How To Paint ATV Plastics

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[Music] you all right so we got kind of sidetracked in the last video but we're back and we're focused if you guys remember in the last video I mentioned that the only thing left for the quad to run and roll is a new wheel so I was able to find one on eBay a decent used one so I picked that up that should be here by the end of the week in the meantime there's still two major things to get done on the quad first is the exhaust it's covered in rust some spots so bad that it actually rusted through the metal so there's a few holes in the exhaust so we're gonna have to sand the whole thing down patch the holes and paint it I've been dreading this for a long time because I know it's gonna be dirty as and it's gonna take a long time to get that done but I'm just gonna sack up and get it done tonight the other thing is the plastics I have a few cracks to fix from the wreck and I'm also planning a different color so we're gonna have to strip off the old camo green and prep it for the new color right now we're gonna go try to find something that we can use to patch up those holes in the exhaust take a different color and then we'll head back to the garage and most likely pull an all-nighter [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna make you guys sit through sanding footage so I'm not gonna lie last night was rough I was sanding all night long I got rust everywhere my hair my face my teeth it wasn't enjoyable to say the least but we got it done now you may be asking why I did all that work when I could have just bought another exhaust system well aftermarket exhaust systems are like 500 bucks and slightly used oh we have exhaust for these things are like 350 so considering I'm a frugal bastard I was able to fix this one for 23 bucks whereas the wholes girl is able to find this stuff from JBL called steel stick you just cut up what you need and then you just need it into a uniform color and then just apply it to wherever you need to patch it worked out good it's not the prettiest thing in the world but those holes are plugged up now then I just wiped her down and gave each piece of exhaust system about three coats of hiyee paint [Music] right I mean this thing was pitted it came up pretty good the only thing is I gotta be careful because it does need heat to activate so it'll scratch up pretty easily already got a mishap but dropped it so I gotta be careful once it's on the quad you'll heat up an activating it'll Harden so came out pretty good there's the patch again not the prettiest thing in the world but to fix the issue so so now we're going to move on to the plastics we're gonna remove them I'll probably dig out the power washer and get all the crud off there the mud and stuff and then strip off the old camera paint and prep it for the new paint seriously I can't begin to express how relieved and happy I am that this is finally over with I knew it was gonna be an unbearable grueling lengthy process to get that done and you know what [Music] [Music] my cousin was smoking jail I was even but I ain't even care just to be Russian meteor fit I dropped out but just a set apart back our newest birthday I by the time and I remember my [Music] [Music] mother [Music] mother [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] all right it's been about an hour I have since changed and in case you're wondering yes I have two of these identical shirts and I hate vodka so yeah I have a turbo nozzle that came with the power washing that I never used before was those two securities it on my car but it actually throws the water into a spiral and it actually was pretty effective it got the paint off of the plastic and got down to the bare color of the plastic which is awesome so I don't have to do as much work anymore there is some spots that weren't able to come off I'll need to put some elbow grease in and take care of that but majority of these plastics have been stripped so that's pretty awesome so we're gonna work on these few patches and then fix the cracks the Lord [Music] [Music] okay so I went over these two entirely with a scotch-brite pad these little patches of paint just don't want to come off for whatever reason it is flat it's like fused with the plastic or something I'm just gonna leave them on their primer over and hopefully it'll be okay as you see it's all dull now that's what the internet is said to do so I'm gonna take the Internet's word for it so these two are scotch Friday this other piece that covers the airbox I'm just a little aggressive the sandpaper choice hopefully these scratches don't show through the primer but it is what it is this piece is anyway so hopefully a primer will will fix that oh yeah so now I guess I'll rinse them off probably shouldn't put the power wash away I'm an idiot all right so I wash them down with soap and water yeah we're gonna mess the headlights and tail light wipe everything down with mineral spirits and lay down some pain [Music] [Music] [Music] all right and the primer is on there I did run out halfway through it so I had to go get some more I used a total of four cans this stuff spray is pretty good it did cover up the scratches there is very slight Tiger striping I'm hoping when I lay down the color it'll cover that up but we'll wait till next video to reveal that [Music] you
Channel: Xtalgic
Views: 218,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xtalgic, how to, how to paint, how to atv plastic, how to atv, how to paint plastic, how to paint atv plastic, quad, atv, genesis, genesis rspec, genesis 5.0, genesis v8, hyundai genesis, genesis coupe, paint exhaust, paint atv exhaust, how to paint exhaust, atv exhaust, aint plastic, paint atv plastic, plastic, paint plastic diy, diy, tutorial, kawasaki, prairie 650, kawasaki prairie
Id: k-9ggLLgE94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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