How to Paint a Vintage Buffet with Collard Greens Chalk Paint | DIY Furniture Makeover

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hey guys welcome back to furniture flipping teacher if you're new here my name is lauren and i am a full-time kindergarten teacher who also flips furniture to earn a profit that i put straight toward my student loan debt right now neiman and i are about to go and pick up a vintage slash antique buffet and i found it on facebook marketplace last night so we're gonna go pick it up i actually got it for a pretty good price and it's in really great condition seventy dollars so let's take a trip we're gonna go ahead and help us load it up i think we'll go ahead and take it from you there you go yeah just so that we can get it up there yep so what's your channel about uh furniture flipping teacher okay i'll try it out yeah wow yeah have you seen them i've seen a couple yeah yeah cool cool one two three yeah all right it worked out they've actually seen some of our content before so that's kind of cool we're getting our name out there but 70 bucks it's in really nice shape i am so excited i've been wanting to flip one of these vintage buffets ever since i started furniture flipping so i finally got my hands on one i found this on facebook marketplace it is in almost perfect condition there is a couple of places where the veneer is off but i am going to be able to fix that and then i also want to say thank you so much to dixie bell paint company they are actually sponsoring this video they are supporting me and paying off my student loan debt but then they're also very supportive of teachers and our movement in the future to also help other teachers pay off their loans let's remove the hardware so these old old ones have the flat head screws so i'm using my flathead screwdriver to remove the hardware here and i'm going to be replacing it or using it again and so i am going to keep that all in one spot and i'm going to leave these doors open so i don't close it and then not be able to get it open again these are just beautiful all original all in great shape i just need to clean them up a little bit i can tell a couple of spots here where the veneer is peeling so i'm probably just going to put some wood glue in here and then i'll fix this up with some dixie mud but i'm going to be painting this part so it's not too big of a deal there that's cool those little hooks down here people must have hung stuff from there now that my hardware is off i'm going to go ahead and use dixie bell's white lightning cleaner to give it a wash because we want our paint to adhere so we want to for sure get all of this dust off and things like that we don't want that under our paint okay so just dump about a tablespoon in and then mix it up let it dissolve you want warm water so that it dissolves so now that it's all clean i am going to use my clean water to wipe off all the extra cleaning solution and any other dirt and grime that i may have missed and then we'll be ready to move on to our next step so i'm going to be filling or repairing some of this veneer here and because i'm actually planning on keeping this a stained top i'm going to kind of sand it down and stain it with the gel stain i'm going to be using the stainable wood filler from minwax but then to fill all the other spots where i'm going to be painting i'm going to be using the dixie mud so for the wood filler it's stainable so this should become the same color as the rest of the wood we're just gonna apply a little bit here and honestly it's okay to get a little dirty get your fingers in there and then i like to make it just a tad bit higher than the rest and then that way when i am sanding it back a little bit later i can get it down to that even surface and i don't think there's any other spots where i need to do that on top here maybe just right there really quick that should do it so we're gonna put this wood filler away and then we'll move on to the dixie mud so for the dixie mud there's just a couple of spots of veneer that's peeling or has come off and so i'm just going to flatten that out there and i'm using dixie mud because once i sand it down it'll be able to be painted right over again i'm going to make it a little bit chunkier than it needs to actually be but then i'll be able to sand that down make it flat these spots are a little bit bigger so for now the wood filler and the dixie bell mud has got to dry and then we'll come back and do a little bit of sanding so like i said i was going to do the stained top so i'm going to actually sand this finish off as well as get the wood filler nice and smooth and then i'll also go to the drawers and get that dixie mud smooth as well so let's get to sanding and i'm using an 80 grit on my sandpaper which is a lower grit the lower the grit the more coarse your sandpaper is going to be so since i'm taking this finish off i'm going to use that lower grit at first and then i'll move up to a higher grit to smooth it out a little bit more ah it's hot and that was a lot of sanding but the top is all done at least with the 80 grit i'm going to come back with a smoother a little bit higher grit of sandpaper to both smooth out the top and scuff sand around where i'm going to be painting okay everywhere that i'm going to paint is now all sanded down scuff sanded the top is also sanded down and i'm actually not going to be sanding down the feet and the legs of this because i'm just going to be using the no pain gel stain and with that you don't have to actually sand all the way down to the surface the reason i did on the top was just because there's actually some burn marks and so i wanted to get down below that but then for the lakes i don't really have to do much prep work for those so my next step is now going to be to wipe away all the dust so i'm going to be using dixie bell's no pain gel stain in the color walnut which is like a dark brown but it's not the darkest i've used espresso in a flip before the cedar chest but i'm going to be using this color because i don't want it to be too dark and overwhelming and i can always go a little bit darker with another coat of this but if i started out with the really dark that would be there would be no going back i am going to be applying it with a little applicator pad from dixie bell's website and then i'm going to be wiping it away with just a lint-free cloth that i already got stuff on geez i'm so messy okay so that is just to wipe away the excess i'm going to start on the legs and then i'll move up to the top i'm actually going to be keeping this up here regularly because that's where i'm going to be starting to paint i just want to make sure i get into all of these crevices evenly because we're starting with a darker base there might not be much of a difference especially once i wipe it away but i do want to cover everywhere and then on the top that's why i might need to do two coats to kind of match the color a little bit better since the top of it will be starting with a lighter color of wood you definitely want to use gloves when you're doing the no pain gel stain because it is an oil-based stain so very hard to come clean like once i'm done with this applicator pad it'll actually just have to be trashed so unless you want to clean up with mineral spirits i would suggest wearing gloves honestly i love this no pain gel stain it's truly like living up to its name no pain because it's just going on so nicely it's so much easier than regular stain really easy to work with kind of put it wherever you want and then it'll stain that color if you are in the market for like a new stain or an easy way to stain the tops or the drawers or whatever you may want to stain i highly recommend getting this it's a great investment and it lasts for several projects so find that link down below in the description and then i'm going to take my lint-free cloth and go over and wipe back any excess and even everything out like back in here this corner there's some excess so i definitely want to get that out and just even everything out i think i'm just going to kind of darken up the front here a tad bit the same is on there and that's got to dry for about six to eight hours so if i do want to do another coat which i'm thinking that this is dark enough but if there's any touch up areas things like that i can reapply and it'll soak it up a little bit darker but that's going to be about six to eight hours from now until this dries so we're gonna let that dry and then we'll get on to the paint all right we're back the stain is dry so i'm going to tape off the bottom and the top so that we can get to painting so when i tape i'm just going to tape around the spot that i don't want to get paint on so i don't want to get paint on any of the stain look that i did so i'm going to be taping all the way around the bottom here but then also probably under here as well that'll just give it a little bit more of a finished look so i won't be getting paint up underneath the top it's a little extra work but because i want to be able to sell this piece at a higher price i need to do all of the ins and outs and make it look as great as possible i'm planning on keeping the inside the wood color so i'm taping off the door as well as i think i'm just gonna paint this part so i'm gonna tape right here along that okay the last spot i'm gonna tape is the drawers so that i don't get any paint on the sides of them but then we'll be finally ready to paint got everything taped off so we're finally ready to paint i don't know if i've told you yet but i'm gonna be painting it green collard greens by dixie bell it's kind of a dark deep green but it's more of a grayish green at least that's the way it looks so i'm excited to open it up and see what it looks like when i paint it on i'm not going to do any priming because again this is a darker color so there shouldn't be any bleed through so let's open it up and get started i'm just going to wet my surface put a little bit of water in the paint as well and then my brush we're just doing this to kind of smooth out the paint thin it out a little bit it's pretty thick chalk paint so doing that will just allow your brush and your paint to glide a little bit better over the surface it also helps eliminate brush strokes as well all right so we're not one and done on this one but the first coat's going to dry and then we'll move on to coat number two so the drawers are actually already dry this is really quick drying paint and plus i got them outside in the sun and the nice breeze so they are going to dry nice and quick so we're ready for coat number two on the drawers we just want to do nice thin coats anyway so i think i'm only going to need to do two for this whole thing basically the second coat is covering up anywhere that i missed the first time and then also just giving it that extra layer of color as well got to be really careful around the detailing because we don't want any clumps or pools of paint so i'm just going back over a little bit here spreading everything out evenly the second coat's all finished up so now we let it dry for a few hours okay it's top coat time and before we get to applying the top coat we are going to take off all of the tape very carefully alrighty tapes off so let's do the top coat okay so this is something that i don't usually do on my pieces but for this i'm gonna actually be using wax to do the top coat so for the wax um i'm gonna be using a wax brush this is a la petite brush from dixie bell so you can check that out over on their website link is down in the description but it's a natural bristle brush that i am just going to take some wax and then buff it into the paint and on top of the paint and that's going to act as our top coat once it's dry i'm also going to be doing some little details i guess you could say with brown wax the best dang wax and so you want to always apply the clear wax first that way you can always wipe back any brown wax that you want in case you get too much i'll go into some more details in just a minute but let's get the first layer of clear wax onto our first drawer to be honest i've never done the wax on a non-neutral color so this is new for me but we're gonna give it a go so now that i've got my clear wax all on there i am going to take my brown wax and then i'm going to also put some of that on there but i'm not going to put too much i'm going to get this bristle out here i'm not going to put too much because i don't want it to be too crazy dark because that clear wax is on underneath it'll be able to be wiped away with my lint-free cloth so i'm just going to do some details right around the edges here and then that will be able to be kind of buffed out with my lint-free rag and i'll just kind of spread this brown wax lightly all over but most of it is gonna keep underneath this detail here on the drawer just going to darken it up a tad bit but make it look a natural kind of shading there we go now we'll do the next one okay all finished up with the wax i'm gonna put the drawers in real quick and then we'll get on to the top coat of the stained areas of the buffet i'm not going to put them all the way in because i don't have the hardware back in there yet looking good okay our next step is to do the top coat and for the top of the buffet and the legs of the buffet i am going to be using clear coat in flat by dixie bell and the reason i'm using this is because it's going to be easily spread across the stain and now that this has dried for 24 hours we are totally okay to use a water-based top coat on an oil-based product stain so i'm going to be using both the gator hide blue sponge for applying it and a sponge brush because i want to get more in the details especially up on the top here but this is going to mostly be where i go back and forth on the top so let's get started so one thing i really like about doing the flat top coat over the stain is that it really doesn't change the look of it i'll do another coat here in a little bit once this is completely dry but i just did it it's already dried it's like soaked up so i'll definitely be doing another one but i just love how it still totally looks like that stained wood and it's just not changing the look of the top of this buffet so that's the look that i really want to continue to go for i didn't want any sheen on it or any shininess so i'm glad that i chose to go with the flat but i'm going to also apply this down below onto the legs and i'm just going to do one coat because that's not going to get as much traffic as say the top would but we'll be back up here for the top in just a few minutes alrighty that's a wrap i've just got to reattach the hardware and we're going to call it good so what i'm doing is just a few touch-ups and sometimes that'll happen where you apply the top coat or you apply the wax and some of the paint comes back and usually that's just because maybe i missed a little bit of an area when i was scuff sanding which it actually makes sense because most of the areas where it's having a little bit of a harder time adhering is around the spots where i didn't scuff sand so i could solve that by doing primer around those areas and i'll know for next time that if i don't scuff sand and it's a glossier finish that i'll need to do the priming but i think just doing that touch-ups will be perfect and this is a done piece so the last step before staging in photos is that we are going to revitalize this wood inside of here so i'm going to be using the orange grove again the big mama's butter from dixie bell and just rubbing that on the raw wood and that will bring it right back to life and also make it smell really nice for a little bit on a wax brush again and then just rub it into the wood a little bit goes a long way for this guys look at this difference with big mama's butter without big mama's brother that is crazy this is also a great thing to put onto the bottoms of drawers if they have wood runners it just makes it slide in and out a lot easier as well so another option for big mama's butter they also have a couple of other scents as well there's susan's garden and then i think that might be the only one i can't remember there might be a third one too now that the orange grove is put on we are officially ready for staging and photos now this piece is actually going to be a little bit different than my other pieces in terms of selling so if you watched monday's video you know that i got that piece at the restore the habitat for humanity restore here in omaha and i got it back in the market restore which is the only one of its kind but it's basically a little bit of a higher end a little bit nicer of furniture and different staging items and they have vendors that put furniture in there similar to like what i do with furniture they have people who do that and so i actually have the opportunity to try putting a piece of furniture in that market restore and so that is where this piece is actually going to go i'm going to be pricing it right around that 500 mark and then i promise we will be sure to let you know when this sells down in the comments and this is probably going to take a little bit longer than it might take on facebook marketplace but we want to try it out and we want to get our name out there to continue diversifying our ways of selling furniture and it'll be a fun experience please be sure to get subscribe down below and we'll continue to keep you updated but also head over to instagram because that is where we will do most of our updates you can see us dropping it off you can see us doing different things behind the scenes me painting everything like that stay connected with me over on instagram on a daily basis thank you again to dixie bell for sponsoring this video and for supporting me constantly in my journey to pay off my student loan debt they have been supporters from almost day one and i really appreciate them and i also really appreciate you guys also if you haven't already be sure to get your see you on the flip side shirt because those are going to be on the verge of exiting our website not for sale anymore come april 14th so get yours right now link is down in the description and i'll see you on the flip side you
Channel: Furniture Flipping Teacher
Views: 97,674
Rating: 4.9399796 out of 5
Keywords: furniture flipping for profit, furniture flip, diy, diy furniture flip, student loan debt, teacher, vintage furniture, staging furniture, side hustle, resell furniture, repurpose for profit, furniture flipping tips, furniture makeover, furniture painting, furniture flipping ideas, furniture flipping before and after, flipping furniture for beginners, diy makeover, vintage buffet, how to paint, painting furniture, chalk paint, dixie belle paint, facebook marketplace
Id: X71rZmj2DeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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