How to Paraphrase without Plagiarising | Essay Writing Made Easy

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hey everyone and welcome back to my channel so in today's video i am going to be talking about something that i get questions about all the time all the time in my inbox i got two questions today which is why i'm addressing this in the video and it's how to paraphrase without plagiarizing now when you paraphrase you are tiptoeing on the edge of a very dangerous rope you are trying your best to rewrite some text be it from a paper be it from someone else's thesis or someone else's ideas into your own words you can very easily be called out for plagiarizing and that's something that you absolutely do not want to do i'm going to be talking about how to paraphrase whilst keeping the meaning of the text whilst rewriting the words in your own tone and also maintaining referencing and citations accurately this video is also kindly sponsored by xyro um which is a really cool platform where you are able to build your own personal or professional website and i've also got a really special discount code for you so if you want to go and support me and support my channel i'd love for you to keep on watching and don't forget to press the subscribe button and don't forget to press the bell notification to see more from me every single time that i post so the first thing you want to do to paraphrase um some text is to read the citations or to read the text that it is that you are trying to paraphrase now most likely you probably are looking at a paper and you're interested in paraphrasing some parts of that paper to add to your literature review or maybe to add to your discussion or to your essay um so the first thing you need to do is to actually read that paper um it's very difficult to paraphrase without understanding what it is that that paper or what is that the source is trying to say you then want to move on and summarize the study in your own words now this is where the paraphrasing is going to essentially occur um by magic without even trying you are going to paraphrase and that is by writing it in your own words so whatever however it is that you understood the text that you read whatever it is that you took away from it write it in your own words there's a few key concepts that you want to bear in mind whilst writing and the first is what the aims are of that paper what are the aims of this study what is the purpose or the intention of the study that you've just read that could be something that you write about secondly what's the methods and what are the key results that that paper um has mentioned so to be able to paraphrase you need to be able to say what those results are in your own words so again that could be a theme that you write about or the significance so how significant is the paper you could say the take home message in your own words what would it be also be a theme that you take away from the paper that you just read number three is where you write the sentences as your own version and there are a few things that you can do when paraphrasing one way of doing this is by starting the sentence at a different point other than following the same structure of how they've written the sentence you kind of almost flip it and start from their end and make that your beginning and this is simply just making like a mirror image of that sentence that already would lead to having a slightly different sentence with the same meaning also use synonyms and use a thesaurus for this so rather than using the exact same words if they say that this paper shows um rather than saying shows you can go ahead and use a different word and you can use suggest or you can use illustrate just a different word so it's not going to be picked up by plagiarism checkers so sentences are either written in the active voice or the passive voice active voice is where the sentence is led by the subject whereas the passive voice is where the sentence is led by the object so again you can kind of swap that around and that can again lead to a completely different sentence with the exact same meaning rather than taking the exact same sentence and trying to rewrite it you can break it down into two ideas although it may be the same sort of meaning but by breaking it down into two different ideas you've automatically got completely different sentences that definitely won't be picked up by plagiarism checkers but do make sure that at the end of those sentences you reference the citation to ensure that you are not saying that this is your own work because ultimately that is what you are trying to do just trying to take those sentences not quote them directly but just kind of um change the sentences around a little bit to be able to um paraphrase them once you do this make sure you're constantly saying those sentences out loud and by verbalizing what it is that you're writing you can not only embed that in your memory so you understand the topic even better you're also able to ensure that what you're saying actually makes sense um a lot of the time when you're reading a text and you try to write something that's very similar to that you can end up with sentences that don't really make sense if you just take what i've said and try to flip a sentence over you might end up with sentences that don't make sense and sentences won't be coherent and it just won't flow very well so ensure that as you're writing you're constantly trying your best to vocalize what it is that you're writing and just to clarify exactly what it is that you're saying in your mind i've noticed that blogs have been quite popular they've sort of resurfaced again but in science in particular people have started to try to translate research that's out there so trying to take research that has been published in scientific forums and scientific journals and try to make them ex more accessible to the average joe to the public and so one way that you might want to do this is by paraphrasing so you've picked up a paper you've taken it from a scientific journal and you now want to write it in a form that sort of makes sense to someone who is not from the science background or maybe someone who isn't as specialized as you so like i mentioned earlier xyro is sponsoring this video and desiro is an easy way to build your own personal or professional website for any occasion so it could be for portfolio could be for online store it could be for a blog as i just mentioned and you do not have to be a designer or coder to enjoy xyro you can simply be someone who just wants to design their own website from scratch as i've been doing recently um and zyra is a really cool platform to be able to do that feature that i've been enjoying is their drag and drop feature where you simply just drag different parts of the website um and different kind of features and different kind of text or images and you have to drop them to where you want also very affordable and you're able to manage multiple marketplaces at once um it's compatible with selling on amazon facebook or instagram so if you never know your blog your small little sciency blog can even end up selling merch or putting adverts on your website and it could be a really great business idea too so using my code dr amina yonas you are able to get 30 off of the plans um which is really cool i've actually trained my editors to be able to paraphrase paraphrasing such an important tool as it really is on the border of um plagiarism but actually if you paraphrase well you're able to take the ideas of someone else write it in your own words and then you're able to cite the original idea to ensure that you are not claiming that sentence as your own as i mentioned i would love for you guys to check out xyro it's a really it's such an easy platform for building websites i've built many websites before and i've used many platforms before as you guys know i started off with a blog um a travel blog before i started this channel and it took me ages to build the website and it did not look very nice at all so definitely check out the link in my bio down below for 30 off of a website plan and let me know what you guys plan to use it for essay writing can be very difficult and paraphrasing isn't as an aspect of essay writing that it's sort of inevitable you have to take thoughts from other people take work from other people try to cite other people's work um but make sure that you're not copying text directly and rather you're paraphrasing and trying to organize that text in a way that um sounds like your own voice but actually kind of retains the meaning of the original text love if you left me a comment down below letting me know if you have paraphrased before the struggles that you've had with it in the past and maybe um how you're going to move forward and try to improve on your paraphrasing and essay writing and don't forget to leave me a comment and a like and a subscribe i'd absolutely love that and i'll see you guys in my next video bye love it if you left me a comment down below letting me know if you have paraphrased before the struggles that you've had with it in the past and maybe um how you're going to move forward and try to improve on your paraphrasing and essay writing and don't forget to leave me a comment and a like and a subscribe i'd absolutely love that and i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Dr Amina Yonis
Views: 145,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plagiarising, paraphrasing, how to paraphrase
Id: -SqpAsNBE5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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