Get Started With Unreal Engine 5: Build VR Worlds for Virtual Reality

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today I'm going to teach you how to make a VR environment in Unreal Engine and I am super excited to do this stepbystep tutorial for you uh I do have chapter marking so if you want to jump ahead if you already have Unreal Engine installed on your computer you don't need this first part but if you're brand new to creating anything in Unreal Engine and certainly VR the first thing you're going to need to do is go get the Unreal Engine program uh to do that it's made by a company called epic games Epic games is the publisher of fortnite and the Unreal Engine is used not only for shows like the Mandalorian but it is used for pretty much every triaa title game that is developed and sure you can make VR environments for games but today I'm going to make a VR museum with you and I'm going to move at a pace where you can literally follow along with me so again if you don't already have Unreal Engine go to Epic Games create an account for yourself totally free download the epic games launcher which is is also totally free and you can use the Unreal Engine and guess what that's totally free as well I already have both of those programs installed on my computer of course and so I am going to just jump in this is what the epic games launcher looks like and uh the first place I'm going to show you is an area called The Marketplace and inside this Marketplace is a just Treasure Trove of 3D assets and 3D environments and all kinds of great things that you can use and we're going to use something that is free inside here today for the environment that we are creating but this is a wonderful area for you to check out of just all this incredible stuff some of it you pay for but if you come on this free area you'll see there's just a ton of stuff and every month epic gives away a whole bunch of free things and this week a really cool Gothic Cathedral um environment but there's all kinds of great stuff now inside the Library area if you notice I have downloaded a lot of those free things I've also paid for a bunch of things and we're going to use this art fashion and Automotive Gallery today so today we're going to create this environment but instead of using like a a third person like a fortnite type movement system we're going to make it a VR environment there are several different Maps as they're called or levels sometimes referred to as a video game there's one that looks like the museum there's one that's like an art gallery so if you hear me using the word map or level I'm just talking about different type of environments within an environment I guess think of this as like a house and these are different rooms in that environment now this one is free so go ahead once you have everything um installed go ahead to the marketplace and search for art fashion and Automotive in this search box and you will find this you'll notice that it says that this template is supported all the way up to Unreal Engine 5.4 which is the latest version that just came out at the end of a April when this video is being created it does not work in 5.4 I tried it out yesterday and this particular template doesn't work in 5.4 so we're going to be using Unreal Engine 5.3 these are right now the two engine versions that I have installed 5.3 and 5.4 but like I said we're going to use 5.3 today these are already the existing projects that I have so if you look on my Channel at my other videos you're going to see I use this Eric vtuber uh environment a lot I also have my really cool Iron Man environment and this custom controls environment I'm going to give you guys for free these custom controls I'm going to show you later in the video what they're going to do for you from a VR perspective but I'll make another video of how to add this to your project and I'll make this entire project available to you for free so that's coming up next and if you haven't already subscribed to my channel that's a good motivation to do so so that you don't miss it when that video comes out it's time to start creating now what I want you to do like I said is go to the marketplace and search for the art fashion and Automotive gallery and make sure that you download that the next thing I want you to do once you have it is to click on create project and we need to do some settings here the first thing is we want to give it a name and call it Museum template CU we're going to use it as a template for for herself two things I want to point out one is the folder Direction where I'm putting it is in a one drive folder I don't recommend that you have one drive turned on when you're working in unreal because it's automatically syncing everything you're doing to the cloud and I have one drive turned off maybe you're not even using one drive and that's fine but if you are using one drive I would turn one drive off while you're doing this the next thing is is on the version notice I can hit this drop down and I can choose what version of the engine that I want to create this in and as I said we're going to use 5.3 so I click on create now what that's done is it made this project available to me in my unreal projects folder notice it didn't launch the engine but it created it for me and so now we have that available for us with that done I'm going to go up to the top right and I'm going to launch Unreal Engine 5.3 now as that's launching again I want to assume that you guys already know how to connect your meta Quest goggles to your PC either through a cable I use airlink uh which is doing it wirelessly and if you don't know how to do that there's some good videos on the web but in order for you to make a VR environment and then check it out in your goggles you definitely need to make sure that you have the medaquest software installed there was a recent update that came out they not only named it finally meta Quest instead of oculus but make sure that you're using the latest version of that and that that application is running when you try to connect all right with the engine now running in version 5.3 you'll notice that the museum template is there and it says current because it means it works with the current engine that I'm running okay notice this one was version 5.0 and this is my Eric vtuber environment uh in version 5.4 and I certainly recommend that you guys check out the other videos on my channel I have made videos like how to use Da Vinci resolve for this like the video I'm editing for you but I've also have a video on how to use Unreal Engine and I think that is a great way for you to get started if you're totally new all right we are going to make a VR environment now and then we're going to add the museum assets to our VR environment and that's really the best way um for you guys to do this so over on the left side choose games and then you'll notice there's many different game types that you can create don't get distracted because today we're making VR but notice you can make some really cool things in unreal and we'll click on virtual reality over here on the right hand side it says starter content it's unchecked that's good no reason to check that cuz we're not using the starter content and let's call this my museum no spaces my museum so we call the other one Museum template and this one is my museum and I'll click on create now when I do that it is actually launching the editor because I'm creating it from within the editor and it will open it up and now we have a VR environment now I'm moving around inside the editor Let me actually resize this for you guys because I have a super large monitor all right so if your meta Quest goggles are connected to your PC and you've now made this environment you can come up to the dot dot dot right here and check if VR preview is lit up if it's not that's probably okay by the way if when you open this it said that you were missing some plugins that you needed to activate go ahead and do that if I come down here to plugins what I did sorry let me do that again I went up to the edit menu and I went to plugins if I type in VR you'll notice that the open XR plugin is active on my computer and when you opened it it may not have been already turned on so if you got a popup that said you needed to activate some plugins go ahead and enable them that's just fine so let me show you what this looks like with me putting on my VR goggles and I made a little recording for you of showing you how I can move around in this environment and what basic movement looks like all right so here I am with my VR goggles on and I'm just using my left controller and right controller to rotate my head left and right and the right controller allows me to teleport and there's a no teleport Zone over there so I can move all around this environment and it's I think that's pretty cool except thing is this is a template not very exciting so let's get back to the museum and learn how to move around in the museum all right now we're back in the editor and the next thing that we want to do is add the museum content to this template and I'm going to show you how to do that by going up to the file menu and I want to open a project and you guess that I want to open the museum template so here we go I have clicked on that and it's relaunching the editor and it's opening up the template and if it's your first time opening the template it may need to compile some shaders not a problem now with this open what I want to do is I basically want to move this showcase folder over to the other project and candidly I could go to my drive where these projects are and copy and paste and move the folders and that will work most of the time however if there are things in here that are linked to like other folders in this case they're not but if they were there's a built-in capability to migrate and migrating within unreal will make sure that you get everything you need brought over to the other environment I'm going to rightclick and if you'll notice there's a menu item called migrate so select that it will show you all the things that it's going to be migrating which is great you don't need to change anything right here click on okay and then it's asking where do I want to migrate it to and the place that I want to migrate it to is I'm going to click on unreal projects where my library of different environments you don't probably have of course all of these and I'm going to my museum so if I go into I double clicked into my museum and I go into content I'm now in the right folder and I'm going to choose select folder and it's migrating all of these folders over into the content folder okay so I'm in my museum in the content folder and select folder and now it will move all of those assets after this migration is complete the next thing I'm going to do is go back and open up that project all right the migration is complete and so now all we need to do is go and open the music Museum so go up to the file menu choose open project and go to my museum and that will open up let me resize the window for you guys and here we are now if you notice on the left hand side we've got the Showcase folder integrated into the environment now we're not going to be using this template anymore I'm not going to have you delete it but we're just not going to be using it now every time the this project opens up it goes to this default template and if you want to change that one of the things I'm going to teach you is you can go up to the edit menu here and go to Project settings and if you'll notice in maps and modes remember I said earlier that these things are sometimes called Maps or levels that the VR template is the editor startup one and so if you want to change that now to the art gallery just choose this drop down and change it so that the art gallery is the default for the editor startup as well as the game default startup now the other thing you're going to notice is at the top the default game mode is set to VR game mode now because we started from the VR template this is already default setting epic made this setting of The VR game mode but if you notice there's like a third person game mode so if you build other environments let's say you download something that's a third person person environment and you want to convert it to VR without starting with this template well it probably is going to have this setting and you would need to come in here to change it to the VR game mode or it's not going to work all right so VR game mode and those two defaults and I can close that menu and let me click on Save saving is up in the top leftand corner and there we go so now under the Showcase folder you can go to the maps folder and just doubleclick that and open up the art gallery and at this point what we have is a map that also now contains the blueprints if you will all the technology that we will in order to get this to work as a VR environment now if you move around this template over by these red posters near the entry door you'll see this character right here and that is a third person character I want you to select it and hit the delete key on your keyboard and get rid of it because this is not going to be a third person environment we don't need that also this camera right here next to that which is a camera actor we really don't need that either so if you want to go ahead you can delete that um this is used for some animation sequences and you just really don't need that for what you're doing so go ahead and get rid of that now as I mentioned on my channel there is a tutorial of how to use Unreal Engine uh I know some of you are probably just doing this for the first time and so you'll notice that over here on the left hand side is basically all the content for this project um when I'm in a particular folder this is what's inside that folder up here in the top right are the assets that are in this particular map and when I select a particular thing this is the details for it so that is the world's fastest tutorial not sufficient for you to learn unre so go watch the other video but you'll see me moving in these three different areas as you guys follow along so what we need to do is turn this environment into a VR environment and it's actually very easy to do we really only need to add a couple things let's start off with the first one and that is we need to add an object to this environment and to do that we go up to this drop- down menu and choose volumes what we're going to add is a nav mesh bounds volume it's a really unfamiliar term that simply means we're adding an area that enables us to walk around in the VR environment because right now this map doesn't know where we're allowed to walk or where we can't walk and so when I click on this I get this little box right here right in front of me it's too small cuz we don't want to walk around just inside that box so we're we're going to change some things in the scaling over here on the right so over now that we have this selected the nav mesh bounds volume selected in the scale let's do some things now before we change some numbers I'm going to fly up way in the sky and keep going way way up leaving that piece selected now if as you're moving with your mouse and moving up you lose that selection you can come over here and click nav mesh bounds volume again to make sure it's highlighted with it highlighted let me try the number 50 and that made it nice and long let's go even higher and see all right I can see that that ends right there so I'm going to slide that H let's go 60 just to be safe it doesn't matter technically if it's bigger than your environment that's not a problem because the person's movement is going to be limited by the wall walls that are inside the environment so there's walls here in the museum on this side and this side and I can't walk past those walls so I'm good now let's go with let's try 50 yep that's certainly big enough we can actually move it down to 40 and then if we move it to 40 just slide it a little bit to the left grabbing the yellow arrow so red arrow forward and back yellow arrow left and right and the blue area is up and down don't move it up and down yet I'm going to hit contrl Z and undo that so here's my location numbers over here so that you can see them uh if you are literally following along and I hope that you are this last number is the height all right so now I'm going to drop back down all the way back down now if you notice I'm moving my camera really slowly over here if I just click on the camera speed I like to operate a little faster there we go three works just fine all right I'm going to back up and see where where the floor is I'm a little worried that that's not high enough so I'm just going to do the up and bring it so I'm looking at this yellow line and I'm making sure that it's slightly below the floor but this is high enough and that will enable it to walk all around the floor area all right let's move back inside and why don't we let's pick a place this I'm going to go right here I've slid over to where it says ancient treasures and there's a little bench right here I'm going to add my player start right to this area right here that's where I want to start and in order to do that we just go to the menu right here again where we can add things and under the basic menu we can add a player start so choose player start and it will put that right there I just clicked away and so I lost that not a problem let me go up here to the menu and type player so as I type player start and click on it you'll see it's right there I'm going to bring it up a little bit there we go and it's below the floor not a problem normally if we were making like a a first person or third person game we would have it um above the floor like this cuz the character would be standing there but for VR I typically do it it about right there um because I'm seated right now all right so let me click save and let me grab my VR goggles and this should be all I need to get this working so bear with me while I put my goggles on all right I've got my VR goggles on and I'm going to connect to my PC and again I use airlink so I'm just connecting and now that I'm connected I'm going to the desktop icon in my VR goggles and I'm choosing monitor one cuz that's where I am working three monitors on my computer and now it's time to see if the magic works and I'm going to click on the green play button in the top left corner and that should launch me into VR it did not so hey that's okay let's figure out what's going on all right so I need to change um up here in the top left the dot dot dot I need to change that to be in VR preview mode and when that happens then when the start button works I'm where I need to be and I can see my hands out in front of me and if I use the left stick I'm moving my camera left and right at 45° increments and if I use the right stick now this is interesting if I use the right stick I'm not actually able to teleport I think at the nav mesh I don't have it set high enough for me to move to this spot so let's go ahead and fix that now candidly I could have edited this video in a way that everything worked perfectly and you guys wouldn't have to um see the see the magician blowing the trick but I don't think that's the right way to learn um because this is going to happen to you so let's fix it together so there's the nav mesh bounds volume I'm over here working the edit and I have a feeling that it's just too low so when you click on a particular item on the right I can hit the F key and that brings it into Focus so F like Frank on the keyboard nav mesh and let's just move it up because it's quite possible that it was just too low I'm just going to make the scale down here on the right I'm going to bump that to two and make it larger so the problem is that the nav mesh bounds volume is in the wrong place and even though it looked like it was in the right place to me one of the benefits of having this menu over here if you look in the top left I'm going to click on perspective and you can look at different perspectives so I'm going to look at the left side and with the nav mesh bounds volume can you see how it's up here way higher than the floor I didn't think it was but I've got to move it so that this box contains the floor otherwise I can't move to that area and now I'm going to click save I'll go back to my perspective and now when I click play it should work and I'm really glad that that didn't work because this is a very common problem and it's better for you to learn how to fix it all right let me put my goggles back on and see if the magic is going to work this time and there you have it so now I can teleport around the environment with that little blue circle and everything is working and that was all due to just the nav mesh not being where it's contained to the areas that I want to move to all right let's stop that by the way right now if I click the button on my left controller the menu comes up and you can choose reset orientation restart or real life real life drops you out of the VR environment hitting the Escape key and we are back in our environment so that's what it took to get it to work I'm going to click on Save and I think congratulations is in order because you've now built your first VR environment and you saw that I could teleport around in this environment I promised you guys that in a later video I'm going to show you different types of mov movement like how to use Dash movement how to use a fade movement and how to move where you can just literally be like walking around without that teleporting and I think it's nice that when you create VR environments you give users a chance to choose how they want to move around some people get a lot of motion sickness and so by giving them options of how they want to move works great now just to have a little fun I'm going to use chat GPT to create some art and replace one of the pictures in the environment why don't we type in something like um create a 16 by9 um picture that looks like art of a Magic Castle in oil painting and see what we get once this image is created I'm going to download it to my computer and then drag it into the environment and replace one of the pictures that's in here and I just want to show you how to do that because I think it's fun to customize the environment now that we've built it with your own Graphics maybe you want to take this template and take a bunch of pictures from some family photos that you have and put it in here and then make this environment available and you know have Grandma Grandpa mom and dad or one of your kids um walk around and take a look at some pictures on the wall in a VR experience and ask them is that more engaging is it more enriching for them to look at this content in 3D in VR rather than just looking it on a phone have some fun with it so let's download this Castle I kind of like it I'm going to go to the folder where it's at going to drag it onto my desktop minimize all these windows so here's my dolly picture and I'll just call this castle and if you want to import a graphic into your environment you literally can just drag it now where should I put it I'm going to go to the content folder I'm going to rightclick and I'm going to make a new folder up here at the top and I'll call this custom art and I'm just having some fun guys uh let's drag this into our folder now I forgot when you download files from dolly they come in in a file format that's not compatible with unreal so I'm just opening up paint choosing save as and choosing now PNG and I'll call this castlecore PNG just so I know which one that is and keep it on the desktop let's close up paint let's find that file there it is all right and now that it's a PNG and I've got my custom artart folder I will just just drag it in and it worked so let's see where did we start we're starting over here and let's see are there any pictures right there nope we'll get this one right here so this picture right here this asset that I have selected if you notice in the bottom right which says the static mesh that is the particular picture that is being used uh and then here's the material that is on it so now let's say we want to take this picture and we want to change it to our Castle we dragged the texture that's in here but what I need to do is select the texture right click and choose at the top to create a material and that will create a material for you and it's that material that we used to replace this material right here so I'm going to click and drag it onto this area and the castle will be replaced right there it's really that simple now in other videos we certainly could get into material properties and how to change the lighting and that type of stuff but I think that gives you just some Basics so that you can like I said maybe you want to change this Museum and include a bunch of family photos uh and move that around by the way if you needed to change the dimensions of these you certainly could come in here and then come up here to the menu where you can choose to have the select and translate rotation or scaling and if you want to scale it you can make this narrower if you need to rotate if they happen to be in the wrong Dimension you can move the pictures and do that so have a blast and adjust as you want I just did contrl Z undo undo we got a nice little door what I'm going to show you in the coming videos so again be sure to click on subscribe and if you like this video I'd certainly I that's the best way to tell me that I'm moving in the right direction for you uh or drop a comment if you have a question or some feedback but what I'm going to show you in the future videos is we're going to change the movement so that you can move around here differently but I'm also going to show you guys how to add more interaction so for example let's say that you wanted to walk up to a particular picture like this one or a particular statue and you wanted to hear some audio play or maybe a video show up that tells you more about that those are things that we're going to learn in this video series so we're going to cover all of that in the coming videos last thing I want to tell you is I am on the board of advisers of an exciting company called parseek and parek is developing a VR platform and parseek is creating a VR platform that enables you to publish and share your content with other people think of YouTube but now for VR that's what parseek essentially is it's a place where you can create VR environments upload them to the parseek platform and share them with other people and similar to the YouTube model the plan and the vision is so that you can make money from people watch watching and seeing and using your VR experiences so I wanted to mention that to you this video is not sponsored by them but I want to let you know that you know this is the end of April 2024 that platform is coming out this year and I just wanted to encourage you if you haven't already watched my other videos about the introduction of parseek go to and get on the list so that you can get notified when it becomes available look here's the point that I want to make VR environments are incredibly engaging and VR is the future there are already tens of millions of headsets out there when these things get cheaper and and better more and more people are going to have them so right now you have the opportunity to be an early adopter and get a first start Advantage by learning how to create VR environments and learning how to publish and share them um think about if you started doing this stuff on YouTube um 10 15 20 years ago right it would be incredible for you to have that kind of a head start and VR is amazing that's why I thought showing you how to make a museum and maybe encouraging you guys to change the pictures and then share it with a family member would be a great way for you to start thank you for watching and I hope uh that my pacing was really good for you guys I welcome any feedback or comments that you have and look forward to sharing with you the next video as we look at movement [Music] he
Channel: Eric V. Tuber
Views: 10,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, ue5, metaverse, 3d modeling, virtual reality, unreal engine, unrealengine5, meta human, 3d graphics, meta, metaquest, metaquest3, metaquest2, tutorial, unrealtutorial, unrealmasterclass, vr, spacialcomputing, applevisionpro, visionpro, parsach
Id: QxoB20j0cEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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