How to Pack a Carry On (Tips from a former flight attendant)

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I've had instances where my gate check bag was somehow lost I don't even if it's on the same plane as you how does it get lost so packing can be overwhelming you're not entirely sure what you need to bring or what you're gonna need when you get to where you're going it can just be a lot to think about so I'm gonna take you through my steps that I go through in order to get started packing so the first thing I do is I correlate how many days my trip is versus how many outfits I'm gonna need so if I'm going on a seven-day trip I'm gonna need seven outfits so for clothes I start with clothes you're gonna want to pick out about three bottoms four if you can fit it but three bottoms and about four or five tops now when I travel I normally make sure that all of my tops are thin in fabric and then I do bring layers in case it gets cold or rainy or whatever but we'll get to that later so start with the basics top to bottom I start with my bottoms because these are usually the thickest in fabrics and then if I'm bringing any like coats or whatever I'll pack that at the bottom as well so make sure that you roll your clothes I know Marie Kondo says to do the kimono kun AMI you know method but I'm telling you I have traveled many a day and rolling is the way to go if you want to fit as many items of clothing in your suitcase as possible then what I normally do is all bring three pairs of shoes so one pair of shoes that I can dress up or dress down a pair of tennis shoes for travel days and if you're going hiking or whatever now these shoes you'll wear to the airport so that'll save you space in your suitcase and then usually a pair of boots in case it rains or in case you are in snow or whatever the case bring some boots because you might need them [Music] [Music] all right so clothes are done next is toiletries and makeup this is always the most difficult one for everybody because there's so many rules when it comes to TSA and on top of it most of the girls want to bring all their makeup and hair accessories and stuff like that we've got the curling irons the hair straighteners the hair dryers we've got the shampoos conditioners the list goes on but start with the necessities so shampoo conditioner get yourself a little 3.4 ounce bottle fill that up with your favorite shampoo your favorite conditioner or just use you know the little containers from the hotels and bring those with you so what I like to do if I don't feel like bringing my little silicone go gear cuz sometimes those can take up a little bit more space than I like I'll just take you know the shampoos and conditioners from the hotels and bring them home and every time I go on a trip I'll just use those the thing is I have a lot of hair so I usually you know I'll just I'll sacrifice the space for it so other necessities include your razor your toothbrush toothpaste deodorant medication and whatever else you deem necessary for your hygiene routine the next thing I do after everything is laid out is I separate my liquids from the solids make sure that any makeup that you're wanting to bring if it's liquid it needs to go in your liquids bag otherwise they will stop you at TSA and they will make you throw it away if you don't have space in your makeup bag or in your toiletry bag so for makeup my rule of thumb is to try to go without as much as possible I know it's hard because when you're on a trip you want to take good pictures you want to look presentable you know you want to have something you know on there what I do is instead of my you know big here I'll show you instead of bringing these things I'll just bring a little BB cream and that's it'll take me a long way so that saves up a lot of space and then I try to use powders so I don't you know if I want to bring more makeup I don't have to put it all in my toiletry bag so now we have all of our toiletries now we're gonna move on to our once this includes makeup hair accessories jewelry etc for hair electronics I don't know what they're called most hotels have a hairdryer so you don't need to bring one with you what I try to do is the day before a travel day I'll do my hair and it'll last about 2 or 3 days bring your dry shampoo and then for the remainder of the trip bring one hair accessory that you can style your hair with so what I do is I'll bring a styler and this allows me to curl my hair and straighten it this is the GHD styler it's amazing I love it it's not sponsored but this is the way to go so for accessories like jewelry keep it simple I usually just wear very dainty jewelry but I know some people like to go big with the earrings and the bracelets and all that try to keep it as basic as possible to save yourself space step today is going to be your personal item now most airlines allow you to bring one carry-on and one personal item with you this personal item can be as big as you want as long as it fits in front of the seat in front of you so most flight attendants and gate agents that's what they're looking for when they are looking at your personal item when I bring a personal item I will bring this guy and the reason being cuz I like to take a lot of valuables with me on my trips so why I always pack your valuables in your personal item bag well let me tell you on a travel day there are many factors that can make you late for your flight whether it be bag traffic whether you're in the long line for Starbucks that are usually like two hours long maybe you got held up at TSA and they pulled you aside for random questioning maybe you got lost in the parking lot or somebody missed the you know where they were supposed to drop you off whatever it was now you're late for your flight and you get up to the gate and the gate agents like I'm sorry ma'am we're gonna need to check your bag and you're like what why and she's like the overhead bin space is completely full so we're gonna need you to check it and you're all but I have important stuff in there and she's all I am sorry I don't know what to tell you but we're gonna be taxiing in about two minutes so now you've got two minutes to transfer what is in your personal bag to your carry-on bag and vice versa and you have to figure it out and they're closing the door and you're freaking out just take it from me keep all your valuables with you at all times another reason you want to pack your valuables and keep them with you at all costs have you ever just pulled up to your gate and you're just finally glad that you landed and you look down and you see the guys unloading the plane and they're taking all the bags out and it looks something like this keep your stuff with you at all times and if you're going to pack other stuff in your carry-on bag like valuable things make sure that you bubble wrap them and just keep in the back of your mind that this bag I could be separated from me so I just need to be prepared for that another thing I do for my personal bag is I will carry or I'll put like a backpack inside of that bag so that when I get to my destination I can just take it out and I can travel with that or I'll put a person there for you know if I have a nice occasion to go to so that's usually the first thing I put I just put it at the bottom and then I pack all my stuff like my electronics and my important documents so my laptop and iPad or tablet my camera gear my chargers for my phone my laptop or iPad my camera and any power adapters one of my favorite power adapters is this anchor power adapter I know it looks huge but it has about 4 or 5 charges in it so when you're traveling that is like a lifesaver especially if your phone dies fast which at the time mine was doing and it it's honestly it's not that bulky I mean I like it a lot and I it fits everywhere it's very slim so there are different sizes but this is the one I chose because it has the most battery life then I've got my headphones my extra batteries for phone and camera [Music] my books or a book a journal and a sweater I'll usually put socks if I have the space my chapstick of course a sleep mask neck pillow for longer flights and some earplugs [Music] that's pretty much it and you know you can pack you know whatever it is that you want to pack you don't have to pack everything that I packed but I'm just showing you how I pack and how I plan ahead for packing because it really does help you when you take that extra time to think about what could happen on that day of travel and I have had instances where my gate checked bag was somehow lost I don't even if it's on the same plane as you how does it get lost sometimes it does and it doesn't make any sense but yeah so that's it I hope you found this video helpful thanks for watching and let me know if you have any questions about travel I can't wait to talk about all my different travels and all of the things that I have experienced be on the lookout for more travel videos I'm planning some really great trips coming up and subscribe if you thought this was helpful these what you might pay here my room was so clean we have to clean it out I always end up with X recipe [Music]
Channel: Becca Irene
Views: 2,192,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, how to pack a carry on, carry on, travel tips, airport tips, travel advice, advice, flight attendant, travel day, save money, marie kondo, save money traveling, packing guide, airport guide, funny, minimalist, packing light, travelpro, travel pro, gogear, go gear
Id: sy73y2cRDiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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