How to package your unreal engine 5.4 projects - ANDROID/VR project

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hi guys welcome to another Unreal Engine video tutorial and today we are going to talk about how we can package our project inside Unreal Engine so Unreal Engine 5.4 have just been released and we are going to teach you guys how you can package your project for Android projects okay so if you work with mobile project or if you work with virtual reality project you have to understand you must understand how you package your project right so first thing guys I have already downloaded my Unreal Engine 5.4 and I'm going to launch a virtual reality project so we can test and we can package our project okay so uh while uh Unreal Engine 5.4 is loading I'm going to show you what we have to download to uh to package our project so if you go to into our documentation of un engine 5.4 you can see uh the recommended version of SDK ndk and jdk okay so the jdk version is the version 17 and the SDK is 33 okay but the your minimum compulation is for 30 uh 30 or above okay so if you are going to shipping for shipping you can use uh uh 26 okay so uh right here you can see the the version of the Android Studio is the the version Flamingo 2022 2.1 okay this is the version that you guys have to download so let's do that so let's go into Android Studio website and now we are going to find the archives of our our Android Studio okay right here you can click on download archives here now we just have to accept the terms and condition and now we just have to find this version here uh May 23 okay May 24 sorry uh of the Year 23 okay so let's find it right here this is this is the exact version Android Studio Flamingo 2022 2.1 patch number two right 2022 2.1 perfect this is what we are going to download it so click it uh and wait to to download uh begin okay guys one thing that you have to understand I already have Android Studio 4.0 so I'm not going to take this uh settings from 4.30 to Android Studio Flamingo okay so uh this is very important when you download the new Android Studio you don't take the same settings to the the to the newer one okay so let's see okay it's taking a while perfect guys so now we just double click it and install our Android studio uh Flamingo okay right here we can uh click to uninstall the previous version as I said to you guys we don't need that version anymore because now we are going to work with 5.4 okay so click next uh he's basically telling us to that we'll remove everything from the previous version so um uh accept it and then install it okay inside Unreal Engine browser I'm going to create a virtual reality game this one and then back to Android Studio press next and finish perfect so now I'm going to open my Android studio uh and let's download our SDK indk inside Android Studio okay okay guys now inside Android Studio let's download our SDK and ndk okay go to more actions and SDK manager perfect so the first thing that we are going to do is to to set our Android SDK location so you can see right here uh my SDK is going to be installed inside this folder here okay if you guys don't if you guys have this this part here blank then please go to edit and choose your SDK location okay this is very important step okay so now let's go back to our documentation here you can see that we already know we already installed our SDK studio version now we are going to install our SDK so it's recommended SDK 33 and minimum 30 but which one of ndk we have to install so uh the ndk version is the 25b and the build tools it's 33.0 point1 okay this is very important information so inside Android Studio we just have to install this guy here every other guy you can disin you can uninstall install it sorry uh just so set Android 33 Okay and inside SDK tools what you're going to do you're going to enable this this guy here so show package details okay enable it and you can see difference at SDK build tools okay so the build tools that we are going to to check is this one and every other one you can disable we are not going to use it anymore okay so enable the 33.0 point1 as they they ask we you guys to to to enable it and of course we have to download our ndk so which which one is the version R20 25b so the version R 25b is this guy here so 25.1 okay so uh enable this guy here and of course uh enable the command tool line so you can check everything okay this is not very heavy to to install it in your computer so check everything and then the cake make sure that you have installed 3.10 and 3.22 okay then just just uh click on apply and install your Android Studio Next Step we're going to install our jdk okay okay guys so for our jdk just type jdk Sorry jdk download then you can go uh to Java archives right here then click on Java 17 okay and the version that we are going to need is 17.0.0 so right here this guy here Java SE development kit and download for Windows or something else that you are using in my case I'm working with windows so I'm installing this guy okay if you want to make sure that your Java is installed go to your CMD prompt command and then type Java version right here so press enter and you can see the version of java that you install in my case I install the version 17.01 so uh it will work it will also work so you don't have to worry about it uh if you if you install 1.0.6 or above it's going to work so don't worry about it okay guys so uh after after download this guide just double click and install inside your computer it's very simple step you guys are going to we manage uh to make everything work okay guys so now we are inside un real engine let's see how we can package our project so I open a virtual reality template right here and and we are going to package our project so first thing first let's go inside our project settings uh making sure we have we template enable inside our package uh we are going to to check full rebuild okay also now we go into Android we are going to package for 33 as recommended for epic games check APK okay and finally we are going to Android SDK so inside Android SDK we are going to find our SDK folder okay so if you don't know where is your SDK folder then open your Android studio and you can see where you download your your SDK so go inside SDK manager and this is the folder where your SDK is okay so copy here and then select the paste okay and then inside your ndk just have to click ndk in the folder uh 25.1 okay and for jdk you usually find your J your Java folder inside your C uh local disk programs file F Java and jdk 17 then double click and select the folder then your your folder folder path should look like this and this uh remember to put 33 right here because we are going to build using API level 33 Okay then we can go back into our view viewport PL click platform Android package uh select the folder where you want to package your project and then just click to package your project if you want you can follow uh your packaging happening right here so I will wait to package our project and I will pause the video and when it's done I will come back and show you guys if it work or not okay so see you soon okay guys so as you can see the package was completed and the build was successful okay uh so if you guys uh face any trouble packaging your your file or something like that please use the comment section below and I see you in the next video byebye
Channel: Unreal Engine VR
Views: 2,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NfI_WlKFUak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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