melodyne is you want to transfer the audio from inside of your door into the melodyne tab here and so just this button up here transfer make sure the light is red and we're just going to play through the he is the vocals who has spoken also make sure melodyne's turned on [Music] the planets [Music] now this vocal as you can hear it's solid this singer is a great singer and it's very solid but as you might be able to pick up there are a few imperfections and also not only pitch but um just some vibrato that is a bit over the top for the setting and we want to go over the top so then when we turn it down a bit in melodyne then we're actually able to make tight sounding vocals so as you can see melodyne has transferred this audio in here and it has tuned it to picked out the notes and done a rough sort of jest of where it is so first of all we're just going to put a loop around this vocal and the way i like to do is i like to do it in section so as you can see we've got five main sections here so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to loop this first part and right there because that's what we're going to be working on first and we'll just solo this vocal for now and as you speak so the main main tools in melodyne that you will need to be using uh to simply use melodyne to tune your vocals and just remove any imperfections is right here this is our main tool where we can select and if you want to move around you just hold shift on your keyboard scroll up and down to move side to side and just scroll up and down to move up and down so the main tools that we want to use is as you can see on this main one we are able to move around the vocal and change it to different pictures so i'm just going to undo that the second tool is right here in pitch tools we have pitch modulator tool and we have a pitch drift tool and right here we have a tool where we can shape the transition between each notes so i'm just going to zoom up into this one and the first is the way we can transition between notes so these yellow lines as you can see if we make it sharp that's just going to be a straight transition and it will sound more of that auto-tune effect but the more you do you expand that it's going to give you a slide effect to the next note and so i always will try and find a balance in between and this pitch modulation tool is actually what we're going to be able to bring everything into more alignment so say this vibrato and we want a bit less we're going to just take that a bit down and as you can see it reduces the vibrato and it also will reduce the amount of um sort of like out of tune of each note and the pitch drift tool let's go find an example where we can use this as you can see right here the vocal it just slightly if we bring it in a bit you can see it just comes up at the end it just pitches up and if we use this tool we're able to bring the pitch from the end as it sort of curves up then we're just able to bring it back down so it stays consistently on the same note the next tool uh the next main tool is the volume tool we are actually able to change the volume if say there's a note uh this note is fine but say it is a bit too loud we're able to turn that note down individually or make it louder the next main tool you want it going to want to use is as right here you can see that melodyne has drawn the pitch but we actually needed a note where the singer as you can hear will just go up to the notes so just this this and there's in galaxy so it's like one two but it's just called it as one note so we're actually able to split these and here we're able to individually get the notes right that's a very important tool so now we know all the main tools in melodyne we're going to start and i'm going to show you start to finish a process on how you can tune these vocals so first of all we're going to listen to our looped area which is just here and as you speak as you can see we know that that's two notes we're gonna split it and what i like to do is just select all of it and right here you can change the pitch center which is we'll snap it all to your scale so we want snap to scale and it's picked melodyne has picked up that this key is c major that um this thing is singing but it may not always pick that up so you want to make sure that that's correct and we are going to snap 100 you can decide to go somewhere in the middle but really if we're going to be using melodyness because we want perfect sounding vocals and if you go 100 it's still going to sound natural it won't degrade the sound at all it will just make sure it's 100 in tune now we know that we want this note down here and let's give that a listen and as you speak already so much better now we're gonna get the pitch modulation tool and i always like to bring it down to about 70 just bring it down a bit so tames everything and just makes it sound more tight and more on pitch and as you speak great now we can look at uh the different transitions between those i might make this one a bit smoother but that's good that's the first part of our vocal done now we're going to loop this second second section right here billion galaxies a boy now again we want to first split all the notes that need to be split so we have them all separated and we're going to snap everything into pitch now we'll make a give it another listen to make sure we have how we don't need to change anything a hundred billion galaxies a boy sounding good now we're gonna bring this pitch and the more you bring this in the more auto tuning sound you will get and you can fix that by changing the transition between the notes but you want to be careful you don't over do an um over take the pitch modulation tool and take it all the way down because that will give you really unnatural sounding vocals so as you can see here we want to take that down a bit more and we're going to just bring this back into alignment slightly 100 billion galaxies a boy now as you can see as you can hear it has a bit of that sharp autotune effect so we're just going to smooth that out right there i'm going to smooth out these transitions and that will get rid of the autoshuny effect and that's the power of melodyne you can't do any of this um in autotune it's all manual so it's it's mostly automatic and so melodyne is just so much gives you so much more freedom and yes it may be time consuming as you have to do this for all your vocals and harmonies but i can guarantee you it is definitely worth it that out a bit more a hundred billion galaxies [Music] smooth out these transitions a little more a hundred billion galaxies a boy that's amazing they literally sound it that sounds unedited yet it's fully in tune so now we're going to be moving to the next section and as you do this you'll get much faster in the vapor of your breath the planets form we're gonna first of all make sure all these notes are already split correctly so we're gonna pitch them all in and we're going to bring all the vibrato in slightly and as you can see this is what i mentioned before the pitch sort of just curves up towards the end so we're going to bring that in in the vapor of your breath the planets form so now we're just going to make the transitions just a bit smoother in the vapor of your breath the planets form now on this form it's personal preference but i would prefer it to be feel a bit more stronger so i'm just going to reduce that now on to the next section if the stars were made to worship so we'll lie we're going to tune them all and as you can see here we want to cut this up here we go and as you can see she's not quite hitting this b so if we retune all that if the stars were made actually i think that we're just gonna keep it all on the same note as uh it does sound a bit processed and it doesn't sound quite right if we bring the note up it's the stars for me so we're just gonna bring it all back down to a and a trick to do this is we're just going to make the transition very smooth between all of them and it will sound like the one note let's have a listen if the stars were made to worship so that sounds that sounds good let's just reduce the volume slightly of this middle part if the stars were made oh undo that one if the stars were made to worship and our reverbs and compression will fix up that site imperfection as well now we're going to bring in the pitch if the stars were made to worship so we'll just to make this transition a bit tighter [Music] that sounds good now we're on to the last section if the stars were made to worship so will i so we're going to snap everything in place and as you can see we just need to make this transition a bit sharper if the stars were made to worship so will i we're going to bring in our pitch right here i want this to finish on a strong solid note so we're going to bring in the vibrato if the stars were made to worship so will i and there you go and so now once you have edited all the whole thing with uh melodyne then what i would suggest you do is bounce this audio clip out so just bounce it in place and we can bring that over to our processed vocal which will ha we have a dsl noise gate eq compression multi-band compression and here we have some delay we have some uh we have some reverb and there we have some more delay and this is what the final product would sound like one he has chosen he is the one who has spoken 100 billion [Music] if the stars were [Music] and that's literally how simple it is to take vocals that are good but take them to the next level of perfection and give them that perfectly tuned sound without the auto-tune sound so they sound completely natural i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you have any questions on how to use melodyne anymore let me know in the comments below and i'll get back to you and possibly make a new tutorial for you regarding melody thanks for watching this video if it helped you like and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on more videos like these have a great day and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Zealot Music
Views: 1,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melodyne tutorial, melodyne before and after, melodyne autotune, melodyne essential, melodyne studio, melodyne studio tutorial, how to use melodyne, how to use melodyne in pro tools, melodyne, tutorial, vocal tuning, autotune, andy, andy scalise, home studio hustlers, melodyne tips, melodyne tips and tricks, how to melodyne, melodyne 5 tutorial, melodyne 5 assistant, editing vocals in melodyne, melodyne in pro tools, tuning vocals in melodyne, celemony, vocals, pitch correction
Id: V7koUIQRr_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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