HOW TO PASS FCE SPEAKING Part 4! - B2 First (FCE) Speaking Exam

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oh my god we're doing part four this is so exciting oh yay oh yay i'm so happy so you've survived part one and part two and part three well done but there is a part four oh no my name is toby i am a cambridge speaking examiner this is smash english and here is everything you need to know about part four of the b21st speaking exam [Music] part four of the b21st speaking exam is four minutes long if you have one partner or six minutes long if you have two partners the structure is simple the examiner will ask you questions and you must respond to them yeah that that's it yeah yeah all right then so ask me some questions no ask me the questions i want to go first all right then ask her some questions i want to go home can we hurry up please how important is money when choosing a job um oh my god you are so gross i'll go first okay go go yes okay um it's very important what she said yeah yeah don't do that the questions in part four will be related to the topic you discussed with your partner in part three they will be open questions so please give reasons for all of your answers if you do not explain your reasons then the examiner will ask you a very annoying question why um yeah because money allows us to live a good life like money can buy me bags and shoes and sushi without money i would be so depressed and that would be awful what was bruce doing here nothing nothing bruce was doing who are the questions for in part four well the interlocutor the person speaking did not say anyone's name so who speaks you both speak part four is not the same as part one in part one the interlocutor asks you simple basic questions about familiar topics in part one you talk alone about yourself my favorite topic me part four is more general it allows you to communicate with your partner about more general and complicated topics yes with your partner so please please please please when you start part four turn your chairs inwards so that you are facing your partner you love your partner you want to talk to your partner because wow your partner is so interesting yes yes okay monika have you shaven your beard recently because it is looking very beautiful today oh my god rose that is so rude shut up when was the last time you like had a shower you smell like urine oh monica that is the scent of a male yeah when the interlocutor asks you and your partner a question you will probably see them making this weird movement with their hands like this this is because they want you and your partner to answer the question together so bruce and monica try again but this time answer the question together as a team it's a conversation and we love conversations we do we really do how important is money when choosing a job um yeah i think money is like really important because like it allows us to live a good life if i didn't have money i would wouldn't be able to buy bags or shows or sushi and these are like so important to me yeah and i agree and that's why i'm looking for another job seriously like i know we're recording a video now but this is real i hate my job i want to leave i don't like working with youtube and i just i hate it here what am i doing why oh my god workplace drama so exciting oh bloody hell the problem here is that bruce did not acknowledge what moniker actually said instead he said i agree and spoke about something completely unrelated and that is not a conversation please never say i agree and never say i disagree because it is simple it is boring and it will not get you the marks that you want and the marks that you want are the marks that i want you to get so don't make me sad thanks instead you must link your contribution with what your partner said before you so how do you do this rephrase what your partner said to demonstrate that you were listening but please do this in your own words then comment on what your partner said and this comment should let your partner and the examiner know what your opinion is without you saying i agree or i disagree finally give your own thoughts on the question in english this is what we call a conversation wow a conversation do you think people work too much in today's society uh yeah off for example after work about three hours every single day and it is so difficult oh i have to stand in front of a camera like an idiot with these people and seriously right it's humiliating it would be much better if people could work less and do what they love yeah like a drinking for example oh my god bruce three hours a day oh my god that is like modern day slavery that is a lot of work slavery especially if you're like standing in front of a camera being in front of a camera is like the most difficult thing ever i think people forget about what is important in life it's true i mean if you're working for three hours every single day then how can you enjoy being beautiful for example i think we need to change our modern idea of what uh yeah but in what why monica well like many people today are influencers and they just live their lives and take pictures of it they get paid for doing it right so i could drink a beer take a picture of it and get money well no not you because you're disgusting and ugly but i could because i'm beautiful and people want to be like me yeah whatever monika they won't be attacked yeah yeah yeah this was an interesting interaction of course do not be rude to your partner like monica but the interaction started with bruce answering the question then monica rephrased bruce's contribution she expressed her agreement without saying i agree or i disagree then she answered the question herself and finally she introduced a new topic the modern idea of work this is really good and this is because in part four the interlocutor wants to relax they do not want to ask you and your partner lots of questions the interlocutor has a list of six questions but that does not mean that the interlocutor will ask you and your partner six questions actually the best part force are the part fours where the interlocutor only needs to ask the candidates a couple of questions because the candidates just talk and talk and talk and the interlocutor can sit back relax listen and think wow this is a great conversation look how good these people are at speaking english i love these people let's give them high marks brilliant so yes it's a really good idea to try to maintain the interaction for as long as possible but try not to be irrelevant for example in this interaction bruce mentions drinking and this is okay because bruce is using drinking as an example to illustrate a point related to the topic however monica now cannot say hey bruce what is your favorite drink because yes that is a question but the original question that the interlocutor asked was about work if you now start talking about alcoholic drinks well what are you doing that's not no no don't don't do that please look so if your partner introduces a new topic or say something interesting then ask them about it you are fascinated by your partner you love your partner's brain and you want to know all about it so ask them questions they are interesting you love them and enjoy the questions that you ask them yeah but she's not interesting she is an idiot excuse me bruce shut up i'm talking about the nature of work i'm basically a philosopher yes you're very intelligent monika well done so your partner talks you rephrase it you comment on it then you introduce your own idea then your partner does the same if your partner mentions an interesting topic you ask them a question about it and then you rephrase that you comment on it and then introduce your own idea and you do that over and over and over again and that's the perfect part for but sometimes the interlocutor might direct a question to one candidate oh my gosh why some people say that we form our most important relationships at work do you agree bruce um but i want to go shut up monica yeah he wants to talk to me uh for example i don't really like the people i work with and so i don't really think that people always form relationships at work yeah uh i think often people cannot reveal who they really are at work because they must be a professional so it's hard to make friends um yeah yeah can i talk now i've got lots to say here the interlocutor directed the question to bruce the question was not for both candidates the interlocutor will do this when they do not feel that they have heard enough from one of the candidates maybe this candidate is very shy or maybe their partner talks a lot and it's difficult for them to involve themselves in the conversation if this happens to you don't worry the interlocutor is helping you remember this is a speaking exam and the interlocutor must hear you speak in order to give you the marks that you want they are giving you the opportunity to use some wonderful grammar and vocabulary so they can say wow this person is great and monica what do you think oh my god finally what was the question again but please do not be monika just because the interlocutor has asked your partner a question doesn't mean that they will not ask you to comment on it and to comment on what your partner said so make sure you always listen to the question and make sure that you always listen to your partner's response and listen actively let the examiners know that you are listening and let your partner know that you are listening because it's much nicer speaking when you feel that people are listening to you like me now no one is listening to me i'm alone in a room i have no friends and no life and i feel sad please don't make your partner feel the way that i feel right now what qualities do you think make a good boss at work um well i think that the boss should be understanding and fair and attractive i also do not think the bus should ask their staff to do anything that they wouldn't do themselves yeah it's important that a boss can relate to the needs of his staff right and he mustn't exploit them but i'm not sure that being attractive is important though monica why'd you say that because i find it motivates me when my bus is attractive because i always want to impress a hot guy don't you no monika i don't do you think that your boss now has those qualities no no no not really toby he always makes us do these stupid speaking exam practices i already speak english and i don't even need to be doing this i also don't think he appreciates me as an employee and it's so important that a boss makes their employees feel valued it is yeah i think that feeling valued is like the most important part of job satisfaction if you don't feel valued it hurts your motivation don't it and so it's the boss's duty to ensure that all employees feel like an important part of the business i completely agree and i do not feel that way working here oh my god toby is terrible yeah he's an idiot i don't even know why we're working right that's enough we're finished what it go away so remember one part four consists of the interlocutor asking you and your partner questions two the questions are aimed at both of you so please have a conversation three please give reasons for your answers otherwise the examiner will ask you why and examiners hate doing that four do not say i agree or i disagree instead rephrase what your partner said comment on it and then introduce your own idea 5. the examiner may ask a question to one candidate only and this is to encourage them to talk more it's not a problem do not worry about it six remember to actively listen to your partner even if the question was not directed at you you must demonstrate to the examiner and your partner that you are listening to them very important and number seven relax try to have a natural conversation with your partner remember your partner is your friend so relax talk to them and enjoy it try and enjoy the moment yeah do not rehearse things in your head and please do not memorize grammar structures for part four if you do this the conversation will seem very unnatural and it will make your partner feel uncomfortable do you rehearse real conversations in your head no you don't well maybe you do i do i rehearse conversations with myself all the time because i have no one else to talk to trust me if you rehearse material for part four the examiners will know trust me examiners know everything and that is why i am one of them yeah and with that we are finished now you know everything you need to know about part four of the b2 first speaking exam if you liked the video don't forget to smash that like button subscribe if you haven't already leave comments down below my name is toby and this was smash english [Music] you
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 16,454
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Keywords: fce speaking part 4, b2 speaking part 4, b2 first speaking part 4, fce speaking part four, b2 speaking part four, b2 first speaking part four, fce speaking exam, b2 speaking exam, b2 first speaking exam, cambridge speaking exam, pass b2 first speaking, pass fce speaking, pass b2 speaking, pass b2 speaking part four, pass fce speaking part four, pass fce speaking part 4, pass b2 speaking part 4, b2 exam, fce exam, b2 first exam, Smash english, fce speaking, b2 speaking
Id: 3Q6WfkUV1ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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