How to Paint Possessed | WARHAMMER 40k | Chaos Space Marines | Heretic Astartes | Black Legion

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hi everyone it's henry here if i had to pick my absolute favorite thing about being in the warhammer hobby um or what army i'd always want to collect if i could only do one it always for me comes back to chaos and whether that's in 40k whether that's in age of sigma whether that's in the old world there's just something about it i love the artwork i love the whole vibe about it and the miniatures have always for me been the best of the bunch of of their era and i feel like it's going that way again with the chaos marine release and that upcoming slave so darkness stuff that we've seen for sigmar so when games workshop sent us through a box of the new possessed marines i just really wanted to paint them i've no intentions of doing an army with them and i don't have a ton of time but i love these models so this little project just needed to be pure fun um and i thought i'd film it anyway because it's fun to share stuff right but this isn't going to be a typical tutorial like i've done a lot of the time with the army painting series when it comes to relaxing and happy painting for me a lot of the time that's going to involve oil paints and they're going to feature quite heavily in this and i just want to try and invoke a bit of the vibe that i get from looking at that amazing new front cover art from the chaos marine codex so let's paint [Applause] first up over a black undercoat i sprayed the model with vallejo model color black just to give me a nice black base coat to work from then for the first highlight i've picked scale 75 petroleum gray this is a slightly purple gray and that's purple i think it's probably the the color i'm going to try and bring in a little bit in in the subtle way across most of the models with regards to where i'm placing the highlights i'm keeping it fairly simple it's more than just a xenothor but really i'm just hitting the center of the panels from a direction just to give a bit of interest to them i'm spraying about 25 psi 25 to 30 psi i'm using our harder and steamec evolution and that's got a 0.4 millimeter needle and nozzle in it and i'm working on the five new possessed marines along with the two grey to possess that we got a few years back in the shadow speed box because they're exactly the same size and i'm working on together as much as i can because i'd love to have this little unit done even if it's just using kill team games or some narrative games so yeah so certainly in the first half of the video i'm going to be doing quite a lot of painting across various models and then we'll trim it down towards the end now for the second highlight i've added in some rakhar flesh by games workshop into that petroleum gray i don't know the exact ratio and because i was painting these guys at the same time together um i haven't really bothered looking at it but you can see in the cup the color that we're going for it's just to lighten it up but also keep that purple vibe going and this time i'm going to spray into the same areas but try and cover slightly fewer of it i was really tough when i saw the greater possessed with the same size as these guys because it gives you a just that slightly bigger squad and i'm also quite tempted to do that forge world argol towel model to add into them as well i say this is not an army project and it isn't i don't think um but i do love the possess and i do love all the cultists stuff that we've uh we've seen so i think necromunda and kill team for me might be uh a way to explore chaos for a little while but this is a very good chance this time next year i think uh yeah i think there might be time for a what do we call them now heretic astartes uh force they're just amazing models if you love chaos i just just pick them up they're an absolute joy to build and i'm just gonna yeah just gonna have fun painting them now one of the things obviously you can see on them is there is a lot of detail and i'm going to get over that by basically not painting all of it now for the fleshy parts i've taken rakaf flesh thinned it fairly heavily so it goes to the airbrush and then added in a few drops of this drain life by scale 75 their instant color range and by ignoring some of the detail and using my airbrush where possible it should speed the process up and here i'm just hitting all the areas of the mutated flesh now if i get a tiny bit of overspray i'm not too fussed but i am trying to be really careful generally there's trim in the way so that's going to avoid overspray onto the panels but also obviously there's certain panels where the armor just blends straight into the flesh anyway so a little bit of overspray there is fine because it just creates a natural transition between the two but it's very much a case of taking my time to build this up i think if you wanted to take you know a month or two to paint this unit you could create some absolute stunners i don't i have basically a day well two days so uh she's gonna get what i can done with them because i just love to have them painted on the shelf you know and something that we go on about a fair bit sometimes you know finished is better than perfect and i'd much rather have these painted in a cool way even if not the best of my ability than sat in a box in a drawer as you can see we're still staying within that purple it's all wheelhouse and then once i've done all of them i go back to the start and i add some more layers of exactly the same paints out the same color and just just building it up you can see even though we're going over black we can get a really strong color anyway as soon as you start adding like off-whites paint in that the coverage just goes through the roof when you when you're airbrushing and hairy brushing to be fair so you can see the difference one on the left just had the one pass the one on the right is where we went back and did it off they go now to add a little bit more color and just tidy up some of the shadows i've taken another scale 75 instant color this one's called uh dead flesh sort of a gray purple really i'm just going to spray the model from underneath i'll be a little bit more directional if one of the limbs is facing a certain way but but generally this is a turning upside down spray from underneath such nice big models to work on as well um you saw at the very beginning next to the terminators they're enormous i had a galval back army for heresy years ago i painted up as alpha legion but it was so fun having these these larger marine models to play with because not only did they look imposing but they also like they were good as well they fought like marines who felt marines should fight now taking the pure drain life and i'm just going to hit any sort of really obvious tentacley chuby bits um just to add a little bit of variety in but that orange works quite nice against the purple that we've got on the rest of the model so purple orange and green are sort of the three i'm going to play around with we know they work well but also we can just look at the front cover of the codex and you can see that they work well together i'm going to do a bit on the base at this point nice and simple it's sort of a very simple version of what i did a few years ago on the necromancer basing but we're just spraying a gray on initially i just want to say thanks for not only clicking on this video but hopefully if you're liking it hitting like and subscribe but also to those of you that are supporting us over on patreon um you're allowing us to produce two to three videos a week at the moment across the two platforms we're being able to bring in other painters and sculptors like baz to do tutorials for you as well it's absolutely brilliant um and we can't thank you enough for it and we're very very excited to uh to keep growing and it's only with your support that we're able to do that now the second part of the base i've just added a bit of rack of flesh into that gray i use dark sea grey uh again it's slightly bluey purple gray and here just gonna sort of spray in the middle like a spotlight which i've helpfully done pretty much off camera on all of them which is really annoying so i'm sorry about that but you'll see what i'm on about it's really not complicated just hit around the middle of the base or around their feet as if you're shining a spotlight on them it's all very stylistic all this painting on them as i said there's there's no real goal there's no real consistent um techniques or styles or anything this is just happy painting and just just have a bit of fun and now i'm dry brushing rack of flesh over the bases to pick out the edges so you notice i'm using rakha flesh to do all of my highlights with whether that's mixing in or whether that's using it on its own it just may as well you know when we're painting in this way there's no value in me using a thousand different paints right still get the feeling across using it and because it's that purple and it's in everything you do get a little bit of harmony across the model as well so there's nothing wrong with applying a little bit of that color theory and everything even when it's a sort of a fairly quick paint job like this now for the gold trim this is inevitably the longest part as it is on any chaos model just use scale 75 necro gold and for any of the silver parts i've used exhaust manifold by metal color series partly because i really like the color but also it flows so well it's brilliant for doing like textured bits of metal so like chain mail like the chains hanging down here it's not fab i don't think for doing trim or or flatter panels but for yeah but for when you've got bobby bits of metal it's brilliant now i'm going to do a nice heavy oil wash up here for the model i've taken black and a brown black and bitum in this case by abdominal 502 but it really doesn't matter just a black and a brown so i'm making a dark brown wash up then i'm going to add in some mineral spirits and i want this to be a thick wash so this would be thicker than you know your typical non-oil or something like that that you'd open up um you know when you apply it you almost don't want to see through it but you still want it wet enough that it's flowing around the model and this is partly so we can do a little bit of that sort of reductive style of painting where we remove a bit of it but also just because it's going to bring a ton of definition and separation into the model which it's really lacking at the moment so i'm just going to get it all over the armored parts of the models we don't need to do any varnishing or anything like that as long as the paint is dry before we apply this we're not going to have any problems there's so much detail on these models like if you tried to paint them properly i'd go mad and then i've left it about 30 minutes here and i've just taken a cotton bud with a little bit of the mineral spirits on so it's not sopping wet just a little bit damp i'm just very very gently just wiping it over some of the edges some of the flat surfaces just to remove a little bit of that wash and reveal the paint that's underneath but again i'm not going true reductive with it i'm not going to go in there and do loads of work on bringing it back in it's just a little bit here it's just to act as a heavy wash and this is just to tidy up the work i've done rather than using it as a deliberate technique i'm doing a bit more of the sort of reductive and and not just reductive but grimdart painting as well over on patreon at the moment it's the plan for the next sort of six months or so so i'm really looking forward to that now i've got a load more oil paints i've got a green a red a sort of green brown color uh blue and a black and now i'm just gonna start splodging them on the model just creating some nice colors and nice effects so i apply the paint more or less undiluted and then i dip my brush in the little part of thinner that i've got i'll just start working it across the model the red is coagulated blood by abdomen 502 just if you want to know it's olive green industrial earth midnight blue but it's the colors that matter now i've added a little bit of green get this octopus tentacle thing done so all the time just applying it and then if it's too dilute then i'll work on another bit go back with some neat paint thicken it up if it's too thick then i just add a bit of thinner on my brush and work it on the model rather than creating washes and stuff prior and partly this is just nice and quick but it also means you end up getting little mixes of color on the model it's nice and organic and interesting this is how i painted when i first got back in the hobby so it's really fun to to just go back and do a little bit of this i did a big nurgle army very similar to this about 10 years ago really good fun so now i've added a little bit of the neat blue and blue i've mentioned in other videos so so powerful let's just add a little bit of that in and then using some thinners start to blend it into the red so we get a nice bit of purple going on a bit more red you can always go backwards and forwards backwards and forwards and it all looks super messy until you get quite near the end so don't worry about that but as i said earlier for me this is the most relaxing way of painting sort of coloring in and just having a bit of fun being a bit loose with it all and i've mixed that red and purple together on the palette slightly a red and blue rather to give me the purple particularly ones like this guy where there's so much of the flesh on a show i thought this would give a really nice creepy sort of flesh color if you're on the fence about playing around with oils i'd really recommend you have a go and pick a demon model or something like that because they're great to play around with oils on because there's not really any rules and sorry if i sound a bit funny in this video i bit my tongue last night and it's it's swollen right up so i'm very conscious of that too um so this is it when the the oil sort of dried looking pretty good it's not quite dry on the claw there you can see there's a little bit a little bit of sheen but also where we've got tentacles and piping going into where the metals mutated i've painted the metal as still in the metal colour but then sort of added a bit of that oil in and now i'm just going in with the undiluted uh sorry not undiluted a dry brush so i've cleaned it off in the mineral spirits and i've dried it off on some kitchen towel and i'm just using a dry brush here to sort of blend the paint on the model a little bit more i'd actually been better off getting one of my old natural hair brushes um that i use for oil paints to do this with the synthetic ones you can see it's just splayed out too much really i get a nicer softer blend if i use one of the old natural hair ones i love how the flesh came out on his feet it's really annoying i mean it's nice that it's happened but obviously you know it's annoying that it's in a bit that perhaps isn't that prominent and here i'm just applying a bit of the undiluted red paint just up into those areas where sort of the flesh is breaking out from the armor but yeah go grab a box of of demon models plague bearers or something like that grab a few oils and just have a bit of fun with it i think i'm certainly for my personal painting going to be leaning back into oil paints now for the various bones and horns and there are a lot of them on these models some of them i'm leaving black some of them as i say i've painted in the metal colors so the gold or the silver but i think it's nice to do some of them in that sort of more traditional bone or horn color and so i'm basing it using us olive drab which is sort of brown color and then i'm mixing in rack of flesh to create the highlights so a roughly 50 50 mix for the first highlight and then more or less pure rakaath flesh for the final highlight on them i'm getting towards the end of the model now so i am being a little bit more accurate with what i'm doing although it's sort of free and loose and relaxing i don't really want it to look sloppy so it's a little bit of time i didn't film it but on the any cloth that was on there i just took what already happened with the natural overspray and then i added a little rakha flesh into some black and just did a few little scratches along the edges sort of edge highlight it now for the gold i've mixed in a scale 75 peridot alchemy into the necro gold so it's roughly 50 50 maybe a little bit more of the peridot alchemy i'm just going to paint in a few highlights focusing sort of on the edges and because the oil has given our metals are quite a dull finish um this metallic paint will really pop now it's worth saying on this video i did give the model a quick varnish after i'd done the oils and that was simply because i wanted to get on with painting it and if i hadn't been painting it for filming i'd have just left it sort of overnight and then i'd a confident go back in and be able to paint over where the oil was anyway because the oil should predominantly be in the recesses and we're painting on the sort of highlights here on the edges now for the eyes nothing too complicated here just nice and gimmicky sort of slight glow i've taken methylstone red thinned it a little bit down so it's not quite a wash but it's a very thin paint and then i'm going to paint the eyes in and i want that red to pool as it were in the recess around the islands then i've mixed in a little of the chimera cold yellow any nice sort of cold yellow will do mix that into the red and i start to paint the lens itself so leaving the recess the darker red and i'll just keep adding in more and more of the yellow working towards the center of the lens and just create a really simple glowy effect again we could be far more accurate and precise and all of that but i think it sells it fine and certainly when they're sat on the desk they look cool so when they're you know at the gaming club in the zone mortalis table under those lights they should look pretty good and here's the two of them that i've ended up finishing up for the video the rest are all in various states along the way i really hope i can work on them over the next few weeks in the evenings i'm going to grab a product called wet effects you could do something very similar with gloss varnish and i'm just going to apply this to the tentacles maybe some of those areas where the flesh is bursting out from the armor and it's not a it gives a sort of damp look when it's dried it doesn't give you like that super shiny thing that you'll get with with gloss varnish but it certainly gives us a nice finish and this is something i love doing when i'm doing sort of grim dark if you want to call it that style painting is is playing around with the different finishes so glass matte metal you know it's it's fun now i've got just a brown oil wash here this is shadow brown but burnt umber whatever be fine and i'm just washing that in over any of the piping or anywhere where i think just needs a bit of bits or dirt and then i'll wash it all over the base love these zone mortalis bases just a bit annoying that you're going to get these 40 mil ones if you buy a flipping box of about 50 with all the others so and bought two boxes of them just for these guys so i need to figure out what to do can i have to paint a lot of necromander or something now something else i've gone in and done here is the old yuhu glue um sort of slime saliva goop you see there on his claw technique i'll link up i did a video on this using a squig a while back so take a bit more time because i'm conscious this is already a fairly long video and final thing grab a bit of blood so taking blood for the blood god get a nice thick bit and a bit more of the normal stuff and then i'll add in a bit of knoll and oil as well or a dark blue wash would work well too i used to use miniature paints but they've all dried up so i'm using these now and just mix them in so i've got a bit where it's really dark and then a bit more of the bright arterial stuff and then i forgot to press record which was great seeing as it went really well a lot of fun um so yeah i'll take this guy who you can see i've already done it on uh and i'll do a bit more on him that really sucks when that happened but it's not complicated i'm gonna load my brush up my hairy brush up with the mix and then i will take my airbrush and i will simply blast it against it and create these things if you haven't got the airbrush you can just flick it but there we go it actually worked quite well going back in and adding the pure red um was nice over the top of the darker gore stuff i think it's worked pretty well um and i just love how these models have come out i know they're not you know nothing groundbreaking but it's exactly the vibe i like you know i've learned a lot over the years but it's kind of nice to paint stuff like i used to as it were um as i said just happy painting sometimes that's that's all the hobby really needs to be so i hope you've enjoyed this slightly different video so seeing me do it like this i will really really endeavor to get the squad finished and when i do i will pop a picture up on our socials show you what's going on with it all but i hope you've enjoyed the video and you can maybe apply some of this to your army projects um you know it's a lot of techniques really there's no skills just filling in some paint at the model really um but there's certainly bits here that i'm going to use in my upcoming slave to darkness army and hopefully you can in your projects as well if you've got any questions pop them down in the comments i'll do my best to get back to you hit the like button if you haven't already and hit subscribe and the little notifications bell to let you know when our next videos are coming up thanks ever so much for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: Cult of Paint
Views: 60,506
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Id: 4qF63ZTn0FU
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Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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