How To Pass AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification Exam (2020)

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hey guys it seemed like here today we're gonna talk about AWS DevOps professional exam this is a very rewarding valuable at the same time tough to pass so I'm gonna divide this video into two sections in the first part I'm going to talk about DevOps in general the culture the mindset and why we need it in the second part I'm gonna talk about the exam detail from time cost and all the topics so without further ado let's get started so DevOps in general it's a combination of developers and operation team right when I started programming the approach was a developer builds the application and gives it to operation team system administrators and they're going to take care of the application and run it for the production environment so this was basically a you are on that team I'm in this thing now it becomes your problem here's my code right this culture doesn't work anymore and companies realize that they need to help developers and operation team work well together in order to make the company more successful and competitive so time to market it's a very important factor in software development practices right so if it takes you like six months to develop a feature it's going to be too late your competitors are you know moving fast and you want to stay competitive right so what do we do we learn about DevOps although that was very very popular these days I know companies that they don't practice their walks like Netflix I was watching a video and they were talking about that we don't do devops we you build it you run it so it becomes your problem right so you know on the other hand you have a lot of companies that they do have a DevOps person in the team who helps the team you know to develop and automate the entire you know software delivery process for the team and make everything more resilient in terms of you know testing and shipping the code to production so DevOps is a mindset right it's a cultural philosophies plus twos and basically practices that help companies to develop features that high velocity right so you want to stay competitive you need to develop your features faster and shifting to production so many years ago developers could just you know have development knowledge and start building applications right without being worried about other things but these days if you want to stay competitive in job market and you know helping your companies you know run faster and be more successful you need to become familiar with all these challenges that system administrators face on a daily basis in order to run and scale and divide and basically serve your application to the final user how do they scale the application how many servers do we require how do we basically patch the operating system how do we stay up let's say 99.99 SLA contracts so availability scaling infrastructure these are the things that are really challenging and as a developer again you need to stay competitive and advance your knowledge and DevOps is that is one of you know basically tools that you can use in order to become successful in your career so we talked about time to market and automation as opposed to having two separate team you know and once someone one person just you know builds the code and the other person you know administers the system so we're gonna combine both teams work well together in order to deliver the software faster and more reliable so in the second section I want to talk about the exam details so the exam has a 75 questions it's one hundred and ninety minutes you can request 30 minutes extra if you're if you're not a native speaker or somehow you know having trouble with the language so you can get two hundred and twenty minutes for the DevOps Pro exam the exam of course they have on site but recently due to this covert nineteen last week AWS and Pearson VUE they launched an online proctored exam program which I took yesterday on Saturday and I was able to pass my new version AWS DevOps engineer and I'm gonna share all the details that I know about the exam and how to prepare for it so the exam cost is $300 but you can use benefits and in your account if you've passed like certifications in a associate level you will get 50% discount so you will find it in your account but let me before going over all the topics that you need to study for the exam about a very important concept a lot of people when they pass they you know associate level certification they immediately schedule their pro level because they feel like okay I know everything about AWS I'm going to pass my certification in in DevOps or in Solutions Architect professional it just doesn't work that way right don't waste your money in time anyway use designed these you know certifications in a way to make sure whoever is achieving that pro level certification has enough experience and expertise in the field so it just doesn't work that way it's no joke this exam is hard right so I definitely recommend you guys if you haven't you know started on AWS please pause this video you need to go back and start with AWS associate level maybe Solutions Architect developer or sis of admin you at least eight one of these certifications in order to pass your debt walks I definitely recommend first you pass all the three certifications then go to the next level because you want to make sure you understand the field you are a you want to be a pro level you know engineer you just don't want to hold a certification after let's say putting thirty hours let's say you get lucky and pass the exam but you're not actually that good in that level right which is not gonna happen it will just definitely make sure that you have enough knowledge in order to pass these set of exams so you need to put effort reading reading practicing hands-on a lot in order to pass this exam so let's get started and talk about all the topics that you need to be really comfortable during this exam 1c ICD the entire process of continuous integration continuous deployment and continuous delivery you need to be really comfortable with all these three concepts services like code commit right like code repository code build how to build a code code pipeline right how to build a pipeline code deploy how to deploy two different servers you need to make sure you're comfortable building an actual you know CIC D pipeline I have a video in CIC the pipeline application deployment commit please go wash those these are will give you enough experience if you follow them step by step and practice them will help you understand these process easier so CI CD pipeline is is a big part of the exam and it's a big part of any DevOps engineer in order to automate the testing process of the software and delivering to production environment definitely you want to make sure you are familiar with deployment strategies deployment strategies let's say Bluegreen deployment right there you have two set of different servers you are paying more for the service but you want to be reliable your blue environment is running and serving traffic to your users and your green environment is being deployed and you can test it and then you can shift traffic from blue to green until hundred of the person of the traffic goes to the green environment and then you dispose in the blue environment so blue do green deployment and deployment is very very reliable way of deploying an application but of course there's a cost to it at the same time you have in place deployment where you update the application on an existing server that will cause some downtime but it's cheap so these are the trade-offs that you need to be really really comfortable with to make decision under two minutes under three minutes while you're in an exam so the next step is auto scaling group auto scaling group is probably one of the most important part of DevOps job and of course there was certification you want to make sure you know how to scale an application based on traffic you need to know how to scale the application based on the queue size you need to make sure you are very familiar with termination policy how did how every single you know option reacts to the environment like let's say when you have a termination policy of old configuration auto scaling group will start terminating instances that I have the old configuration so make sure you know all these how to suspend the process let's say you want to troubleshoot something how to use you know suspend the process in auto scaling group a launch configuration and launch templates these are the things that basically auto scaling group will look for a pattern in order to launch more servers or bring that elasticity scaling out and in for any cloud platform solution so in the past these were all you know challenging ordering servers patching servers updating on underlying system but AWS in public cough any other vendor as well they make it easy for developers and operation and companies to you know build these features faster than ever and go to market globally so we talked about auto scaling group we talked about CI CD practices the next one is cloud watch I cannot emphasize cloud watch enough everything evolves around cloud watch cloud watch is the most important part of DevOps engineer right because cloud watch is a monitoring center right it's a device that basically monitors every single piece of your cloud information and it can react based on cloud in watch events remember cloud watch events can trigger can react to every single piece of your cloud infrastructure let's say you start a pipeline you start an application you do something cloud what can detect and start another process let's say a developer submits a code to code pipeline to and then from the pipeline you want to trigger a lambda function that goes in run some security checks on the application to make sure there's no secret code or password exposed to your repository it's a very very important service and it features a lot in the exam so a lot of questions around cloud works and cloud watch events make sure you have a hands-on experience go practice cloud watch create alarms do auto scaling based on cloud watch alarms right so again I cannot emphasize cloud watch enough the next one is cloud formation and concept of infrastructure as code and infrastructure as code it's very important concept where you have a configuration when you have a JSON file or yeah Malphite that can launch a real you know hardware off of that blueprint it's just amazing technologies like terraform will work with multi cloud platforms right but cloud formation is native to AWS and you can basically start coding your infrastructure and you can spin up servers you can create firewalls and everything off of that file basically in cloud formation you need to know the lifecycle hooks you need to know how to update the cloud formation you need to understand the how to rollback how the errors work in conformation and a bunch of other things like nested you know confirmation stacks so cloud formation again it's a great concept in general but it features a lot again in DevOps Pro and also Solutions Architect pro so containers I have a video on ECR and container ECR and containers features a lot you can watch that I promise if you watch that video you can definitely answer all the questions relate related to container service and ECR and ECS so basically creating a cluster how to create a service how to create a task how to scale your marker services because marker services you know they're very common these days all the companies are trying to build their applications around marker services I do have another videos on marketing services which I definitely recommend it will help you you know in the exam I want to talk about a few more things API gateway and lambda lambda you know is basically you run your code without provisioning any server and but you have to remember that lambda can only run the task for 15 minutes if your application takes or your batch processing job takes more than 15 minutes of course lambda is not the answer but you can develop lambda in nodejs and python in different languages in AWS and can communicate to many many basically servers but definitely make sure you know how to deploy your code to lambda right if you have ten redeployments we have linear deployment and type of different versioning and aliases in lambda these are very very important points for the excel so ops work and other service ops works is basically chef risk uses chef recipes as a configuration management where you create a stack and then you create different layers let's say you have a you know stack and this is a let's say invoice processing application and inside that you have different layer like let's say you have three layers web app database and load balancing you know different layers in your stack so an inside every single layer you will you can create for example instances and deploy your app to this instance but of course there are lifecycle hooks like when the application starts when the minute ends when it configures so you can basically pause the creation process and run some script right let's say in auto scaling group in lifecycle hooks let's say you spin up a new server using auto scaling group and immediately when it becomes active after let's say passing your health check it will join the load balancer but it's not actually ready to serve traffic why because it takes 20 minutes 10 minutes to actually configure all the pieces for your application to make it work so how do we make sure the application doesn't go live until it's ready we use lifecycle hooks right when we start the application before actually going to the service we can pause the app you know auto-scaling we can pause the instance moving forward and then we can do some setup we can install script we can download code configure and when it's done we can actually let the server go to you know join the the rest of the servers so these are the things lifecycle hooks you want to make sure you understand deeply why like the lifecycle hooks are needed because you will get a lot of questions regarding lifecycle hooks and you know the the application everything looks good it joined the load balancing all pay passes all the health checks but it's not serving traffic the reason is the application is just not ready the solution would be you know using lifecycle hooks to have more time in order to configure your server properly elastic Beanstalk of course it's a basically platform where you can deploy your application let's say you build a website you want to go live tomorrow you want to build a prototype Beanstalk will be your answer it's easy to manage it's automatically provisions all the servers everything required to run your application let's say you have a spring Buddha application you can deploy it to Beanstalk you can scale it you can have configuration and load balancing everything in your elastic Beanstalk environment you can do Bluegreen deployment in AWS Beanstalk I do have a video that very deployed AWS Beanstalk and Jawa application and you can watch that I promise that will definitely help you in the exam so in general everything that's basically automating the entire process of software delivery will be a DevOps team job right you want to understand that you're comfortable with this culture right even when you want to join a new company when you want to learn about new technology you always as a developer I want to think about you know all the problems and all the challenges that you need to address in order to you know deliver a successful software product so the entire process of moving the the software pieces to production is basically called DevOps which is a combination of developers and operation teams so you need to understand how to provision infrastructure what it takes to run your code under pressure how to scale it how to deal with disasters and all the things that's required for application so that's all I had if you guys have any questions please let me know in the comment section I want to hear back from you and I hope you guys pass this exam and you guys put the time and energy in this field and the reason is cloud is again is going to be you know future DevOps is your future as a developer and you want to make sure you have the competitive edge you know between all the programmers so I hope you guys like this video subscribe to my channel and I hope to see you guys soon bye
Channel: Code Engine
Views: 9,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, AWS DevOps, DevOps, Cloud, Cloudwatch, Cloudformation, Beanstalk, opsworks, ECS, aws exam, AWS certification, aws online exam, aws professional exam, amazon, amazon web services, solutions architect, aws developer, aws sysops admin, sysops, cicd, CI/CD AWS, Codepipeline, CodeCommit, AWS ASG, Auto Scaling Group, AWS ELB, AWS CodeBuild, AWS Lambda, DevOps Pro, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional
Id: BIp61qxXSBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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