How to Pass Your Driving Exam

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[Music] so first thing in a very important one if you do the exam with your own car make sure you park it backing up at the beginning of the exam where your stress level is at its peak you want to exit the parking spot moving forward not backwards so something important also is that even if you're in a parking lot you still have to do your stops completely and also keep to the right it's like if you're moving in a two-way street imagine a yellow line separating the street and keep to the right so now we're exiting the parking lot and one thing that's very important it's to turn into the first lane if it's available meaning if there are no parked cars or any other obstacles in it then unless you have to turn don't stay in one of the extremity lanes either right or left so when you have the chance change to one of the middle lanes usually the right lane will be blocked by either parked cars or buses and the left lane is for people who want to go faster and you don't want to go over the speed limit especially during your exam now be careful when changing lanes you can't change lanes over a solid line or in an intersection most of the time there will be a solid line measuring about 30 feet before an intersection also be careful with yellow lights the question to ask yourself when approaching a yellow light is not do I have the time to pass it but instead do I have the time to stop it so if you do have the time to stop you have to stop how do you know if you have the time to stop if you're too close to the intersection when the light turns yellow and stopping could create a collision with the car behind you or you could stop in the middle of the intersection pass it if not stop here we're approaching it downhill so it's important that you control your speed so going down here let go of the gas if you're already close to the speed limit you can even break if necessary and going up here accelerate a bit more if you have to another common mistake with new drivers is that they wait too long to change lanes before turning in this case we're turning right at the second light so I look far to see if there are any cars parked in the right lane in this case there are and there are also no cars coming in the right lane so I change lanes right in other words be opportunistic changelings whenever it's the easiest if you wait too long you might not be able to change lanes at the last second so I put my flasher about five seconds before the turn and before turning I checked my blind spot in this case to the right so always check your blind spots before turning or changing lanes to the side where you want to turn here you have an example of a two lane street with no visible lines but you still have to turn into the first lane here we're coming to a stop where there is no Street to the left but we still have to look to the left there could be some pedestrians or bicycles so at every stop without exception look left right left and go according to priority now here I'm coming to a stop which is just for me meaning there is no stop in the perpendicular acts so in this case I have to stop a bit before the white line and this is extremely important since I can't see far enough to the right because of that grass mount I have to advance slowly until I see far enough since the vehicles coming on the other acts don't have a stop this is very very important you always have to do that when you go after stopping at a stop that's just for you something that happens a lot in residential zones is people playing in the middle of the street so go slowly and keep your foot over the brake just in case now we're approaching a turn that is a bit sharper than ninety degrees so the most common mistake people do here is that they vary too late meaning they braking the turn itself you should break in the straight line before the turn and not in the turn itself the reason why people tend to brake too late is because they don't look far enough into the turn they tend to look straight in front so when you're turning look at where you want to go look far into the turn itself here I'm approaching a bicycle path so doing the blind spot to the right before turning becomes very important now here at the end of the street I'm turning right so I have to change lanes to the right after the parked cars now it doesn't mean that because there are parked cars I don't have to check my mirrors and blind spot before changing lanes I do have to check them that could be a bicycle pedestrian or someone in the park car in front that's about to leave when I change lanes be it a lane change in a bowl of art or after park cars it's still a lane change so always check the mirrors and blind spots before here we're coming to another stop and another tip sometimes you don't see the stop sign because it's hidden look at the white line on the ground that's the stopping line therefore it means we have a stop here we're coming to a panel yellow in the shape of a diamond which means be careful of something that's coming and in this case it's a street that narrows to one lane so the mistake most people do here is that they see the street narrowing at the last second and they just jerk the car to the left without checking anything so make sure that if you come to a situation like this one check the mirrors and blind spot before changing lanes and not only do it if you can do it safely here we're approaching something we don't see often a crossing for both cyclists and pedestrians so if there's any of those two stop and let them cross the street here we were approaching a part indicated by this yellow panel here so be careful because this is a park especially for kids go slowly and again keep your foot over the brake in case the kid comes running out of the park now here we're coming to a stop that's hidden by a snow shed so we'll tend to only see it at the last second so trick for this is whenever you're approaching an intersection and something is blocking the view on your side look to the other side if there's a stop for us there will also be a panel on the other side and you'll see it from the back check out this video for some more tips like this one here we're approaching a turn where we tend to not see the speed limit panel because it's in the turn what gives us a hint about the speed limit in this case it's that we see a part for kids so most of the time the speed will be limited to 30 kilometers an hour now I'm approaching another stop that's just for me and I don't see far enough to the right because of a bush blocking my view so again here I do my stop at the line then I have to advance slowly until I see far enough to the right I look left right and if there's nobody coming I can go and here I'm coming to an intersection where a lot of people tend to do the same mistake even experienced drivers the thing is we have a stop and the vehicles coming from the other acts don't and since it's a Boulevard with a lot of traffic will be looking left for a while so the mistake most people do here is that when the vehicle from the left is about to pass they start moving but while still looking to the left the thing is after looking to the left for 30 40 seconds or more there could be a pedestrian that is now in front of your car on the right and if you don't look to the right before moving you'll hit him or her so be very careful with that when you've been looking to one side for a while don't move until you've swept your field of vision to the other side here I've turned into the second lane because the first one is reserved for buses and taxis today there are parked cars in because it's the weekend but during the week there aren't lanes with double lines and elevated panels like this one are reserved for buses taxis and sometimes carpooling outside of the island of Montreal you have the right to turn right at the red light at some intersections but you don't have to it's not an obligation it's an option if you do it you have to stop completely give priority to the vehicles coming from the left if there are any and also sometimes there could be vehicles in front of us on the same axis turning to the left so you have to be careful with that to something else that creates some confusion is which one of the lights is the one that concerns us in this case the two lights on the right side are for the vehicles that go straight or turn right the light to the extreme left is for the left lane only it's only for turning left and so in this case it's the one that concerns us because we're turning left so here besides a beautiful sunset we have a yield panel on all right so when approaching a yield like this you look to your left and if there's nobody coming in your lane you can go if there's someone you have to stop important to go into the first Lane and when you go into a yield you flash to the left not to the right okay so now we're coming back we're almost done again be careful of stopping completely a stop signs even if it's in the parking lot and drive on the right side so now we'll finish by doing a parking and it could be from the front or backing up depending on where you pass your exam you can check my parking videos here one thing to be careful of is when you backup make sure you don't hit what's behind you even the slightest so if you think you're too close stop there I hope you like this video thanks for watching and good luck [Music]
Channel: Conduite Facile
Views: 3,380,006
Rating: 4.9113345 out of 5
Keywords: getting, ready, for, your, driving, exam, test, saaq, laval, henri, bourassa, langelier, dorval, driver, license, pass, course, tutorial, quebec, canada, succeed, how to pass your driving exam, how to pas your driving test, tips, driving test, driving exam, driving exam canada, driving exam tips, driving exam road test example, driving exam montreal
Id: VGtgFWSghRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2013
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