How to Update a Garmin Echomap with your PHONE, WIFI & ActiveCaptain App!

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hey what's up everybody welcome to another episode of dan richard fishing today we are back in the office and we're working on our echo maps as promised as i mentioned many times in other comments on other videos i promised you guys that i would show you how to upgrade these via wi-fi so wireless upgrades using nothing more than your phone or other mobile device running ios or android so stick around and i'm going to show you how to do this a to z now of course before we get started guys all i ask in return for these videos is just to take two seconds two nano and just go ahead and hit that like button for me and help me grow the channel i really really appreciate all the support you guys have been giving me i like the channel growth has been awesome so please it really really helps just take a second to hit that like button and of course don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy this kind of content if you like these diy videos or the fishing or any kind of customization for your boat just make sure you hit the subscribe button as well as the bell notification that way you'll know every time i've got an update all right so now let's talk a little bit about what we want to consider when we're doing this okay the first thing i want you to bear in mind is this only works for the ultra plus and uhd series okay so any echo map that has a touch screen on it so unfortunately you guys with the chirp or with the generation one echo map you still need to use the old-fashioned version the old-fashioned method which is taking the sd card plugging it into your computer putting the updates and then plugging it into your unit now i've already done a video about that so you can see in the description below i'll put a link to that method alright and bear in mind that that that update method works for all echo maps even these newer ones um it's just a different way of doing it okay so it works for everything but you have to use that method for the older units anything that's not a touch screen the other thing to consider is that when we update via the active captain app on our phone we're going to be bypassing the little trick that i've mentioned in the updating your maps video which you can also check out that's also in the description below where you basically get some free maps years away from when you bought it so like we've talked about in the past in that other video when you first register your unit you're granted one year of free map updates right so it's based on the date that you register your unit not when you buy it so if you were to buy it now and then in three years register it well for those three years later that's when you'll get your one free year whereas if you use the active captain app you will need to register your unit immediately so your one year of free upgrades or free updates will kick in right away so bear that in mind you will not be able to use that one two three four year trick where you can stretch it out because it forces you to register right away okay so bear that in mind with this method that i'm going to show you you do lose that ability to push your activation date out as far as you want okay so with all that said we're ready to go the first thing we're going to do is we're going to enable wi-fi on here okay so now when you enable wi-fi on this it's not the same thing as connecting your wi-fi to your to your phone or to your tv or to your computer we're not connecting to the wi-fi of your house we're actually going to set up a wi-fi point with this so this kind of becomes a wi-fi router that just doesn't have internet connectivity and then we connect our wireless device to this okay so let me show you how to do it we're gonna go hook this up get it onto the battery that i have here in my workstation and uh we'll get started so first set is turning on the unit now i'm just gonna show you guys which version of software i have all right so you can see we're running 10.10 so let's go back we're going to go into the settings we're going to go to communications we're going to go to wireless devices wi-fi and we're going to turn the wi-fi on okay it's going to ask us if we want to we're going to click on and then this is the first time we do it so we need to configure so we're going to hit ok and we're going to give it a name okay so we're going to give i'm going to call it dan fishing so that's the name of my wi-fi network okay click next then it's gonna ask us for a password so password we're gonna do the same thing not very secure okay done and now it's gone ahead and enabled wi-fi after that what we're going to do is we're going to hit home and then we're going to go into activecaptain now one thing i want to mention is that activecaptain does still require an sd card so it's important that you've got an sd card inside the unit it's not sd card free so the basically the active captain app will be putting in information to and from the card in order to communicate with the unit okay so we're an active captain so now we're gonna go ahead and install the active captain app on the phone okay guys so i've got my phone out and i'm gonna go ahead and load the play store so of course uh on a google device android you've got the play store ios you've got the apple store so let's go ahead in my phone i'm going to show you guys how this works so we're going to go to the play store and then we're going to search for garmin active captain there it is it's being suggested at the top and there it is we're gonna go ahead and hit install and we're gonna go ahead and just let this download all right now it's installing all right it's done let's go ahead and hit open i agree i agree and hit next now if you don't have a account with garmin at this point you need to click on the create one now i've already got one i've already had my units registered because i've already downloaded my maps so i'm going to go ahead and input my account so again if you don't go through the steps of creating one first and then once you've got your info hit next and here we go it's loading it up um you can take the tour if you want i'm going to go ahead and skip it so we're going to go to my marine devices and it should pull up my devices there you go so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to connect to we're going to go back and hit connect to garmin wi-fi and i'm going to go i'm going to allow it while using this app and we're going to go ahead and let's i'm gonna go ahead and select the garmin one there we go we're gonna put in our password connect and it's asking me my permission i say okay and then the unit behind me should beep there you go you just heard it beep so let me show you what's going on over here on the screen so you can see here on the screen it's saying new active captain user was detected so this is my attempt to connect are you the owner i'm going to say yes it's going to check all my details and then you go ahead and hit done and it'll say new active captain user was added so we're good to go hit ok and we can skip this and now it goes back to here now let's check out what's going on on the phone so here you can see on the phone we now have a red dot on the my marine devices so we're going to click that it's saying that there are software updates available so it's saying disconnect from dan richard phishing to download software updates to your mobile device so let's go ahead and disconnect so i'm going to swipe down i'm going to change back to my home network which is this one phishing mecca all right let's go back so now we're going to go back here and now you can see it automatically says download so i'm going to click download so we'll give this a little bit of time we'll let it download and while this is downloading we can see here on the screen it currently shows activecaptain this is community i believe it's community information it's got an error this is disabled this isn't working this is this is because we haven't synchronized yet so the first time we synchronize with the activecaptain app on the phone this will all be updated with information so right now we're still downloading our software update it's 60 complete we'll just let it cook for the rest okay and we're done so now it says software updates are ready for transfer so we're going to hit go ahead and click on connect we're going to change the wi-fi network we're going to switch back to dan fishing which is the unit i'm going to reinput our password oh it's already saved so we'll go ahead and hit connect yes indeed and i just ignored that message it's just a default with my phone we're gonna hit continue perfect all right we're good so now you see it's saying create active captain memory card so this is why you need the sd card so we'll hit continue and that's it it's done click done then we'll go back so what we'll do is now i'll just go ahead and put this card back in let's see if it detects it there we go we got it and then we're going to do create active captain memory card do we want to format card we don't need to but you can do it if you want that's fine all right creating active card all right now we've got the card you can see the difference here is it's got the use space and free available space now what you'll notice right here and on the phone it's now showing activecaptain uh community data is transferring six percent so that means it's now enabled and you can see it's now working on the phone now just so i don't sound like a crazy person sometimes it works with the card already in and sometimes you need to pop it out and pop it back in like i just did so you saw popping it out putting it back in worked [Music] now it's actually going to go through several cycles it's going to do this first then it's going to do validating and then it's going to transfer over the updates and validate the updates so we'll speed through that so we don't have to sit here but it does take quite a while maybe 20 30 minutes to complete the entire cycle so you can see at this point during the validation the synchronize icon is gone but you can click on sync with plotter and it'll actually now show you the details so you can see the validation percentages there and the transfer for software updates is still pending [Music] all right and now it's starting the software update by the way guys while we're running the update behind me here it's important to note that the card that you want to use you want to use an sd card it doesn't have to be the best uh the fastest speed like you like for 4k recording so just a cheap card will do but no bigger than 32 gig so it needs to be between 4 gig which i don't even know if you can buy something that's small anymore and no more than 32 gig if it's bigger than 32 gig the echo map won't even be able to read it okay so just bear that in mind make sure you get the right kind of card you can also get a card reader if you want for on your computer i'll put a link in the description below to exactly the card reader i use in fact this is it right here this is the anchor card that i use card reader super convenient it allows you to run micro sd cards or full sd cards it's fantastic okay let's get back to watching our update going on okay we're now at 40 transferred so we'll just continue to let that cook by the way you'll notice that as this downloads on the phone under charts it says new charts available for download that doesn't necessarily mean that it's new free charts or new updates that could just be upgrades to your current charts that you have to pay for some of them are 85 100 okay so you can click on that after we're done and check and it'll show you which ones that you need you just need to go back to your map options which i'll show you at the end of the video [Music] okay we are just about done the initial transfer and then it'll do a validation just that transfer time took about 20 minutes maybe even 30. it took a while [Music] okay software validation is just about done all right let's go ahead and take a look review so update's ready install now the update could take a long time well we've already invested a considerable amount of time might as well go all the way all right you can see here it's upgrading to 13.30 okay that's done so it's going to go ahead and reset the unit and it'll run the last part of the upgrade all right we're doing one more scan for updates now what i noticed when it does this kind of update usually it says zero percent and then it'll suddenly jump to 100 just like it did now uh don't worry about it if it seems stuck at zero just let it sit there for five minutes and then all of a sudden it'll hop to this so we're good let's hit okay better restart and now you can see it's saying 13.3 right there okay we'll hit agree let's go to settings system system information software and we are now running 13.3 and you're done okay if we go back to our phone screen here we can see it's kind of timed out nothing's really happening so you can go back and hit connect to garmin wi-fi select the correct unit again get our saved password there we go connect and that's reconnected and you can see all of a sudden on the screen everything has gone green and we'll go here it'll auto sync it'll check there so let's see no updates no so let's see how it says no active captain memory card detected again it's just a timing thing the app is just a little wonky i don't know why it's like that often times i'll see it say no active memory card and then if i wait a little bit all of a sudden it starts working so don't go too crazy with this the thing that's kind of frustrating is that there's no way to really force it to refresh which is weird and that's why i feel like the app is not very intuitive you never really know what it's doing there's no prompts it doesn't let you refresh it definitely needs a little bit of work but we have upgraded sometimes all you need to do is restart it so i mean we can just restart the app just like this connect we'll set it to reconnected startup connect connect okay that's good and now you see we reset and now all of a sudden it starts working it's very strange it's just it's not the greatest app in the world but you can see it did work so now let me show you the bit about the chart so you can see here it's telling you we've got new charts available for download so what we'll do is we're going to hit back and we're going to hit chart at the bottom then you're going to hit the hamburger menu that's here and you're going to go to download charts and we'll allow yes and here you can see that we've got the two maps that i have available on my unit i've got u.s lakeview and i've got canada lakeview these are the latest ones it's saying not downloaded that's because i haven't downloaded them with my app so they're not on my phone but you can see if i want to upgrade i can update them but it's 85 each okay so at this point obviously i'm not going to do that so there are no free updates if there was a free update it would say update available and it would be zero dollars okay so that's how that works so nothing too complicated there uh and that's pretty much it now if you do want to actually download your map click on the one you want so it says not downloaded so let's do canada lake view detail i'm going to click on i'm going to click on the little icon of the mountains so you can see i don't have any of these maps downloaded yet so what you can do is we'll just go in here and we're going to switch to my home wi-fi you don't want to download maps using your regular wi-fi using your data on your phone because it'll cost you a fortune in data you're going to eat up your data pretty quick so let's go ahead and download the montreal area so you can see this is downloading now [Music] okay guys so you saw right at the end there i was showing you how you can download maps and check the upgrades on the maps now you can do it that way but after the experimentation i've done with it it's extremely brutally slow so i highly recommend you use the old method of downloading maps from your computer putting them on the sd card and just keeping that sd card in your unit at all times to run your supplemental upgraded maps okay so check out link in the description below as always there's gonna be the video on how to go ahead and download those updated maps okay and how to use them all right guys that's it for today thank you so much for watching i hope this was helpful i hope you enjoyed this video as always you can use the comments below to give me send me any questions or any comments any feedback whatever you got i'm there to help you guys out i always try and respond as quickly as possible and of course if you found it helpful make sure you hit that like button help me out help me grow the channel i really appreciate all your support i'm actually looking very forward to the next big milestone which is 5 000 subscribers because when i hit 5 000 subscribers i'm going to be doing a 30 day giveaway i've already got it all planned out i'm super excited i figure we can do it in a little while we're at about 3 500 now but it's growing very very quick so guys please make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell notification so you always know when i get my next update and that's pretty much it guys thank you so much i really appreciate it i will see you guys on the next video [Music] pisces [Music] you
Channel: Dan Richard Fishing
Views: 155,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to update your Garmin Echomap with your phone, How to update Garmin Echomap with WIFI, How to update Garmin Echomap with ActiveCaptain App, How to update Garmin Echomap UHD, Update Garmin Echomap Plus, Update Garmin Echomap Ultra, How to update Garmin Echomap Maps, update garmin 93sv, software update, garmin panoptix livescope, 93SV UHD, 95SV UHD, 93SV Plus, 94SV UHD, ActiveCaptain App, Homeport, Garmin Express, 73sv uhd, wireless Echomap update, Echomaps, Garmin, how to
Id: qYa5TOkGbls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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