How to pair Bluetooth controllers Anbernic RG35xxPLUS RG35xxH Stock OS controller guide

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[Music] [Music] today I'm going to show you how to set up Bluetooth controllers with the Amber Nick 3 5xx Plus or the 35 xxh uh they share the same motherboard and stock operating system so it should be roughly the same this here is the 35xx plus this here's my data frog PlayStation 4 controller I got this just for cheap so I could use it dedicated on this machine and I wouldn't be flipping it back and forth between other devices keep in mind this guide is specifically for using the 35xx plus with the stock operating systems and it's for use with not the game rooms but retro Arch games you should be using retro Arch instead of the game rooms Because the actual emulation is considerably better and it has a lot more options to let you get the most out of your 35xx plus we're going to do this in three parts we're going to prep our retro arch for use with controllers we're going to use the stock OS to pair the controllers and then we're going to set up retroarch to use the wireless controller as well plus I have a bunch of extras at the end that I can talk about part one of this is going to be prepping retro arch for use with controllers so we're going to open up retro Arch I've already done that here uh we're going to go into the settings here we're going to go down to input we're going to go down to menu controls there it is we're going to use all users control menu we're going to turn that on so that allows all controllers connected to this device to use the menus just in case we accidentally lose control of the system um in order to make this work better though we're going to go one step further we're going to go to Port five and we're going to turn this on and we're going to put deep playay keys in here deplay keys are the actual buttons on the unit so your buttons on the front of your 35xx uh but by adding that to controller 5 there that means that we always have a player Port controlled by these buttons and never lose control of the system now that we've changed that setting we're going to go back out of retroarch and we're going to go to the stock settings and we're going to start pairing our controller now I'm in the stock menus here I can go over to the settings tab go in here and we're going to go down to network settings network settings Bluetooth and we're going to turn the Bluetooth on we're going to get ready to search for devices we're ready now putting this into par in mode now this is now able I will scan for devices on my device there it is wireless controller we add that with the a button now it's connected now we should be able to move the menu with this controller if you have any buttons that are not correct when you're playing with your controller if say like the confirm and deny buttons are reversed keep in mind by default it should be this button to confirm and this button to cancel if that's reversed it might be thinking it's an Xbox controller but using the same button names you can go into the buttons customization here you can re-edit the buttons on here so that they match the actual layout that you think it should be that's the end of part two so now our controller is connected so what we want to do is we want to go back into our game now you're going to probably want to do this with the buttons on the unit because by default your controller is going to connect to Port two so we' play player two but we're going to go back into the settings going to go back into input and we're going to change Port one from dlay key to wireless controller check Port two yeah there it is you can see that that one was controlling Port two you don't want this controller to control both so you're going to want to take that off you can leave it as dplay keys or you can disable it now because we put port five as dplay keys that means we still have control of the unit with our device in case we lose our controller or it doesn't connect if you lose control of the unit because you didn't set your backup controller you might have to use the reset button there and that'll hopefully not save your configuration now this controller will remember member that is connected to this device so as long as Bluetooth is on I can just turn this controller on now and it will grab this unit and start controlling it however I will need to change on and off the controllers for Port one so if I hold the power button here and I turn this with controller off you can see it changes to disabled now if I hadn't set port five to be the dlay keys I would no longer be able to control the menu so you want to make sure you're avoiding that uh um so let's turn this guy back on there we go and it grabs it right away just cuz there was nothing else enabled um if you change back and forth between local controls and wireless controls you might need to manually change that when you reconnect your [Music] controller so now my controller is ready to go oh shoot there are some shortcuts here so let me get my next step ready here so I haven't found a shortcut controller for the menu um and I haven't played around with it too much because I'm sick and tired of losing my configuration for the settings if you have this plugged into a television you're going to have to use the menu button um you might be able to configure it manually but I haven't found a way there are other shortcuts on the actual controller so your share button but on the PS4 controller is actually the select button you can say well if you hold that and press L1 it's load state if you hold that and press R1 it's Save State if you hold it and press left or right you can change slots so you're loading from the right State and if you hold it and press R2 that's going to quit your game so you can change your titles it's not quite as good as opening the menu but it is helpful for changing games by default on your wireless controller it's going to default to using the first stick as the d-pad but if you do want to use this in an analog way on Playstation 1 you're going to have to do a couple extra steps so I'm in a PlayStation 1 game that I know uses the dual shock sticks so I'm going to want to go into the menu and we're going to go in we're in the main menu well we're going to go into the quick menu we're going to go down to controls now the controls in the quick menu are related to whatever kind of Port you have going right now and we're going to go to Port one and we're going to change the device type to dual shock now that we backed out of that we need to know the configuration to turn on analog controls by default PlayStation 1 never turned on the sticks unless you pressed a specific button on the actual controller uh in order to get that button combination here we're going to go into the options and input so this is the third input screen that you can find and in here you can actually see this command here DualShock analog mode key combo I recommend you change that to R1 L1 start because your select button triggers many different things like saving and loading States now that we've got that done we can try that on the controller here so start R1 L1 it says in the bottom and log on and now my sticks work and I can move around and look with my twin sticks there are other controller shortcuts that you can use I know that there's screenshot pause game and probably switch dis but you'll have to play around with it it's using the options button or select button or menu button whatever the equivalent is on your controller if you weren't aware the default behavior of the Retro Arch 35xx plus is to save your retroarch settings upon quitting so every time you quit this menu system system and go back to the stock menu that's where you're going to find that it saves and retains the settings so that's why if you lose your controller and you can't configure anything pressing the reset button that's actually going to quit without saving if you do want to manually save just below quick menu here there's the configuration file and you can save a current configuration if you happen to screw anything up what you can do is you can go back over to the settings menu retro Arch menu and reset retroarch config this is pretty important if you screw any of your like controllers up and you can't control retroarch so watch out for that if you lose control of this in pairing with the stock menus you may have to reflash your card um it's pretty finicky it's not a perfect system but it is convenient to do once you know all the steps check the blurb underneath the video and you'll see all the steps yeah so that concludes my guide I don't know if bluetooth has any noticeable drawbacks when you leave it on so consider turning it off if you want to save battery life uh if you found this helpful leave a like and a comment uh if you like video games Retro Gaming check me out on Twitch DHR 54 uh check me out on Instagram or on my Discord there uh we stream every Sundays we just play multiplayer co-op games like Elden ring and lethal company as well as like challenges when we do races and stuff if we decide to do more streams you can find my stream schedule on Twitter X whatever they call it now thanks for watching
Channel: DHR54
Views: 16,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emulation, emulators, retroarch, handhelds, videogames, anbernic, retro games, retro videogames, bluetooth controllers, Instruction video, wireless set up, emulator hand held, ps1, game boy, wireless controllers, bluetooth
Id: 4ocAbkMGmiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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