How to use Melodyne 5

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Hi folks! Various versions of Studio One come with trial or full versions Melodyne 5. This video makes it easy for you to get started!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CreativeSauce2B 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve watched about 5 different videos on tempo mapping and follow them exactly, it never works correctly Do you go into tempo mapping?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JoesGarageisFull 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I use Studio One 5 and watched this video and decided to upgrade to Melodyne Assistant. Does Assistant integrate with Studio One or is it just Essentials? I’m having a hard time figuring out how to get Assistant to work in Studio One

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jurango34 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
in this video we'll be learning how to use melodyne 5. [Music] hi folks i'm mike and i hope you will so you've just got hold of melodyne 5 and you don't really know how to get started with it well fear not because in this video we'll be covering all of the basics with tools that you'll be using 90 of the time to adjust pitch timing and amplitude so let's get started with getting started so there's actually two ways to use melodyne within your daw the first way is to simply use it as an insert on a track now when the interface appears you'll need to click the transfer button at the top left and then play your audio so it gets transferred to the melodyne plugin now do remember when you use this method it should always be the first plugin in your chain of inserts and also if you make any changes to the underlying audio like editing parts of it out you'll need to go through the transfer process again so that's reflected in melodyne so the second and i must say my preferred method of implementation is to use the ara or ara capabilities of your door now with this method melodyne works a lot more efficiently with your door and any underlying changes you make to your audio like edits are immediately reflected in melodyne now not all doors have r capabilities i've got two on my system which do cakewalk and studio one and with both of those you simply select the clip where you want to apply melodyne and you press control plus m on your keyboard and then melodyne is implemented on that track or on that clip now some other notable doors which have our capabilities are cubase logic and reason but a notable exception is pro tools with pro tools you'll have to use it as an insert on the track so when you first assign melodyne to a track you're going to see something like this this grid here with these red and yellow squiggles on it and it's important to understand what all of these squiggles are if you're going to use melodyne efficiently so i want to zoom into the first group of them here in these two bars i'm going to hold control on my keyboard and then use the scroll wheel on my mouse just to zoom in manually like so now if i want to move things up and down i can just release that control key and then just use the scroll wheel on my mouse to move things up and down as you normally would and i can move from side to side by holding shift on the keyboard and then using the scroll wheel again to move things from side to side okay so we've got these main areas here that you can see these are called blobs now these are just like the waveforms that you would normally see when you've recorded audio in your daw but they've been split up and then they've been assigned to different pitches so you can see that here these ones have been assigned to the pitch of g sharp you can see g sharp is at the side there the side of the grid this one down here has been assigned to f sharp you can see that assigned to f sharp there and so on and so forth so those are the main areas they're called blobs now those are the things that we mainly move around to correct the pitch but the other thing that we can see here these lines which run between and through the blobs so the ones that are in the blob right here that's the main area of pitch for that note for that word whatever it is now you'll see some of them outside that's where we've slid in there so it's a very momentary sound where it slid into that note and then it's slid between these two notes so the line will not always be the pitch line will not always be perfectly within the blob it may come from outside of it and then into it okay let's just have a quick listen to this vocal here so you can hear what's happening with these blobs and these lines you can see here where she sings heart there where that slide happens have a listen again taking my heart and you give it up so it's important we want those slides and things normally to be in there to keep things sounding natural so the other thing that we can see here are some blobs but they've got some horizontal lines you can see one here and you can see another one over here those are non-pitch sounds so there'll be things like sibilance and sound or sound or maybe a breath now those things don't have pitch associated with them even though they've been assigned to a pitch here depending on what note they come before or after if you move them around they won't actually change in sound at all they just retain their sound as it was so how would we go about adjusting the pitch of some of these notes or these blobs well there's one really easy way to do it if you want to be quick and dirty with it and that's to make sure that you have your main tool selected so i'm going to have the main tools that's already selected up here now if i had another tool selected like so i could just press f1 on my keyboard to go and select the main tool so the tools up here is selected with f1 f2 f3 f4 etc etc that's a quick way to select all of those tools so i've got my main tool selected and i'm going to select this note here just see how these ones are more or less in the center of that g sharp line but this one's this blob is a little bit high that means it's a little bit sharp of the note now if i hover my main tool over that and double click then i can correct that pitch easily like that and i could go around and find others like maybe this one over here it's just ever so slightly off and double click and nothing's happened there so it doesn't need to be correct that one does and you'll see it move there okay so it's important to understand that well i think it's important to understand that you don't need to correct everything okay not under normal circumstances i really like to just uh select and correct the ones which either visually look a long way out or i can definitely hear that they're a long way out i feel personally and this is my personal opinion that if you correct everything that it can start to sound a little bit unnatural however if that's what you want to do there is a quick way to correct everything what you can do is select all of your things or your blobs like so and then you can use the pitch correction macro tool that's up here so we'll just click on that it brings up this interface here now we've got a couple of sliders here we've got the first one which is to center the pitch so you can see that happening so all of those notes shuffle so they're right in the center of those uh notes there okay so we can do that or we can and we can also use pitch drift now this is sort of making sure there's not too much variation within with the pitch within the blobs so just take a look at one area say this one here if it's all the way down you'll see this amount of variation and push it all the way up and there's less variation than there was now this is one that can make things sound really odd if you don't use it in the right places so i always recommend that after you've made changes with these sliders that you haven't listened to what you've done and make sure you haven't made it sound too inhuman unhuman not sure which the word is let me know in the comments down below so i'm actually going to disregard all of that i'm going to click cancel but if you do want to make mass changes that's how you can do it now we are on that main tool and this main tool is actually very very clever it can do just more than double click on notes to correct them what we can do is drag those notes around so if i grab a note like so i can make her voice sound like a siren okay so there i am just manually dragging the pitch now if it's not happening like that for you it could be that you have the snap turned on and you may want the snap turned on we can adjust that by going up to options at the top here going to the pitch grid now as you can see for me it's got no snap on if i changed it say chromatic snap like so then it's going to snap to each of the notes like so and that's probably quite useful so there we have the main pitch correction as i say this tool is quite clever the other thing that we can do is split some of these blobs up using this tool now why would we want to do that well let's take a look at that slide that we were looking at earlier this slides from an f sharp up to this g sharp here but when we really look at where it starts it's not really quite on the f sharp it's a little bit sharp of f sharp so we may want to split this note and then correct that initiation of that slide okay so i'm just going to zoom in a little bit more in the horizontal direction so i'm just going to grab the end of this scroll bar can see the scroll bar tool here used to scroll around just that gray area there if i hover if i click on the end of it and then drag that i can actually use that to zoom in a little bit further just in that one direction there so i'd like to do that that's cool so what i'm going to do still on my main tool is go to this blob but i'm just going to go slightly above the blob just up here okay and you can see that the split tool appears there so i'm going to double click and then that has split that blob into now of course that's now detected as an f sharp because it's sliding up from an f sharp but as i said it's a little bit sharp of the f sharp so i'm just going to double click on that now to correct that so it's sliding exactly from the f sharp up to the g sharp let's have a listen to that taken my heart and you give it up now there's only a slight difference in sound and as i say you may or may not be able to hear that pitch difference but as i also say i always audition those things after i've done them just to make sure i haven't made things sound a little bit weird because you can make things sound a little bit weird with melodyne at times so that's another thing that we can do is split blobs up and then adjust the pitch of those different parts that we've then created now the other cool thing that we can do with this main tool is adjust some of the timing so if we hover on to the end of a blob we will see the timing tool appear there so what i'm going to do here is take this word here now this is the word give we'll just have a listen to that taken my heart and you give it up and what i'm going to do is just drag the end of that give note out there i'm just going to make it a bit longer so that she holds the word and the note for a little bit longer let's have a listen i'm taking my heart and you give it up so we've musically started to change things there and that can be very useful indeed but you may not want to use it for that reason it may be that you want to adjust the timing because the singer wasn't quite right with their timing and that can often happen and sometimes it could just be one word in a whole otherwise perfect section and it's just slightly out of time and you can just quickly adjust it without them having to do the take again and spoil what is otherwise a great take so that's the other thing that you can do with this main tool so all together there's pitch correction as we did like so double clicking on things there is the ability to split things which we would do it like so double click above and then there are the timing tools so that we can adjust the timing by dragging on the ends of notes so next we're going to take a closer look at what we can do with pitch so let's take a look at what else we can do with pitch by using the pitch tools now i'm on the main tool at the moment here but if i press f2 on my keyboard it'll select the pitch tool here or i could have clicked here with my mouse now there's other tools underneath here if we do a long press with the mouse we can see apart from the main pitch tool there is this modulation tool and then also the pitch drift tool as well now if you want to get to those with keyboard shortcuts it's done easily again with the f2 so we press f2 for the main pitch tool and then we press f2 twice quickly to get to the modulation tool and then we press f2 three times quickly one two three to get to the pitch drift tool okay so that's how you can use those keyboard shortcuts so i'm going to choose the main tool first of all and we can see that there's these yellow lines which now run through here now these are the transitions between the different notes that we can see here and we can adjust those transitions if i just turn the tool off for a moment go back to the main tool we'll look at this one here you can see the pitch here it does some variation within this note here and then we go to this note right at the very beginning it goes just a little bit sharp at the beginning of that note so we can actually adjust that using this tool so again i'll press f2 on the keyboard and what i'm going to do is go to the beginning of the transition so think of these these lines here as transitions i'll go to the beginning of the transition hold my left left mouse button down and then drag up and down and i can adjust that pitch you can see it changing within that second note there okay so i can just bring that down so it looks a little bit more natural it's not going quite so sharp and i've made my adjustment let's have a listen to it quickly that sounds absolutely fine okay so the second tool we can use uh by pressing f2 twice quickly one two is the modulation tool so modulation is often going to be intentional changes in pitch or maybe unintentional within a note like so so it could be vibrato which is causing modulation or it could be an accident by the singer who knows but we can adjust that modulation again by selecting this tool just dragging over that note and moving our mouse up and down and i can kind of smooth things out as you can see there so i can actually flatten it off completely like that let's have a listen i'm taking my heart and you give it up okay now for me when you do that when you flatten it off it really starts to sound unnatural i used to i like to leave a little bit of variation in there like so okay so that's one way of adjusting those uh pitch lines the other way is with the pitch drift tool so i'm going to press f2 three times quickly one two three to get to the pitch drift tool now i go between these tools because i'm never quite sure to be honest with you which one to use i think the idea is is that pitch modulation are those natural and often intentional variations in pitch and pitch drift is where the singer kind of falls off of the note unintentionally that's the way it's explained but as i say you may go between the tools and experiment with them to find out which one's for you so i've got the pitch drift tool selected now i'll just hover over this note here and you can see that it's making changes there to that pitch line so you'll have to experiment with that yourself to find out which one of those is for you so i have a question for you are you finding this video helpful if you are then go ahead and help me out by hitting the like button do it right away so that you don't forget also if you do like this kind of content make sure you subscribe and ring the bell on youtube so that you're notified about my future videos now let's get back to this video so we've adjusted pitch and we've adjusted timing the other thing that we may want to adjust is amplitude or volume on particular notes so we can do that by selecting the amplitude tool i'll press f4 on my keyboard to do that now that's been selected at the top as you can see now you may notice that there's some other selections below that we can see the little arrow there if we long press on that then we can also see there's a fade tool and a sibilance balance tool now if you can't see those that probably means that you have the essential version of melodyne and we need to have the assistant version and above to see those two tools but if you are on the essential version you can't see those please do stick around because we've still got some other things to cover for you guys as well so just like the other tools if we just press f4 momentarily or just once it selects the main tool if we press it twice quickly then we bring up the fade tool and then if we press it three times quickly then we bring it one two three we bring up the sibilance balance tool so i'll just press it once for the main amplitude tool and then if we go to one of the notes and drag up and down on it then we can change the volume of it like so so we'll make that one really quiet which is going to sound really silly but we'll do it anyway because it's going to affect something which i'm going to show you later i'll make this one really loud okay so if we listen to that as i say it's going to sound pretty unnatural so you can hear that those notes are quite loud and quite quiet there i've changed the amplitude obviously you're often going to use a little bit more subtly than i have done there now the other thing that we can do is fade in and out of notes if we have the assistant version above so i'll press f4 twice quickly to bring up the fade tool and then we just have to drag say over the beginning of a note here to create a fade in that can be handy if you've got a two sharp an attack on a note for example and we can also do some fade out so i'll just grab the end of a note there and fade that out so that's the fade tool could come in handy as i say and then the other thing we have is the sibilance the sibilance balance tool so i'll press f4 three times and again this has to be in the assistant version and above and then we can actually just change um the relationship between the siblings and the notes so for example here i'll just drag over this sibilance which is i think a breath at the beginning of the word heart or that heart sound and if i drag around we can see that's moving up and down now isn't changing the balance between that but in other cases it will so for over here for this breath you'll see that it's changing the balance so here i'm making the sibilance quiet and the note itself is louder if i drag up the sibilance is loud and then the note is quiet or non-existent that will sound really odd let's have a listen it's got rid of you the word you got rid of the word take there so that controls the balance between the two or you can just as i say just adjust the volume of the sibilance there very handy indeed and you could use that instead of a de-essing tool if you like and you may find it a little bit more effective now the other thing that we can do in terms of volume is grab whole areas like say so we grab a bunch of notes here and then we can use this tool up here this is the note leveling macro so if we click on that it brings up this interface we've got two sliders which really speak for themselves make quiet notes louder or make loud notes quieter you can see them in action if i adjust this slider then those really quiet notes have become a bit louder and then if i adjust this slider the outstanding loud notes have become quieter now this is not something that i would recommend you always use to extremes to get everything in perfect balance because obviously the singer may definitely want some parts of their vocal piece to be a little bit louder than others but it can really help just as a quick tool just to level things out and make things a little bit more even okay a very helpful tool in actual fact so if you've got any questions at all please do ask in the comments down below thank you so much for joining me today in this video i hope you found it helpful now if you want to support this channel do check out my patreon link in the description down below for as little as one dollar per month you can help me help you by making more videos like this and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Creative Sauce
Views: 64,968
Rating: 4.9795752 out of 5
Keywords: How to use Melodyne 5, How to use Melodyne, melodyne 5, melodyne tutorial, melodyne 5 essential, melodyne tutorial 2020, Melodyne Tutorial - How To Use Melodyne FAST, melodyne before and after, melodyne autotune, melodyne essential, melodyne studio, melodyne studio tutorial, how to use melodyne, melodyne, vocal tuning, autotune, melodyne tips, melodyne tips and tricks, how to melodyne, melodyne in pro tools, tuning vocals in melodyne, vocals, creative sauce, harmony vocals
Id: Epzq_Xxih_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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