Amazon Travel Must Haves for a Long Haul Flight

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel I am no stranger of a long haul flight I'm actually headed on one this weekend I'm going from New York City to Milan in today's video I'm gonna be sharing with you all of my Amazon travel must-haves for a long flight to make you more comfortable and to make the journey a little bit more manageable as always all these items are linked Down Below in the description box first thing you're going to need to consider is what bag you're going to be bringing on the Long Haul flight and I feel like this is a very overlooked step but it's very important because you're going to bring a bag that fits under the seat in front of you but still allows you to have enough leg room and that allows you to have all of your Essentials within easy reach so I actually picked up this bag from Amazon a while ago I also included it in my other Amazon travel must-haves video tried and tested out this bag on all of my recent flights this is the medium size and it fits under the seat in front of you with a nice amount of leg room I'll show you a photo of me on my recent trip it's also a handy trolley sleeve so you can put this easily over a rolling suitcase it's a medium size it isn't too big we're not going to have any leg room but it's also not too small where you're not going to have enough room to fit your items inside on any long-haul flight you're probably going to want to get some sleep I know if you're flying from let's say New York to Europe that's usually more of like a red-eye flight you leave in the late afternoon and you arrive in Europe early in the morning so essential for you to get some sleep otherwise you're not going to get on the time zone here are the items that I bring to get me in that sleep mode better now first up is this neck pillow this one's really cool because it's completely adjustable so you can wear it however you like on the plane if you like it more of like a u-shape you could do it a u-shape you could also cushion your body against you know the hard seats you could do it against the window you can kind of find a more comfortable position with this travel pillow rather than other travel pillows that are just a standard net Circle and by the way definitely buy your neck pillow before you get to the airport because at the airport they sell them for pretty high prices and they're not that good now this one has a removable cover so you can take this off and wash it I know for me I think it's really gross to like not wash these you can also attach this on the outside of your luggage and it doesn't count as like an extra bag but I do find having a pillow is just essential just to get you in a better more comfortable space and even if you just like hug it I feel like this on a plane is just so comfortable just to like hug something I don't know if it's just me so you could really find some weird positions and literally find the most comfortable spot for you next up is a travel blanket now depending on what airline you're flying or what state you booked you may get a travel blanket when you get on the plane if you are flying a more like budget carrier I don't think they give you pillows or blankets or anything it's like an extra purchase so you could always bring your own but not only is this great for the plane you can also bring your little travel blanket to where you're going a lot of airbnbs or hotels they don't have just like blankets that you can like snuggle in so for me I love like kind of being in comfortable clothes even when I'm at my destination now you're wondering how is this a blanket so it comes in this cute little cover which acts as also a travel pillow there's a nice handy little hook so you can hook this on your outside bag so it doesn't take up any room there's also a way you could put it over your suitcase as a little trolley sleeve right here and when you want to use the blanket you just open up this little handy pillow cover and inside you have your nice flush blanket now this is super soft and cozy it's a lightweight blanket it's not not that thick or heavy definitely a personal size your hotel room cuddle up with your own personal blanket and it's just really nice thing to have and you just fold it up easy and you place it back in the little case look how cool that is next thing to bring on a long haul flight are earplugs airplanes are so loud especially if you are seated near the back of the plane I find it very loud honestly having some noise canceling will just make your flight experience so much better I do have noise canceling headphones but if you don't want to wear like over-the-ear headphones or anything you can just get your basic earplug if you have earplugs at home like the max like little foamy ones bring those but if you don't own any and maybe you want to invest a bit more in earplugs I recommend checking these out these are like fancy earplugs I think they are around like 20 bucks but they come in this cute little carrying case with a little Loop that you can put on your keychain or something and these are just super super tiny I like these because they're very comfortable to wear for a long duration of time I know like the other foamy ones can kind of hurt your ears or if you're laying on your ear can be kind of a bit uncomfortable so I've tried earplugs and just don't like them or they feel uncomfortable these are very soft and this is the case it came in they also come with other covers so it can fit your ear even more comfortably and then beyond the airplane you could wear it on a noisy train a noisy bus everything and just cancel out all the noise next up is an eye mask this is just one that I had laying around my house but I feel like adding Darkness on a plane is so essential because they do dim the light they usually do do after takeoff they do like a food service so the lights are on still and if you want to catch sleep ASAP they kind of dim light so it's not completely pitch black on the plane and if you want to get some sleep I highly recommend getting an IMS now I have this one which is great they also have some on Amazon where they really do block out all the light but this one's also like the next level this is like a weighted eye mask and it literally is so relaxing now sitting up wearing it it might fall down a little bit so you definitely have to be reclining but basically this just adds a bit of pressure on your head and it helps with headaches you could also pop this in the freezer and like put it on for three minutes even at home it really is so relaxing I also been sleeping with this on my head and there's a little Loop so you can tighten this around your head and I do toss and turn and it does stay on risingly well and it just adds that extra pressure on your head I don't know what it feels amazing so if you are like a nervous flyer or you haven't been a long haul flight definitely bring an eye mask but if you want to take it a step further or this weighted one there's a little beans in here are just amazing and then lastly to kind of help fall asleep I would pack some melatonin that just will kind of get your body into the nighttime mode all right next thing is being comfortable on the plane so what you wear is super important I recently picked up these pants from Amazon and they are the most comfortable bottoms I've ever found they are extremely lightweight the waistband isn't too tight around my stomach the bottoms feel like weightless they're just honestly the most comfortable pants so if you're on the hunt for like a pant you can sit in for like eight plus hours and you won't overheat it which I think is Big these you have to give them a try I could wear these literally every day and they have many colors another thing to be comfortable is packing some compression socks because you're setting for so long your circulation in your legs may be a bit lacking it's just kind of help with like circulation it's from Amazon they come in a pack of three and this is the size large large extra large and for me they're tight enough but I probably could have gotten with a smaller size so I have a size nine foot and a pretty like narrow cap if you have a larger foot then go with a large extra large okay this one's kind of gimmicky but this is a foot hammock and honestly it does make such a big difference especially if you are sitting in economy on a long flight this goes over the seat in front of you and on the bottom is a little hammock so just by lifting up your feet just a bit from the ground releases so much pressure in your lower back I say it's gimmicky because it's kind of a bit extra but if you have lower back pain this might be a really great option for you especially for that long flight I have tested it out it does work you're not going to break the seat back tray that one thing where you don't think you need and you try it out for the first time you'll be hooked and bring it on every flight next up is a water bottle this one's really cool because it's foldable now I am like really picky with water bottles because I hate that plasticky smell I hate like when things just taste horrible and this one doesn't have that like icky horrible plastic smell and it does hold up so when you're not using it it doesn't take up too much room it's also made of silicone so it's super lightweight I know I've traveled with my swell bottles and other bottles and they're very heavy even when there's no water in them but this one's extremely lightweight so it doesn't add a lot to the weight of your luggage you can fold it flat and then secure it with this handy little strap so it doesn't take up too much room if you don't use it fill this before you get on the plane at like a little bubbler I'm from Wisconsin so I call it a bubbler or a water fountain before you get on the plane so and also at your destination you can totally travel with this around where you're going instead of buying a lot of plastic bottles and then snacks how can you forget snacks so my favorite things to bring are like beef jerky sticks these are the Chomps they're really yummy and I really like bringing these I also like to bring like a trail mix but they do feed you on a long-haul flight but if you're like picky or you just don't want to eat the food you could just stick to your own snack bringing some tech will help you keep you entertained more often than not I would say majority of us have TVs in front of you but if you do have wireless headphones you need to bring this transmitter it plugs into the airline TV and then it's a Bluetooth connection to your headphones so you can watch the TV and not have to plug in a cord but I always carry through my noise canceling headphones these are from Jabra I've had these for years they are more like an investment they aren't cheap but these are just my favorite noise canceling headphones the earbuds are super soft so when you wear them they're just super comfortable to wear these also do come with a cord so when I want to watch TV you just plug in your TV and you just watch the TV if you are a book person or Kindle person bring some books to read I now if you do plan on bringing an actual book recommend bringing a soft cover book usually smaller and a bit more lightweight but like let's not forget one of the most important things on a long-haul flight don't forget your cell phone charger now majority of Airlines have little plugs in front of you and they also do have USB outlets on the TV so you can charge your phone I highly Rec recommend charging your phone on the plane so once you land in your destination you are all set and you have full battery sometimes perhaps maybe hopefully not use those outlets in front of you could be down it could be broken hopefully not because that would really that would suck just in case I like to bring a portable charger this one's from Amazon like one it has a cool flashlight which I think is really cool you can charge your phone like up to four times without being recharged so this is like a serious portable charger and I think it's good just to have in your carry-on bag just in case let's say the outlets in front of you don't work you would at least know that you can charge your phone but with this you could also charge a laptop or iPad and more bigger Electronics because it has such a good power battery and then if you're flying to a new country I would recommend bringing a little converter to the country that you're going to just in case you land you have extra time and you need to charge some you have the opportunity to charge it where you're going and just helpful to have in your bag let's talk about some airplane Essentials that I always bring with me 2K cases are from Amazon they come in a set they're pretty affordable and the reason why I love them is because they are see-through so when you're looking for things in the plane I love having them like organized by groups this is kind of just like an et cetera Essentials bag and then this is like my beauty Essentials which is things I want you know for like hand lotion whatever keep my snacks in here like I showed you earlier I think it's always important to have a notebook and a pen I also like bringing some liquid IV on my trip my favorite flavor is the tropical punch or passion fruit flavor put it in my water and I just and then I also bring some like antibacterial wipes you could use like wet ones just to like keep things clean so that's like one bag it's my other bag is for more of like my toiletry stuff so on the plane I do have a separate toiletry bag that I put in my checked bag on the plane you kind of want some things where you're just gonna feel more comfortable starting with a toothbrush and some toothpaste there's nothing like fresh teeth especially if you are drinking wine just like having clean teeth so it kind of signal you to go to bed like brushing your teeth and then when you land you can brush your teeth before you get off and it kind of just gets your body into like your morning and nighttime routine I also like to bring my own deodorant just in case get a little sweaty another thing I love bringing are these bio true eye wipes basically micellar water so it's kind of like a makeup remover but these are meant and are safe if it gets like near your eye and these are kind of like a cool compress now for me the airplane Air is super dry and just having something on your eye it just feels very relaxing speaking of eyes when I land on a long-haul flight and I don't get enough sleep I like using these lumify eye drops these make your eyes like pure white it's crazy if you have you know like a little like redness it just makes you look more awake if I'm bored on a plane might as well have a little spa day so I like to bring like a little face sheet mask just to get my skincare on on the plane I've done this before a few times and if people walk by they will look at you like what's going on but I find it really funny um but if you want to just like get your skincare going why not put a face mask on and then on that note I do bring some eye patches why not you're on the plane for like eight plus hours might as well do some skincare I've also brought like Crest White Strips as well just because what else are you doing you're like I actually love a long hot flight by the way and I feel like just having that extra time to do those things that you maybe not get a chance to do bring it bring it and do teeth whitening do a spa day on the plane why not and then after my mask or if I don't decide a mask I always like to bring like some face moisturizer all skincare beauty stuff needs to be under 3.4 ounces and then always just bring some lip balm bring your favorite lip balm I also have a pair of contacts I wear glasses on the plane but if I want to land and put contacts in I have the option and then of course some hand lotion just to keep your hands moisturized that's like my little hair package little bag I also like to bring a crossbody bag in here I can keep my cell phone here I also keep my passport important information I also like to bring some currency already on me just to have small bills ready to go let's see if you're getting a taxi or something just having that readily available is really important I also keep my credit cards in here and mints and gum you don't want to search for things when you're trying to find something really important I'll have to keep it in there also one last thing to keep your cords organized I love silicone bungee ties come in like a huge set I also featured this in my other travel Essentials video but these just make finding your cords so much easier and I learned a new trick I was like doing it wrong the whole time if you wrap it around once and it's too loose you can wrap it around again and then put it together so you won't have like loose cores whatever I just figured that out by the way and so now my cords are super super organized with that trail there you go there goes all of my Long Haul fight essentials from Amazon as always everything is linked Down Below in the description box also let me know down below what was your longest flight and have you brought something that I didn't mention that you love bringing on a long-haul flight I would love to have the comment box give other helpful tips to Flying Long Haul with that I hope you guys have an awesome day I am traveling this weekend so be sure to hit that subscribe button because I'm going to be vlogging I will see you in the next one
Channel: Dana Berez
Views: 120,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon travel must haves, amazon travel must haves for a long haul flight, amazon travel essentials, long haul flight essentials, long haul flight, long flight must haves, long haul flight must haves, amazon travel must haves 2023
Id: _F9jlLBKVtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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