How To Write The Strongest Essay Introduction & Conclusion Using AI | No Plagiarism or Cheating

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there are two parts of any essay that can make or break your writing and that is the introduction and the conclusion so these two parts of an essay form the backbone of your academic piece of writing the introduction captivates the reader from the beginning and then the conclusion leaves a lasting impact based off of what you are saying and how you've kind of discussed the finalizing points before you finished the essay it's important to think of the introduction as a way that you are framing your points to come and your discussion and you're also providing some sort of context to what you'll be saying next and these are really important characteristics to think about when you're writing an essay remember that an introduction is essentially a bit of a persuasive aspect of your essay because it's the first thing that the reader is reading and you're kind of trying to keep them reading along if they've already dropped off from the first paragraph you've failed at persuading the reader to keep on reading so the first paragraph that first introduction needs to be incredibly strong and in today's video I'm going to be going through how to write a compelling introduction and how to write a compelling conclusion to ensure that you are hitting those first class marks by using AI tools such as jenny. a and if you like this kind of video then don't forget to subscribe to my channel and and don't forget to like this video and also leave me a comment and let me know what more you want to see from me within the aspect of academic writing use of AI productivity and things like that and I will definitely plan videos in the future to accommodate so let's start with the introduction now I've read hundreds if not thousands of introductions and so I know exactly when an introduction is done right and I know exactly what is needed to Captivate the reader in a way that doesn't need that many words the first thing you need in any introduction is a hook and a hook is the initial sentence that grabs and captivates The Reader through something very interesting so that could be an interesting fact a statistic um a quote something that kind of leads the reader in from that initial sentence within Academia I like to even think about adding a question here so usually I'll I'll add something like a powerful quote giving a statistic for how many people are impacted by X disease or kind of X condition and then I'll ask a question that kind of leads the reader on to think about whether or not there could be a change or whether or not there could be an impact of what I'm going to be speaking about next there has to be contextual information in your introduction and you'll be surprised how many times I don't see context Now by context I mean background information you don't have to go into that much detail you can add more detail later on but at least Prov providing the a definition at least providing what the general topic is about um like I said giving a statistic showing the impact how kind of important is this topic and allowing the reader to understand your place in the specific research area the third thing again another thing that I I very regularly see missed out is a thesis statement and by that what that means is a statement that specifically says what your aims are within this essay research paper liter review whatever it is you're writing something to State what your aims are you want to say what the main arguments or the purpose is of this paper now it doesn't have to be given so directly you don't have to say the purpose of this essay is to I mean you can do that and I've seen it been done before but there are sleeker ways of doing it and this again kind of just falls into giving the opening sentence then giving some context and then kind of sliding in what the aims are of this essay without explicitly stating it now let me show you an example and to be able to do this I'm going to be showing it to you on jenny. a and jenny. a is an AI powered writing tool that is your writing assistant so Jenny uses AI technology to formulate the next best sentence for you based on what is already written Jenny also helps you build your literature review Library which also allows you to reference and find information from at the same time I've opened up Jenny and the first thing it asks me is what am I writing about today and I've given some information about the generalized topic I then get an automated first sentence so this is the first sentence like I mentioned earlier that really grabs the reader's attention and as you can see here it says something about the world being dominated by technology fastpaced Lifestyles Urban Landscapes it's given a really captivating first sentence that grabs the reader's attention and it also provides you with references as well now I've continued to write my introduction and I've continued to think about the different characteristics of a good introduction as I mentioned so for example giving a statistic saying the average person spends nearly 90% of their time indoors and this is a question um I've also given a good outline I've explained the structure I've also got this thesis statement in there and I've just got a lot of text and I need to now try to perfect it and make it sound a bit better so one of the first things that I'm going to do is I think there's one paragraph here that's a little bit too long so what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask the AI commands in Jenny to simplify it for me now it's not only just too long but it's also a little bit too chatty so it's not very academic so I'm going to simplify it but using the academic um specification what it's done here is it's taken all of the first person eyes out and automatically it has made it sound a lot lot better so that is something that I'm going to be accepting and changing up now the next thing that I want to do is also think about are there any paragraphs here that I think are just redundant because you know when you're writing you're writing and you're just getting things down sometimes things are not always necessary so one of the things that I know here is that this paragraph uh the penultimate one is actually not really necessary so I've completely deleted that remember that the introduction needs to be around 10% of your total essay or your total piece of academic writing so just consider consider that now the next thing I want to do here is pick out some references because of course uh the introduction needs to be full of references to refer to other people's work and to refer to the literature and what I've done here is I've just selected where I want the reference to go and I've gone to site and it has read the the sentence before and looked for Relevant references for that particular topic so these are not the ones that are actually in my library but it has done a kind of like a literature search for me and it has found the most appropriate and actually quite recent papers that are relevant that I can actually reference you can also read the research papers as well of course which I really recommend um and making sure that it you know it is what you want to say and that you do understand what has been said so I've just kind of gone through the introduction and I've looked for a few references because of course if you're stating something like Studies have shown that you have to add what that study is or you have to add a few studies especially if you say things like numerous studies say or there are so many studies and then if you don't add any studies at all this doesn't look very good uh of course so that is something I'm also doing here and you can just see how easy journe makes it for you to be able to do this it it's all in one it's all in the same screen I'm not going anywhere I'm not having to go and search on other platforms or doing a Google Search and the references are automatically added to my citation list at the bottom of my essay and you can very easily change um what style or format you want to use as well now another thing that you could do that I haven't done here is that you can actually ask it to write an introduction for you so if I had already written the main body of my essay I could have said write an introduction for me and that would have also done a good job and then when it comes to editing there are a few different things that you can do so improving the fluency paraphrasing simplifying making it longer translating writing an opposing argument and things like that and that's something that I would use at the end when I've NE when I've you know finished writing everything and I'm ready to kind of submit um so you can really really see it coming together I think this introduction is a really like a first class level introduction it has enough detail it has all the characteristics of a good introduction and it's ready to be submit the next thing you want in your introduction is something about the scope so what exactly is going to be covered within this essay now again this doesn't mean just listing and saying chapter one will be about this or section one will be about that or paragraph two but it's just about kind of stating what some of the topics are you going to be touching upon or what some of the arguments are you going to be touching upon for example if you are writing about the impact of uh Financial Cuts within schools you could say something like there are a number of different uh factors and characteristics that are impacted as a result of financial reduction these are Behavior extracurricular activities um school trips use of textbooks good teachers whatever so you kind of listed a number of different factors that you'll be speaking about and that's enough that tells the reader what they're going to expect to hear from you and it kind of gives me a bit of a summary as to what you'll be saying and what you'll be implementing within your discussion think of this as a bit of a road map of your structure I really love it when I see this like outline and scope that's given within an essay introduction I think it's done very well and it always is a good sign of an essay to come and then the last thing is the transition you need to make sure you are transitioning out of your introduction and into the main body a lot of the time I I I see very abrupt kind of transitions So speaking about the introduction giving some background information and going straight into paragraph number one you need to give some sort of flow that allows you to bridge the introduction to the next paragraph and it's as simple as using a linking sentence so if the first paragraph is about like I said behavior in schools as a as a result of financial reduction and funding in that last paragraph of the introduction you can say something like one of the key areas of Child Development as a result of school Cuts is the impact on behavior and this is something that has a whole school effect and something that we are looking to you know discuss blah blah and then you can kind of go to the next sentence so you you can see that it's in one sentence I've just simply touched upon what I'll be speaking about next and then in the next paragraph I'm actually going to go into more detail and speak about it in enough enough depth so that's the introduction that's all that you need to include now let's move on to the conclusion so now this is the absolute last paragraph the first thing you want to do is reinstate your thesis what is your thesis statement remind the reader what your discussion and what your argument map looked like and this is just a way to reinforce the main argument and kind of start to bring together um uh and end your discussion the next thing you want to do is to summarize the key points so let's say you had five main arguments five main discussion points you want to make sure you've included all of them within your essay conclusion but not in much very much depth just enough to kind of brush upon them and remind the reader of what it was you discussed and what your angle and opinion was now this again is a really key part and this is the third point which is synthesis you need to show that you've been able to bring the ideas together together and come up with some sort of finalizing statement that is unique to your essay so whilst you might have brought a few different ideas together what is the final point that you want to make synthesize that information and speak about it in a way that's unique to you how has that discussion contributed to a deeper understanding of your topic that's something that you really need to embed within the conclusion which isn't a repetition of what you've already said and that is how you are aiming for those top marks the next thing that you want to include is is some sort of significance statement or something about significance the significance statement is very important as it demonstrates the implications of your discussion in a more wider perspective so more thinking about other aspects of your research area thinking about how you can translate your discussion into things like policy things like science communication or you know other communication or whatever it is that you think you could go into how could your work contribute to the larger conversation and then at the very end you want to have a closing thought so this is like towards the last couple of sentences where you're just summarizing your the the last thought that you want the reader to walk away with make sure that you are reinforcing the importance of your paper and of your discussion and of your essay and that is the last thing that your reader is thinking about you can leave them with a question a call to action or even just a suggestion for some future research and again Jenny is really good at helping to write a strong conclusion and I'm going to show you an example how I do that now and now I want to write and conclude my essay so we're going to start off by writing conclusion and as you can see again Jenny gives me that first sentence presenting the evidence and just kind of underscoring what it is that we're speaking about so you know you can kind of try again you don't have to take the sentences that you're given I many a time I just kind of use the first sentence because it kind of sets me off and it gets me going but then I kind of like to write it for myself and I tend not to accept things just because I like to kind of give it my own little twist and now this is what I actually ended up writing and this was my very first draft as I said earlier it's very very rough and there's still a lot that needs to be corrected and um edited before I actually want to conclude I think that it's quite a long conclusion because I just was kind of writing away so so I need to at least half this text so I've gone through and I've actually asked the AI chat from Jenny to give me some more information just to make sure that I'm actually on the right track with my conclusions so I've said to tell me more about the long-term impact of increased screen time but reduced outdoor time and it actually gave me three points and these were the three points that I decided to make sure that I was focusing on in my conclusion so it's not only using your library and your text within your particular essay but it's also using the web as well so it can pull out information so as it you'll see it saying that your document doesn't speak much about it because I hadn't actually written the main body yet but it did pull out some information from the web saying physical health mental health and cognitive development and I was actually able to use this to then make sure that those are the three main points that I'm speaking about I also really like uh this tool because it gives you a bit of a little conversational tip so it said to me make sure that you include a section about the specific challenges uh posed by increased screen time Etc and so I just took a note there to make sure that I write about it later but I really like this kind of Personal Touch where it's given me a suggestion that I think is really really uh valid actually so yeah I went through it and again just wanted to delete some parts I I deleted a couple CP of uh paragraphs that I think are again just redundant just a little bit of me waffling and not really much of me uh finalizing so that's something that you can definitely do and you definitely should try to keep your conclusion around 5% of your full essay it shouldn't really be that long it should be about half of the introduction so yeah that's how you can use it and the absolute last sentence in your conclusion should give a sense of closure of your paper so it should be really obvious that this is done now this is the road map of my research paper of your essay and I am now finished with this again it's quite often that I see a conclusion that feels like it wants to carry on talking or feels like it has just stopped so there's still some new discussion happening in the conclusion and then it just stops it sounds and it feels wrong when reading it from The Outsider point of view so you make sure that there's some sort of finalizing statement that just closes off that that chapter I hope that gave some clarity and understanding as how to write a good introduction and how to write a good conclusion and the components of what you need to include within it and as you saw in today's video I've also given you examples using jenny. feel free to use a discount code Amina 20 for some money off of your subscription and I I'll leave a link for it in the description down below so feel free to go and click on that and yeah check it out and let me know how you find it and I'll will see you in the next video thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Dr Amina Yonis
Views: 5,208
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Id: 9wq_rceFulE
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Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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