How to overcome the fear of driving

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first things first fear is mostly an imaginary thing even though you may feel it physically in the form of sweating heart palpitations trembling and so on a lot of times those things that you wish your time being afraid of will never happen like with everything else in life if you want to get better at something you need to do it often practice makes perfect as they say so obviously the most important thing you should do is to do the things that scare you as often as you can you should see them as practice opportunities but the key word here is gradually with that in mind let me introduce you to the fear ladder and what is the fear ladder it's that you start doing the things that scare you the less and then move on to the ones that scare you the most for example if what scares you the most is laying changes then driving next to trucks then highways start with lane changes and move on to the other topics after you're comfortable with that you can also use the fear ladder within a topic itself what I mean is divide each fear goal into smaller objectives for example when you first start practicing your lane changes practice them on mostly empty streets but when you become better at it go do it on some moderately busy streets then on a busy street at rush hour let's say then you move on to go to drugs drive on normal streets where there are fewer trucks at first remember to keep more distance behind drugs the distance of a car between you and them at least even when stopped but don't be too far so that you can't read what's written on the back door it's important in this case you know then go drive in an industrial zone where there are trucks everywhere then practice overtaking them making sure that you don't stay in their blind spots for too long because they can't see you there so overtake them as quickly as possible while respecting speed limits once you feel confident with that tackle go three I always start at times when the highway is quiet then go drive at busier times also at the beginning stay on the same lane for a while then start changing lanes more often in easier conditions and then when it's harder then enter and exit first at quiet times then the busier times staying on the highway is relatively easy the hardest part is entering and exiting basically go drive where it scares you to drive and increase the difficulty factor gradually other things that new drivers are usually scared of when starting to drive our cyclists pedestrians commercial streets where you'll often see a lot of the aforementioned users as well as a lot of vehicles emergency vehicles driving downtown driving at rush hour in tunnels on bridges driving bigger vehicles or vehicles with the manual transmission driving a night under heavy rain in the snow you get the point go drive in those situations as possible and whenever possible then why not mix some of your fears if you're scared of driving in the rain of rush-hour and of highways why not go driving on the highway at rush hour on a rainy day the anterior of our fears will only happen by doing the things that scare us that's called exposure in psychology if you always practice in the same environments for example residential areas you'll have the impression that that's the only place where you can drive practicing and quiet zones is obviously a good strategy when you start and it's also usually easy but eventually you'll have to move on to busy streets driving in stressful zones does hurt at first just like your legs will hurt after your first jogging runs but after a while if you run regularly they won't hurt anymore so you've noticed a pattern here don't stay too long in your comfort zone if you never get out of it it'll become a lot harder to improve and you don't need to do long sessions at the beginning but try doing it for 20 minutes procession at least the anxiety fades away after a while remember those oral presentations we all dread it in school we're in the first minutes the worst ones then the fear slowly faded away also try to do these 20 minutes practices a few times per week for it to be effective another thing that's useful is to visualize it works athletes use it business people use it artists use it you're already conditioning your brain imagine yourself driving in situations that scare you but feeling calm confident enjoying it then the only thing left to do is to do it for real that's it adding the procedural learning part to the equation of course deep and steady breathing is still one of the best time-tested methods of relaxing so you can use that too especially before your exam and another thing I've experienced with some of my students is that terrified of driving after they had an accident and not only if they were the driver when the accident happened but sometimes also if they were the passenger they become scared and let a lot of time pass before they drive again or even get in the car again don't if you do you're letting those fears grow and last but not least don't be afraid to fail success is the result from the series of ups and downs of learning from multiple failures those people that you admire that has succeeded at anything they're the ones who have fail more often except they kept on going it's that simple as the Japanese proverb says if you fall seven times get up eight times so here's an invitation to face your fears gradually I know fears are strong but so are you big thanks to my psychologist sister for giving me a few tips for this video so be confident be safe have fun see you next time [Music]
Channel: Conduite Facile
Views: 514,736
Rating: 4.976779 out of 5
Keywords: how to beat anxiety of driving, how to beat fear of driving, how to overcome fear of driving, overcoming fear of driving, conduite facile, fear driving, stress driving, anxiety driving, driver’s license, driving tutorials, driving lessons, tutorials, lessons, driving advice, advice, driving tips, tips, Driving exam, driving test, how to pass your driving test, how to pass your driving exam, how to pass, preparation for the driving exam, how to overcome the fear of driving a car
Id: vLMgBWlfqYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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