How To Physically Prepare For Basic Training

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what is going on guys and this is a very very important video now today I'm going to be talking to you guys about the physical aspect of basic training and how to actually prepare for it so I'll go a little bit into a little bit about base training but mostly this videos for all you guys who ask me about preparing for basic training physically and this is kind of a specialty area for me and it's not overly complicated but the big thing is you got to do this stuff if you want to make your life easier in the military so first off for alphabet I'm going to talk about a little bit of what you do physically at basic training and then have prepared doing like push-ups the sit-ups and the run because those are the real big things that you need to get ready for is doing the PT test fails as well as not being exhausted and dead with all the cardio and walking around stuff you're doing and then the frontline arrest that you got to be in all the time and all the push-ups and stuff you have to do to you know help you understand what you kind of should do in order to prepare for that so first off at basic training a big misconception that a lot of people have because a lot of people that are prior service that you know like to tell people stories about the military they always tell them the most hardcore thing like oh we got smoked for like six hours doing push-ups and blah blah blah we did like 5,000 push-ups that day and you know whatever the case may be if somebody's told you some story like that and they made it seem like that was like an everyday thing they lied they you know they were not entirely true with their story and it's really not like that throughout basic training you're going to have a handful like less than five really really difficult smokings where you're just like you feel like you're going to die other than that you do do a lot of push-ups you do run everywhere and those are the two real big things also planks so you run if I cover this before but if you don't know you run three days a week four and you do muscle failure two days a week and muscle failure basically is push-up sit ups and pull ups and then running days you do 36 days and 60 120 s which is run or sprint for 30 seconds as fast as you can and then walk for a minute as well as sprint for 60 seconds and walk for 2 minutes or 120 seconds so that's kind of the things you do for PT in addition to the preparation drill and the different conditioning drills and stuff like that so running I want to cover running real quick running at basic training is in my opinion the biggest thing if I had to tell somebody what they should focus on like upper bodies their core or running I would definitely say running because you run everywhere you walk everywhere and not just that you run and walk with gear on so let's say you go out right now and you do a little jog and you got your t-shirt on or since it's almost summertime you don't have a t-shirt on if you're a guy and if your girl hopefully you have a t-shirt on but yeah so you go running and you've got a t-shirt you know shorts and just regular old shoes on right and you're like well I just did a mile run that's really easy and then you go to you join the military and then you realize that you have to run with boots on a lot of times you have to run in your actual flow on AC or OCP uniform you got to run with a whole bunch of gear or with your Kevlar on and all that extra weight is like an extra 20 to 30 pounds really in a total sometimes you have to run so I mean that's not an everyday thing having to run a mile with 30 pounds but a lot of times you do have to run with the extra 15 to 20 pounds it's going to be on your body extra than what you would do just if you went outside and ran you know regularly on the civilian side so that's a big thing and what I recommend for getting ready for basic training is doing one of or two of these three things the third one's optional if you really want to be all hooah but the first thing is you need to get off your butt and go run right so if you leave a lot of you guys are leaving this month which you know good luck to you guys but if you are leaving this month or in the next couple months and you haven't ran in the past week two weeks like you're setting yourself up for failure here like you're just going to your I don't know what your mindset is a lot of people think that oh I don't need to work out now the basic train is going to get me in shape that's the totally wrong attitude you do not need to think like that you need to think I need to be in the best shape as I can going into basic training so that I can concentrate on other things besides oh my gosh my muscles are killing me because I don't even know how many people like their muscles were just dead after the first couple of days because they didn't exercise they didn't do push-ups they didn't do all this stuff before basic training and for me I did I'll talk about what I did before her in a little bit but I did a lot of stuff before basic training so I wasn't really that sore or as exhausted physically as these other people but getting into running so one of the things you need to do is some thirty Six's of your own so at whatever I don't know physical level you're at right now you need to get outside and you need to go run first thing you need to do is you need to do a two-mile assessment of yourself it doesn't matter if like yesterday was leg day for you and you're like oh my gosh you know I haven't I want to run my legs are sore or even if you're like oh I haven't ran in six months you need to go out there go to like your local high school or something or if you have a Fitbit just measure you know a two-mile run and go out there and just run two miles as best as you can and then also you need to look at what the minimum passing time is for your age group and your gender so male or female and most of you guys are probably going to be in me like 18 to 21 or 17 to 21 age bracket um I'll be 24 in a couple of days actually so I'm in the 22 - I think it's 27 age bracket so for example the Max's for me for the Mac to me for the run in 13 minutes which is same for the eight groups below me but above me it's little bit slower so you need to know what you need to do to pass and if you're like me and you want to know what you need to do to make a hundred or a 300 on the PT test you out there you do your two-mile run and you need to look at yourself and think you know am I in the kind of shapes that I should be in to go to basic training and if your runtime is above that 13 minutes then you need to do some running and preparing before basic training if you're running an 11 flat freaking to two-mile run odds are you already doing some running but I mean 11 minutes is ridiculously fast my fastest two-mile run is 1143 which is ridiculously fast but anyways so you need to see where you're at the next thing you need to do in addition to running the 2 mile assessment I guess every week you should do that you need to do your own 36 TS or I really recommend 60 120 s which is just sprinting for a minute and walking for two minutes when if you go to a high school track a quarter-mile track and let's say for me whenever I sprint for a minute it's around about 1 lakh right now if you do eight of these you're going to get about of a two mile run in and it'll take you know somewhere around 30 minutes to do so you need to do that and then if you really want to set yourself up for success you need to do what I do sometimes especially if I know like a ruck march or something is coming up or I got something real difficult coming up like I have in about a month now is I'll run with a weighted vest you can get these like on at Walmart you can get them online at Amazon or whatever but you get a weighted vest with 10 to 20 pounds and you put that on for me mine's a little bit wider on the side so I actually use a belt and I tie the belt around like my mid stomach area and I keep it tight so it's not bouncing up and down when I'm running but if you do that you will really really be helping yourself whenever you have to run with boots on and you have to run with all your gear on and stuff like that and you just you'll be more accustomed to running with an extra 10 to 15 to 20 pounds on your body than these other people that are just running you know with no weight whatsoever like just shorts on if you're a guy and you know shoes or whatever so that's one that's a couple things that you really need to do if you want to excel in the running aspect of base training now the other big thing is push-ups and that is you just kind of have to do now I do have a technique that I've used in order to easily max out the push-ups since the very beginning of basic training is there's three parts to it right so if you want to max out your push-ups you need to do what you need to 1 be fast so you can't be just doing slower push-ups you need to actually be doing fast push-ups you need to also once you get to the point of near failure muscle failure for your push-ups you need to be able to crank out those couple extra push-ups I may push you over to the edge so for me I got to get 75 push-ups on my PT test I normally get around 1990 plus I got a PT test coming up this weekend I'm hoping to reach a hundred push-ups in two minutes and so yeah so also in addition to that the push-ups that they're grading you on you have to have your head facing forward so now if your eyes are looking at the ground when you're doing push-ups they're not going to count that you have to be looking forward with your head up or your head looking forward and that is the only way that will count your push-ups I remember my first PT test at basic I did the first like six push-ups literally like first six push-ups real fast I was looking down the ground like how I used to normally do it and the drill sergeant was like 1 1 1 1 and then you say you know tell me what's my head if I had a 1/1 now what are you talking about and then you know what I did it so I got like I got like 76 push-ups on that but then he like didn't count like six of them so I got like something like 80 on my first PT test for push-ups so that's a big thing you got to do now the techniques that I use in order to really help myself with push-ups is number one I assess myself periodically every week every two weeks or whatever you do number one one thing I do is I do as many pushups as I possibly can in a minute and I time that and I keep track of it I also do as many pushups as I can in two minutes which is a PT test test for your push-ups and then the things I use to improve that which that person itself just by doing push-ups you're going to improve but to really focus on speed and cranking out the extra a couple push-ups you need to do this little I guess you call it circuit training exercise which is you do some Diamond push-ups you do Diamond push-ups which are like this so you got your hands together like this and you go down and touch your chest if you can't touch your chest go down as far as you can without collapsing and then go back up so do as many of those as you can and wait 30 seconds and then once you've waited 30 seconds of doing the main Diamond push-ups as you can you do Close Grip push ups so a little bit inside if you look at me a little bit inside of shoulder-width and you do as many pushups as you can with Close Grip push ups and then you want to go as I can't even really stretch my arms out but you want to go as wide as you can so you wanna do wide grip push-ups as made you can't after waiting the 30 seconds right so now once you finish that set those three sets of push-ups you want to wait a minute you want to rest for a minute and then you want to do it again right so then you want to do Diamond push-ups Close Grip push ups wide then you want to rest another minute and repeat the same thing so you're gonna do it three times you're going to do the sequence of three different variations of push-ups for three sets and that is going to extremely help you guys out if you've only got like two two weeks to prepare for a PT test if you do this every single day or every other day depending on you know what you're doing or what your skill level is that you're really going to help your PT score like just shoot through the roof I mean if you can do 50 pushups or 40 push-ups or 30 push-ups like you're going to increase it by 20 now for me whenever I'm at in the 90s range in order to break a hundred I've been you know kind of busting my butt recently for my next PT test trying to break a hundred push-ups and again these are actual push-ups I think I said before but I may not have but when you're at basic training and when you're the military you really need to lock out your pushup and you need to go all the way down they are very very strict at this especially at basic training especially if you get it a really strict a greater a lot of times my chest would be basically touching the ground and they would tell me to go lower and a lot of times I would one time I remember this happens periodically they say you know lock out your elbows one time I was literally told and I was sitting in the you know fronting recitation during the push-ups right and they told me to lock out my elbows they were I was like sitting there with them locked out and I was like they are locked out and they encountered so I mean it's it's really really ridiculous a basic training sometimes it's depending on the greater you get like it's just straight-up annoying whenever you're practicing you need to really focus on doing a full extension go up all the way and go down all the way when you're doing your push-ups so that your muscles are used to that type of push-up whenever you get there so you're not used to doing a certain type push-up maybe not extending all the way and then they tell you to do that in your muscles are just like what the heck is going on then you get like 10 to 15 less push-ups because then so that's one really good way to or a couple ways to increase your push-ups and how to prepare the next thing is sit-ups and abs your court right one big thing are there's two times you really use your abs at basic training one is the PT test when you do your two minutes the Zips the other is the countless front leaning rest positions that you're in and four I don't even know how long 10 20 30 minutes that you got to be in it where you get in trouble the drill sergeants put you in front ly restitution which is the upright position of a push-up and you they just talk and yell at you and you're just sitting there for I don't even know how long and you're freaking abs are tired and all this stuff so that happens every day if you're not in the fumbling rest position at least a couple times a day like you probably had the greatest day ever at base to Train so that is huge so something I really recommend for you guys if you're not doing it already is doing planks every single day in addition to your normal workout your normal other exercises the running and the push-ups and the sips you're going to do you need to do planks every single day I'm going to start out at a minute throughout 30 seconds whatever you're at start there and you know over time you need to increase that time and honestly instead of doing the planks on your elbows that a lot of people do where you're you're doing a plank but you're resting on your elbows since you guys are leaving or 99% you guys are watching this some of you guys are probably thinking about joining the military but 99% you guys are watching this are probably going to be leaving for basic training at least that's what I gather from the comments section and you really need to practice doing planks with your arms extended exactly how you're going to be doing it at base training I personally practice planks before I left like the normal length on your elbows and I really think it would help me a lot more to practice on my hands because it also works your shoulders and some other muscles that you weren't using whenever you're resting your elbows because it's a bone it's really not like but not a joint here having to hold yourself up so really really needle pokes on plates now the other aspect of abs is the sit-ups the big thing about sit-ups is a lot of people get tired in their hip flexors whenever they're doing sit-ups and then that really affects you during your run so let's say you do the PT test and you do your push-ups then you do your sit-ups and after you do your sit-ups you're like man my hips feel really really tight they're really tired because you're doing the ships you're using your legs a lot so number one you need to work on stretching out your hip flexors so they don't get too tight number two is you need to actually do sit-ups because that will help you out a lot because sit-ups I think is a horrible way to test core strength because remember one people's bodies are differently and I'm one that I fall into the category of my body does not like situps and I still do them and also max out on the PT test but I didn't originally except was the the reason I did not get a 300 on my PT score at basic for the first couple PT tests because I was at like 70 sit-ups I gotta do 80 sit-ups in two minutes and I didn't really do sit-ups before exit training because I thought all my core is really strong like I have a strong core I could I was very very close before basic training to do a human flag if you don't know what a human flag is look it up I got some other cool things that I can do which is like a human flag on a pull-up bar which I lift my feet straight up so I got a really strong core but my sit-up sucks because I never did it and my hip flexors were really tired my legs would get tired almost more so than my ABS would right you're doing sits why are my legs getting more tired than my abs some people use their ABS more and some people use their legs more but for me I think it's just because I never did them before that my legs were so tired now I don't my legs don't get tired when I do tips but anyways I don't want to ramble on like I tend to do sometimes but doing sit-ups in my opinion the real the best way to get good at sit-ups is to do sit-ups now you can work your obliques you can do different things you can do Mason twists and stuff like that but you really want to do things that are going to help with the meant of doing a sit-up so you want to work a little bit of your lower abs and you want to do crunches a lot of people like oh don't do crunches they're so bad for you that's so full of crap because sitting on a couch and doing nothing is worse for you than getting up and actually doing crunches Amos because I can talk about that first forever but anyways so you need to do sit-ups and you need to other ass workouts and stuff that will help with the sit-up now you can google down your own the videos already like 20 minutes long right now so I will spare y'all my rambling and talking about and personal trainer nest talking about you know different set up exercises but you need to do sit-ups that is very very key to improving your chips now also you need to do push-ups that is really key to doing push-ups and you need to run that is really key to being able to run well right so the one thing I haven't talked about are the two things I haven't talked about lift is how often you should do this and what I did to prepare for basic training like what I actually did this is my hind side like I've already gone to base training all that stuff and I'm helping you guys out with I'm trying my best to help you guys compare right so how often should you do this now first off you shouldn't if you haven't ran in six months or you having got up and gone out for a walk and six months or some like that which is people that have done better like that some of you right now are probably like that you have not gone outside and put on your running shoes in God knows how long so depending on where you start wherever that two-mile assessment is if you're in the 13 to 16 minute range I would recommend running three to four times a week to start if you're doing a 20-minute two mile or even longer than that some of you guys have been doing like 30-minute to miles like because you're you fall into that category probably of I have never ran in my entire life that's not bad but I mean you will improve when you go to base during those people that literally did run 30 minute two miles and they would improve and past and they did a 16-minute two mile at the end but depending on where you're at will kind of dictate how many times a week you work work out right and again if you're in that 20 minute range you probably should run two to three times a week because you are going to be sore and all that stuff now as far as push up some sips go both of those I'll put those together and planks everyday planks everyday push-ups and sit-ups I think you should do that a minimum a bare minimum of every other day right so you should do a couple hundred you should start by doing one to two hundred push-ups in a session and you need to shoot for two to three hundred push-ups for the entire day right so when I whenever I say three hundred push-ups for the day I'm not saying in one session of twenty minutes doing three hundred push-ups I'm saying it's throughout the day if you got spare time just drop and do 25 push-ups right drop the Newton push-ups do this periodically throughout the day keep track of it until you hit that goal that you have for yourself and you will see whenever you do your one-minute assessment of yourself when you do that two-minute assessment yourself but it will slowly be going up because you're doing this right so you need to be doing push-ups sit-ups at a minimum of every day I do them basically six days a week right six out of seven days a week I will do my number three for hundred push-ups sit-ups a day and on the rest day I might do like fifty right so just so I can keep my muscles going so that's that and I think I've covered everything except for what I did now what did I do before by strength to prepare now I told you guys my run time that they string I got an eleven forty three two mile which is about a five fifty ish one mile pace so I did the first mile probably at like five forty and then the second one probably did that like six minutes or something like that or 603 so that's my time and then my push-ups I think I basic I never got into the 90s but I think I got like 86 push-ups and then my situps I never I never hit the 80 mark which is my max and I got I think I actually got 78 yeah I think I got 78 so I got very very close and I contribute my failure to not getting 82 just not doing sips before I left for basic training now now I can max the push-ups and Max's situps the run is the thing that I have to work on now because since I'm out of the training environment and I'm not running as hard as I used to I really got to push myself to you know get out and run and really push yourself so I've been doing that my run time now is I'm shooting for probably getting around at 12:50 on my run this weekend for the PT test so my extended LPD score will probably be around 320 325 which is which is pretty good it's still not my up to my ambitions of what I want but that's me so what I did before base is trying to get to that level at basic training was number one I had a goal I didn't meet this goal every time but I had a goal of running four miles a day now how I would do that was not just one big four mile run I would do usually a two mile run just kind of a jog and then I was run before and after my actual gym workout one to two times or one mile or two miles that's kind of when I did I probably averaged a three mile a day before basic training but I had a goal of four push-ups and sit-ups or I'd sit-ups I didn't do my push-ups goal was about three to four hundred push-ups a day you probably not gonna be able do that wrap that you're probably going to start with 100 and do that in a session to do that for a couple of days and then you'll bump it up to 200 but I did about 3 to 400 usually 400 push-ups a day and I also did a lot of pull-ups every day so I did around 300 pull-ups today so I really really like pull-ups I love I just loved how it the issue you lifting up your whole body and it's just really cool and a lot of people can't do them so that's one of the reasons I like doing that and I can do muscle ups and all this other stuff so this video had gone on super super super super long and if any of you guys are sticking around and y'all have seen this please leave a comment down below like hey I stuck around to the end or something like that because number one this is a really important video a lot of you guys are honestly not fully prepared physically you're really not doing that much and also you don't know what to do exactly because you don't know exactly what's going to happen you don't know if push-up is the only thing you're going to do if you don't know you know what kind of running you should do to get ready hopefully I covered everything that you guys need in this video you know the running and the push-ups and sit-ups and the planks so that you guys will be prepared from every leaf for some of you whenever you leave in the next week in the next two weeks in the next month and for some even a little bit farther than that and you should consider yourself lucky because you have more time to prepare don't use that oh I leave in three months as I'll get ready in two months get ready now so that life is easier because if you are in shape a basic training life is just simply easier you're not exhausted you're not just straight-up dead the first day literally the first couple days people are dying and complained all my chest is so sore I'm just hurting my my feet hurt because they didn't run you know um my abs are killing me they're just all dead because they didn't properly prepare physically for basic training so take my advice don't take my advice that is what I think and that is my advice on how you guys should prepare for based training physically so I hope you guys enjoyed it please like comment subscribe again comment down below if you sucked in because I'm really curious if you did because this is a long video so anyways probably guys enjoy and I will see you guys later you [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 325,460
Rating: 4.9686356 out of 5
Keywords: Shootemup89, Army, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic like, What is basic Training like, What is AIT like, What is red phase like, What is white phase like, Blue phase, Red phase, White phase, Physical Fitness, Army PT, Army APFT, Prepare for Basic, Prepare for basic training, PRepare for BCT, Prepare for the Army, Army pushups, Army run, Army situps
Id: dw0phM7ULeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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