How To Overhaul Your Skyrim Cities With Mods In 2024

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cities are always hard to mod making sure that all the mods work together and then making sure your computer can handle it can be very tricky but I think I really found the balance here where I don't add too many mods like I previously did in the past but just enough to make a significant difference and still keep the game at a playable level so let's get straight into it starting off with white run the economic capital of the province which does not have any direct access to any large body of water it is often the first place that we settle down and it is also the home of many colorful characters in terms of the mods I will start with JK Skyrim that is a mod adding details to all the cities in the game you will see that I'll be referring to it at every city the reason why I pick JK Skyrim over any others at this time is the compatibility and ease of use with other mods for wide run it adds a few crates and barrels showcasing that a city has a lot of shipments and more structures added to the buildings to make them feel bigger and more different from one another then we got the biggest addition to the city that is capital wide run expens expansion this mod adds even more details such as these wooden planks on the floor new statues and even new buildings as well as two new districts to the city almost doubling its size I love this mod and I cannot go to White run without it now in all the videos that I have made about white run they all include this mod and a little side note if you encounter a weird issue where the ground sticks out and there are things buried underneath I do have a patch in the description for you to use that I made myself on top of that I have white R has walls an amazing change to the walls of white run that are destroyed and run down in vanilla but now are standing strong and have the amazing Viking stronghold field to them surprisingly this mod is pretty lightweight and compatible and I think it adds a lot to the city especially if we look at it from above for the Stables area I have JK's white on outskirts enhancing the area and making it feel like more carriages and Merchants often travel through the area there are new buildings new structures and with a few patches it is very compatible with roads and other mods that change up this area to me this is probably the most important mod as it completely changes the feel of walking into white run making the city feel more like a big deal you know when it comes to the textures I will go with illustrious White Run for some gorgeous Parallax textures that are not overly saturated that change the buildings and the path and terrain and such all throughout the city I would also add White Run bench because you want to sit on something that looks nice pretty straightforward and while I would love to touch on the interior for each City I feel like this will take way too long so I will suggest you check out the JK's interiors and snazzy interior series I would say that these are the biggest series for that moving on to the capital the biggest city in the game supposedly Solitude in a way is a disappointment the best part of the city is Rock's execution which I always like to imagine it would be a aim lover like Lincoln instead there probably has more brain than before now what I imagine to be a sprawling City with with many buildings and NPCs turns out to have like three streets and the same amount of NPCs as a regular town but when I use big mods to make Solitude at least twice the size that it originally is I saw why that probably wasn't a best idea the game literally cannot handle it so let's meet in the middle and not make the city bigger but simply more detailed to give it that illusion of size as with all the other cities on the list we'll start with JK Skyrim adding more details such as crates and barrels and all kinds of merchandise that belongs to the East Empire company and even more Market stalls that are granted empty but sh that's the illusion of size that I was talking about on top of that I would have spaghetti cities for even more of the same more colors more detail areas more banners everywhere showcasing the pride of being a Solitude citizen even adding stuff that no one would ever think about like training dummy shipments I mean it makes sense Skyrim's at War so people need training and they ordered training dummies on Amazon then we're moving to JK Solitude outskirts probably the biggest mod on the list for Solitude adding a way bigger gate at the entrance of the city making you wonder how in the world ulri escaped after killing torig actual crops at catas farm and a Dock's area that feels way busier and more alive than before with more boats and crates and even ouses now this is the type of that makes boys go hell yeah for the textures I have Solitude HD by clever CH for its gritty European medieval look that Solitude always gave me but Amplified with this mod for more foliage I'm using blo solitude for some really cool looking custom trees some people don't like to have trees in cities and those people are wrong fight me trees are a huge positive in urban planning and design and also applies to real life so with that logic it makes sense to add them in the game and also makes the city prettier which is the real reason and you would need the Jakey patch to make sure that both mods are compatible and finally I have sausages of solitude a masterpiece of a mod adding immersive street food to Solitude haven't you always wonder what a Skyrim hot dog would taste like well thanks to this mod you will be able to now answer that question the stand comes with the most iconic of condiments The Branding is on point the vendor looks like a predator what else could you ask for this is not a sponsor brand segment I wish it was though Markarth is in my opinion the most interesting and original City in the game built by the dwarves and taken over by the Nords with some awkward instances of force sworn um inconvenience so we'll obviously start off with JK Skyrim for that extra detailed followed up by spaghetti cities Markarth these two mods add more life and color to Markarth the way I actually identify spaghetti overhauls over others is by the flag ropes they're everywhere with these mods and they're actually a very nice touch with this mod specifically we also have more dmer pipes and some ruins showcasing that the city is in pretty rough shape since the DW are gone and while Nords are pretty sh at taking care of infrastructure kind of like in real life but like with humans then we got Sky City that adds more buildings on the mountain sides adding more elevation to the city this mod doesn't conflict with other mods since it only adds verticality and it's amazing it makes the city feel way grander than vanilla speaking of grand we also got the Markarth entrance overhaul that basically doubles the size of the Markarth wall also adding defenses this mod similar to Sky City also makes the city field more elevated which is exactly the field that I'm going for in this video going back inside the city I want to show off blbl Markarth I have seen some mixed reviews on these trees but I Stand My Ground when I say that I love them I feel like they add a lot to markarts verticality and also the current state of it as they are Barren and borderline dead just like the city itself I understand that it's not for everyone but it's definitely here for me going outside yet again we got Markarth outskirts similar to what we did with white run adding more buildings and more decorations that give the entrance a lot more life they're simply a lot to take in as we walk in the city and the vibe is just right for the textures I would go for dmer pipe work reworked that I showed off my Graphics overhaul video that will give the pipes a very hot look and Stony AF Markarth and dwma ruins that make the stone texures a lot more Stony if that's even a word I really need to expand my vocabulary for some of these descriptions I speak English very good rifton the city of Thieves we've all been here robbed threatened harassed the good old memories of this city now let's give it a makeover for rifton JK Skyrim makes the city feel more industrial with obviously more storage crates but also cranes to move the merchandise around within the city directly this will make it possible for smaller bats to go in the canal and bring crates to the main level of the marketplace it also adds more torn banners showing off the broken state of the city but also it makes it feel Cozier spaghetti City's rifton adds even more color to rifton as always but also adds more details to the lower level of the city adding more storage there are also some more shipments all around it also adds more details to the cemetery which is always a very nice touch as I feel like not many mods do that rifton with a W make your own rifton lets you individually add expansions to multiple buildings around the city what's really cool about this mod is just how customizable it is simply through the faux mod my favorite additions are actually the guard towers that add more elevation to the city and this boat sticking out of the be and Barb it doesn't make any sense but it looks pretty cool then we got JK's Rift and outskirts a somewhat recent addition changing mainly the path that brings you to the main gate of the city with more guard outposts and some storage and also an ouse and this mod also overhauls the farm outside of the City by adding more structures rifton docks overhaul which I believe is the biggest addition to rifton adding so many new peers but also new boats and so much detail there's merchandise everywhere and it could get really messy clean up an aisle through three and on top of that I have Rift and Fish Market overhauling the specific part of the docks with custom assets which are amazing you got this list of items for sale pots with a sweaty fish logo and Dead Fish everywhere now this is the place for some sushi great fish this is not Health advice by the way if you want to be extra you could also get the rift and extension Southwoods District that adds a whole new District to the city outside of its walls along the southern road it includes multiple buildings and about 20 new NPCs with AI packages when it comes to wihelm I'm not going to lie this was the hardest to do not only are the mods for it very hard to make work together but I also haven't had a city overhaul video for this city in particular in a few years but here we are the oldest Nord City in Skyrim the city of Kings there's so much lore and history packed into the city it's actually impossible to do it justice but I think we got pretty close as always we got JK Skyrim adding a few things but most notably a grand statue of is is gmmore right in front of the main gate then we got Capital wihelm expansion similar to white run making the city bigger by adding new buildings NPCs and even quests this mod would definitely give you the desire to explore a little bit the graveyard is revamped the pit is restored thank you to whoever left the game files as they cut content it also adds new shops and taverns but most importantly more racism we got to love that the bridge is also an extremely important part of Windhelm and while there are many mod that I could go with I decided to stick to City entrances overhaul Windhelm adding these Nordic style structures along the bridge showcasing that no other Wes are welcomed in the city that's not the only reason I went with it but I actually think it looks really cool and clean and this mod doesn't only change the bridge but also the guard barracks and uh some nice decorations along the path uh to the bridge now this brings me back to my homeland of Romania I got to love some Vlad impor level of batshit crazy exterior design on top of that we got wihelm exterior altered and the patch Windhelm exterior altered altered which makes the mod compatible with the bridge what it does it adds multiple structures on the outside part of the city near the docks extending the city Beyond its defenses JK's Windhelm outskirts for a more detailed area on the other side of the bridge mainly The Stables area with a few more shelters and supplies to last through winter and yes this one also includes an ouse hell yeah brother and finally mrf Windhelm for a real Stony cold feel to the city as a whole wihelm is definitely not welcoming and I would hate to live there which is perfect put the racist in this cold ugly City and there you have it a massive overhaul to the five big cities in the game yes there are more cities but there are also other videos for me to make so if you'd like to see another video with the remaining cities and Villages make sure to leave a like And subscribe to let me know that you want more of this type of content a massive thank you to my patreon supporters who continue to support more and more content here your name can also appear at the end of my videos and you can be completely roasted to bits if you choose the nazim lover tier now you may go ahead and click on this video if you want to see some locations and how to overhaul your open world in Skyrim or you may click on this video if you want to see my 2024 Graphics setup or neither if you dare now I'm extremely hungry I'm going to go eat lunch so if you would click on the one whatever video you want and leave me alone
Channel: Nariva TV
Views: 24,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim city overhaul, Skyrim best city overhaul mod, Skyrim best city overhaul mod xbox, skyrim city expansion mods, skyrim city overhaul mod, skyrim mods, skyrim city mods, skyrim mods 2023, skyrim mods 2024, skyrim city overhaul, skyrim city overhaul mods, skyrim mods pc, skyrim mods city overhaul, skyrim mods cities, skyrim new city mods, skyrim citry overhaul mods, skyrim city texture mods, skyrim cities overhaul mods, jk skyrim, jk skyrim mod, Skyrim city mod
Id: 1rTXQthRpkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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