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guys guys are you excited are you jack I'm jacked reject I'm Jack what's going on everybody welcome back to another video it's your guys first time here make sure you subscribe I do like doing fishing videos I run the largest multi species guide service in northeast Kansas so today we're gonna be doing something just a little bit different something that I've not had the opportunity to do but I've actually been meaning to do for a really long time and that's do a top-to-bottom Garmin electronics tutorial that's a question that I get asked by clients a hundred times people that I have on the water people on Instagram YouTube Facebook they want some sort of tutorial on how to read their electronics how to dial in their electronics and the good thing is is that Garmin makes that super super easy and that's something that we're gonna cover from top to bottom today stick around we might do a little bit of fishing the wind is absolutely ripping from the north-northwest so I'm gonna be extremely limited as to what areas I can actually fish but the whole point of the video is gonna be dialing in your Garmin electronics so let's get out there we've got the dogs with us for moral support as you can see Phoebe a baby oh so let's get out there and learn you a thing or two about your Garmin electronics well just as I suspected with the north northwest wind this stupid North Shore that I really don't like fishing or being around at all is chock-full boats but in the interest of wind noise that's where we're gonna be scanning and that's where I'm gonna be explaining stuff today so hopefully we can make our way around this goatrope of boats on this community brush pile shore line honestly obviously like I said should have expected it with the way the winds blowing today but oh well so first I guess let's talk about the units that I'm actually running on my Alumacraft so I've got two Garmin echomap 93 SV pluses the plus just indicate that it's a touchscreen both of these units have down scan and side scan as well as all the built in maps that Garmin echo maps come with now in the back of the boat I'm running the GT 52 HW transducer and in the front I'm actually just using my motor guide built in 2d sonar in the front I don't want to have to run a separate transducer in the front of the boat for down scan or side scan because I never use it I only use 2d sonar on the front of the boat now my main purpose for having my console unit running just down scan in side scan is because this right here at the helm is where I do all of my scanning so I'm always scanning from the back down scan side scan it doesn't matter if I run over a brush pile I'm looking at my down scan now if I'm looking for new brush piles I'm obviously using my side scan looking for pods wipers white bass walleyes whatever I'm using side-scan so there's a couple things to keep in mind number one with your down scan inside scanner number two with your 2d sonar the first thing that not a lot of people think about is the kilohertz that they're running on their units now Garmin's are set up if you have a chirp unit to run for 55 and 800 kilohertz this has become a huge topic of discussion over the years whether it's been starting out with hummingbird or Lawrence or Garmin but should I run 455 or should I run 800 so I'm gonna try and break this down as easy as possible now for me honestly 90% of the time I'm using 455 kilohertz 455 kilohertz covers about 180 degrees the 800 kilohertz is more downwards focused and covers about 110 degrees so I'm talking 55 degrees to each side I use the 800 kilohertz to learn more about what I find and if I need more intricate detail so for example if I'm running side scan and I'm running 455 kilohertz which is what I run like I said about 85 to 90 percent of the time I'm covering more of an area from the left and the right side so I'm covering more area but I'm not getting as much detail so if I mark a new brush file to my left or to my right I want to mark that with 455 go back over that get closer to it with 800 kilohertz because like I said before I use 800 kilohertz to learn more about what I find and if I need more details about that school of fish that Rockpile that brush pile so on and so forth so hopefully that kind of helps you make the determination as far as what you need you need to be running on your Garmin unit so now that you guys kind of have a basic understanding of the difference between 800 kilohertz and 455 let's roll over a brush pile and see what they look like in both free now like I said in the beginning of the video 800 kilohertz is gonna provide you with a little bit more intricate detail about what you're actually looking at as we roll over this one you can see that that tree is super detailed you can see the fish dots the crappies inside of it but it is still just a little bit faint if that makes any sense now you can adjust your brightness and contrast to kind of prevent that but let's roll over that brush pile in 455 and I'll show you the difference so now as we're coming over this same exact brush pile of 455 kilohertz you can see that the details may not be as intricate but you're getting a much better return and a picture from that tree in those crappies inside of it now again you can adjust your brightness and contrast settings within 800 kilohertz to make it look kind of like that but I honestly like I said just prefer running for 55 when I'm looking around because it gives you a better coverage area even though it may not have as much detail okay so what do you guys think can you tell the difference between 800 kilohertz and 455 because I feel like when you look at them side-by-side there is a clear difference in the pictures that you're getting there depending on the frequency Phoebe wanted to come up and say hi but again like I said before you can dial in your 800 kilohertz settings with the brightness and contrast so that you're getting kind of the same picture because before 55 the picture is a lot brighter you're able to see the structure a lot brighter the fish a lot brighter whereas with the 800 you're getting more of an intricate detail but they're just a little bit more faint so that goes back to what I said before especially when I'm side scanning I'm wanting to side scan at 4:55 so I have a better coverage area and then when I see something of interest I go back over that point of interest with 800 and really dial in exactly what I'm seeing okay so now that we've got all that boring stuff out of the way let's talk about settings I tell this to people all the time I think they think that I'm lying to them but with Garmin it makes it so easy to just turn the unit on out of the box and start using it all of my settings on my graph are pretty much set on auto media and there may be a time or two where I'm adjusting the brightness and the contrast just depending on what I'm looking for but for the most part everything is Auto medium now this goes for down scan side scan as well as 2d sonar speaking of 2d sonar let's go to the front of the boat and talk about that so 2d sonar also known as traditional sonar is pretty much as basic as it comes now up front like I said at the beginning of the video I'm using my built-in motor guide xi5 transducer connected to my Garmin 93 SV echo map and the front just because I only use 2d sonar on the front I have no need to use down scan in the front of the boat because like I said before you're down scan on your side scan pictures are not gonna look like anything unless you're going at least 1 to 3 miles an hour now as you can see here in the bottom corner you can see that it is running the motor guide transducer 200 kilohertz 200 kilohertz means that that is exactly what motor God supports motor guide does not support any other frequencies besides 200 kilohertz and 77 you want your set at 200 because you get a really small cone which allows you to video game fish like I do in the front of the boat when I'm crappie fishing but again just to show you all of these settings are set to auto medium which we go to traditional sonar menu the gain is set to auto medium the range is set to auto medium the frequency is at 200 kilohertz there's no zoom so on and so forth so again Garmin just makes it so easy to buy the unit take it out of the box and start using it right away without dialing in any settings [Music] just like I was saying before guys I am videogame fishing with 2-d sonar those two lines right there are my jigs bouncing up and down because I'm keeping those jigs within the 200 kilohertz transducer cone so when I'm brush pile fishing and I'm dropping my jigs down I can see exactly where I need to stop it so I don't sink him right into the brush pile again yep Tucker's getting his fish licks in I totally did not plan on catching any fish today but that little guy just happened to bite it's like I tell all my customers when I'm teaching them how to do this if you get your jigs to the left or to the right of the trolling motor in that transducer cone and then drop them down you're gonna be able to see both of those jigs going down on the screen just like they are on the right side of the screen right there dropped it right in front of a fish hopefully might get bit instantaneously but that's gonna dictate your success getting in the strike zone and staying in the strike zone instead of sinking your jig or your jigs right into the brush pile and getting hung up okay so hopefully that helps you guys out in trying to read your down scan or your 2d sonar there's really not a lot to it to be honest like I said I run a lot of my settings in Auto medium but the couple things that you want to look for are your frequencies that you're running 800 or 455 and also making sure that you're actually moving when you're looking at your graph because you're not gonna get the same picture when you're not moving versus when you're actually in motion now let's try and duck out of this wind a little bit more because it's getting really obnoxious this at this point and talk about side-scan alright so now we finally kind of ducked out of the wind it's just getting so so annoying and there's so many guys in the areas that I want to scan so we're just gonna stick back here in the marina Cove and talk a little bit about everybody's favorite topic which is side scan so if you guys aren't familiar with side scan you're essentially scanning however many feet to the left of your boat and however new feed you want to the now this allows you to cover a lot more water way more efficiently than if you were just scanning with down imaging or 2d sonar right below the boat now the biggest issue that most people have with side-scan is actually trying to figure out what they're looking at and how they're supposed to read it so essentially it almost looks like a flashlight picture from the left or the right that's probably the worst possible way that I could explain it but that's literally almost what it is so you're looking for shadows brush piles bridge pilings fish anything like that that you're gonna see under Graff is gonna read a shadow on the opposite side of it that especially rains true when you're actually looking for schools of fish or pods of fish on the bottom those fish are obviously gonna have a shadow because it's shining down and to the side and like I said before this is especially beneficial when you're looking for new structure when you're scanning for pods of fish rock piles roadbed so on and so forth doesn't matter it really helps when you can scan you know fifty to a hundred feet to either side of the boat to try and narrow that zone down so let's side scan a couple things that I'll kind of show you guys what I'm talking about okay so now on this first image that we're gonna look at here I'm just slowly rolling across a point here in the marina Cove and I can see on the left and the right side a brush pile that looks like a perfect Christmas tree so when you see them both on the left side and the right side that means that you are pretty close you can see that this one is about thirty to forty feet but we pretty much just split that right down the middle so now what I can do with that touchscreen is put my finger on the screen to create a cursor drag that cursor over to the brush pile hit new Waypoint and now I've just created a waypoint for that tree that I marked off the left side of my boat so now what you can do is now that that waypoints on your map is just drive right back over that and look at it a little bit more detailed to see if there's any fish on it so for the second image that we're gonna look at here we're just rolling across another rock point here you guys can clearly see those rocks off to the left side and more of a mud or silt Bank off to the right so it kind of got like a little rock pile off this point now as we make a turn here we're just coming across some wave breaks and then almost clear as day you guys can see those wave break cables that they've got tied down and if we move just a little bit more here you guys can see that concrete block on the bottom for which those cables are tied to off to the left alright guys that's just gonna kind of wrap it up for us today I'm so sick of fighting the wind it's pretty chilly out here and there's quite a few boats in the areas that I want to be in but hopefully hopefully I did an okay job of explaining the differences between the little nuances of down scan side scan and 2d sonar so let's real quick over a couple things to kind of recap what we've learned today so again 800 hit kilohertz versus 455 kilohertz I primarily run 455 because I want to get the most coverage area possible and then once I see something that I want to see her a point of interest I can dial my stuff back in go back to that point of interest with 800 kilohertz and really look at the intricate details at that point of interest with side-scan the same thing applies for 55 versus 800 you're gonna get way more of a coverage area between 70 to 150 feet versus if you're running 800 kilohertz now as far as brightness and contrast goes I didn't really delve too much into that just because it's all personal preference brightness and contrast is pretty much self-explanatory you guys on your units can raise the brightness or lower the contrast and just kind of get that picture that you're looking for it's all personal preference and it depends on what you're actually looking for and a couple tips to think about just remember with these echomap plus units and even ones that aren't plus units for non-touchscreen units use your cursor when you mark a waypoint to put your cursor directly on that point of interest whether it's a fish a pot a fish a rock pile a brush pile put your cursor right on that point of interest and then hit new Waypoint do not roll over something that you see as a point of interest in hit new Waypoint because by the time you've blown over that it's probably six or eight feet off [Music] so it's always best to use your cursor to get that right on whatever you're finding and then drop a waypoint also something else that I didn't really delve too much into is color palettes for the Garmin's I like running the blue four down scan I also like running the green but for side scan I really really like that amber color that allows me to see a lot of the stuff that I'm actually looking for whether it's structure or whether it's fish but I really like that amber color that it comes with straight out of the box so that's pretty much it like I said before I really hope that this helps you guys kind of dial in your Garmin's or your hummingbirds or your Lawrence's if you're having trouble interpreting or if you're having trouble figuring out what exactly you need to do to get the best picture that's the best pieces of advice that I can offer always make sure that when you're scanning that you're actually in motion I have a lot of people tell me that their images on their garments look nothing like they do on mine and when I ask those people if they're actually moving when they're looking at those images the majority of those people say that they're not so make sure that your crews in between one and three miles an hour to get the best pictures possible out of your units and that's it I'm gonna get these cold ass dogs home I'm gonna get my cold ass self home I've got a radio interview with Midwest outdoors on eight ten first thing tomorrow morning at 6:30 rolling right into a guide trip tomorrow morning as well as Sunday morning so I'm gonna go home get all the rods ready get the boat cleaned out have some dinner have a bourbon edit this video let me know if you really like these tips videos I feel like I'm a lot better at giving tips on the fly when I'm with customers in the boat versus when I'm actually in the boat trying to film it so if you guys are into this let me know in the comments below and I'll catch you guys on the next video thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Kansas Angling Experience
Views: 321,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insane, Bass Fishing, fishing, vlog, milliken fishing, googan squad, bass, how to catch bass, giant fish on film, bass fishing tips, spring bass fishing, beginner fishing tips, bank fishing tips, Jon B, Flair, LunkersTv, LakeForkGuy, Peric, Bank fishing, how to catch fish, Frog fishing, bank fishing, worm fishing, summer fishing, smallmouth bass, kansas crappie, winter crappie fishing, garmin, garmin marine, garmin echomap, humminbird, lowrance, tips, fishing electronics
Id: c33Bk0WPjw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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